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August 01, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-01

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Vor,. I.

Martha Washington
Gilbert's Chocolates
Tice's Drug Store
117 S. Main Both Phons
612 E. Liberty
Only one block tromn
the Campus
Three good square
meals per day
Single Meals 25c
$3.50 per Week
Sunday Dinners 35c



Aged Justice Searches All Ann
Arbor for Greatest Cor-
poration Authority
Not lontg ago a eigni idgmntlemsan
of legal bearing steppedl Iniskly upl to
a group of laws in front of the lawv
tbuling, and 1inquliiredtifiiProfescsor Wii-
gus whit sadl albook oniCorior ations,
wao a mnetmber of the facuolty litre. Otn
heig assured thtat stick was thte case,
he asked to lie directedi to htis office.
The office door was sickest ansite
gentlemn sought the office of te sec-
retary. Tthere he cearned that te iris
fessor wan at his homse, suet coulsd unt
doutedly he sects there. Iliesins gisvci
the niecessary instrutclons as to iwsert
to go, ands also a brief tdescritiiostsof list
'smutsott corporattios"so itin case its
shsould meet hts, the lonsg italil s tisth
professor's homse woussili e satved.
The jststice-e lecouldsihate elie'nnsi
less-asid could easii sisyhae hi-sisnsmore
were there a higher office-keist a shari
lookout anslie nwalksesdalonsg, for sity
site answnerinig the dlescripisn, lits
so sutchs tersons stas seesn. Arrivinig sit
the street stumbtler indsicatledinit Iis
leather coveredl ease, lie cmimicstir-
veyed the scense. Yes, susrely Iis seas
the place, te Ihouse tess a sitbleti resi-
sdettee for a manso i greast aslsetsof the
ec0-orrstiess fisithe', lbs wsnstesswsell
Iept, andselueousites sturrouitnitg isrc
sif a style shut indsicatedi a scholsarlyevom-
snittisi ty.
Ilie swoutlenter. Patssinsg stlsosgte
walk ie wsnsurprisedi ts see signss it
butildinig, there' bstteits houssght-,The
Professor is prospnerouis, sitd is essltrg-
lng Iis residessce. It instwelllstill cen-
A smsall soy brokee its uponss Iis msedli-
"Ah, the boy" flashsesdscross te mintl
of the expectasst caller. "I says, sty
little toast, is yourt father sa it'me'
"Sture thitng," repliedi le sit the smsall
stature. "lie's st bscie there ti-ils sit

"Nielli, tech, twoitdieou-055
"Oli, get right seondsi, Pawe nis'
carce.Ilits' hinstilts sisy blist ell]sete
sits all right."
Ilie if lt'e Iclothesof the te'gsst cl
intl Asshe diriew s-'ar st-e omstcien
its licaeiteststre ssed'istls tire sigili-
tlistnceif testcructureuertt'gotinigrcc
piassetsledsistllseaigernss thei ites
itwr mtinsil e ets nosisprofssosr.
tuook as lie esiuld, sn legsalbrtr ecsas
insit ht os Tissiwas,,ot te kindsiof re-
sepiisi that 5so sgreast ama s sish
"I sits listo, I camse toseen'sPro-
Is soir \'slgsss, tePtrofessor Wsilguis
iso i wroette lust ises)lssassble is-ntk si
sitpositsiossAits Isit te right lice'
tottIisasarolst-s-r-was .as stn
buidigIsciminsy, aituanoteree ice'
sitle intatu digging intshle- ct-lists' nd
i igastra sin snif tinsvees lift-de-
'i-tesidsits it.I sit-
I"Whaistt sore (17-c ntt?'"edsrawledite
lint. "'That's Puss."
Studenst akisigitecoutrse its ilrsirs
nsethsossnierecgivn sosscmesraitisalsits
its manasssgisigliibrsarisNAiss tsiesdmysifter-
is byMiss NinassPreslst,libies an~~
oi teIHasll-Fowntlet library sit Ioisas.
slisPrestoniis Prcesient ofiiilst
MsichsigassStte Libtrarv Associations at
)resenst. 'The greater issrtioss if lie
alit tnassdesvstedsto aiicussinissofilte
celsstive smeritssof te sssiltlttntdsit
siege lbsarc. Site emphsizniedilt'e pinut
lts tlistblraty'sthotuldi le lt-esociali ait
iterary ceter if use escommuntiity. Tue

