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November 08, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-08

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ichigan Smashes Illinois, 21-6; Purdue F


' Rolls over Illini
Sixth Straight Year
Sophomores Nunley, Ward Sparkle
As Seniors Appear in Home Finale
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan, its nationally-tops rushing attack stymied by a rugged
first half Illinois defense, capitalized on a fumble and pass inter-
ception to key the way to a 21-6 Big Ten victory over the Illini
here yesterday.
The Wolverines' offensive machine, which led the country with
a 265-yards-per-game rushing average before the game, then came
to life with a 94-yard drive for a final tally in the third quarter
as Michigan won its sixth straight over the Illini.
The victory left Michigan just one-half game behind league-

Spartan Win
Dims Purdue
Title Hopes
EAST LANSING (P) - Michigan
State happily played the role of a
spoiler, dealing a body blow to
Purdue's Big Ten title and Rose
Bowl hopes by upsetting the
Boilermakers 21-7 yesterday.
hIt was the first conference loss
for Purdue, previously tied with
Ohio State for the league lead with
four Big Ten victories. Purdue now
is 5-2-0 overall, the other loss to
mighty Notre Dame. The come-
back victory made MSU 4-3-0
overall and 3-2 in the Big Ten.
Purdue never has made a Rose
1 Bowl appearance.
,% Michigan State capitalized on
two key breaks for touchdowns.
One came after a blocked punt in
the second period and the other
following a pass interception call
in the thrd
Charlie Thornhill, a sophomore
guard, leaped to block a punt try
by Ross Pfanier. MSU tackle Har-
old Lucas caught the ball after it
bounced high in the air and he
stepped over the goal line.
The other score was set up by
an interference call on a 32-yard
pass from Dave McCormick, in-
tended for Tom Krzemienski.
Clint Jones bucked over for the
A 15-yard pass from quarterback
Steve Juday to Jones was the
fourth quarter cinceh. Lou Bobich,
who boots the ball in side-footed
soccer fashion, converted all three
extra points.
The Purdue score was in the
first period when the Boilermakers
marched 74 yards in 10 plays the
first time it got the ball. Fullback
Randy Minniear ran in the last
eight yards.
It was the last home game of the
season and the last memory of
Spartan home fans this fall will
be of seeing Coach Duffy Daugh-
erty carried off the field on the
shoulders of his jubilant players.

leading Ohio State and - with
Purdue losing to Michigan State-
one step closer to the Rose Bowl.
Fifth Straight Defeat
For. llinois coach Pete Elliott
it was just another one of those
days; he has yet to beat brother
Bump and his Wolverines in five
years of coaching at Champaign.
For Michigan fans the game
didn't even start until the next
to last play of the first period
when Wolverine linebacker Frank
Nunley picked off a wayward Il-
linois aerial and set the Blue up
at the Illini 35. The first 13 min-
utes saw the Wolverines total a
mere 21 yards on the ground and
air combined.
But, finally within sight of the
goal posts and within view of a
national television audience, the
Michigan attack caught fire, and
seven plays later halfback Carl
Ward dashed through an Illini
obstacle course off right end for
the first home score.
Custardo Fires
The touchdown a d v a n t a g e
didn't last for long as Illini quar-
terback Fred Custardo took the
visitors to midfield following the
kickoff and then pitched a pic-
ture-perfect bomb to big end Bob
In what Michigan coach Bump
Elliott called a key factor in the
game, Custardo mis-toed the extra
point wide to the right.
The Wolverines returned to Il-
linois goal-line territory once
more before the intermission after
Trumpy fumbled while taking a
Custardo pass.
Taking over at the enemy 40-
yard line, Wolverine helmsman
Bob Timberlake, making his final
home appearance along with 16
other seniors, put on an aerial
display of his own.
After hitting end John Hepder-
son for 11 and then running for
five himself, the Big Ten's lead-
ing scorer faked wide to Hender-
son and then shot halfback Jim
Detwiler a 24-yard spiral up the'
center and into the end zone.
Third Score
Timberlake scored the third
touchdown himself on a one-yard
sneak after Michigan's rushing
game came to life in the third
period for the 94-yard assault.
The Wolverine running attack
amassed a final total of 202 yards,
67 of which belonged to right
halfback Ward, singled out by
Elliott as "having a great day
with some early runs that really
helped out."
Ward chalked up Michigan's,
first six points on a quick pitch
that caught Illinois' up-the-center
defense including all-America
linebacker Dick Butkus by sur-
prise, skirting the end behind key,
blocks from Mader and Henderson
for the final 15 yards.
Gets Away?
Michigan originally got the
scoring threat underway afterj
Custardo, off balance from barely
escaping the Michigan defensive
line, dashed away from ends Bill
Laskey and Jim Conley and threw1
straight into Wolverine lineback-
er Nunley's waiting hands at the
At the change of the quarter,i
See MICHIGAN, Page 6 1

