XC cof a, rig I understand an attempt is being
l 0r; made to get the track at the fair
grounds in shape by fld day. It
Published Daily (Sndays exeepted drig will not be ready any before thei,
he Cllee year, by
and consequently the men who TEU FM NEENETASCAIex-
THE . O M.INDPENENTASSCIAIONpect to enter have no possible chance
Sscrtion reV-150er year, ivarably to "swork ot." Tu be able to a-
inavaenSiglecoie 3cents. O aea complish anythingth riders shosld
Shehan's and pst Office arws stand at 12tri weeks before the rae. If a
o'clock, see. Sbcriptins may be let attri
thesttfice of theDAILY, Opera House bocat elange is not made Michigan will io
Sheehan's, at Stoitet's, or wih any o theintefurasheasnth pa,
editors.inteftrassehsith ps,
Comamunications should reach the otce by nothing. A WHIEELNAN.
s ocloch P. m. if they are to appear the next
'ay. Address nl matter iteaded or publica Prof. Scott's Books in Chicago Unin-
tisa to the Managig Editor. Al business vriy
commsuaicatiotns should be set to the Busi asiy
ness Maager.Ithsbe auhraivl an
THE U. of . DAILY, i a enatsrttvl n
Ann Arbor, ich. nounced that the series of book
now being edited by Prof. F. N.
EDITORS. Sot o ly ecn otn
F. E. JAcNETTE, lit. '3. Managing Editor. SctfrAyn&leon oo,
GRTRiDE Occ, Lit. 'S, Assistnt, has been aoptedt for use in the new
J. . EDLIZ, aw'rzAssstat. Chicago University. This series of
E. J. . TTAso c, Lit. 'ii, Asitant.
J -5C. Tavis, lit. 'cc, usiness Manger. books, issued wit the ao of tring-
5.wXV. X~scuomli. '54t, Asistant. Iig helpuli discussions of the rin-
A. W.Jt:crcis,Ltaicc':, Acitnti. ciples of literary criticisn,toeah
J. I. AtisEi~t., edic Thtotech
L.i.. ItTEHnEAD, Li. '3, rc of rhetoric is meetig siti Ie-
. R. ItKETeas, Lit. ' ere success. Asd frmti
X.It. EriNS, LSuit .~,sr stefoiti
. A. MNN, Li. '3, recognition it its nerit, the poli-
C. N. SOES, edic '" larity of te swork is eviienceil by
C A. On-, isc, Lit. '93, I
LUCIA sevELit, "is. the fact that the first of the series,
X. E, Blttti, Lit 'M""Leswes' t'rinciiles of Success in
The Editors do not old themselves rco~,in- Literature,"' issued last fall, will be
sile er te opiin~s or statements of ores- out in its second eition in Jcne.
podents pperig in th DAIL.
Prof. Scott is now at work upon an
_______________________________addition to the series ins the shape
IN respotise to a communicationi of "D~e Quincey's Essay on Style."
se sill state that the Jennes-Miller Te Seiior class iii the ionio-
lecture, next Saturday evening, isI pathic departisent, has been ii-
due to the enterprise of the aiies of vited to attend the baquet given
the Metdical I epartient. hy the State HIomiiecpatice Society
atletrcit tocmorrowv niht
Tll:u cSophoumiiore-Flreshman Fieldil " -
-Ily iaugrats anewphae o an- USINESS LOCALS.
versity athleici.s lor thelgeieral i Nttebinurin liti cicimo attiwe ate
I A t m etpcri iii',Special ctefr teloger
gotod ofi atleics inithe tniviersityvniite, and etra Jas erished5c b aplyin lg or
te D IYOsivitie.1
it is iesirablec that this eent le set LeSt- lit to it ai, gold, link cuil-
dowoth e the University clenidar ut tor. EIgcli citititicl, 1. A. 1.
as a fixture. Wh lether this is one Receirn. tocPil e.Ththosan
or iiotciil ependilto a great extent S(r-'A PanuTS , irt liountilpen
on the support given nit interest 011 WilliamrSt. or tieeampu. Lv
mianifesteed next Strday. 'rhe en- Iat ~rt:D-Ctslf lknd'.r x
tries receivetl by the conittees, primcltaltirpose . ..ceaeih I
shosw cii a large amount of athletic itt E University 5-t
BILEn Od SALE ~ .-VNictor ori-l
talent in b.oth classes. The new nir, 54 teinc, itli eylorete. A,
departure of a field cay was the only dress F. ID. Greer, 651ourth st ,Cty
thing neededS to bring it out. Thus F IO SALio-Pneumatitl safety bey-
miay be seern the practical benefit to cet. Good Shape. A. bargait.