co51 b
Demonstrations Proved Highly ,cl 1 s
sr d i il
Interesting in Professor II, wI
Guthe's Address olIsi
p t
'ith Isis 'h-sc D patmc t F i_ t , [~it-
tis,,dispois i esal ro.Gttus , <s lt - l s~pi r
i ni stsliestho tog tuhy, list te csita i ca
fet-isrses ofsitheI s illeriittpocsss e ' Icr o
1stritugst o t a d nr ls et - i sis t I its 1
itere't sli t 1'ts,] \ I I
A eetie l vll tIits 1"-it ris sotnly a d i xedils'
prmod.ucetil testis ill. «is bresi cose listspp
a p o ills tiots it I nti t h, is iss of I lii 5
sits-ialts- Im in ts but ill osit-I tI iresitst 5 i s u e
Ih-si s p -s~e st s s r- alitht, \V' mst m r
tti ilt iiits em ns stla ]gis t, -ihI rh .r
depe ssn t s pincei lesh t lis lils of I lie stI
i-lit tilit l ori- e rfrced a i ffer- silts sbu
sit a ;sits t s 11Is lsts tif ths t hlsId mis t Tllti,
igh one)sitismit-ti fron litoflte t et henlit .ti
li-t- sto ed. er itc ti

iii 11 t sitnt,-- hole 1 s' tsis
-ofa smewht choert
is,. Ai s l isct-is' hetes-
lt e 5'1 ln I ,1st tse si-ctsie its
s, its h imis fIthis stilt
th s itch. i it st ltl
-il - l 's' osomeii t nt.It' h
5 t it tnit ism lchst t
ale 'lis p oct s n11l itb
Icr r fc s i t iil t heiit
sin t idll 's spl i lsl sts-
lin n tegas sa ti
I tras, tt ti mcit cpia
Spr ai t l t o (5 -api5)
dInsc r-ot'lion t-st lt'e
calS lit it s-cn xails i
iit.1lg t 1 asnus bitt al
scnae o lc li t lrsteists.
ih a lt is exostidi i n thll
itf Ittis Isticit tesli-ists
tlis, -- ic. '1 , i d vd alya
1c ,- s 11o,, so hn:- l
its of'n A, m1ir so ia c

Another Chance,
For Those Who Went
Verified by University Records, and the,
books of the Tetephone Companies
To Bet It
You Must Subscribe. tor
of issues containing Directory
except to subsceibeurs.
50 ctsm
Phone 960

ttitttititit t 55hs 5'ny tdvatagstg as Prof. lutistcasusedth o itt e ''155Or 5ran. hethe r1 ducid,', keri s
Mlnist Pre ston spointd out. I1t usnshies m n i i eo srto ftefc iy d te Kae i eesd h
thes librasrianus ts gut lt-t-be '~ttcu intedtt . a piecus-s cislith if act ain-clor ,-,-,,, -iage Sind -reac'
i-ll the i bshrarsy, n-ills lt'he oos , its as tha t ino tib ''tiltc it a srb ll ta sen, and I s-s is'ts ucitoits- ltiit
tVitsh i ithe peophi- t.ittg themuu. M t her stal s of5' .l iglst . lashesh wi ,ren-1 *sfths -ncI , -(, ithe- u'itcsrs'- -
Isle Arsthur C.I'. htclstit , instrseuct Isli t setcruit, o s he s i , aitsitr'it 'titi 1 'tti I ed iduig cx
ints e sl Glermsasns depsutmseth an ssnt rcc a lisele ight spectumsutsas Iculd gets t l ---I 'u
turned-uifr'silla essa in tush fishintrmt ip IMack ' thusnlyte' 7 ''15 pars of 'the 11 ll tth si os iltih ts'es--s-st
ts Crooukedi Lake. tiltctrum sI ", an , the othe- - 5 'oces ts iro sitmuch Imotts ciettlific',
re ann lc. IIt w s u ggses ha n he"c oict 1tflsidsm d
-'cu tr is isult of this tistier' sill ri tlis s t tebaeli estde,5g rrte-1, thiu- t' 5 ~i ]lt-(i'co pia d
tests' slontutay ' fstihue cominsg wtutu con-t pelutst thtut hey1 can onlysts bse ltIppre iithn the l n 'ii'tair cs, howevleit, us
ta ing ts' last seci'ionuuot tlist'eslcutotte usasush btt peopstel,' fiWlit own'i55 ttrisip. threprt e w -s mutite adt
dir ictor. Thus' iguhsm- istiles Itor te liii lact tias asitt sltc-it'll b oghits-ch r h rdyn(\'mushd litue
weekI wsill apper al' m t'e usuasl ltims.s stlthlt 5sismsult btlstuhTs hves d rs-ls.s'ottvesae t ush,-ade ss usual
isny7 suscrsstibte'm'notiretceivsinsg siitim lthe( whihuue my sm th i ffrntcas ohih'atclt thr'wni o 'stems uinal t u
lilt' of thue idiru'ct'ry 11m17' slutuintu hel te suteratitiss. 'T, shossu ti ,s cren;on ean iluist,, i 1bIs thu s m lr
muissinug numesss byu''s11 aelinug as liss ftilei' tello'w 's sht iat empraure lsullss 1 lop w ich thyi er' oi
betweensiu onse andu hut -i'culockua ch'tell its i's tedil , whiciht, w e a m d b so ilc e hil s-i tt'~s a thert s ist -
ex\c'i'tling Sulsths7'.ic-st is"I de its-iss came sed. Prt . Gutelly perectr a islss, is,