-Daily-Jim Lines
ILLINOIS CENTER DICK BUTKUS reaches toward Wolverine quarterback Bob Timberlake during
yesterday's contest at Michigan Stadium. After the conclusion of the Michigan victory, Timberlake
called Butkus "truly an All-American."

-Daily--Jim Lines
SENIOR CAPTAIN JIM CONLEY dives at Illinois halfback Sam Price. Conley along with 16 other
seniors played their last game in Michigan Stadium yesterday. P r i c e was thwarted continually,
amassing just three yards total rushing for the entire game.


4AJ t C Ci t1T


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Government Warns Imprisoned


Dissatisfied Groups
SAIGON (R) - Premier Tran Van Huong warned yesterday
South Viet Nam's new government prohibits street demonstrations
and appeared to be bracing for threatened opposition.
Huong, 61, in office only three days, told associates he would
not hesitate to use force to quell demonstrations if necessary.
Catholic, Buddhist and student factions have expressed dis-
satisfaction with the government and were expected to demonstrate
in the streets during the week-

Back B.urch
Leaders hip
Goldwater, returning to the Capi-
tal for the first time since his
presidential bid was shattered, has
urged retention of Dean Burch as
Republican National Chairman de-
spite cries from GOP moderates
for Burch's scalp.
"My recommendation would be
to keep him, because for the first
time in memory we finished the
campaign in the black," Goldwater
told an airport news conference on
his arrival from Phoenix.?
The GOP presidential nominee,
who carried only six states in
Tuesday's election, added that
Burch, whom he selected for the
job as chairman, had done a "very,
very commendable job." Goldwater
urged a thorough analysis of the
election returns, and said the GOP
would be wrong "going off half-
cocked before that is done."
Meanwhile in Philadelphia, Sen.
Hugh Scott (R-Pa),' one of the
few top Republicans in the nation
to breast the Democratic landslide
and win re-election, said last night
there is presently "no leader of
the Republican party (but) we will
develop one."
Scott, in a television interview,
said Goldwater had "the worst
managed campaign in American
history, bar none."

Students issued a petition last
night, demanding dissolution of
the Huong government.
Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, the
former premier and now Chief of
the Armed Forces, issued a state-
ment in support of Huong.
Friday, faced with the prospect
of hostile demonstrations by stu-
dent and religious factions, Huong
' conferred with U. S. Ambassador
Maxwell B. Taylor and then took
to the radio to appeal to the peo-
ple "to help us restore authority
and discipline in building up the
country against Communism."
On the military front, a new
effort is under way to improve
the war effort against the Com-
munists. The U. S. and South Viet
Nam have embarked on, a crash
program that would boost the na-
tional police force within four
years from 28,000 to 72,000 men.
Taylor probably will return from
Saigon in a week or so for con-
sultations on South Viet Nam
with President Johnson and top
advisers, State Department offi-
cials said yesterday.
A broad review of the U.S.
Southeast Asia policy is being
undertaken in the wake of the
election. No lessening of the
strong support being given the
South Viet Nam government in
its fight to overcome the Com-
munist Viet Cong is expected. If
there is any change in U.S. policy,
experts said, it more likely will
be in the direction of increased
support where needed.

