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April 21, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-21

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VOL. XXXV. No. 146







Deals With Problems of Security;
Is Vague Upon Financial
Paris, April 20, By A. P.-The new
French cabinet will make its bowf
before Parliament tomorrow. Paul
Painleve is at the head of the minis-
try, but Aristide Briand, as foreign
minister and Joseph Caillaux, head of,
the finance department figure in such
important roles that the cabinet is
rarely referred to in Paris as a Pain-
leve ministry ,but rather as a compos-
ite government.
In the Chamber the premier will
read the ministerial declaration,
which was approved unanimously
this evening by the first council of
ministers presided over by President
boumergue. Simultaneously, M. Steeg I
minister of justice and vice-president

Foreign Students Return From
Vacation Trip Through State

Cosmopolitan clib students who
have been spending their springsva-
cation on a trip through the state
returned Saturday ,from Flint, the
last city which they visited. Twenty-
five foreign students wlio were mem-
bers of the party started their trip on
Monday. April 13.
The group first visited Battle
Creek, where they were given a lun-
cheon by the Postum Cereal company.1
An inspection was made of the cereal
plant, and also of the Duplex News-
paper Press company and the Battle
Creek Sanitarium. In Kalamazoo the
students were the guests of the State
Normal school, where they presented
a program on Tuesday morning.

Wednesday was spent in Grand
Rapids, three plants being visited.
The Grand Rapids Association of
Commerce was host to the students
it dinner as well as at luncheon.
Lansing, East Lansing, Michigan
State college, and the state buildings
were all visited on Thursday. The
party was also entertained by the
Reo Motor company at luncheon.
On Friday the students visited
Flint, where they gave a program and
were guests at a luncheon of the
Rotary club. They also visited two
plants in that city.
The trip proved inexpensive, for the
average expenditures came to ap-
proximately $12. One student paid
but $10.69.

Changes Made In All Charges Exceptt
On Flrst Class Letter


Uo S, ASKS PLACESuccess Marks
Final Concert
016T SI'TTI ai [ M T Asa.close to- the season'sacites
the University Glee club sang last
__ _night in Orchestra hall in Detroit. The
TREASURY OFFICIALS WILL NOT large audience. was principally made
ADVISE FRANCE DIRECTLY up of Detroit alumni.
OF ATTITUDE The concert comes at the close of a
successful season. In February, the
TO RELY ON PRESS club took second place in the Inter-
collegiate Glee club contest which is
Government 1;osition Identical With held annually in Chicago, being only
That Expressed by Wiston four points behind the winner. The
year previous, Michigan took second
Washington, April 20, By A. P.- place, also. No extended tour wasM
Coincident with announcement today taken this year, the last long trip being
that "one of the smaller debtors" had in 1920 to the coast. Since the retire-
begun conversation looking to a war ment of Theodore Harrison, director,
debt-funding settlement, tire view was the trips were abandoned, but with his
expressed at the Treasury that if return this year, a tour is planned to
France undertakes funding negotia- the Pacific coast next Christmas time.
tions with Great Britain she should The University Glee club is the old-
also discuss settlement terms with est organization on the campus.
the United States. Founded first in 1859, it has since that
While it was made plain that this time established a reputation in the
government has no intention of ad- Middle West. The program which
govenmet has n intntin ofad-thiey sang last night was practically
vising France formally of its attitude the same ast iven in tir
that it should receive consideration the same as that given in their re-
equal to that accored another credi- cent recital here in Hill auditorium.
tor nation by France. the view was Opening with the Laudes Atque Car-
expressed with the knowledge that n, e program included solo and
the information would be carried to
European statesmen through the
press. The expression remained un-j
amplified tonight except that it was
described as identical with the pro-04
visions of Great Britain' as voiced by ,
Winston Churchill, chancellor of the'
Exchequer in the British house of U
representatives December 10, when
he said, the government debtors in
Europe should plan settlement with Speeches and Reports of Officers
Great Britain while arranging a set- trovilde First Day's
tlenient with the U. S. Program
Mr. Churchill's remark was made __gram_
after several conversations had taken COOLIDGE HEADS LIST
place between ambassador Jusserand
and Secretary Mellon. The Treasury
was silent at that time as to its po- Washington, April 20, By A. P.-
sition, but two advices that M. J. The thirty-fourth centennial congress
Fleuriau, the French ambassador to
London, had been given full charge of the national society of Daughters
of preliminary conversation when the of the American Revolution began to-
British gave rise to further discus- dya with a program of addresses by
sion of the debt question here. 1 speakers of note, numerous enter-_
tainment speakers and reports by

