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November 01, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 49) • Page Image 8

… UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Stanford, California 94305 Wolverine icemen ISRAELI ART EXHIBIT charged Nov. 1, 4, 5,6, 7,8 7-9 p.m. 15 great Israeli artists, including Shragra WEIL, David SHARIR…

… St. 'i for year By ROGER ROSSITER all the S first face-off Wolverine patrons. No one is really sure if Yost Ice Arena will have a score-' board when the Michigan Wol- verines skate onto the ice…

Wolverines will get blown off the ice come Friday night as hap- pened on numerous occasions last season. But bear in mind that Waterloo has three regular season encounters, all victories, tucked neatly under…

…., little else could be extracted from Waterloo authori- ties on the nature of its team. The Wolverines' lineup for she season's opener is pretty well established and Farrell indicated he would dress 12…

February 01, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…- verines ended Penn State's four- year dual-meet unbeaten streak with an overwhelming victory. Later, strong Pittsburgh and Ohio University teams fell to Michigan's men. And just this week, three Wolverine

… great one." The first three meets were Penn State, Pitt and Ohio U. Time to haul out another "great" appel- lation and lavish the Wolverines with praise? Well, not yet. The real tests are yet to come. Of…

… still re- mains five teams with two losses or fewer, who appear to have a reasonable shot at the Big Ten title. Amazingly, Michigan is not one of them. The Wolverines, who dropped Vat Noe$ COmpany do…

… lapse within the last five minutes that allowed the opposi- tion to build up a lead. This forced the Wolverines to foul to get the ball back, the fatal mistake. Only Henry Wilmore came through over the…

… weekend for the Wolverines, scoring 51 points in the two games. Michigan's frustration was typi- fied when it nearly lost its coach Monday night, as Johnny Orr stormed onto the court to protest the lack of…

… what promised to be one of their biggest obstacles when they con- quered Michigan in Crisler Arena, their only confrontation with the the two games with Indiana, they Wolverines this year. still have…

March 01, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 125) • Page Image 8

… would greatly help t h e cause. With the injury of Indiana's William Walace, the Wolverines' Kim Rowe is a good bet in the quarter mile. Greg Syphax and Marshall Dill of MSU are cur- rently ranked 1-2 for…

…. Ada will be competing for the Wolverines in the Big Ten Indoor Tr Championships in Purdue this weekend. i Lacrossers migrate southward; will oppose Florida squads By MARK RONAN Amid the mass of…

April 01, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 144) • Page Image 9

… science, the decisive factor in any sport is still the competitor's. spirit. Yesterday in Bowling Green, Michigan's flesh was willing but its spirit was weak and the Wolverines fell to Western Kentucky 93…

Wolverine high jumpers, Mike Nowacki and Doug Giggs, tied for first in their event at 6-8. As foreseen, Western Kentucky's Emmett Briggs clipped Abrahamn Butler in the long and triple jumps. Godfrey Murray…

… rolled over the edge of his stick. However, Kilkowsky was there to shove it by the hap- less Purdue goaltender. Extremely fine passing charac- terized the Wolverine e f f o r t throughout the afternoon…

March 01, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 125) • Page Image 9

… Counsilman, has captured the Big Ten crown. In each of those years it was the Wolverines who were relegated to the anonymous second place finish. Neither team figures to move from these seem- ingly permanent…

… Daily EAST LANSING-Scoring seven goals in the final two periods, Michigan State's hockey team ran away from Michigan's icers last night, 9-3. After holding a 2-1 lead for the first period, the Wolverines

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