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March 15, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… foreign policy. Opponents con- tended Japan could regain strength faster by playing a mid- dle course between the West and the Communists. Wolverines Bury Gopher Six, 7-3 Haas, Matchefts, Philpott Each Net…

… Two Goals To Pace 'M' Pueksters By PAUL GREENBERG Special To The Daily COLORADO SPRINGS-Coach Vic Heyliger's battling Wolverine pucksters return-to Ann Arbor this afternoon with the big gold trophy…

… as the Maize and Blue fought back from a 2-1 deficit at the end of the fI-st period and went on to win. After the game was over the Wolverines lifted Coach Heyliger to their shoulders, a fitting…

… Campbell to give' John Mariucci's crew its second marker. Trailing 2-1 at the end of the first period, the Wolverines tied it B road ast up at the 6:15 mark .of the second stanza, on Doug Philpott's rebound…

…, heard on Doug Mullen put the Wolverines WHRV, will hit the air at 11155 back on top a short time later by p.m. Monday through Friday driving the puck into the twine starting tomorrow. Hereafter out of a…

… education school will introduce the governor at the convocation hon- oring 403 candidates for teaching certificates. * * * FATLAWING the governor's THE WOLVERINES were a man short four times in the middle…

… offense, and scored at 3:38 with Johnny Matchefts getting the goal to make the score 4-2. Then, keeping the pressure on, the Wolverines stretched their lead to three goals as Jim Haas "inrn - no I ca ulewnr…

April 15, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

… Super- visors, the Bar Association, or Judge Breakey."j IN UPHOLDING the bill, Attor- nev TTihurt Thomnnn mnintains ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1953 MIX PA -7A lGES Wolverines Face Irish…

…'s disappointing Wolverines as they open their 1953 regular season slate. The contest is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. at the Ferry Field ball park. Michigan didn't turn in too impressive a performance on its southern…

… to South Bend. BILL MOGK ... Wolverine Captain * * * Outfielders Roger Braun and Joe Ridge and Shortstop Hal Reilly paced the squad in the hitting de- partment. Braun slammed out 11 hits to post a…

… inaugural performance. South- paw Ritter opened the Wolverines southern jaunt with a well-pitched 6-3 win over Delaware. Fisher intends to stick with the same lineup that he went with in the South and most of…

… seeing limited ac- tion on the southern swing. The Wolverines own a sizeable 43-17 lifetime bulge over the Irish. Last year Jack Corbett stopped them with five hits to earn a 3-0 verdict. Today's contest…

… is one of a two game series, Michigan jour- neying to South Bend on May 14 to play them in their own ballyard. * * * THE GAME with Notre Dame opens a week of intensive action for the Wolverines

July 15, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… Frosty, the three and a half month-old wolverine who made his debut to the public only two weeks ago. Frosty, born March 23 to a wolverine that had been cap- tured in Alaska, died of a bowel infection, Mc…

Wolverine State no one seems quite certain, but Mc- Innis said Frosty was the first young wolverine ever born with- in its limits. Big Three Maps Long Range Plans WASHINGTON - () - The Big Three foreign…

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