Cincinnati, Ohio. April 20. -
Michigan completed her south-
ern trip here today by defeating
the University of Cincinnati nine,
12 to 8. The game was one-sided
until the ninth inning, when
with a score of 12 to 4 the home
team filled the bases and Seil-
er, the second baseman hit a
homer, doubling the local's
score. Benson the Wolverine
moundsman, had retired at this
time with a commanding lead
in favor of Walter, who finished
the game.
Score by innings:



3 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 1-12 15 4
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4- 8 11 4
Batteries: Benson, Walter and
Cherry; Markle, Leberhouse and

Former Judge and Labor Leader
Meet In Hill Auditorium
April 29



ill I


New postal rates are now in effect

of the cabinet, will perform a similar on all post cards, parcel post, insured
duty in the senate. parcels, special delivery mail, fees for
The declaration is a concise docu- parceyserd ersilrees fr
ment, as French ministerial declara- money orders, fees for insuring parcel
tions go. It deals briefly with prob- post, and fees for C . 0. D. parcels.
lens of security; it is vague on fi- These new charges, which went into
nancis olscy; .tCasllauonavi-geffect on April 15, leave only first
nancial policy, M. Caillaux not having class letter postage at the same rate,
yet had time to make a proper sur- of two cents a letter, while the rate
vey of thve mass of figures' confront- on government post cards is also the1
ing him or to acquire a clear view of
the situation; it disposes of there- The rate on all other post cards has
ligious question quickly, indicating been increased to two cents, while the
the government's desire to relieve the parcel post rate has been increased
present tension and avoid further by the addition of a two cent service
friction with the church. [ charge on each package mailed over
The indications are that the gov- eight ounces in weight, unless mailed
ernment will receive a comfortable on a rural route.
majority in both houses. The custo- The rate on printed matter, includ-
mary vote of confidence may be ing circulars, advertisements, and all
reached in the Chamber late in the printed matter, is one and one-halff
evening or it may even be deferred i cents for each two ounces or fraction
until Welnesday. The Senate after thereof. The rate for newspapers,
hearing M. Steeg, will probably ad- magazines-~-second class matter-is
journ until the Chamber has defined two cents for each tow ounces or frac-
its attitude towards the new govern- tion thereof, over eight ounces auto-
ment. matically becomes parcel post.
The fees for insuring packages now
Soinclude a special handling charge onI
Sofa OllCC packages weighing over eight ounces
of 25 cents. Five cents will be charg-1
SeelyLead rc. ed for insurance up to $5 eight cents
"LI up to $25 value, 10 cents to $50 and,
A fter K il 4 ;25 cents up to $100. The fees for
C. O. D. packages are 12 cents up to
Sofia, lBulgaria, April 20-Sofia re- $10, 15 cents up to $50 and 25 cents
fia, surroundeby a sogcore- up to $100. The fees.for registered
umained surroundied by a strong cor-arcesr:upt$5,1 ns;pto
don of soldiers and police, and efforts articles are: up to $50, 15 cents; up to
to track down the ring leaders of the $100, 20 cents.
conspiracy, involving the killing of charged for return receipts on regs-
160 persons in the Svet Karl cathe- iatered and insured mail. Such receipt
dral Thursday in an attempt to over- seand insured i uch ript
thro thegovenmet, ae bengShall be received in courts as prima
vigrouslycarriedgorn. I r facie evidence of delivery. All theI
vigorously carried on. above rates must be prepaid by stamps
With the death of Capt. Ninkoff, a affixed to articles.
former officer in the engineers corps The fees for issuing money orders
and a sub-chief of the Sofia commun- (will be as follows: for orders exceed-
ists central executive committee, per- ing $2.50, but not exceeding $5, fee of
haps the leader of the plot has died, seven cents; for orders up to $10, fee
but Capt. Yankoss and several other of 10 cents; for orders up to $20 ,fee
confederates are still at large. The of 12 cents; for orders up to $40, feed
police came upon Ninkoff today and, of 15 cents; for orders up to $60, fee
when he resisted, shot and killed him, of 18 cents; for orders up to $80, fee;
The plot had long been premedita- of 20 cents; for orders up to $100, fee
ted and was accomplished by a young of 22 cents.j
student. It was the student, the po- 1 Under these new rates it is possible
lice say, who climbed to the roof of to include copies of all newspapersj
the cathedral a quarter of an hour and magazines, such as Gargoyle and
before the services at the funeral of Chimes in laundry boxes, as the rates
the murdered general Georghiess, andI on these are the same. Copies of Gar-
lit the time fuse of the 60 pound goyle 'mailed alone will now cost six
bonib which carried destruction to (cents, while Chimes will probably
those gathered below. I take the third class zone rates which
--+ :.. __ c.., - r- -" t to T r it fn

