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November 08, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

… yesterday. The Wolverines' offensive machine, which led the country with a 265-yards-per-game rushing average before the game, then came to life with a 94-yard drive for a final tally in the third quarter as…

… closer to the Rose Bowl. Fifth Straight Defeat For. llinois coach Pete Elliott it was just another one of those days; he has yet to beat brother Bump and his Wolverines in five years of coaching at…

… Champaign. For Michigan fans the game didn't even start until the next to last play of the first period when Wolverine linebacker Frank Nunley picked off a wayward Il- linois aerial and set the Blue up at the…

… Illini 35. The first 13 min- utes saw the Wolverines total a mere 21 yards on the ground and air combined. But, finally within sight of the goal posts and within view of a national television audience, the…

… Elliott called a key factor in the game, Custardo mis-toed the extra point wide to the right. The Wolverines returned to Il- linois goal-line territory once more before the intermission after Trumpy fumbled…

… while taking a Custardo pass. Taking over at the enemy 40- yard line, Wolverine helmsman Bob Timberlake, making his final home appearance along with 16 other seniors, put on an aerial display of his own…

November 15, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… a touch- down, a present from the Wolverines.' Iowa quarterback Gary Snook stepped back to pass and threw to Bill Laskey, Mike Bass, and Rick Volk. It was the wrong team at the receiving end, a gift…

Wolverines recovered fou fumbles-all of them on the sam spot at the Iowa 24-and used tw of them for touchdowns. That' real Midwestern hospitality. Iowa end Karl Noonan cut dow Ifield, dove for Snook's 13-yar…

… half points to beat the Hawk g eyes, 34-20, here yesterday after noon before some 50,000 partisa s fans. A whiff of roses floated past th d Wolverine bench as the Minne d sota-Purdue score came over th s…

… really set the Iowan back on their heels. The big senior rolled up 120 yards on 20 carries and battered his way for a 62-yard ru battered his way for a 62-yard run and three touchdowns. The Wolverines

…; Laskey jumped on Snook for a seven-yard loss, and Gary Simpson's fourth-down field goal went wide on a 30-yard at- tempt. The Wolverines took over at the 20, but on the second play Ward's double fumble…

… third among Wolverine rushers with 438 yards. CHARGES ISRAELI AGGRESSION: Syria Asks for UN Meeting - next fall." n UNITED NATIONS (AP)-Syria asked yesterday for an urgent e meeting of the United…

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