March 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 119) • Page Image 1
…1111 U t. N. DAILY. VOL. VIII. ANN 4ARBOR1, MICHi., THlLPSM-Y, :.A &RCt 12, 1903 No. 119 ILLINOIS ENTRIES Eleven Men Instead of en-Verburg Entered- Good Mterial in Illi- nois Squad-Close Cotet Promised The Illinoisdenes for he mlet Satrday might arrived yesterday. They are as fo1l(ow, Forty-yard das-h--G. M N. Kern, C. J. iothel) C.A.IFiriweather, C. Post. Forty-yard Ihiichi iurdes-C. A. 1air- 'iether, I.11. lI'os-tt 4405-yardlrun-(; 'it11.Dil...…