Judge William Huggins, former
judge of the Kansas court rf indus-
trial relations, and Mr. James Wilson,
vice-president of the American federa-
tion of labor, will meet Wednesday,
April 29, in Hill auditorium in a de-
bate on "Law versus Labor." They
will discuss the rights of labor to or-
ganize and to strike when an organza-
tion is effected.
Judge Huggins, at present one of
the foremost corporation lawyers of
the country, will take up the problem
from the standpoint of the owners of
industry, while his opponent, who is
president of the pattern makers' union,
will handle labor's side of the contro-
versy. The debate is being held under
the auspices of the Round Table club.
The object of the gathering is to
present both sides of the question in
connection with dealing with labor in
the fairest light in order that the stu-
dent body can see the problems that,
owners of industry and the laborer,
are confronted with, according to club
The discussion next week will be in
the form of an informal debate, buty
the speakers are expected to deal most
specifically with their own experiences
in dealing with these problems. The
two men are regarded as among thei
country's foremost authorities on la-
bor disputes, Judge Huggins being the
organizer and first chief justice of the
Kansas court. In addition he has for
many years been the counsel for the
league for industrial rights, an asso-j
ciation of corporations organized to
fight the activities of organized labor.
Mr. Wilson has been connected with;
labor organizations for the past thirty
years. There will be no admission
charge, both men coming here free of
Austria's Request
Not Out Of Spirit
Wih L T r p lls

Dr. Anton Hoefle Dies During Prison
Term Following Alleged Misuse
of Funds
Berlin, April 20, By A. P.--Dr. An-
ton Hoefle, former leader of the Cen-
turist party and minister of post and
telegraph in the Mark Stresemann
cabinet, died suddenly this afternoon
at Hedwig's hospital where he had
been taken hurriedly from prison
Sunday for treatment. He had been
in prison since February for alleged
financial' irregularities in connection
with the Barmat brothers scandal.
Although no formal indictment had
been launched against him on the
charges that he had loaned out gov-
ernment 'funds without adequate se-

New Honduras
Fight Brews;r
Sailors Land!
Washington, D. C., April 20.-A de-1
tachment of 1.65 officers and men from
the U. S. cruiser Denver was landed at
Ceiba, Honduras, to protect foreign
lives and property.
The landing was made by order of
Capt. W. N. Jeffers, commanding the
Denver, at the request of George T.
Waller, American consul at Ceiba and
local authorities of the port, who join-
ed with the consul in asking the pro-
tection of the navy's forces.
The revolutionary movement in
Honduras, reported to be headed by
General Geregorio Ferrera, defeated
candidate for the presidency of that
couitry and leader of several revolu-
tionary jaunts in the past, already has
been marked by fighting in the vicinity
of Ceiba and disorder along the Sal-
vadoran border. Local disorders inj

curtty ani l so that he was invoived j
various officers. in various undertakings organized by
President Coolidge headed the list the Barmat brothers, Dr. Hoefle was
of speakers on tonight's program persistently denied ball.
C which he shared with Ambassador Protests by his family and friends
Daeschner of France, speaker desig- against his incarceration while ill
nate Longworth and solicitor-gener- I were unavailing; a committee of
al Beck. The program, which also prison doctors pronounced him in-
!included a concert by the United sufficiently well to remain in prison.
States Navy band and selections by' Political friends openly said that
Joan Ruch, opera singer, was broad-I Dr. Hoefle was hounded by reaction-
casted over station WCAP. ary court officials, who were deter-
An historical atmosphere was given mined to discredit the Centurist party
the opening session l y frequent in which. Dr. Hoefle played an im-
references to the 160th anniversary portant role.
of the battle of Lexington observed There was an unconfirmed report
yesterday. Mrs. Anthony Wayne in circulation tonight that Dr. Hoefle
Cook, the society's president-general, died from effects of an overdose of
took occasion also to remind her sleeping potion.
hearers that President Coolidge was He had been in jail ten weeks.
"of pure colonial strain."
E. ffin rso Ta U-'int

