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November 15, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-15

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Purdue ...

....14 Ohio State ....10Notre Dame ...
.... 7 Northwestern.. 0 Michigan State


Illinois ...
Wisconsin .

s. . ..29
.... 0

Oiegon ..
Indiana ..

.....29 Alabama.....24
.....21 Georgia Tech.. 7

Arkansas .....44 Texas ........28
SMU .....,.... 0 TCU ..........13

See Editorial Page

Ci 4c

Seventy-four Years of Editorial Freedom


Foggy with Warming



in over Iowa Sets Up

Title-Deciding Contest

Anthony Sparks)




In 34-20







Of Pressmen to Return

Many Errors on Both Sides Mar
High-Scoring Contest at Iowa
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
IOW , rGTY--It was just like Christmas.
Michigan linebacker Frank Nunley leaped high into the
end zone to block a fourth-down Iowa pass-and knocked it
right intothe hands of Hawkeye Rich O'Hara for a touch-
down, a present from the Wolverines.'
Iowa quarterback Gary Snook stepped back to pass and
threw to Bill Laskey, Mike Bass, and Rick Volk. It was the
wrong team at the receiving end, a gift from Iowa.


Detroit Free


Michigan halfback Carl1
the ball, picked it up on the
to the right. There, hit byt
t imberlake
Wins Battle
With 'Snook
Contributing Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-Yesterday's gain
against Iowa was billed here asa
clash which would decide Al-Bi
Ten quarterback and possibly All
American quarterback-and that'
exactly how it turned out.
Both Iowa's Gary Snook an
Michigan's Bob Timberlake ha
received mention in last week'
nominations of All-American can
In the game, Snook accounte
for 187 of his team's 324 yard of
fense, while Timberlake contrib
uted 216 yards to Michigan's tota
yardage of 365 yards. Most of the
yardage for Iowa's Snook came
by way of the air. He attempted
37 passes but completed only 13
for 170 yards. Timberlake, on the
other hand, divided his total mdi-
vidual yardage more evenly be-
tween passing and rushing. He
Fans Hail
To the Victors
More than 500 exuberant
!4iefligan fans were on hand to
welcome the victorious Wolver-
ines at Willow Run Airport last
As the plane taxied in, there
were cacophonous chants of
"Hail to the Victors," "Let's Go
Blue," "Michigan, Beat Ohio!"
and "Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl."
Ann Arbor sportscaster Bob
Ufer appeared first and intro-
luced Captain Jim Conley, who
thanked the gathering and in-
troduced each of the players as
he climbed down the ramp. The
fans had crashed gates and
jumped fences to get out to the
plane itself.
None of the players' names
could be heard over the initial
roar from the crowd.
The general feeling among
fans and players alike was one
Df optimism over next week's
clash with Ohio State and a
possible trip to Pasadena. Con-
ley summed it up with, "We'll
see you here next week."
ran for 80 yards and passed 23
times, completing 11 for 136 yards.
Two Big Ten Records
During the course of the after-
noon, Snook set two Big Ten rec-
ords. His 13 complete passes gave
him a total of 110 completed in
six Big Ten games breaking the
old record set by Tom O'Connell
of Illinois in 1952 of 108 complet-
ed passes in seven Big Ten games.
Snook's other record was for
most total offensive plays in a Big
Ton season. He ran off 276 plays
in six games to break the old
mark held by Paul Giel of Minne-

