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May 16, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-16

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Vol. XXI.

NO.' r58

h~, 'iT 0 OF 15 0 11" i \ N'x' 5111,11

--- .

All the Prep School Athletes
Who Attended M, A. C.
Meet to he Here
TIhe resuls of the NI. A. C. mot held
ast Saturday show cecarlytha~ttliso
Year''s in terschlas~ticcot est atAlin _SI-
loot will 10e Coof the text tied Michi-
g'm hoas evler eld. 1liofthe star pcr-
former's atthe la-ncing affair xxillI)'he iI
attennettlttohtere 'a1d10n0laddition11theret
mill 11e 1ther hiliclass ,ccentrtantts. 1110
enttriesto Ittate lotal't7, wcih is aot
j5more1thantoettot ottttl h oatpr
tilm-tll lst teat.
Mantler 1L01111n1andIMohl1er,1thefesi
10111' eighttmn, 111dc te 111 tt
N1. A. C..S'aturdyt ddoi d 14oall Ithexir
pow11er to s11o11-tteyot tltest~
reor Ot tht ottm1111ttepo 111 11 they t re-
tovel they1115'rIt sere tatthi ioo c elc till
the hotaolimetnumteroetrttttfr11101he
scottolst lattpossiblyto ut ot ld ttlx 'is
nottlotave )bettttteprtesented.
liThte'l,'ols ootclollslot 0 > rsen1.is
tlaoth loetha~ tt l Ive 1111 , 5 ,thertn
tc'ltlttooeo', 'x Ktttttt OtOtootl'. 'to;-
Dletroit 'etoot.

It51 r t'11 ' 11 Slt c~ V ii'. too
recetves thte motney hequtted tot it loy
tlth let'x(of theItilt 110 oollt terxt't
(oa' i)y 1 t011cr t too totin lo dlte tinttotttwil
ii2o~ooto, o otr ts;tc 0 to' ll'troot lot
011111f Art and lloooer 1llooltittt..oan
[}le residue ()f ic ctatc ( h tt c
Members of Anti='Tuberculosis Soci-
ety Hold Entusoiastic Meeting

coo Otloothe I 01 Ito 1110MI
0nd octol, 00ao coaicn ~
tob ruoi 1 ' ad r w si
and1 a 0sa a a iec
0l~ l 0 () t l Ic II 00e~a

le ocd oti
ol ei f(d

oi to lo e0

0'l 0' 111100cc41i _
is left a00 ll(
l owttl, ocl (11
illte Coforee'

fil ' ap bu ' 001 t th
has o'lo. o'' oif 0100'
100toot It'tolr
1011 1 nt 01011 101
1 o'it, 111c totl tol

Michigan Tennis TIeamn Meets D~efeat
By 4-2 Score
I ,'fot'tiol to o e JIffo fo iott 111v.) ..
fiettenttlc', N. 5'., Slooa' 11.-'lTo
tourtittg tootoottoteo01f the l'o ioo t f01
ih oliganoorato itt 0t 0001' 1ohtotoe
ovtt <irtcItloloo le l fo u1r1001, l oin
bott-tolocoretooflot4o tox 2. Not xl 0 to'
Ito. Thce tl 1tWoolveie oataino tol1ld0110
frn ttorlae nthe tolost cot toout r
tll otutowa toou101b1toop toepae.
Sith, IoO011otthewine o i tiotlioult
loatchan lob o le 01'ol toeloinnerstti0
Tesm aties folloo:
Smooit (U,) hIt 01 ' i ot l t f,\l 6ft4,
It-I t; irbury (U)l, I t f Norootogtot (1)1
enal' LTo6-, 6-h ; Caroooelo'Lft)
boeoat IDonooottn1(NI) 6-4h6-2;Smtitho (U)
andl oFo'irtory (lU) lbeatoWbs otert'.111)
andolShaofrothlo 01) 6Co -17; Norrf'oht 1'
(.AI) oatndI oovan (A\l)1110at Crm(0 e
ot,)oad C I teoottloIl? )L62.to-, To
tols, 'pono;o 4litootttotoo2o
C1IJ',ILi1? HOLD S lPORt 01N'F
-1lhE't'1N1G 0, O~lRRC455NIGHT',
To' regular oteototoof Ite (oe:rlo
iu t 0 31o'clooe it fotead- of (lTourx
boyos oxsted. Offierts foo thelo'm'oointg
000100 oill bto' lt'oed'o ndotol olelo l alos
trill be looidl foottoe oanooooal Iecursiottofc
ativ metio oooors of thte sc'et. Thois
omeetintg ixstemostt imolotrtatl oteoofflohe
yeaor, oaono it xicouolt be atteoodedl by eveory
activoe Cerclooeoemberio inte tunoversity.