Custom, Established Last Year, Will
Honor Students Having High
Scholastic Records
Dr. Richard C. Cabot, brother of
Dean Hugh Cabot of the medical
school, who holds professorships of
social ethics and clinical medicine at
Harvard university has been selected
to give the principal address at the
econd annual Honors Convocation at
1t o'clock Friday in Hill auditorium.
rwo hundred and sixty members of
the graduating classes of the various
schools and colleges and holders of
onorary scholarships and fellow-
hips have been invited to attend as
guests of honor.
The Honors Convocation was es-
ablished last year by the University
Senate, which felt that there should
e some method of recognizing those
tudents who have maintained dis-
inguished s cholastic records
hroughout their college careers.
The first convocation was held at
o'clock on Wednesday, May 14, of
ast year, and was formal, the faculty
ind students taking part being in
'ull academic robes. A formal march
'rom Alumni Memorial hall preceded
,he exercises. President Marion L.
Burton spoke at that time, using -as
lis subject "The Brain Worker."
This year it was decided to make
he affair as informal as possible,
since it was thought that such an af-
lair would be more attractive
'o both students and faculty. As a
result of this decision the grand
parch and academic robes have been
,liminated, and arrangements have
>een made to dismiss 11 o'clock
lasses so that the entire student
>ody may attend.
A block of seats in the front cen-
ter section of the auditorium will be
reserved for the guests of honor.
I'hese' students have all received an
verage of B or better in their work
In the University, and represent the
ipper 10 percent of the graduating
lasses of the various schools and
In addition to these students, there
have also been invited holders of
honorary fellowships and scholar-
ships, including recipients of testi-
monials in oratory and debating,
members of the Michigan Law Re-
view board, winners of prizes and
scholarships for exceptional work in
particular branches of study, and the
holders of University and special
fellowships and scholarships.
Invitations have been mailed to all
students included in the list. No
students have been invited simply be-
cause of membership in an honor so-
ciety, as was done last year, the com-
mittee in charge feeling that the
standards of these organizations are
not always representative. The
names of the honor societies of which
the students are members will be in-
sorted after the name of each student
Invited in the Convocation program.
Dr. Manley 0. Hudson, Bemis pro-
fessor of international law at Har-
vard university, will speak at a meet-
ing of the League of Nations Non-
Partisan association on "The Dead
League of Nations" here on April 27.
This lecture is the fourth of a
series of talks sponsored by the
League of Nations Non-Partisan
League which have the purpose of
getting unbiased opinion on the sub-
ject of international relations.
Dr. Hudson is well known as a
writer and speaker on international
subjects. Although scarcely forty he
has attained the Bemis professorship
of Harvard, a unique honor for so
young a man.
Dr. Hudson served as a special as-

sistant to the State department dur-
ing 1918 and 1919, aid was attached
to the international law division of
the American Peace Commission at
Versailles. Later he was the legal
adviser to the Secretariat of the
League of Nations. In 1920 he was a
special assistant to the American
ambassador at Paris. He was ap-
pointed to his present position two
years ago.
41T 1,.. T - 7± . LP - ! 'gy~f -F T -




Geneva, April 20.-Austria's recent
request for a commission of impar-
I tial experts to study her economic
situation is understood not to be in
opposition to the financial recon-
struction system of the League of Na-
tions. It is intended, according to thej
interpretation here, to clarify the
situation and develop an understand-
ing of the condition which records'
I Austria's improvements.



vary from five cents to e ro o Austria is anxious to be relieved
John Muyskens, of the Romance seven cents to New York, plus the new m
languages department returned Sun- tw etsriecarewihi o from the League's financial control
two cent service charge which is now 'but is obligated to conform to the
flay from Hartford, Conn., where he being applied to all parcel post pack- League committee plan until her
gave a series of lectures on phonet- ages over eight ounces, this applying economic situation becomes entirely
ics at the Kennedy School of Mis- to all laundry boxes. satisfactory.
sions. The new special handling charge of
-25 cents on parcel post packages will
secure for them attention as first Lorch Leaves For
u. e*man Cclass mail on their entire route. It is
intended in this way to give senders Trip o New Yor
an opportunity to secure such service
on the route in addition to the special Prof. Emil Lorch of the college of
delivery service which also can be se- architecture left Saturday for New
cured, as was formerly the case. York city where he will attend three
" ~ ..___________________T I -.n .-..-f t th.-. rfAlI.. ici-


