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December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…TURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911. DINERS LITTLE DISTURBED BY FIREMAN'S WARNING. NATURE I "Your house is on fire," announceda a fierce visaged fireman, who entered the dining room of1 the Lexicon club at 621 South State street during the din- ner hour last night. "Is it?", cheerfully inquired one of the members. "Well, boys, let's go out and look at it." And the club adjourn-. ed to the street where they watched the department extinguish a slight ...…

November 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…0 1 'an MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1911. IS ARE CHAMPIONS, Beat Junior Litsj ore on Wet and ' erv Field "LIM JUCKLIN" FIGURES SHOW CORNELL BE Genial S. L "Big Red Team" Has tile Adva CORES SUCCESS hesatitcs on last S Opie Read Keeps Big piled and show some interesti A.-Audience in Con- about the tussle. If there is a: SENIOlIS. Plunging through 12 yards of slush Ad snow, Grosvener of the senior en- neers, carried the ball over ...…

May 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…Vol.XXLANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. T('I(SDAY, MIAY z6, igii. Vol. XXI. NO.' r58 INTERSCHOLASTIC DEFEN MARCHER SR LE 3AZUNE 'SPEAKERS FOR CAP WILL HAVE STARS _____ NIGHT ARE SECURED h~, 'iT 0 OF 15 0 11" i \ N'x' 5111,11 --- . All the Prep School Athletes Who Attended M, A. C. Meet to he Here TWENTY SCHOOLS NOW ENTERED~ TIhe resuls of the NI. A. C. mot held ast Saturday show cecarlytha~ttliso Year''s in terschlas~ticcot est atAlin _SI- loot will...…

March 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…0 - CD C. 0 r a v pzm a el a C C U, . A A 0 xI A A A Y a c2 w 0' 0s C- U l7i v , r n r 1 ' u ^ rr rh f^ r r ^ . .; i-; r,, r -t .".+ . w r v v ". :f: n r -, U'r " -- . V . _ . l ' ."... n " :"'fi't a '~ 'f l'v. y u tr M r w.. ..: . Pn. e^ ~ uy _ ^' ~ 'J f %. .._.._._..__.. i ..Y __... _ ._.r._ / J °" ^-. . ., . _. . , . r.. f-- ^-. ., J. r _ f' "x J r ' J r.... -- u rv . _ .J' r / V N !"t / ' ~ e r r; , J . r r r ~ , y ,- f (; ._.. _ ...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I III RSI) IX I I HJRI XR\ (t6 oi t. N Vol. XXI. V v t ILL iliTI'MffIC1GkAN MAN 1t iJST ENTI RE SQUAD WILL 7 I,1?,; RIi NI N CI \ N(II). GIFF0RD i'iIunui I RO)l S 'I-,.A\!lSIEl l l' Off-, OCCUPY CG TDY ichaar asaiset ilbaisketball MYSPA OR r. CharlesC. Nicola. ~-hoc circleDsY o:: ing o te rmorI tdlicoia A H R f r 2tt he a 'tiical ilprtmtiit I~ Fifteen Aspirants for Battery ccitt-icr is entire ly ttf clits~ Academy of S...…

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