00 ntO', wowudnc 0 rl iewt
tn excs 'o 1Of thr11000100 tot th te
Sh reo t a 11 n v cu t mtcts
Ia t'e1001or ltlpaymoct or 0 logingtin
'otto l t i'o istooo to Sooet soetering000 to
00'. 01110, ctowtth e 00l ocal sooily 0
Vorable roposit ot0and 1wa000010 in
,i r to ) oat as 0t0T00000
Ir.o, t R-lt W aoldo n '000 0' c 10 tio ns0
00 'ctoo t ' pr siet'o o f 1th1 society0 0to h of~
will last t t ItlFI 11101000 12.
00 ottough oxvt t 1001gift,, wto t
foo h o in r t twi0l0111 held
01110ng1000100 ast. 1we of ofOtobr
tool to t e >r t 11n 0f il(' spttOi011
010110 toot o al 00 I tt . Kt y tto
Sr.-wioll betaketlln1forothepc01 tino
'it oa i h o a p lc r ij
ofe tto 100110t vo lao torsothet tol ol o
00 lxlaw, 0and a tommtteleoblr.A
cito affix1 noticesI Fmietconr
(I the' tlowno oo ot oo toremind the ohictha
'11 1,5 tCIoo t She SIIoot 1to 11o'ttlto
tioo ooo oot 10 ooloOTT 1 10 1t 11To.o
ollo'tothOll olo or10Itlio rs0010 111001

Four Faculty Men and Three
Students Will Talk To
Assembled Crowd
Cap'il tght prlepatio nsot are 0000ellitotder
'aooatdtthe followint his t veot e
tooentoolukec theeho' n the1000'
'.txtu 01 e01xt Friday n igt. I'ronttito foe-
1lt, Profot3.Ii. SI'l'onoootoDean botefed,
Prf Vano 1 toyu, and oflle. Ws le);
'011rom oot tttoe o too, 'Frcd01Lawotono,
00 ocs Fra too, n lt001t ot1 i aot st Odolol
'['h'oeent wi l tbe ottesi 'e'iof ge 01111R Ito'
Blot h singnrlchrco h
No Ipos te bt on01festiit ies ite
'01~r oftrps ot tar aeto to I'Ito
to' d n acrdn to toe lantstoof te
'toagmet 'dtoohOt' bS tuet (Counooit
If0 'oof or' oooooears.
As0 is1 lt 00001 It heI00 seooi rsto'wli l t
00n the 00e00 1ii0 o goandtoo wn 11, aodthe It
ro o Sct lot towill Ito'liedo
ih red fir. T is ea to'elbantd xwil
000d tiof o10 0csonotatoif w ill Frito sthl
111(0lt thoo f hlo ubrig' rgaTeSWomten's League
tao suede I tu t 10,0pe 000l0con cssion tot
th o uni thi 'yar ito allowtig too'
lix ofispo et or othe o'oel brotooo,
000rc tht toorshe muto Rea
too toelgrtuedo
Iortil, b nfie trwi 'te tfreshcwillx
0i ft of h fotreneee to' take ca01re
lofthi e tr f te clbain
rin stc of 00mt 01bo 01,10rreIt 0 n
exe0io has0een ccumlatig inloca
ate dtO il atg oft toe emtiestt will0
100 issel t hrou00011gh toe o lt ls000otrie
Itg iii
FORTY I'S 11,\I1 HPl',( t'0hllNS
Ii SNI 11(0 51 lN'SIS 'I'tl'l( 1,5.
P ott i' ch 0 m0a'le i0010 11he 0en lo
100t on the 0' onI SIihlig'o ~o tootlto
d Itcap ooooto t c ilt otill lbeginton to e
clblobccors h ftcho'ooo. Th1
10100e0sOxnfthel pre'lminary mtoo esbo i1
male 00000r001 arage ttoegrdn
the 01010es f bor thei co t't and , i'oontoootto'
I s"matbe l at o e0111olf 10,0 toloor to
nih0 001 0 reer 1aionsshoud1hIt ad
000 clatl. h fistO round will00 be
ti l ox oly oh toold of' tto' w eek.
Cons lorb lfficutlt twas ecocoter-
ed by th cm 1t in aranging the
han icp'wi ch have beentoeo tot' lost edt tO i
theo Un, ut oaolllosibole ffort cat
made t It 100eve 1010'e a1 Ottl01'0dItal.
.11 oototoo is a lt of the etrlio'sadt
'ra ig txtgofor te ottrstroundto
Coolidgevs. 0case;ohore vs. Mateto
Iluterlovs.xCortoot ootn Toou rot ts Ieidy;I
,1 itotcototv10. 1,ooolooooo MaSo mb ero lot'00
Sbicer Simtol on v00 00sI Motomoey;
I Iice 10oto . I lollo tol oo l O~a toot 0000J.
J. Rieghatool Andrew0010s. Aams;l.'oo yn-
es vs, I tfool oo II1.Smoit o. Patol eg-
haord; M'ahttox s 1,ilos, Thefollowointg
drew nyes:Myer M eadto .S'Iot.Oteotlo ofoot
51 tatotlotr I ot00001, Norri, BRed,
toolrd, Radfoot,1 cIt ftotl, Sottl,IDatvi,
SItuh atn 'lootoarol ,owcI~tt'-

