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April 15, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-04-15

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State




VOL. LXIII, No. 141
18 Believed
rLiving in GI
Plane Crash
Mountain Rescu4
Work Continues
SEATTLE-(P)-A chartered as
liner loaded with serviceme
crashed into the snow covere
Cascade Mountains before daw
yesterday, killing four persons, bu
rescuers fought desperately i1
hours later trying to free some o:
the 18 reported survivors from th
Ten of the survivors have bee
rescued. Others are believed si
pinned in the wrecked fuselag o:
the twin-engined DC3. Eightho
the rescues were effected by heli
copter and two survivors walke
* * *
COLD AND darkness hampere
the rescue workers. The tempera
ture is expected to drop belo
freezing at the crash site durin
the night.
Three of the rescues were ef-
1 fected by helicopter as men and
machines were pitted against the
deep slopes of the mountains,
the trees and the snow.
Shivering and pain-wracked oc
cupants of the plane who rode ou
its plunge through hundreds o
yards of trees waited about smal
fires built near the wreck scen
or curled up im sleeping bags drop
ped from the air.
Crews, including doctors fro
McChord Air Force Base and ex
perienced mountain rescue work
ers, are with the bruised an
broken men who were en route t
Seattle aboard the Miami Air
line plane which crashed 40 mile
southeast of Seattle.
Comdr. Robert T. Norris. a Coas
Guard officer at search headquar
ters in the little town of Selleck
said the number of known sun-
vivors had been reduced from ar
earlier count of 19 on the basi
of reports from helicopter pilots
The plane carried 22 soldiers be
lieved bound for Korea after fur
loughs at home.
He said ft had been establishe
definitely that the pilot and co
pilot were killed in the smashe
nose of the plane, which appar
ently hit the earth after a heav
growth of towering trees prove
a cushion for the crash.
Bill for New
Judge Raises
Heated controversy arose yes-
terday among local lawyers con
cerning a State Senate bill po-
posing the election of a second
circuit judge for Washtenaw Coun
The announcement, which was
made at an informal meeting of
the County Bar Association, came
as a surprise to many of the men
who expressed diverse sentiments
concerning the alleged need for
judicial assistance by present
Judge James R. Breakey.
Judge Breakey, who was un-
available for comment, reportedly
denied the need for assistance.
PROPOSED IN the Senate by

State Sen. George Higgins (n,-
Ann Arbor) the bill is scheduled
t to go before the House of Repre-
sentatives sometime next week. If
passed, it will provide Washtenaw
County with two circuit judges in
place of the present one man set-
William DeHann, Ypsilanti
attorney, in leading the opposi-
tion to the bill labeled it a
"sneak attack" on the county
judiciary system.
Claiming that an attempt was
made to "rail-road the bill
through," DeHann said, "although
there is a "possibility that a a sec-
ond judge may be needed in The
future, the Washtenaw County
docket at the present time is not
He continued the main objection
of the Bar Association was the way
the situation was handled. He said,
"The bili passed the Senate with
no notice to the Board of Super-
visors, the Bar Association, or
Judge Breakey."j
IN UPHOLDING the bill, Attor-
nev TTihurt Thomnnn mnintains



Wolverines Face
Irish NineToday
Ritter 'M' Hurler in Home Opener;
Fisher Places Cline in Right Field
Notre Dame's high-flying baseball squad invades Ann Arbor today
to do battle with Ray Fisher's disappointing Wolverines as they open
their 1953 regular season slate.
The contest is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. at the Ferry Field ball park.
Michigan didn't turn in too impressive a performance on its
southern swing, winning three and dropping the same number, but
Fisher hopes his club will be in top form by the time the Western
-,Conference season gets underway.

