THE ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, MONDAY, _1'(. LUST Vor,. I. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's Drug Store 117 S. Main Both Phons VARSIIY CA[[ 612 E. Liberty Only one block tromn the Campus Three good square meals per day Single Meals 25c $3.50 per Week Sunday Dinners 35c MEAL TICKETS STRANGER ADMvIRES IPROFESSOR WILGUS I' Aged Justice Searches All Ann Arbor for Greatest Cor- poration Authority CALLS UPON HIM AT HIS HOUSE Not lontg ago a eigni idgmntlemsan of legal bearing steppedl Iniskly upl to a group of laws in front of the lawv tbuling, and 1inquliiredtifiiProfescsor Wii- gus whit sadl albook oniCorior ations, wao a mnetmber of the facuolty litre. Otn heig assured thtat stick was thte case, he asked to lie directedi to htis office. The office door was sickest ansite gentlemn sought the office of te sec- retary. Tthere he cearned that te iris fessor wan at his homse, suet coulsd unt doutedly he sects there. Iliesins gisvci the niecessary instrutclons as to iwsert to go, ands also a brief tdescritiiostsof list 'smutsott corporattios"so itin case its shsould meet hts, the lonsg italil s tisth professor's homse woussili e satved. The jststice-e lecouldsihate elie'nnsi less-asid could easii sisyhae hi-sisnsmore were there a higher office-keist a shari lookout anslie nwalksesdalonsg, for sity site answnerinig the dlescripisn, lits so sutchs tersons stas seesn. Arrivinig sit the street stumbtler indsicatledinit Iis leather coveredl ease, lie cmimicstir- veyed the scense. Yes, susrely Iis seas the place, te Ihouse tess a sitbleti resi- sdettee for a manso i greast aslsetsof the ec0-orrstiess fisithe', lbs wsnstesswsell Iept, andselueousites sturrouitnitg isrc sif a style shut indsicatedi a scholsarlyevom- snittisi ty. Ilie swoutlenter. Patssinsg stlsosgte walk ie wsnsurprisedi ts see signss it butildinig, there' bstteits houssght-,The Professor is prospnerouis, sitd is essltrg- lng Iis residessce. It instwelllstill cen- ter." A smsall soy brokee its uponss Iis msedli- tatiotis. "Ah, the boy" flashsesdscross te mintl of the expectasst caller. "I says, sty little toast, is yourt father sa it'me' "Sture thitng," repliedi le sit the smsall stature. "lie's st bscie there ti-ils sit "Nielli, tech, twoitdieou-055 "Oli, get right seondsi, Pawe nis' carce.Ilits' hinstilts sisy blist ell]sete sits all right." Ilie if lt'e Iclothesof the te'gsst cl intl Asshe diriew s-'ar st-e omstcien its licaeiteststre ssed'istls tire sigili- tlistnceif testcructureuertt'gotinigrcc piassetsledsistllseaigernss thei ites itwr mtinsil e ets nosisprofssosr. tuook as lie esiuld, sn legsalbrtr ecsas insit ht os Tissiwas,,ot te kindsiof re- sepiisi that 5so sgreast ama s sish "I sits listo, I camse toseen'sPro- Is soir \'slgsss, tePtrofessor Wsilguis iso i wroette lust ises)lssassble is-ntk si sitpositsiossAits Isit te right lice' tottIisasarolst-s-r-was .as stn buidigIsciminsy, aituanoteree ice' sitle intatu digging intshle- ct-lists' nd i igastra sin snif tinsvees lift-de- 'i-tesidsits it.I sit- I"Whaistt sore (17-c ntt?'"edsrawledite lint. "'That's Puss." IONIA IiBRARIAN EGItES SOME PRACTICAL HINTS Studenst akisigitecoutrse its ilrsirs nsethsossnierecgivn sosscmesraitisalsits its manasssgisigliibrsarisNAiss tsiesdmysifter- is byMiss NinassPreslst,libies an~~ oi teIHasll-Fowntlet library sit Ioisas. slisPrestoniis Prcesient ofiiilst MsichsigassStte Libtrarv Associations at )resenst. 'The greater issrtioss if lie alit tnassdesvstedsto aiicussinissofilte celsstive smeritssof te sssiltlttntdsit siege lbsarc. Site emphsizniedilt'e pinut lts tlistblraty'sthotuldi le lt-esociali ait iterary ceter if use escommuntiity. Tue LEUTHRE ON COLOR ili , DRAWS BIG CROWD ta co51 b Demonstrations Proved Highly ,cl 1 s sr d i il Interesting in Professor II, wI Guthe's Address olIsi p t COLOR PHOI5OGRAPIY A FEATURE -5- 'ith Isis 'h-sc D patmc t F i_ t , [~it- tis,,dispois i esal ro.Gttus ,