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May 17, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-17

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VOL. III.-No. 163.


THEY SAY WE ARE IN IT. hearty support of the entire student THE BICYCLE RIDERS.
body. ~- -_
The One-Sixth Mill Bill Now in Ef- b ,Hot Races and Fast Time Will be
feet. Plans for the Future. "Bob" Thompson, iswho made the Order of Events Next
New Buildings. such a decided hit with last year's Saturday,
minstrels, will again unbend himself
It has been thought by many thata . Never before has there been so
at isis old place on the enid. Schers- nscsitrs ioni n ie
the 1-6 mill bill was not to take ef- . . much interest shown in any field-
erhorn and M\cLaughlin will appear
fert until next January, but such is ay sports here as is at present man-
Sin a mirth-provoking dialect and.
not the case. Secretary Wade hasifested in the bicycle races that
. . impersonating act that will not fail
spent the larger part of his time . ,con off at the spring eld-day next
to touch the risibles of Ine audience.
during the last month saking ar- iu Saturday. A large number of en-
Melcssrs. IPratt and T'hompson of
rangements for a different adjust- ,, tries have been made, and every
"Romueo- Juliette" fame will
ment of the matter and his laborsc man is in to win. The time made
. conie ouit in a neiv tol entlitl etd a sist s-a Siiemd
have resulted in another bill going ,, . at the '95-'96 meet, last Friday,
The T wo Lovers. It will be a
through the house which makes the shows that some excellent records
r tcfeature of the program.
T-6 mill bill take effect last January. Iiay be looked for Saturday. All
The gags and music are entirely
So that this year's expenses are to belnw Mr Sam Park of leat fanacof the men have been in training for
met with the money coming from several weeks, and the anxious lues- lit 5
. has xvrtten, espectalty fur thse or- thato
this source. This is a great thing tion now is, "Who will go to Chi-t
ganization, three of his popular end
for the University, since it is further cago ? 'rTe University "uartette,c ?
provided that $75,000 is to be ex- consisting of Messrs. Thonpson, Parmley has some advantages over N
pended for the proposed administra- the other riders, in that he has rid-
Pratt, George, and Webster, will DET
tion building. However, the origi- give something fine in the way of den a number of races, and has met
nal plan will probably be superceded negro dialect andipiantation neio- some good men. Seeley is riding
by another which provides for two dies. very fast, and ought to be in condi-
buildings instead of one. An ad- Ir. Ross Granger has taken a tion for a hard race. He began his
ministration building will probably most cordial interest in the affair, training early, and has done good
be built at the northwest corner of and has originated sotae dances work all the time. Belden has been l
the campus. and a two story recita- , whih the " r.a. ,..," n-flip-.r 10nthe gynnasiunsall winter prena

,1 You want the Latest :Metropolitan >tr-jes
il, orS shoesata50c to Sti a pair less
Ann Arb"r prices,send orCatalogue to
101. 183-185 WOODWAn AVE.,
zhmond Straight Qat.
No. 1
Cigarette mokers who
are hngato Day tile
scre than the price
chaed asicthe ordtriar

- r- -. ..._, ~ ilCIue anseuse or the org n
tion building will probably be built zation are working hard on. This
on the campus back of the main speciality consists of four charac-
building somewhere. Besides this ter dances, to be followed by a com-
appropriation from the 1-6 mill bill bination dance. The mere fact that
fund, $',ooo has been allowed for Mr. Granger has the dancing in
an electric light plant at the hospi- charge will meet with popular ap-
tals, and another $5,000 for the en- proval.
largement of the anatomical labora-. --
New Base Ball Suits.
The Regents meet Friday and the The boys appeared on the athletic
plans for the new buildings will be field yesterday for the first time
submitted to them, and active oper- with their new uniforms on. These
ations will be begun immediately to suits are the best that Iichigan has
get the buildings under way. The ever had, and commendations were
management of the University are heard on every side.
very much elated over this new Pants and shirts are of heavy
plan, as it puts the new bill into ac- YVale gray flannel. The shirts are
tive operation, and provides funds in half sleeves, and have Michigan
for several necessary equipmen; across the breast in much the same
and besides gives $6,ooo more for style was last year. Jersey stock-
this year's disbursements than we ings, caps and sweaters, are of dark
would have received by the budget blue. The caps have an old Eng-
scheme. lish 1 in yellow in front, and the
A Unique Performance. heavy sweaters with their broad

ing for the races, and will surely be a r-- thBlAND superior to
in at the finish. He is the strong- The Richmond Straight
b iCt N.1l Cigaettes are made from the bright-
est man among tlhe riders, and will tIt, most delicty 5faored and higheft cost
bGo-isisLleaf groicn in Virginia. ThiIs lthe 0l1
give the others a hard pace to fol- and iginaBrand of Straight Cut Ciga ttes,
and twss brought oat hy uo ni, the rear 15.
low. Finch and Aaron showed inBa mn e ,as e s, andry prvagthat the
firmnamecashbelow isanceeryrpackage
the races last Fridav that they won't TheALI, N & GINTER Branch
Of the Americas Tobacco Co.,
be left far behind. Manufacturers, - - Richmond. Virginia.
Should the day be favorable, the
two-mile record for the U. of M.
will be set not far from the six min-
ute mark next Saturday, while the
one mile will go down to about
An Inter-Frat League.
An inter-fraternity baseball) "
league, consisting of Psi Upsilon, a GN
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, and
Alpha Delta Phi, have been formed
to see which "frat" has the best

ball-tossers. The games are usually P. J. KININUCAN,
played on Thursdays and Saturdays,
and are about as good as a minstrel
show. At the end of the series, the M ERCHANT
three fraternities at the tail-end will
give a banquet to the winning TIL
teams. The results of the games so T

The benefit to be given the Ath-
letic Association on the 26th inst.,
by the U. of M. minstrel troupe,
promises to eclipse all former efforts
of these worthy charcoal artists.
Every effort is being made to make
the performance a success artistic-
ally, and the worthy cause under
which it is to be given should assure
its success financially, and elicit the

pointed collars also have a yellow
M on the breast.
Dean Knowlton has expressed his
views regarding the junior law peti-
tion for early closing, in very vigor-
ous language and has given them to
understand that school will not
close a day earlier. He also stated
that those leaving before time would
have hard work getting into the
senior class.


far are given below:
-on. Lost. A 1AND IMPORTER I
Aipha el-t's-------------------------- 1 1
Eels si---------------- ------------ 10 2
Fine practice work was done by 55 W. FORT ST.,
the 'Varsities, yesterday. Theyhad
their new suits on for the first time. ]Detroit, Xiohigan.

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