Glennan Talk
To Highlight
T. Keith Glennan, president of
g Case Institute of Technology and
former member of the Atomic En-
ergy Commission, will speak on
"This Age of Opportunity" at the
Honors Convocation to be held at
11 a.m., April 24.
These honored it the convoca-
f tion will include the James B.
I Angell Scholars, students who
e have maintained an all-A average
- for their past two semesters at the
- ALSO HONORED will be those
students who have maintained a
d scholastic average of 3.5 for the
A past two semesters.
In addition, there will be two
s special awards made, the Wendy
Owen Memorial Award for edi-
t torial writing, and the Oreon
E. Scott Award in humanities,
social sciences, the sciences,
medicine, and law.
s Relatives and friends of those
being honored will be present at
- the convocation, which is open to
- the public.
Students receiving honors will be
Sexcused from 10 a.m. classes. Other
- classes will be excused 'at 10:45
d a.m. to attend the convocation.
y .
d THE GUEST speaker was grad-
uated cum laude in electrical en-
gineering from Sheffield Scien-
tific School of Yale University in
1927. Following graduation, he
worked with an electrical researchI
company in the installation of
sound equipment in theaters.
From 1934 to 1942, he held top
positions in three Hollywood
movie studios.
In 1942, Glennan became Ad-
ministrator of the United States
Navy Underwater Sound Labora-
tory at New London, Conn. The
laboratory, of which he later be-
came director, was part of the war
research of the University of Col-
After holding an executive posi-
tion with a film corporation inI
June 1945, Glennan became thei
fourth president of Case Institute,
of Technology in 1947. In addition
to this position, he is director of a1
savings company and trustee ofI
the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
President Truman appointed the
scientist to the Atomic Energyi
Commission in August 1950, at
position from which he resigned
in November, 1952.
Glennan holds honorary degrees
of Doctor of Science from Clark-
son College of Technology and
from Oberlin College. He received-
a Doctor of Engineering degree
from Stevens Institute of Tech-
Engineering Group
Sets Petition Close
Petitions for positions on thea
Engineering Steering Committeec
are due Tuesday.a
According to Thad Epps, '53E, o
they can be filed at the Honor
Council bulletin board in the lob-
by of West Engineering Bldg. or
can be given to any member oft
the committee.

Information regarding petition-
ing has been posted on the bulletin

THE IRISH of mentor Jake
Kline swept four straight contests
in the South and beat Indiana
upon their return to South Bend.

... Wolverine Captain
* * *
Outfielders Roger Braun and Joe
Ridge and Shortstop Hal Reilly
paced the squad in the hitting de-
Braun slammed out 11 hits
to post a .523 average while driv-
ing in 12 runs. Reilly hit .428
and Captain Ridge batted an
impressive .375.1
Tomorrow, Kline plans to start
his number two hurler, righthand-
er Jim Gibbons. Rated only be-
hind fastballer Stan Kanopka, the
6-2 Gibbons pitched six innings
of shutout ball against Arkansas
state to get credit for the Irish
* * *
FOR MICHIGAN, it will again
be Jack Ritter toeing the slab in
an inaugural performance. South-
paw Ritter opened the Wolverines
southern jaunt with a well-pitched
6-3 win over Delaware.
Fisher intends to stick with
the same lineup that he went
with in the South and most of
last season, except for the in-
sertion of stocky Dan Cline,
left handed hitting outfielder.
Cline will hold down the right
field spot and bat sixth. The
Brockport, New York sophomore
hit .400 while seeing limited ac-
tion on the southern swing.
The Wolverines own a sizeable
43-17 lifetime bulge over the Irish.
Last year Jack Corbett stopped
them with five hits to earn a 3-0
verdict. Today's contest is one of
a two game series, Michigan jour-
neying to South Bend on May 14 to
play them in their own ballyard.
* * *
THE GAME with Notre Dame
opens a week of intensive action
for the Wolverines. Tomorrow
they journey into Detroit to meet
Wayne University and on Friday
See FOUR, Page 3

Do you feel that just waking
up is a real physical shock.
Science finds you may be
The evidence comes from a
brilliant new method of meas-
uring the amount of potent
hormones turned out by the
adrenal glands.
It finds these glands put out
a surge of hormones when peo-
ple wake up to face a new day.
It isn't yet proved that just
waking up is a stress that kicks
up hormones. There may be
some other reason for the
higher level of hormones when
thealarm clock goes off or you
naturally come awake.
A li-Camipus
Study May116
End Today
A marathon, four-month study
of the campus organizational pic-
ture by a 30-member committee
may be culminated today with a
proposal to reorganize the com-
plex student governmental struc-
In what is intended as the last
meeting of the Student Committee
to Study Campus Organizations,
two alternative answers to dis-
satisfaction with the present or-
ganizational set-up will be brought
up for final committee considera-
BUT A positive decision on the
reorganization question need not
come from today's meeting, ac-
cording to group chairman Bill
McIntyre, Grad. Neither of the
plans, he said, has been worked
over to the satisfaction of a ma-
jority of the members.
Committee action may come
in the form of tentative approval
of one or the other proposal with
recommended further study or a
motion to make a purely factual
report to the Student Legisla-
ture on the plans considered and
the jurisdictional conflicts found
in the group's study.
Set up in November, the organ-
ization committee consists of Stu-
dent Legislature-appointed per-
sonnel from SL, the League, The
Daily, the Union, the Interfra-
ternity Council, Panhellenic, As-
sembly, Inter-House Council, and
Joint Judiciary as well as repre-
sentatives from the campus at
Originally scheduled to give a
comprehensive summary of its
findings to SL March 4, the com-
mittee a week later presented a
progress report outlining four
possible organization alterna-
tives and resumed its study.
Two of the possibilities were
those which will be considered by
the group at 3:15 p.m. today in
the SL Bldg. They are: an admin-
istrative council consisting or or-
ganizational vice-executives sitting
in an advisory capacity to SL end
a student congress plan which
would place both organizational
and directly elected representa-
tives on a new type of legislature.
Other alternatives included re-
tention of the status quo and a bi-
cameral legislature with one house
directly elected an the other com-
posed of organizational represen-
tatives. The latter has since been

