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May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…*I TUI 7WM N . ( A T Ivortihwestern LinIksmen Are Edged,14% to01212 Elliott Win Wolverines on Eighteenth To Meet Ohio Decides r State To Match; morrow By DICK HURST Michigan's golfers, one down…

… at the long end of a 5-4 count. Barclay Shoots 74 Barclay kept the Wolverines in the afternoon fight by posting a 74 and playing the kind of game that brought him the NCAA Title last year. It was a…

… Brown in the No. 2 singles, 2-6. 6-2, 6-2 in a well-played game which featured a strong wind thatI delighted in making easy shots difficult. No. 4 man Jack Hersh came Wolverine I-acqneleers Shine in Big…

…th hole they were all even, and, with most of the pairs in and the rest decided Elliott realized that he had to half the hole to give the Wolverines a tie, or win the hole to clinch the victory. Two…

… Stricklen and Bob Abrahams took 79's,Jim Bassett shot an 80, Fred Fassnacht a 81 and Chuck Lingren a 82. Face OSU Tomorrow The Wolverines don't get much of a chance to breath for tomor- row they take on OSU…

… of Janet Brown, Barb Dewey, Ellen Van Wagoner, and Mary Ann Courtright, young sister of former Wolverine golf- er Corky Courtright, gained a two point decision over the Spartan gals and a plus six…

May 09, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

… EVANSTON, Ill., May 8.-- (A)- Bradley, Wolverines; ins Monday 6-2, 3-6, 9-7; Meyer. N, beat r I igers 1 iniay ere I'uesday; Varsity Rained Out at Purdue By BUD LOW Tuesday night Steve O'Neill is go- ing…

… to bring his Detroit Tigers to Ann Arbor to play the Wolverine nine in an exhibition game that promises to be the biggest local at- traction of the entire Maize and Blue spring sport calendar. . The…

… little peeved at the weather man. After being rained out Friday afternoon, the Wolverines were hop- ing that they could pay the Boiler- makers in a doubeheader yesterday, but the field was much too wet and…

… tomorrow as Ohio State linksmen arrive here for their second match with the Wolverines, in what will be the last appearance of Michigan golfers in home competition. Whennthe Maize and Blue golf team met the…

… State then, and tomorrow the Wolverines will attempt to give the Buckeyes some of their own medi- cine. Play will probably start at 9 o'clock for the best ball matches in the morning, and around 1:30 for…

…. Although they took only six firms places, the Wolverines had little trouble as the Buckeyes were- able to score only 4112 points. The Spartans were a poor third with 2812 points. The score of the personal…

Wolverine Jim Sears coming in ahead of Dupre for a third. Ross Hume started the Wolverines off with a bang as he defeated the Spartan captain, Bill Scott, in the CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED RATES Non…

… May Graduation Buy Now - Supply Limited Uirich's bookstore Wolverines Score 82 Points To Avenge Last Year's Loss v yf b THIS WEEK ONLY! 4e WedisdA ThroNT SaCudy - 8:3 S N.M. T HE D EPA RTM E NT…

May 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… by the Wol-' verine infield Sunday to eke out a narrow. 3-2 win over pitcher Dick Schmidtke and the Wolverines. Michigan out-hit Camp Perry and out-played them most of the way, but failed to deliver…

… advantage. Perry scored a run in the sixth when they loaded the bases on two singles and a walk. With two out, Wolverine catcher Bob Stevenson picked the base-runner off first and in the subsequent rundown a…

… him home. Major League Standings The Wolverines advanced a man as far as second in their half of the ninth, but Blanchard and Bill Gregor, the team's leading hitters, were easy outs. Another…

… out only two, but kept the hitters from connecting sol- idly with his delivery. Face Grosse Ile Today Michigan's fielding was very effec- tive in both games, as the Wolverines played errorless ball…