Rl;FtRlM MOlVF, tlS''"PtOINGlt'.
IHto. tItto vS. I o'ler, Potoe
Judtge ot55'oore Cootyt, will letore
'ih 'glo tohtin Saraoho(Caoswell
Angll Ha ll, ie oilt0100eok ooooler Ote
antiOeliosxof too SicfhigantoState' Iomo-t
pathic Sedita o'citei, tohichloi mee't-
01000 here odbilyo andl too'row.
SirI lotloetriso to, t'oneo th ostoacl-
tooetil] too to o Otetcoutry illothelo'Juovt'nile'
SMoratot 0000 emovement. lift adtdres
00000 oilthe0ctots 010oioe oil te'omo'dical'
poOfesstio. 'Telectuor isopenooto theo
Fresh Laws Also Come Out Victori-
ous in Baseball Finals
The' juor To'i ot b nd fresh toots ower
Vilt oriouso xito the irstfool m'ooooof te' lt
totloo coolos awabt finaols esterdaioy after
0otonltotatoth h'ot~ryild.ot. Sbhot'sameoo
oim otitIto ioeoolldefIt' otedlthe phorotofo
lin o the 'eiding gaomoeoof their osrisc oand
wnltile right too 1eoreplreented inothie
iotoroeloorloto'ot gaomoe.
The vtitoyof t' jootior Ils Wos d
shulltoo, jto , antooit wox arog'g
throuogh the excelenttchintfog of looni
bteauthabottlicenoogneers were noiiteoo'ho-o
lb.oooiloo'ooo allowed'' butot treeokie,
tod fith lis tottmmaoote laSiigtexel
toot bll, hallobhis opponents'omo0Ot-
plelato' islf moerc.Thoo, Ie it bilthe
hlolb hardb 'othe Otomaojority othOttoroot
wrer'e earned'o.
The10.freshlawsocthadoti tctrtltingtht e
ottt'own ayitnthifr gameto'againstolte seli'
forled00s00lebadinog unoti tinaltooperiodo
ciet too hioannex'edoilverunroos, owinnoing
by atwttelie toofive' seore.The glome wa00
maoorkedobyort' lse of ivte ither.The
ltoitop-pliha01r tileco'onttol et olfoutr
roundsol, ht:t thOto'ettof the fouthol tto
lloo0too thadcthsto ]eoart tha tothobe gmelo
coun wasott thicrteento o to
Juittor f1010.. 3 0 1 i 0 0 0-50
01000or'lot" i..0 0o 0o o io--ta
vittdst uht ton n inr mireo raketho.
titles, lII octtsoot. I}ferroi]] atdtPost.
Umpl~ire', Chapmant'oo.
foooc s............. it4 3 I
Baotte'ties--Ois tont Smthl ott tic
tonttotMartio. Umpo ireto, lti''S~ttt.
Tdaotyo t' juniorfoitom ''eet toe
opsath e Oto'unioor etgieers ton 50the
Ift'I \biR OSND T,Tbiid 5A
Senitor outgosotill stoot ini ereststo-
tight wtetheOtoEnSgineers tont [,itsoas
se'tmble' at thoeir respeivoe iot'itoditgs at
7 o'ock'ttooogot oter to'eoldotattes. Te
elgitoero boote aleadytogoof togtheor
threeo''or foutimoes tandiin echotcaose
tavo'bhint sutces'sfutlit getig otO
goodoo otooober. An atte'npt xiiilto'eomadoe
lpothe Iteni'oorsc of Otor tw'oo deartmen'os
bo toot' 0jof iltoetintg somte'timotoe tdug'
brofesor Huitssey, of tie atrontomoyt
teparitmoent, oomoissedcoeebcts o te
ity ho acko fromtta00butsnecstri to Ohiot
and was orot ttoloe too neet his. casses e-
terobott. l~e returnedolatntigtf, howeter,

