4jc It of
Al. rd
'TIS REPUBLICAN DAY. C H hlard C. 1.Ilulce; Indiana 0" 'Young Men in Politics,"_______
-I State University Bloomington, Ind.l, SlEcton. Johno hitt onunolbraka
The Convention, Procession and '' 'Slcin----_ uiesMnsQatte
Banquet-A Full Lint of Visiting F.I I Ingler, Howardl J.HalA. (3). One Abost Gts," __ioU
Collegians. Hon, AJ. SawrofMichigan.
Colegins.N.Hadley; Lafayette Coliee, I 'is- he-Dlt------- on
'T1ecc ollegians of the countiy look tonIPa.,IE nest G..Smith; 1 cil -------lion J.tMo at ioiit ti es- Yort
y, University, BetSeleceion-Pa-------ii. --t---h--tinS -lllt ein so Soth" NE
forwvarcd with pleasure tlithl~e iiganiBeheeP.Ra-(5.'Ti enlc ar-nteSol"_ NE
catonoftlc oleg IagleĀ£ znoond '\ason.ILeland StanforIni- -----Horat olhn MiaIgtoonc ocirgna
/atoilof hecolegelegtt ofIk - '(6) i') "T orot 'ntlPraticin itAmeicoan Poli-
puiblicani clubstoday. 'I'hc-cct n veiiY,> -t Ato C i J.1) X tiii csc"..--.on ii E.ao nv otfciIllinois.
to ,whichis o eh li he 1 lincford, J. Y. iegloam' _Xilicis ci Atttrican looottio ------_
O~pcra Houcisc. was callcilroto ordrtlarat XgI;c:ulal,om. tcoC.I aS.nGooc- ion.losin ot Mot Q_4 atle Pi
10 o'clock. Judging frn mhelre I al 1 Xj (S(otf) lc uoc ii
, lilt,(1. J Crosby, '. lHaie, 'G -"ri9). t t AerianHeuto li an olt'c-
ccicltcr of dilcac shtAtttci t'cthm~t ot'
alredv arive tand ts e eicttttl XX Davs, .?\f.Xl ixccuc North-c lfc'm izme y iii4,_ t im A A. 5 0 it'rQI I
1Mailed to You -
:Through Your
Upon- -
IT, W k- &(01,
Moanutttciics o inistnlPlotn
anitiJewieilled ocii iet nBdes.
on early trains today, the initial western U ji cc sityEvnston Ill.
mceting of younig collegc Repiclli- Edmvarcl I:.liroin;ObeilcinCotllcee
cans will be a grainclsuccess. (Oberlin, (.,IJ.IP. ranthi.IC.
A largc torchc light lparacde, Iparti- ILcolic, C.C. Kirkpattrick, J.L
cilcaicc in by 5,000 peoiple, sill form (hovte, James 1e01111 J. M Wauich,
onc State street, oear the University. C. E.Carter, J. T.Harrington, C.
It willnmos-c incrthi on State stree t )E. Briggs, W I Scuinre, Ji.;lOhio
Hitron, wvest on H uroin tic Divisioi, State University, Coclumbusc, (O., D.
sociut onDivisioin 1o Liberty, west T. Ri3, IXV. J . Scars, 1.. .Incis,
ott Libtry to Mlain andI norlt on I'. D.liattersoni, Ernest Evsans; Ohtio
Main to thic Coart Houtse, where a WXesleyan University, Delaware, (O.,
large platfornm is to lbe erected acnd H.H. McKeehtan; (livsd College,
anmicdst a shoswcr of fire wvorks, tic Olivet, Michi., Prof. J. B..lislaltrook,
cistingucishecclvisitors wilil acddri1.s a1n 1rof.IHaniiltoniKiicg, I). WXeaver,
inmmenscenmass meetinc. At 9 p. mnc .D.Browni, K. 1). Kcyes, H. E.
lice banqueit bcgins. lThe rink XsAcher,(G. R. Curtis, J. 11. Gilbert,
beent beautifutlly dcocrated i tt '. La Lther; lPennisylsvainia Si.t
buciling, flags, etc., undecr thee -Colicege, Gettysbiurg, Ita., 1.. A.
cicnt dircctiois of Mr. O' Rouirke, of WXarring, A. R. RutI; irintcetonc Col-
Dectroit. (Onc huiccrecd afifty 1 l"ePritntcttnN.J.,C. R. Spoo-
seals hare beein reserved for laciestsieccc, J. B. clpin;I tirdite Univer-
ainc thteir escorts sind there i veysityIPardue ne d.,J. WX Noel, F.
inclicatioti that the fair sex wil (e G ingiley; Rose Polytchntic, Terre
wvell represeinted. Hauite, Id., AV.II.Albert; State
THLIST ttsOr ~lE-c->-s. (University of Iowa, Iowa City, Ioiwa,
Alnia College, Almna, Mich., I .I1,ratnk Nelson, I .M. Molsberry;
XV. Epley, Ralpb L. Ely, Frank L. Syracuse Universtty, Syracusc, N.
Marsh; Albiotn College, Al bion, Y, Heinry P hillips, Delnmer E. Hlaw-
MIich., S. Burinham, F. Blurke D~ra- j kins; 'Trinity College, Hlartforcd,
11cr, C. O. Hiscock, IL. M. Potler, Coinn., John C. Bulkley, L.. B
R. N. Mulle; Anmherst Collegc. A cii Hubbard; Uiniversity of Kansas,
hcerst, Mfass., Herbert I,. Clark; Lawrence, Ks., Jarvis Blame; Uiti-
iBates College, Lewiston, Me.,Cha; Is versity of Mlichigans, N. J. McGuire,
H. Swan, J. F. Fanning; Boston A. XW. Jefferis, P. WV. Ross, J. XW.
University, Bioston, Mass., G. R. Loeb, Dr. E. E. Hagler; University
Denton, Hovey IL. Shephard; Bow- of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., Geo.
