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March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…9 r i au A4V J IF _ r ; EIGHT" PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 EIGHT PAGES .r... 'CBES Di:. R'? C' Indian Worker fljjjjWqnrS8iuN IQISITTNHAP Orig-inal dra nwings by Michael Anl- -elo.,Andea elSarto,. and Trepol ar n therexih sent to the Archi- MAR K MEEJINC ur Atectural college by the Fearon art gal-llIfIP~ l 4 lery of New York, and now being shownv in the corridor of the archi- U LVf~ ~l .> tectiira ,ichool. In ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…NISH OCIET WILL MUSIC AND 'RE[SENT PLAY TO NIGH' U IC ANS' as Cigarras Hormnigas", by Jacin- I-andel's oratorio; "The Meossiah," enavente, will be presented] at 3svwill be given by the Ann Arbor high Ek tonight in Sarah Caswell An-; school chorus and solists at 8 o'clock hail, as the annual production of teni ht in hill auditorium. This char- ociedad Hispanica. The fin-.l al is arranged for the entertainment of 3rehearsal was held last night, ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY in the sou l parlor of :New bcrry hal to be given in an attempt to raise mon- to I 00e f m(.rv nrn a :0occk ey for the salary of the teacher em- K~ AI I NuLHThe.l ve<<a.s will for the 1pu:rpose of.,plyd tthe. University Hospital t? iipinpria in nsrutchild patients there. All old . UNC FH1091for En Kat r. Every wvoman on tlhe cash- clothing which is at all u cable, may "OCIEOpEDSsOD A ho to in tire -rv.- be sent to the Com...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE MTCICRAN DAILY -- 4 CIA]L NEWSPAPER OF THE1 LY1ERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN le eey morning 1~except Monday! 'se Universit:y year biy the Hoard in1 f Student Publications. !of Western Conference editorial an. ,tociated Press is exclusively eni- teuse for republication of all pxcttcredited to it or, not other~ edited in this paper and tine loca) d at the postn fice at 'Ann Arbor,j *as Accornd class matter. ipti*~1 by carrier or mail, $3 50" Ann Ar...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOING ONL for th~is column Oon by 5 :30 o'clock ,e publicatioin. ;URSDAY hers' club )meets " itectural corridor, Ngineering bition. The Ann Arbor Art associa- Moody is superintendent. The tract three features: the beauty of the and I laders, acs and lanterns. There are this of building.. tion holdis its exhibit ions in this bild' Ihasarie rotgeo ore txan on ; as a public park; a collection of nra- 125 employees of the ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Oil 17 _..,s.p.. .,g , 4 } n .. lli ffi ) C . . . 0 ' iI to Bl;anq;Z at to 0! MI- WTIG COUR-T I[ tquion and the Varsity tennis players who were not yesterday's showing of the film. IAll those planning to attend may secure definite inf'ormation by call- ing the Athletic' associatio, phone, 167, after noon today. others besides themselves, and be- wailed the fact that the United States :s prone to strip ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…'c ll S. IN JUNE For Easter-What could be nicer ,,,......., .. ; v ;. ,, .._ SLEIEP A' YIIERF, BUTE EATAT R-X's Til'E CLUB LUJNCH 71" Arbor Street f N~ear State and Packatrd Streets GREY SHOP than a box of M avis Chocolates Famous French Confection Nunnailly's Southern Candies 6o E.Liery A i .. I /'+ ~=' ' v c3 c * To Brotheirs- and Silr A AG 0 ..r ( The S. S. Fanconia, the first vessel to be deslg iede spcially foPur iaronn...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…1L Y F I ILiatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Tntversity. Copy received until 3"M D . iM. (11:'30 i . .Bfturdlai,1. me3THURSDAY, 3NARCH 2 9, 192,3lNnb1er 102, Students and Mdenihers of the ]Faculties, University Convocation: ijalmur Stefausson (LL.D., 1921), the distinguished explorer, will a. Convocation of the University, to which the members of the nasters' Club are cordially invited, in 11111 auditorium, Friday...…

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