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May 27, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Sri U1 I '" i t aitj Wn eather Fair and Cooler VOL. LIV No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1944 PRICE FIVE CE1 T°r Yanks Threaten Nazi's 'Last-Ditch' Line Track, Plant Row At Chryslei Shluts Units Employes Stage Walk-out; Pieket By The Associated Press DETROIT, May 26. - A renew outbreak of a dispute that last we made 11,700 employes in seven Oh. sler plants idle, kept 1,500 afterno shift workers at Chysler's Highla Pa...…

May 27, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE M I CHIGA N D A LY SA TURDAY. MAY 27, 1944 Fifty-Fourth Year +-, T ' '. -o ., ..' 5it 'F . ll i i _ . r r, ' Q Na s ,t : :..;;:. z , , ; <. , , .. - . .: t. " - / -mo . . ' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. :.. .. fl 1 * : , r t ,, . 'c ^ Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace . Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank . Bud Low Jo...…

May 27, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…= ATUlJRDAY, MAY 27, 1944 T HE M I CH IGA N D A ILY PAGE ThREE Golfers Links men Eye- Third Straight Championship Field of 37 Divided Into One Foursome, Eleven Threesomes By BOB CLINTON A powerful and well-balanced Wolverine golf squad heads a field of eight teams today, when they tee off for the 36-hole Big Ten golf championship over the Medinah Country Club course at Chicago. The Wolverines are in quest of their third straight team titl...…

May 27, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

… p ~'AGE rOTJR THE MIlCHIGAeN ILY SA:TUED;AZ MAY27, 1944 Roosevelt Invites Allies To Post- War Conference 42 Governments To Consider Proposals For Cooperation on Money Problems By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 26. - Presi- dent Roosevelt sent out a call today for a conference of the United and Associated Nations on, post - war money problems starting July 1. He invited 42 governments, includ- ing the French Committee of Libera- t...…

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