be drivd, nd tis he iberl it- . S. GsEsENwoo.
be derivedtuantsillthenlibealcoi-r cSENSc-Te Glden Eagle, of
poroftetcdnstilesr fo Detroit, wii sowv a omplete line of
ever suceedng yar.woolens at the Cook House, Tesay,
ever cucecitng yar.17th inst., it witt be to the interest of
--all those iteding orderitg any loiles
Communication, to see this line. Yoncats place your
Tos rtheU. or At. DAILY. Iorder towvto lbe delivered at any time
N. quarter mile track suitable for you desire, ard as the season is nosy
qu drawig to ai close it is high time to
iicycle racing should be banked at place your order. You ats always save
from $0 to $1. Full dress siit to order
the ends from 4-6l feet, according to $5i-Xworthl $50.
the width of track. 'The bed should SENsOR LITS.
be very bard and smooth. Anybody SENIOIPHARl~d
who examinses the track at the In order to enable me to get groups,
AtltcField wiltl see that in the and all work out promptly, you are
Athlticearnestly requested to give, sittins at
first place it was nt made for bicy- my gallery during the month of MA-.
cling, and secondly it is not hlt. Thin in fio-porant and will prove ad-
finised. .vantageous to all onerned.
Diftson'3 Tennis RackdfS
:'OR I892_
Spaulditng's Raekets atid a Complete Litne of Sporting Goodls.
Whlolesale and Retail Agents for Miectigatn.
"""""" Pour departments-Commercial, So text-both
" oermanoecrtptwoth-English.Shorthand andi
Penmanship. Elegant butlding, large at-
--- _ tend once etbicient instructores orb thor-
ougb, uiing rxpenosesextremely Ion, $2.25 to
$2t'to per weekh; students assisted to positions.
For catalogue, address P.R. CLEAtRY, President.
li Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses.~.
Ic'li''hKN( AN A_tiNiX1.
PRICE, $4.~00 No Postugo Stamops I MILED FRtES.
TELLS ALL ABOUT tBusiness Low; howi to drawc sp iegaiprsa.tes, dirafts,
checks and receits; counterfeit boanktiotes; iegal righofit templioyees, empioyero.,ioanilord-
teoants; liensc.tpatents; life itnsurance; Oire itisurance; lioe to tell coo1 insurance; hoiw to eol-
ret debts; iettetcwritinordiering, shtippiog onci receivinggocits; advertisiDV; howe to ovoid
tmistoket int tiurttgp; short tmethtods in i gutring; vauiotf f oeignt tmotny; weigtsc atndmtatu
cotnductitpuiciiimeietitngcsceatiter sigtis; ieips aboutci iusbicSigu; whtitutro doini cse i i
aecctuccidet in 00 thtertinsti haitone oftnishiestoiiknowsad doisucttkniow where to iindc
VOORHEES & RUDD. Blue Island, Ill.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
'k, . . . _ . . Michigan Railway.
f f I l\\YI .S'15 h . f ii o Cardtis offet ii Idler-i, IS2.
ut~c. ~ ~ ,~i.Arrivalj ot trains at:llA borli only.
Ann Arbor Opera House, May 20 No. Ma it assngr......... 0 5p n
'TE BES'T FUN (OF THE COL- No.0,. Possenper, Toledo Accoo..,. tO00s. sm.
I.I. i YEAR.Tranis 3utnd 6runtbetwertoAnArborend
IECE YEAR. Toledo ontly. Tie
All Trains Daily except Stiodoy.
NEW SONGOS! Gen. Pass. AnentL Local Agent.
No extra etiargfcor reserved scott. Etoards .fILJ
open at iWahr's up toten store. ?Motiday morni-
10 -- TJ. D. STIMSOII & SOSoI.
-' State Street Grocers.
PH V OO 4fRAPHIR Students patronage especialy solieited.