May 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 161) • Page Image 1
…/qW i Aym n ":'?. RACE-T REF, CENTS. }.-- VOL. V. No. 161. VOL. V. o. 1111.UNIVERSITY OF MIiCIIGAN. FRIDAY. NMAY F17. ItfETIECNS A. SYMPHONY TONIGHT. _____ THE MAY FESTIVAL WILL BE WELL ATTENDED. Miss Stein, Miss Stewart, Mr.I Clark and Mr. Rieger Will Sing- Season- Ticket Holders Should Get Tickets for the Organ Recital. The Slay Festival opeis with I symphony concert flitss-evsiing. The prograteifollows: Orerature, Anacreones------- -(...…