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December 01, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

….. _ _ . J:- - Y) rY' v MyU ,. 0r M' N )0, C 0 0 ri z C z) C) C- r r 0c x a) r-,h C) CD C O T1 CD Irv ~ _ , . r, :/' J. :/. f. , r / r 1. ^^' .--" --- / .--s I , . , ' .S' ^, ^' '-" _. - tar -' ir r, ._ r .l n :.. 1 -, .J ./ . r , . i -''" "'t r: r 1 . 'v h - v f a \ J' J .. .. JJK ' 'i ~ f . /: .. r 'J: ^ ... v -r i r r '' r; , h n '_' _ J' (' 7., rr r , '- ,Y ;r " . r; ': . " i r _ ^ _ tom - ^ J< ' ti ^^ . _. ._ . .- <n _. r " s : s ...…

November 01, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…The Michig9an allIy4 ANN ARBlIOR, :Xl Cl I(IAN, 't''tf ): lAX', NIVFIXMIIHI i, iiot. NO. 25. Vol. XXI. NOTRE DAME LOOKS EASY FOR VARSITY Since Michigan Has "Come Back" Indications Point to Big Victory WILL WATCH OFFENSIVE POWER For the irst timse this sionthtis XX s s'i'sini's beigans puactici e llrk fs ilieek end gaiste withouit seties worr th t the outcoesi. Nc)one doubts, that de- spite ears' toriue s d et iu s Door 10 So igs, the Notre D...…

August 01, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…THE ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, MONDAY, _1'(. LUST Vor,. I. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's Drug Store 117 S. Main Both Phons VARSIIY CA[[ 612 E. Liberty Only one block tromn the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS STRANGER ADMvIRES IPROFESSOR WILGUS I' Aged Justice Searches All Ann Arbor for Greatest Cor- poration Authority CALLS UPON HIM AT...…

June 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…IoA x Ell hl r. The M I a n °,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \Vl-,DNt SI -\I', ]UN i< ra. VOT- XX. No. 170. SEASON'S SUCCESS SATISFIES TEAM Election of Track Captain and Awarding of "M's" post- poned Indefinitely 1911 PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT W~ithi ani excelleint stiowing iit n the Easierni Ittercoltegiate to their credit, the Varsity track iteti returined to Anni Arbhr Saunday night satisfied with tie recaits attiained dutricng the igi0 seasoin. Several...…

May 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… rt; 4 . : f- C T a r. I7 V, I r c/ O a E., cc ' w z c ... : : .-., c a -_- Iw G Z rL, 6L1 s . L v a x ; «. m f. L '. C v 1 a .. i .. f / J -J 1 I i I' i i i .. ,.-..i =U 0 Cl) 0 0 0 0 a) a w y y Cny n C) i O O Y l t 0 03 O Hl0 v al c a n , 5 y v n C cn C O - y Q- bO Z) ter, ! C = to 71 wJ n t J . 14- r N .tom .^- - J r ~ .-' ^ .= :~ r ^" f CTI s 0 0c0 wJ ol w Ez 0 I 4 n r3 C a. ^J C L C' r U c i, i.- rT-w 0~ i-4 a) ..L H ,. z...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SKID-, Y, APRILJi, 1910 VOL. XX. No. ug. WEAK HITTERS ON THIS YEAR'S TEAM Dairy Lunch Pitcher Holds Var- sity to Few Scattered Singles-- Fielding Work Improves. Inability to hit a gooui pitcher was evi- denced in Wednesdays haseball prac- tice wilen James, tihe twirter for the Alli Arhor Dairr Lunchl teamlltook tile bold agailnst tile varsity' 111l15anid heicd thlemnialmost hiltess. This weakniess will ...…

March 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The MIi Vol-. XX :NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,' it AV, MAI.RCH-iT. logo. B ALL TOSSERS GAIN ____LSFOSAE CONFIDENCE DAILY 'That Co thegrlsof thecmu r ~ Coach Rickey's Optimism In- t icriyatedd MssM ' e-. spires His Pupils to Better oro '01111(1y11ft1rn11n. Work--Pitchers Improve. T1e icotuteowas1giv1n0un111 the ise111 ins eot d t o o at suffrage1111 111 e11 XERCLE CHATS AND DANCES ON FRIDAY French Students (ather for a Friendly Evening Enlivened b...…

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