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March 12, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-12

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A Knouncemeni
Thet lairgestainidniost
eompijlete line of
in Ann Arbor will be found
at Gil. Wild & Co.'s, 108
E. Wcashinigton fit. Great
pains Nava been taken in
the selection of all suit-
logs, trouserings & over-
coatings for this season.
108 E. Wash. St.
THE U. F M.DAIY it< OdIIS'trilllis'btter jolurnaisml'
I ilIII', In' ni011siioloee oue udr one1
Lnem as10 m-lt. mtn-a w Ai"rI-f h votid untoutluolo"he more
Sod 1tlo'.islriloly ly 1111101 :allnewspaper Ine101
110' 0110.4.' 0.01't Iho I-TI;,n o frii1on1 just loll'. Stich a
^ Cot1t):11t' (too), 1' I t 1 _'llicago. 1f1or ox llipltl, might
MAN10f5190! Q ' i be 't en :1111. vie fo
Athiciw 1903 Lit-Eng Banquet
111 101010 nili t till' 1:It18 lit-eng
AOI ''1ldl' zn ~s illthold :a1class1feed 1a1111 ilieRt's
x' Ni 1001 N r11:111v-1Al1 1e 11b1ra 11e11 111g111(is
77.11, 1 1'" .1111100 ''i-el otvleli illo inludA e
. o. '' ltljt
" 111P 1151 1r111111110 11s 1110i (110ri dloe
1,.r~fz 11 -,i1o 111ittle 0is os11 11. Amon~llg other
the oys 11wll mak11e' arranige-
I 11 itI.ats to1s(ndIanorgan~ized ibuinchiof
_____________hi______rootersiltill'e (orn~eliloet.'flits
The 001001111111 11 10' 11 111' is 11h1 fist gatherl'ing 01ftiell ass1100 hits
Daily 10 58.:,0 1or Ille coils- year. No 111101111111ldbe 00011li ttended.~
bescmuuctin,et110101 10011. inusloltae lanted Tiket. 0w11ch11re100c71cent's, 01111be
in at the I11011 offc0 11.11 i11 .,1 o
mailedt d 11 11' 1 11blefore 111(p. 01.1o1rille y llcured froilithe followiog iieiibers
prlevousllto 11101.011 w11i1h (1117 are expected If 111le 'lcommlittee: Ru~by, Grant,
Su 111111111' 11 w1100111.1 11(fa1v11111' reporting10 1 11111.11 waste, _____Bartoil
All changes in.advertsing 1111t100rm11st1be 111h1'r10is pinenillllit part1left in
thti n ((( h ich the ae 1i 11to 1111111.111100 ca0 t for "_1T3 i-Frlind fiomIii nidia."
The1111illlge.l1'n i 110110lily 111111who
.10ficeithe aily rvu otlce.No. 310 1.1ih 11 :I 1le st live feet 'igiht iliches in
Main St. Tlephone01No. 11:3 eih 'Ao l apply'It once1. The part
11111111flihe 1b1stfiti lie ('lst. Apply
tA. K. lBrownIl1phone11725-2 bells, or
E.___ P.__ de11 1olit,1111110ne t3-2b111s. Any-
Newos LEditoir - ''Th11omast. Robert.1ace ol 1111to try wi111 tlease apipl~y
itoasthe1111a1t'(0vtil' 11'011be giveniabout
Apil t1, 11)03
ie ll' 1111 ellent1111ilin11for 11111111Il' tGuaranteed fountain pens, $1 up.
11111011111.11 here' seems0 ito1be' 1 011ry 'autlilg'S Pharmacy.
greaI t dll o il 01111 newspapert1111Avor00111 cool of Dalliing.
11111ioill1)1his city o th11111 yI' Olsti 111. :Ind
'110 s.Ii 'li 1111101w0011111if repor1ItedI1 If you oiii 11o110at our owindow,
corm-;-QVll 11111ill' be11seen I t 1111e o 11(a1d1101ethe 111ice0s marked 011 out
iht '1 o10 i ri 011110 1111 lls of11s11 i01nt110 o1111 yo11 AN-i'l1rt eal5 'i tha ofw this
lif 11111 irII orall tios so t11,1 I i ll ivi 111 betlte(110 luelitl for1 your11111on1 yu
t<Ii present1'I 1' to1111 mll ts111. 11 word111 1 ,11 : 1111100o mit f eti' $11 here
111111 III ic ll illOt ft l at 111 111 N A I 1o~lJ C .
.it1 1i1 oll l"1 . (lial. 04 for tioiiare oert oceih m n oi
Irild c if the lltit Iiii 111110k ' ril 01 A N it M * , C .
Il111 wmlldi l.111111 lia- iIiI'b o f te' 1 '00t ' Mo T. W. iL AIrg f, jeAIOve R ,a
bilill:oi l alltl prob11 Ibility ill a 1105511'S JEWELRIY STORE.
A Student'sI
The Office Standard
ibis is the miost comap-'-
hensive and up-t,,-diaiiE
liied. In aimpile,
acculaco-iiid conve3i-
ence it isupersedeelall
others. It conain s
vocabulary of iiearly 70,
000 words, is bouad in
cloth anid half lea
with marginal index
Text- Books,"new'
and second hand.
Compends, etc.
C. E.Brlll,
325 S. State St.
Second Floor
The American Republic and
Its Government; ~II
Icy Jamxes Albert 'Woodburn
Augustus Caesar; W-'
by John B. Firth.
The Pride of Tel ffir;
by Elmore 1' a ;Peako.
Theloarden of Charity;
C -iTTj F~. _ by Ba il King.
Six Trees; =-"
by Mary E. Wilkins Freemanl
the New Boy at Dale;
bho ts.Edward Ritch.
A book of tore interest
L oveybMays:n gr
foey bys1( rs
by the author0 of Mrs.I
Wiggs of the Cabbags Ptitcli .
University Booksellers,
320 S. State Street.
When in need of a
buy the
A. AWatornano
T[he Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
S~ r r wwWATCH T HS SPACGo do er mI
iI. -N
' 7
ut Cli
'V w 1w w w 7
AAL I& Ak 1&7A AL
SI ~ Elcic Ct i srs i ti 111011Supplies. Saniary TH lE A TH E N S P E S ,
* L Q nliiik llland loill t G is 11111Electric:I-ix turser n and111_______________
Electr 11 ic i tWiter IIHe11,g 51111hint's0110s adTH-S TEATE'BDG rkhnters
. , II E lecri ro Lambs,207 E. Washington Street. 2d FloorAIRSTIAR L
0 A.Lt Styles,' entirely different from others, Smart,
V rs iyNew. Quality, a little better for same money Q. OODSP"EED'S
Sa S or less. If you desire to be strictly in style I117 S. Main Street.
..,.]H ts and exclusive, wear Varsity flats.

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