Snsuggled away its thur wiilhs of Cite-
boygans countly, Mhisiigani, in thue smusssuer
camp umaaiedl by time'uiversity. IHlure
ensgineers are made. lucre thiey dothilme
practical wnorke of the real eniginteer.
One hilstud dalse, early-ansmithIue thsey
carry their heany trassl eavinug sung
rows of littlestasntt tirtanchte lcves
ouf railroad beds thatupasstistoliiimiii
obscurity us 50015 as camtp snork is flu-
shed for she year. lHcre thsey Icarus ho
do battle with the wily msuuito of
whose sineestud attachng pownertsvaryinug
stories are toid,
Real work is theirs to do, just as
real for theim as if Itsey swenehuildinug a

Fisr tiemenleswhon guo humcamp sarc e hetree-furltsumites u in legth on iuts
stems st-iisuill hue buuildinsgretailbedus shonres. luts akemis abutsilten ismslet
ansu s n slimey lust-cgoneuoull frosmslsung, andfouii fnilit mites Ai se. ituse
their uisersity, tug muts lisslhuhe is C up Creelk, aiult a
nriushs has tsohe cmuiso thatsinhses smile uandsiaIhalfifsum th hesi 'is is infedl
cams be reus. II[ills hisscet be ciediuhiu, y greatl spinss whus heltre tuhoughu ts
roules issue to be plannuedh. Aridl abontecdensv eit mwusticssutpply fomItutu
all, cosunsthe wsil life of tlimenstesasie jusst liiih iliumherssienifus hiss,
julst an thes' mwiidtchwis nstimes-aseeridge. T'lime scenut'if ts" sreat's o
bsit a few yeses laser. 'lucre is plenstyBute's lke us abotiu th it us is'feeits.
of oppouurtunsity ho slant railroseds, asmiThe'le dsitchn-Itt-sihut sut' tsesy suet
tile h ighwat'ys at thme ssumumer catsp seunts a greal tri'ety ofl5 uopograpshy, mash
ferte e'niiversity owsns1 ,666 sacres of safforscuas splnditstidth nusuluul fur hlh
landse auriundeoeuglams' smithBusc's sines. work inus urveyiing. Last sssmes lseetuses
Donuglas sake is abutufour miles long, inm sureyin mg ocupiedth he casuistfis thte
tumd betwecsen suon smithtwo smics muintlrst ie. Sumscu' lies moreuice smpote-
width. Tuhere is a tassel teach two andmidseutshsalut-ceens sutte intshie camput sit,

tuutstulhns luau's eeitsustlledhi uts o-
test muth tset muss I outisidet,mandu-emsn
a 15511tiltr 'ier 5 it's'tushd his casmmitsluce
'l's lithei smen us uc's-'eturneds 5froum
cr'ssputuis , sue sumi fit shaspe fIn cstitvc
conlstutions sit's, fmlits intg ,a
cumrve' Is u"trimming"5 thus-obnoxums st
stitch wh alm.sidshis usumy iiio
conrc to ardTe Itti sre snibrustwm
as Ori, n gc 1rh sungryitss'fuse
civiize heit usisilsgas the oe rb-i ialuex-
plrr.Ateiltthuselihtve' tll madi su
nisi s h i t uitsoIk, muss incisientlly
they litmushlutis mlittle fistsotithl asies,
sum iniheaute-s.

rairoad to stretchs across time conmtinents.

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