dlolt College, Brunswick, M~e., E. L.* Sheldon, E. M. Pallard; Univer-
A. hiugiley; Brown University, Pro. sity of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.,
vidence, Bz. I., S. XV. Bridgham; Ceo. XW. Benedict, W~alter H. Cam-
Colgate. University, Hamilton, 'N. bridge; XWesern Michigan College,
V., Johst H. Randall; Dickinson Grand Rapids, J. A. Craver, Luke
Senecal;j'Wooster University, Woos-
College, Carlisle, Pa., Clarence ter,'b., Myron J. Jones; University
Balleatin , L. III.Iurtz; Fanklin;- of Yisconsin, {.. I,. Iow'ne.
College, Franklin, Ind., E. E. THE BANQUET PROGRAM.
Roland; Franklin a d Marsall CotI- Call to order by President of the Club..
---------.--.J. F. Bu r3,o Pensylvania.
Ilege, Lancaster, Pa., Harry N. Ba ss- Invocation,10 ax sgo qr er, Albion
ler; I.rvar ~Universiy, C tobridge, -Song.My- Iv~ unty 'Tiies he,"by audi-
' ~ene led hy Olivet Colege Quairte.
Mass., James 1M, Perk~insiHillsdale lntd - to oIil.P -- steof tne eyeq
College, hjllsfd4 e, ih. ,C;. C " aubLeKaQ ye-Qa,
Carin Gox ..r...D..G.o~e, en,Eusell A. Alger. of Michigan.
iitctit....t'.G, t . i. i.('uicimeo, Oliciiai
Selei< --------------tOlivet,0utetie
"Aitmi laochroo["._Auiiitee timQurtette,
Prohibitionists Will Meet.
Anti Arbor scentslt be iemark-
aubly fatvorecdiilwi tcn'enioins this
yea r. The cccxl in hune is time Initer-
Collegiate Prthibitioni Coinsentiony ~
which meets Fridauy antI Saturd cay of
thuis wecek in Newberry Hall. Rep-
resceatativ'es froici Al bion, illsicait,
Adriain, Hope, Kacaaoo, N psilaniti when you wanttthe Latest Metropolitnn Styles
andtI e ITc . of M. sill hue present, inttoes at 50c to $Sin talr lesi thaln Ails Arbo
Interestling programts have becin macdc priests10dforCnaaogutioi
uip, wshich wsill commncice Friday-Q H. F FE"' G0
atronby anm address of woelcome R ., r~ ~
by A. XV. AXugir, lpresidthc of 11cc DETRIT~'1, ICit.
local club. Rollo Kirk Bryans, time-
faimoucs chalk talker will give tos I ehmofld Sfraight Qcit
lectares during thec coinventioic. Rev'. No.
Johnt Russell delivers an acddressoFri- CIGARETTES.
Cigaretie Smnoters who
day ceecing. Saturday es-cuing are ill iing to iiap a little
occurs the mratorical conmtest ili- charged f0o hemtord'nmr
which six colleges woillhiaveb reipre- tradc Cigarettes, will find
rt. Tots 110 nilsuperi10 10
settatives. ot o dliael o tiher s. t~
Cnt No. 1 Cigarettei are made trout thebrgt
-- es, mot deicatly Savored and highest coil
A New Sorority. Gold Lest grows in VirginisTis Is I the Old
snd Original Brslid of Strsight Cut Cigaroetes,
and sonbrought out by tsin the year 1S75.
Last inightutnuder thme dircction of Heware or imitatioss and observe that the
Misses Graves, of Cornell Univer- The ALLEN.&OINTE IBranch
01 the Autorican Tobacco Co..
it Aiasiciter andic lt. a i -f Manufasturers, -'-tRchutond. Virgisis.
Northiwestern, a new sorority was
swung out-the Alpha Phi. 'rhiu is
lice eighth or Theta chapter of this
fraternity, tlcere. being chapters at
Syracuse, Northwvesternc,IBoston,
De Pauw, Cornell and Minnesota
Universities. and at the Baltimore
XWomen's College. Frances XWillard
and Mrs. Jane Btancroft Robinson,
Fellow in history at Bryn Mawr,
who. is expected Isere soon. to address.
the XWomen's League are said to be
honorary members. The orde r wa
founded in i$72 at Syracuse. The
re abet :oftitenew.cha ex.aethe
Misse daolm IesadWin'fred
c,ge 94,,Mrat 'a ex . 1
Nina Holde4.-, , rtha Orr, Mathilde
Heine ;ud Allene Peck, '95.
Noth Main Street.
Miss Esther Van~eman, lit 'gi,
hau received the offer of a Latin fel-
lowshiip, this year offered for the
first time at Bryn Mawr. Her
selection reflects credit not alone
upon Miss Van~eman herself, but
upon the U. of M. as well.
At the. House. of Representatives
last evening, a resolution was intro-
duced to the effect that the Senate
be challenged to a noceof base-ball,
and that h're sidenlt Mcl~au.&olinu act
s umpire.. The debate upon the
Chinese Exclusion Bill was unusually