Ward, circling left end, droppe
second bounce, and circled bac]
two Hawkeye defenders, he los
hold of the pigskin again an
Iowa's Dave Long hopped on i1
'Tis better to give....
The Wolverines recovered fou
fumbles-all of them on the sam
spot at the Iowa 24-and used tw
of them for touchdowns. That'
real Midwestern hospitality.
Iowa end Karl Noonan cut dow
Ifield, dove for Snook's 13-yar
pass, pulled it in, and then-roll
ing to the ground-jarred the bal
from his own hands. It was rule
complete, a gift from the official.
Everybody got into the act a
e Michigan poured in some key sec
ond half points to beat the Hawk
g eyes, 34-20, here yesterday after
noon before some 50,000 partisa
s fans.
A whiff of roses floated past th
d Wolverine bench as the Minne
d sota-Purdue score came over th
s PA system and the Blue broke
- away from a 20-13 halftime lead
with two touchdowns to assure the
d win.
- ''Mr. Everything"
The Iowa paper called him "Mr
l Everything," and Bob Timberlake
e did not let them down. The Big
e Ten's leading scorer ran for 80
d yards, passed for 11 out of 23 and
3 136 yards in the air and notched a
e touchdown and four extra points
- But it was fullback Mel Anthony
- who really set the Iowan back on
their heels. The big senior rolled
up 120 yards on 20 carries and
battered his way for a 62-yard ru
battered his way for a 62-yard run
and three touchdowns.
The Wolverines battled the
Hawks to a 20-13 halftimeeadvan-
tage, anduthen made the second
half all Blue, with two of An-
thony's one-yard plunges putting
Michigan out of reach.
Iowa made a belated surge to
bring in a last-ditch victory, but
one more tally was all the Hawk-
eyes could manage.
Not taking too much time in
making the most of an early-fal-
tering Michigan offensive, the
Hawkeyes pounded on the touch-
down door the first time they had
the ball. Michigan punter Stan
Kemp rolled boot off the side of
his foot after the Blue could not
get started in the first series of
downs, and Iowa took over at the
Michigan 37.
On the second play Snook
pitched to Noonan who fired long
to O'Hara and the big Iowan did
not come down until Rick Sygar
nailed him at the 18. Its back to
the wall, the Michigan defense
stiffened; Laskey jumped on
Snook for a seven-yard loss, and
Gary Simpson's fourth-down field
goal went wide on a 30-yard at-
The Wolverines took over at the
20, but on the second play Ward's
double fumble gave Iowa the ball
on the 16. This time the Hawkeyes
See FB, page 6
Berkeley Unit
Scores Strong
BERKELEY-A five-man fac-
ulty group from the University
of California at Berkeley yester-
day issued a strong statement cri-
ticizing Berkeley's Chancellor E.
W Strong'shandlingr of th St

MSU Medical College
May Not Open in 1965'
Michigan State University's two year medical program may not
open in the fall of 1965 as planned.
MSU President John A. Hannah said Thursday at the Michigan
Conference on Higher Education in an interview that the topic
of the two-year medical school program will be brought up at the
next MSU Board of Trustees meeting on November 19. He noted,
however, that the opening of the school "may be delayed for a year."
The Michigan State Rews reported last week that students
doing premedical work at MSU were told by their academic advisers
that the school, "may not open0

-Daily-Jim Lines
SPEEDSTER. CARL WARD TURNS the corner around left end after taking a pitchout from quar-
terback Bob Timberlake (28) in yesterday's 34-20 victory over the Iowa Hawkeyes. Iowa defenders
Al Randolph (14), Phil Deutsch (71), and Bill Briggs (89) reach for Ward while the felled Michigan
signal caller looks on helplessly. Ward had constant trouble with the Hawkeye defense as he lost a
total of four yards on ten carries. The sophomore's season yardage still ranks him third among
Wolverine rushers with 438 yards.

Syria Asks for UN Meeting

- next fall."

asked yesterday for an urgent
e meeting of the United Nations Se-
- curity Council on charges of Is-
e raeli aggression.
e Ambassador Rafik Asha, head of
I the Syrian delegation, made the
e request in a letter to United States
Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson,
president of the 11-nation council
this month.
Mundt Asks for
National GoP
Policy Meeting
By The Associated Press
Mundt, (R-SD) proposed yester-
day an all-faction Republican
summit conference, presided over
by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to
hammer out agreement on future
GOP policies.
Mundt, who supported Sen. Bar-
ry Goldwater's defeated bid for
the Presidency, said Goldwater
should be included in a group
which could act on policygand
possibly recommend a successor
to GOP Chairman Dean Burch.
Mundt said he thinks Burch "is
not long for his job." He said he
has heard the name of Wayne
Hood, Wisconsin businessman who
served as field director for the
national committee in the Gold-
water campaign, mentioned as a
possible successor.
Meet by Christmas
The conservative South Dakota
senator suggested in an interview
that a nine-member group, with
former-President Eisenhower as
chairman, meet before Christmas
to seek unanimous agreement on
'new programs and policies to be
advanced as we expand our appeal
to all Americans."
In addition to Eisenhower and
Goldwater, he proposed this group
include Richard M. Nixon, the
196.0 GOP Presidential nominee,
Govs. William W. Scranton of
Pennsylvania and George Romney
of Michigan and the two congres-
sional minority leaders Sen. Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois and Rep.
Charles A. Halleck of Indiana.
In Kingston, Jamaica, Gold-
water said yesterday he would
make a nationwide survey of the=
Republican Party to discover weak
spots because so many Republ-
cans had voted for the Democratic
candidate, President Lyndon B.
Continue Analysis