… Notre Dame In Sunday's Contest By RUTH ELCONIN The Wolverine golf team returned home from two important matches last week-end with a win over West- ern Michigan and an eight point loss in their second…

… at the hands of the Irish, 172-9/2. This was to have been a triangular match between Michigan, Notre Dame and Nort- western, but the Irish played the Wildcat contest on Saturday while the Wolverines

… 2 p.m. the single matches were played off, and the Irish topped the Wolverines, 10 %-7/. Marcellus cap- tured individual honors on the Mich- igan golf squad with 75, but the high man for the afternoon…

… Three Big Ten Titlists To Be Present By BILL LAMBERT When the Wolverines engage in their triangular meet with Illinois and Purdue this Saturday on the Ferry Field track, the nation's track fans will be…

May 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

… the Wolverine baseball team in the early '20's, none since, and none whatever in basketball and tennis. Indeed, there has been much conjecture as to whether or not there is some sort of "gentleman…

… Mr. Crisler's word for it, be- lieving him to be an honest man, a look at the past rosters of these Wolverine teams prevents me from accepting this word as final. One could hardly expect him to say…

… of the Maize and Blue's twin victory over the Iowa Hawkeyes last weekend, a similar accomplishment against the Rive- ters would put the Wolverines right back in the Conference race again. Claseman…

… the portside slants of Erv Noel. This is the third consecutive Saturday game in which the Wolverines will swing against a southpaw, and they have a 1-1 record for their efforts. In other games around…

…. The first contest will be December 22 this year on the Wolverines' home court, while the other game will be played in California in 1948 or 1949. This year's contest will mark the first time the two…

… of the outdoor campaign tomorrow when it clashes with a favored Ohio State squad on the Buckeye's home cin- ders. hile the Wolverines were out- scoring Indiana and Purdue in a triangular meet last…

May 09, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

… Old Jupe Pluvius opened the heav- ens, let loose a torrent, and washed out the Wolverine baseball team's scheduled game with Hillsdale Col- lege at Hillsdale yesterday afternoon. It marked the second…

… open dates on the Michigan slate. With plenty of time on their hands as a result of the cancellation, the Wolverines delved into the scorebook in an attempt to discover the reasons behind the…

… Add to this some occasional lapses of spotty base running and one can easily understand why the current edition of the Wolverines has won but four games out of 13 this year. Fred Trosko and George…

… the lead in triples with two each and to Evashevski is credited the only home run hit by the Wolverines this year. Sofiak and Pink are the team's leading base stealers, each having beaten the catcher…

May 09, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ___I_ _ _ _r ..._ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ Purdue, 'M' Split Pair of Ball Games Wolverines Hit by kfirst Big 9 Loss By B. S. BROWN The weather turned chilly yes- terday but it…

… was no colder than the frigid-playing of the Michigan nine in the second game of the doubleheader with Purdue's Boil- ermakers at Ferry Field. The Wolverines split the twin bill, winning the first, 4…

May 09, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

… straight championship. But such a task for the visitors will not be an easy one, bcause of the consistent heavy hitting and fine pitching the Wolverines have dis- played so far this season. Michigan…

… news today when Dr. Barton of the University Health Service informed him that Capt. Bill Steppon, the Wolverines star second baseman would not be able to play in the series. Bill en-, tered the hospital…

May 09, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 161) • Page Image 8

… farm labor .. . The new publicity director is Tom Bliska, '45A. * * * THE WOLVERINE nine did all right up until Tues- day . . . Monday they trounced the S elfr i dg e field nine to ring up a string of…

… a double, and walked once. ...The whole squad was hitting better than in any previous game. * * * W E ST ERN M i ch ig an broke the Wolverine win- ning streak Tuesday, scor- ing a 4-2 triumph over tne…

May 09, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

… are the official outfitters. Applications for summer board jobs at the Michigan Wolverine, 209 South State St., will be taken there, 5:00- 6:00 p.m., on Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11. Academic…

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