tontdttillbtoke' up this vwork asxutoaototiO-

Another Victim of Smallpox
Makes Situation More
'sa reosutlot othOttodisccovery of tonothert
;daoy, iis ptobIale ' tat t toe'entitt' cttiittit
body btwill beboo'dotoho ubooisttoheOtosexlgos
tt vacc'inatti otto. Sotdtfinft le arrntg''-
mtst, 0howevoter, havetts'to beeio made.
Thetootet vitinmis loottoe . Rdog
ers, a freshmtttan inthti bao' od'epartt'tt.
fi' was oxamoooinedo'oh tatnleWt . ins
daloe goesterdayot af~ternoo,antoot unit
t to'.sufforitgwitho atslig'btattack t
oilOt theiisaote. bDr. HiI fdxoli''o ila.gosois
wasx confirdrobytot0ealthOtIfeiertBreaktb-
ey, anoo dogrs toos reo toithbe de-
tenotion osptooti~tooat tnight. 'Thislis te
fi rottbtoadol caser toobor disovex''rd sicie
1511ve stS. Wh'iiotmoor was oomoitoteto o
Obe hosotaund tter ooopcoioot, last Wedoo-
tnosdayo. lthouoogh tbothtaeo sdetr s ooin t
to' ottowodepaortttett, Ot thheollbth othori-
0ties oo tot thnk bt'rohalleICttoRogers
c otraco'td t'odios'ethrouoglo infetiont
fromto SWlitteootio', t'Roger's I otetoist
P~ontiac antohtslo ocoal addro'ssoisxtollS.
"'Tle tistortt octtRogr'exptosuore is
uot wn,"t oto aidofu0Dr. Htinsdae t.obt o'ooo'loot
"Theris o c01otntnetionoo two'thto islo tno
aditisooimp~ooossibletoo determineo o'wxheret
to o tracotedt toe dise'ase., 'Te'r'ilittle
(contnued onPage 4)
Engineers Will "Do Detroit" on Sat-
urday, fliay 27
Plans10forlt'e seniforotngittet'cl0a0s
loooooot'tbtii'ttinow hIt o mple0 tedttttandoi
toe memooborsof teblot' relokn
forwa'ord o 1 unusttitallyt gootimT heo.'t1
10 tut stoo be he'litoit ao t thtet
both 'Titteor ot Sotoruhot, Maog 27, 001
4: tOt.ttri 2000 oneopetooeetoo attend.t
'Thoe oparty toill hunchebt abthe Pnbooot
= t Inn' andlattendothoreobllgameotot
Beth'o'to Parko itta od oty in the fternoono
too soete Det~roit-St. Lou0eis oott
Thetoastsca0t te iObbanutbwil lb te got-
en' 10y setotalromtoiet tlbrofol te
foaettty andotclass, tiPh ioiotoort wil
peide asfbo'toaiostaster.
'fiohebs a re.no n t00iisleby sevralt
mbetittrx of to'ebolossooond te ilvi1 ito
-rg setnior engineer. The price has
toot fixoedbtt $2,001 0Alltmen o w'oo itont
eolegewho ttocoerordmit to' scnior 0class
lat foth areto'loe ooo tooattendto.
TbI-eol'odea on b o ootoo ena te Univer-
ity of Ilinois hatreto'obsecthe ore'
bae a0sceathing ocritism ofit'e politi-i
ba ie oilttat istitutiono. lihit'tdtto
oneoimantt, whn'toaotsed ooorobotfor ot'f-i
toce,' n tedoo t' ot n ohomuctohereoo
was0init, andoottolgotttatotItwoao
'Ot bor te groaft ando nootinog else.
Anoolo ot oa, rwhtnoelctedO'too aorcc
oioooorotivo' tositiont. tdbdtnot are t'toh
beoa'e O f oi t' ofbice toter te git throuogo
"There is no idea of scrviceo iObe
sbtudent ibodyh, bttmeoorlt'graft bor Obe
sucestsfutl pooliecan," sadot bo hedea.


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