IHC Votes
To Establish
To Hear Election
At a special meeting of the In-
ter-House Council yesterday, a mo-
tion was unanimously passed to
set up a six man judiciary body to.
rule on violations of residence
hall election rules in the recent
all-campus elections and on fu-
ture violations.
The action followed charges in
the individual quadrangle coun-
cils that three students had brok-
en house electioneering rules. The
house councils had recommend-
ed that the IHC take judicial ac-
tion on the violations.
The three students accused of
violations were Al Strauss, Grad.,
Student Legislature candidate,
Bob Perry, '53, Union vice-presi-
dent candidate and Fred Hicks,
'54, candidate for SL and senio
class treasurer.
Strauss, who is not a quad
resident, and Perry, a resident
of East Quad who was accused
of the same violation last fall,
were named for "door to door"
soliciting and slipping campaign
literature under quad room
doors respectively.
Hicks, who lives in East Quad
admitted to members of the East.
Quad Council that he had put
campaign literature in the wash-
rooms of several of thehouses.
The action of the IHC judiciary
board, which will be composed of
the two senior members from each
of the three quad judiciaries, will
be binding on quad residents who
violate the election rules. In the
case of violators living outside of
the residence halls, disciplinary
recommendations will be made by
the judiciary either to Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea or to men's
In other action at the IHC meet-
ing, the first draft of the body's
constitution was submitted to the
individual houses for considera-
tion. The group also decided to
purchase a booth at the coming
Interfraternity Council dance.
Mackinac Ferry
Service Sopped
ST. IGNACE - (A) - All State
ferry service across the Straits of
Mackinac was cut off last night
when the ferry Munising was
forced by a lack of crewman to
tie up at the dock here.
The tie-up left more than 100
motorists stranded at St. Ignace
and the southern terminus of the
ferry system,. Mackinaw City.
Meanwhile, Rep. Victor A. Knox
(R-Mich) planned to fly to Lan-
sing last night from Washington
to help push the Straits of. Mack-
inac Bridge Bill through the Leg-


Daily-Frank Barger
*** *
Treasure Seekers Given
New Clue; Continue Hunt
An intensive search for the $100 treasure buried somewhere in
Ann Arbor enters its third day today with a new clue added to the
two hints of its location already revealed.
Today's new information on the secret cache reads: "The traffic
near my place of rest is loud and long and full of zest."
TAKEN ALL together the versified hints run as follows:



"I'm in the ground with about
a foot to spare, nearby I hear
the traffic blare
"My round case, bright metal
four inches by two, inside this
case I wait for you
"The traffic near my place of
rest is loud and long and full of
Sponsored by a State St. drug-
gist, the treasure hunt will result
in a $100 cash prize for anyone
lucky enough to trace down the lo-
cation of the buried metal case.
Inside the container is a $100
certificate which is redeemable in
cash at the drug store.
IN CASE no one finds the treas-
ure hoard by Thursday, April 30,
the exact spot will be divulged an'1
the contest ended. Meanwhile, a
new clue will be published each
day to provide fresh information
for, searchers.
Thus far several students have
been seen, mostly in the State
St. area, looking over the
ground for possible signs of
fresh digging.
From the first clue some rea-
soned the prize must be hidden
near a main traffic artery. To-
day's additional hint would bol-
ster that idea. Since there are few
burying spots in Ann Arbor's busi-
ness district, the campus area has
seemed a more likely hiding place
to these treasure hunters.


