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November 01, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XVI. The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\ I l)\i I) ',oVt i) . o- NO. 32. -- --- ---- -- -- - -- -------- ------ DENTS, .r--HOMEOPS, 0. 'SENIOR LITE RA 1 Tooth Capenters Win a One-Sided. (laine Characterized by Fumbling. A safety and a isttchdown, with Blliss falue nectre goal, tells tie story of yesterday'rs class fooall gamae. eding in thte raher odd score of 7 to o. The ttett who will htaodle the forceps atdI lhe httzzinsgta...…

October 01, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The 1MicIigaItiDaily No. 6. ALL-FRESH ON RAMPAGE. First-Year Team Opens Season at Ypsilanti With 30 to 0 Vicsory Over State Normal. Bt'IR. PH. Ctauiy.Staff' Correspodentf. Ypsilnti, Mich., Sept. 30-09 has madegod.Iow otldl they help it after C ontire ssman 1401(10 non nipa sisicil appeal andl"Spide" Coes ot- iimrt lbeedicrtion ot 1Friay enig: The Miuchga Uton's oproitesiinaedei he.hitotri.townl ot Ypteayesterilay iani tree ithe pedIagsoues ...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Voi.. XV \X K(P lIvIA .''I5SIY N . rrn Noi.17.. TEAM LEAVES FRIDAY. MODERN COMEDIES. Twny-w Ale eWsIs 0V ill lie Taken to ITo BelProdueed by IElocutionlassn' Confnerene Ifleet Pairyl Does 1 56 01 School otflnusic Univ ersity Feet in [1Hammeir "trow. tuldents in the Cast ail" N c~lt-l l~l\ - lr w l; lt1 ti~ct " 1), 'l Il( . (II l r t t i" t j lc I c I , II I iii11 icr\ c'tc1t(tt1111 wI trlt'lit~ vIL 1(_ l c +l- \ 1 1 \1 W I l~...…

April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- 77 %, to ri' d r y °.. v -j. , "-° "- r -. 'f. r . .... ,f rf -- ^. .!, t f 1 i' 7 : . _ _ r _ J t } = _ _ -- -- _ 7 - f , _ .. . " r' %: '-s . , s . _ _ _ °' r r t'J t; '-' \ r r w w w . ... rr ..., _ ... _ :r. 'r. r, ..... T, i - J: r: _ _ "" J ^^ , 'J, r- .. '- ,. .-. r: " qpH , i -s r i (. i r .y , ... r- J. -' .- f Ir, J r' _ _ r of :: .- )- .J, ; . Jr; ' -f. ; r- -- __ +.. _ - . y,.. ... -'1 '. ... e ~ /; 1 y .r /, Ja .m °' r 7...…

March 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…0 o 5 z r. 1, I 'J 4. '!. } . : ._" i I G y r, .M ~ C r. i J L L, :~ G "f; + r: ' .... J .:f, G r. "" w t r, " " , r. .-; i .;-+ n { .+-+ . fr i G G G t-. .') .... ++ ''; .r ~ f ~ G J: " .. " v " .^. ^. , j" f ~ ,,, , '" , t. . ^. . .r, O r J r n1 G. .,, uGi O :.+ O ",, Ct _ bP N ' ." r r 5y O r r d R1 n r j + 0.3 O t3 t 77. v % G i-+ +'Y'+ j «n . ". O C) .=+ O ... "" ",:; " d r. _:, r r f; n' . " J _ ..1 ~: 't. '.-. ,r .- y. =: . GG ^, ice. '...…

February 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…The Michigsan Daily 4,xv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., \NTE)NivTDAY, IFEBRU'ARY 1, 1905 No. 89 COLONEL ALDRICH. Pani0u Journalist Will Speak this Afternooni Tappan Hall-Sub- ject,'"The Old and the New.' "tvi1 0111. : n 1'cd 01 onr. "Ill1 of ' c tral 1;!. Tl 0nh i lu ita: 1 hi~ t1 ,11 II 11 1 the 1e :11 11 '11 111:1 I" 11Ills 111r v.1ltil ~1.rtlc ti1111 -l.t, io 31 ~rc as 11 ha l 1 ~c t ., i c r :i s pc l~ llr 0. 1 I 11.1 111t of 0c una1tlc t t1 r14 c: 11...…

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