Stevenson was understood to be
in Washington. The meeting was
not expected before tomorrow.
Border Area
The charges involved Israeli
flights over the border area Fri-
day and Saturday.
Syria accused the Israeli Air
Force of shooting up Syrian border
posts Friday and violating Syrian
air space again yesterday with the
consequence a series of aerial
Israel admitted its planes shot
up the border posts but contended
that yesterday's battle started with
Syrian violations of Israeli air-
Alleged Shelling
In Tel Aviv, an Israeli spokes-
man said the government had in-
structed its United Nations chief
delegate, Michael Comay, to pro-
test against the alleged shelling of
Israeli settlements Friday.

Accusing the Syrian government
of a 'policy of aggression," the
spokesman charged that the Syr-
ian leaders were seeking to em-
broil the Arabs in another war
with Israel and trying to bring
about itsadestruction.
"This policy has been repeatedly
pronounced by Syrian leaders and
was re-emphasized in Arab sum-
mit meetings at Cairo and Alex-
andria," the spokesman said.
Jordan River .
The summit meetings were
called earlier this year to discuss
ways of opposing Israel's program
of tapping the Jordan River for ir-
rigation. The Arab leaders over-
ruled reported Syrian demands for
immediate military action to op-
pose the water diversion.
Instead, they drew up plans for
tapping the headwaters of the
Jordan, thereby cutting its flow
toward Israel.

There are many rumors circu-
lating as to the reason for the
possible failure of the MSU school
to open in the fall.
"One source indicated that the
question about the opening seemed
to center on accreditation of the
new school," the News reported.
This rumor was invalidated by
Dean William Hubbard, of the
University Medical School who
noted. "A school cannot be accred-
ited till it is opened."
Bob t Harris, the president of
the MSU student government, told
The Daily Thursday that, "con-
struction has not been started
yet," on the new school although
the construction plans have been
drawn. There is a possibility, he
noted, that this might be a cause
of delay in the possible postpone-
ment of the schools opening.
There is also the strong possi-
bility that Andrew D. Hunt, the
Dean of the proposed MSU school,
has not yet been able to hire the
required faculty, an MSU admin-
istrator remarked Thursday at the
Conference on Higher Education.

'Pick Ackley
Council Head

Tactic Hit by
DETROIT (1P) - An offer by
pressmen to return to one of
the Detroit newspapers which they
shut down by a strike four
months ago was turned. down yes-
terday as "a whipsaw effort" de-
signed to split the publisher's
unit front.
The strike was calledto support
new3 contract demands of the
pressmenand of Local 10 of the
Plate and Paper Handlers Un-
ion. The latter finally sttled on a
new two-year pact last Wednes-
Freeman Frazee, president of
local 13 of the International Print-
ing Pressmen's Union, said yester-
day he. would recommend to his
members Sunday that they -with-
draw pickets from the morning
Free Press and report back -there
tomorrow for the first time since
July 13.
But Frazee said pressmen would
not return to the afternoon De-
troit News, where bargaining is
stalemated on a demand that it
employ 16 pressmen to man each
of six newly installed eight-unit
presses. Publishers say they would
agree to 15-man crews.
Lee Hills, publisher and execu-,
tive editor of the Free Press, coun-
tered Frazee's offer in a statement
saying, "The question of the man-
ning of eight-unit presses is a vi-
tal issue to the Free Press as well
as to the News. The newspapers
have a joint contract (with the
pressmen and other craft unions).
The pressmen's union long ago
tried to split the newspapers apart
in a whipsaw effort. It did not
succeed then. It will not succeed
now. The newspapers are com-
pletely united on this issue.

of the University's economics
department, Gardner Ackley,
was named yesterday by Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson as the
new chairman of the Council of
Economic Advisors.