Ceiba also have been reportea, but as
uema asoijae cel IjJUIX, d- Members of the wholesale mer- I
vices so far received from American Me s t w sr
Agents in Honduras had failed to men- chants' bureau of the Deroit Board of
tion the capture of Ocotepec and the °iCommerce will act as hosts to Ann j
advance of the rebels forced Comay- Arbor merchants, city officials, bank-
anga, near Tegucigalta, capital of j ers, and members of the board of di-
Honduras as reported today by theta
Nicaraguan forces. rectors of the local Chamber at a ban-
quet which will be given at 6 o'clock
n I tonight in the Chamber inn. This af-
fair will take the place of the regular
ATuesday noon luncheon.
Harvey C. -Campbell, secretary of
the Detroit Board of Commerce, will
S deliver the principal address of the
evening, while Dean Edmund E. Day
New York, April 20--The board of of the school of business administra-
trustees of the Metropolitan Museum tion will act as chairman. Dr. Dean
of Art today notified executors of the W. Meyers will speak on behalf of the
estate of the late Senator William A. board of directirs of the Ann Arbor
Clark of Montana, that they declined chamber, and Guernsey Collins is toj
1 the bequest of Senator Clark's art represent the merchants of the city.
collection under the conditions of the More than 400 invitations have been
i will. sent out by the committee in charge,
By unanimous action the board in an attempt to cover all merchants
adopted the following resolution:. 1 in the city, regardless of membership

Return From Trip
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-
ary college and T. Hawley Tapping,
field secretary of the Alumni associa-
tion, will resume their office duties
today, returning from a trip to Louis-
ville, Ky., where they were the prin-
cipal speakers before the second an-
nual meeting of graduates of the
fourth district of the association on
They left by auto on Friday morn-
ing, returning late last night to Ann
Arbor. The Dean is scheduled to ad-
dress three alumni club meetings this
week-end, leaving Thursday for
Schenectady, N. Y., where he will ad-
dress the annual alumni banquet on
Dean Effinger will speak Saturday
in Boston, while on Monday he is
scheduled to give the main address at
the annual banquet of the Syracuse,
1 N. Y., graduates.

Iowans Triumph
Over Purple,



lthnt it will be slightly warmer to-
day wlh sone cloudiness
Industry, Intelligence and In-

Cleveland 5, Detroit 4-15 innings.
Chicago 11, St. Louis 10.
Washington-Philadelphia-no game,
Boston-New York-no game, cold.

conventions. 're nrsL ,ne mnei ua n
Institute of Architects, opened yester-
day. The Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture and the Na-
tional Council of Architects' Registra-
tion Boards are both scheduled to
meet during the rest of the week.
Professor Lorch is expected back
at the end of the week.
Clavel To Leave
Here This Spring

"Resolved: that the
Museum of Art is constr
cline said gift under th
stated and promptly no
cutors in writing, of tha
I but will gladly accept an
jects included in the gift
ditions can be changed.'
Des aris Un
' To Meet
I 1H. A. Des Maris oft

Metropolitan in the local chamber. Merchants who
rained to de- have been overlooked are asked to call Chicago, A
e conditions 1 P. P. Woodbridge, secretary, at 31, and Northwesters
tify the exe- the necessary arrangements will be Conference 1
at conclusion made.. Stentelbury
ny of the of-)- cuit clout in
if these con- t* TThe score
" pe g j .hits, 4 error
Recital Thursda 4 errors.
..ectaII2__ I Batteries:
tabl Ellis; Adam.
I Frank Speaight, the distinguished
Clssesdramatic interpreter of Dickens, who
is appearing in this country under M.A .C
the Romance the management of James B. Lord, I

April 20.-Iowa defeated
n 9 to 6 in a Western
baseball game here today.
of Jowa knocked a cir-
a the seventh inning.
: Northwestern, 6 runs, 8
rs; Iowa, 9 runs, 10 hits,
Kirchoff, Mills and
s and Miller.
Staite Cnollev"

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