C' - -~ - - --- - -
Marital Series
Ticket Sales
Start Tuesday
Tickets for the 15th annual
Marriage Lecture Series will go
on sale Tuesday, according to
assistant dean of students, Ivan
Assistant Dean of Students Ivan
The series, which will consist of
four lectures by three noted ex-
perts in the field, will cover all
aspects of marital relations. The
lectures are open to all University
students and student wives, and
the cost for the series is $1.50.
- ** *
DR. EVELYN Duvall, past exec-
utive secretary of the National
Council for Family Relations, will
address the first meeting, April
29. A frequent speaker at the
series in past years, he is the
author of the textbook "When
You Marry."
Dr. Allan C. Barnes, chairman
of the Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology at Ohio State
University hospital will be the
speaker at the second and third
lectures. He did part of his
studying at the University and
has addressed the series three
The last speaker of the series
will be Rev. Henry Hitt Cane, the
pastor of the Central Methodist
Church of Detroit. He is well
known for his marriage counseling.
The lectures are being sponsored
jointly by the faculty and stu-
dents. Student groups which are
supporting the series are the
League, Union, Student Legisla-
ture, Student Religious Associa-
tion and The Daily.
Coi ty Planners
To Hold Meeting
Four subdivision plats will be
considered by the Washtenaw
County Planning Commission dur-
ing its monthly meeting tonight

Red Radio
Unmarked Truck
Procession Seen
By the Associated Press
Clouds lifted over North Korea
shortly before noon today but
United States warplanes reported
no sign of convoys which the Reds
say are bringing sick and wound-
ed Allied prisoners south for an
exchange at Panmunjom.
Fifth Air Force said the pilota
reported vehicles were spotted
crawling along the convoy route
but that none bore the red mark-
ings the POW convoys were sup-
posed to be using.
A Peiping broadcast heard In
San Francisco said all three con-
voys left the prison camps at 6
a.m. yesterday, Chinese time, or2
p.m. Monday CST, and would
reach Kaesong tomorrow.
a *s
mand notified the Allies of the
exact route and point of departure
of three Red convoys. But thee
was no inkling of what nationali-
ties were included.
The Reds agreed to turn over
120 Americans, 20 Britons, 15 other
non-Koreans and 445 South Kor-
eans in groups of 10, oeginning
The Fifth Air Force flew a
watchful aerial guard of honor
over the winding "freedom road"
route to make certain that none
of the covoys was attacked by
Allied warplane.
The three convoys were due to
reach the Communist armistice
base town of Kaesong tomorrow
after an overnight stop near the
Red Korean capital of Pyongyang.
MEANTIME, Allied officers
speeded plans and set up some
facilities to handle an overall ex-
change of prisoners after an ar
mistice-if and when true talks
are resumed and an agreement is
At Cheju Island, where Chi-
nese war prisoners are held off
Southern Korea, about 700 sick
and wounded were loaded yes-
terday on Allied landing ships
on the first leg of their journey
Although Red Chinese prisoners
of war staged a sitdown strike
aboard the ship, they moved off
the ship when United States sol-
diers armed with bayoneted rifles
went aboard.
High speed Sabre jets-used for
the first time as fighterbombers
-devastated a big Communist
troop concentration area in West-
ern Korea yesterday blasting 21.
buildingsandsleaving huge fires.
The pounding handed the base
at Chongdan was one of a num-
ber of furious air blows dealt de-
spite the imminence of the first
prisoner of war exchange.
World News
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower yesterday asked Congress
to denationalize the government's
550 million dollar synthetic rub-
ber industry by authorizing the
sale of the plants to private en-
The President's recommenda-

tion, in a special message to Con-
gress, marked another move to-
ward restoring the nation to a
free-wheeling economy.
WASHINGTON-A former gov-
ernment economist, who got a high
recommendation from former Sec-
retary of State Acheson in 1947,
refused yesterday to say whether
he was a Communist then or at


University Bows to Professor's Pleas for Sanctity

The University is taking steps to replace the clear glass sections
in the doors of Haven Hall with opaque glass on behalf of the profes-
sors who have complained of office life in a "fishbowl."
After experimenting with opaque paint and finding it undesir-
able because "it wears off too quickly," Walter M. Roth, superintendent
of the plant department, sent for samples of frosted glass. Roth has
already submitted one sample to Prof. Burton D. Thuma, associate
dean of the literary college.
* * * *
AS SOON AS all the samples are received, Dean Thuma will meet
with the heads of the several departments housed in Haven Hall and
the best and most practical glass will be chosen.
Both degree of transparency and price will be a consideration,
The re-lettering of the glass itself could amount to a great ex-
pense, the dean warned.
Meanwhile, the members of the faculty wondered why the glass
hoa hPan lf Panzfarl of - sfrl - - ; - ;, L_;.. - -PP;--- ,,..,

*. * * *

IN f . . . . .

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