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y IP ty

Eight University architecture
students are out to keep Reed
City from becoming a ghost
town. The mile square commu-
nity in the northern part of the
lower peninsula has been losing
population at the rate of about
100 people a year for the past
ten years. The population is
now at an all-time low of 2500.
The students face several
problems in helping the small
Osceola County town in the
middle of a farming area. One
is automation which has cut
the number of farms Ln the
area in half in ten years.
Another problem is the de-
,lining wood industry of the
area. In 1890-with a popula-
tion of 5000-Reed City was a
major center for the industry.
roday, with many forests gone,
there is a large number of un-
employed, such as carpenters
and cabinet-makers.
A Resort Area?
Finally, Reed City does not
have the physical environment
such as ski slopes or a large
lake to become a major resort
According to Richard J. Rein-
holt, one of the students work-
ing on the project, "the major
hope for Reed City is light in-
The present biggest industry

Reed City has"-a railroad, an
airport, and new nighways.
Prof. C. Theodore Larson of
the architecture college says
that "the town's location at the
intersection of routes 10 and
131 links it with the megalopo-
lis tying Detroit and Chicago
together. It is a gateway to
northern Michigan." Larson is
jointly responsible for the proj-
ect with Prof. S. Glen Paulson
of the architecture college.
"The next most important
thing in attracting industry,"
Reinhold says, "is to create a
community that he industry
wants to be a part of-where
its employees will be happy. To
do this, Reed City needs more
facilities, such as better hour-
ing, recreational facilities, a
better business area, facilities

for higher education and per-
haps a cultural center."
Vocational 'Retraining
The education concept in-
volves a community college or
some comparable education fa-
cility. "It would not only offer
a chance of higher education
to high school graduates who
cannot afford to live at the big
universities, but would also
probably include vocational re-
training for the many unem-
ployed in the area," Reinholt
says. He envisions it as a "com-
muting college operating year-
round on a trimester system."
Another possibility to help
Reed City prosper is to develop
it as a recreational area. Be-
'cause the town is also a giod
stopover point on the road from
Detroit to Ludington, new mo-

tels could be built there.
John Luscombe, another of
the students, says that the
town population is now static.
A man in his thirties once told
Luscombe that only about 15
per cent of his high school
graduating class had stayed in
the town because of the lack of
employment opportunities.
Cohesion of Groups
There seems to be varying
citizen interest for the project
in the town. Luscombe explains
that the students are trying to
get "a cohesion between groups
and build up enthusiasm in
the town.
Larson says. that "the project
is an experiment in architec-
ture education" because it helps
'train designers and planners
to think in terms of community

planning. It is architecture ap-
plied to community develop-
ment dealing with people as
well as with things, using social
phenomena as a basis for the
design 'of new structures."
"The architecture department
has done projects like this in
the past in trying to get real-
life, rather than hypothetical
situations for students," he
says. Two years ago, students
worked on drawing up plans for
a cultural center in Grand Rap-
ids in response to a request
from the citizens there. The
students worked directly with
the citizens.
Enthusiasm Not the Same
Last year, students assisted
in the development of an area
in Detroit. They worked closely
with the city planners of De-
troit, but, Larson says, "there
was not quite the same enthu-
siasm as the Grand Rapids
project because they were not
working directly with the peo-
ple. This year's Reed City proj-
act is much more satisfactory
in this sense."
Other graduate students
working on the project in coop-
Iration with a fifteen-man
Citizens Survey Group in Reed
City, are Adelsi Bulfoni, James
E. Grisolano, Shri G. Mathur,
Patrick Pruchnik, Hoedroto
Tjokronegoro, and Sandor P.'


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