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January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…. Saturday night. Illinois+1 lnce season so far, the Wolverines; Madison. NVis., Jan. 20.-The Uni- (living event, while Sevidmian will take has three victories to its credit,whl rank as. ono,., of the most…

… make any change int he standi~ng until Feb. 7, meeting he Maroons in Chicago on that (late.1 ['he following Monday the Wolverines are scheduled to play Nrthwestemn.} BIG TEN 5'JADI\G , Iltitiois…

… condition for the Buck- several Te~; P", h-,t was tried out! eyes meet here Saturday. At the close rat it Lansin:g m:' ,:lne ago, bunt1 of last season the Wolverine captain proved a failure. This year the…

…., Harvard, Cor- Wolverine basket. The Ivichigan nell, Princeton, Washington and Cali- attack, although it occasionally show- 1 forma also probably will be entered. r ed at its best, was not the same which…

… (displayed against th~e______________ Buckeyes and the Cardinal players; Don't delay-Pay your Subscription; were as much at a loss as were the today. Wolverines. Both squadls had five field goals and the…

…. Chica- ,-- go will be opposed Saturday, Feb. 7,1;-= peaiks on at the Midway. From Chicago the ,-I Wolverines will move out to Evanston ' = "T'he Need of Modern - for the second Northwvestern game of the…

… but Van and Wittingham have been - tarted the season b~y going dowvn in showing speed. Gow had been count- (ldefeat to the Wolverines in a slow ed1 upon for the relay and free stylej gamie, and dropped…

May 21, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… FEATUREFrost Chosen To Give Speech SEC0D FESTA AtCnocto I n IF it St 1t.S ~i t i END PREPARATIONSFO IO 01I Oriole Terrace Orchestra, Wolverines, Are Chosen To Furnish Music For Annual Affair E[FFINGER SPEAKS…

… , this lyric and musical text; he has committee are George W. Ross, Jr., time for his inauguration as presi- r and Charlie Wolcott's Wolverines,scys seldom employed actual bells in the '26, and Charles G…

…. Fourteen poems, submitted b students, are included in the issue Among the contributors are Su Grundy Bonner, '26, Donald E. I Snyder, '25, E. Lyle Davenport, '2 and Mary E. Cooley, '26. WOLVERINE NINE EASLY…

Wolverine team, with the exception of Froemke, who got in the game in the ninth inning, got at least one safety off the Aggie hurler, while Harlan Walter, who re- lieved Hovey in the first inning, held his…

Wolverines. Chrery, Walter, and Haggerty led the Michigan team's hitting. Cherry got a double' and three singles out of five times at bat, Walter th'ree singles in five chances, while Haggerty had a perfect…

May 21, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

Wolverine organization. Every employee is interested in giving you the quick, courteous, willing service so necessary to your complete comfort. Michigan students find the Hotel Wolverine convenient to all…

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