As Hostages iia
leader of a Communist-backed
rebel regime in the eastern Con-
go has declared 60 Americans and
1nearly 800 Belgians trapped by his
rule are considered prisoners of'
Rebel Christophe Gbenye, self-
proclaimed president of the "Con- e
is willing to negotiate the release! H
of his captives. S tud ~
Gbenye made his announcement l d
in a broadcast Thursday, the same
day a group of 200 white mercen- B
aries led Congolese regular army By BARE
troops to capture the main rebel The gover
center of Kindu, 250 miles south University ar
of Stanleyville. cation projec
The day before the fall of Kin- Academic Aff
du to the Congolese regulars, an said in a spee
attack by U.S.-supplied planes dent Banque
sent rebels fleeing. Apparently it believe it is
was this that prompted Gbenye took its part
to act against the Americans and seriousness."
Belgians. The Univer.
Some in Leopoldvill: interpret- certain obligE
ed the broadcast - the text of students who
which was made available Satur- For instance,
day - as a sign of rebel disinte- in the selec
gration. Last week Gbenye issued make surei
a call for help from African na- training to hE
tions friendly to his cause. here.
Premier Moise Tshombe called E
on the rebels yesterday to lay "Also, a st
down their arms, arrest their lead- in foreign s
ers and end the threat to whites. crucial. In tr
Gbenye in his broadcast indi- and Europe y
cated he was hoping to use his mental effect
American and Belgian captives as such a stand
bargaining counters. He said he Total integ
had instructed rebel foreign min- into the Uni
ister Thomas Ganza to keep in another fact(
touch with Prime Minister Jomo equally impoi
Kenyatta of Kenya, chairman of versity not to
an Organization of African Unity eign students
committee on the Congo. munity herec
Gbenye said he hoped that with with their s
the committee's assistance he has a genuin
could find "an African solution back and join
to the Congo affair and drive out land."
the American and Belgian sol- Speaking s
diers who have been massacring he recalled fr
the Congolese people." mer impressic

is Views Foreign,
!ent Program-Holes.


nment, students, and
e partners in an edu-
t, Vice-President for
fairs Roger W. Heyns
ech at the India Stu-
t last night. "And I
time that each side
ner with much more
rsity, for example, has
ations to the foreign
come here, he said.
it has to be careful
tion of students, to
they have adequate
andle the school work
andard of excellence
student education is
aveling through Asia
you can see the detri-
ts of not maintaining
ard," Heyns added.
ration of the student
versity community is
or, he stressed. "But
rtant is for the Uni-
attempt to keep for-
in the college com-
once they are finished
tudies. The student
e responsibility to go
n in the work of his
specifically on India,
om his trip last sum-
ons of progress made,

ssian Defense Chief
.PS Alleged Threat
U.S. Against USSR



Anti-Communists Point to Dangers of Conspiracy

challenges present, and problems
to solve which he said illustrated
how important it was to the demo-
cratic way of life that India suc-
ceed in coping with its problems.
"Nowhere else is there such a
firm commitment to the demo-
cratic way of life, and nowhere
else are there such serious prob-
lems to solve," he said.
"The foreign student has a
moral responsibility to work hard
while he is here, and even harder
when he returns to his own coun-
try," Heyns said. It is the duty of
each foreign student to return to
his home country and help solve
the many problems that face it,
despite poorer working conditions
and salaries, less appreciation for
the work done, and less acceptance
as a person.
"Even though training is a pri-
vate affair," Heyns said, "it is also
a social event, it has social con-
sequences and carries with it social
"Each man must take a part in
the significant battles of his
times, or run the risk of feeling
that he has not lived at all."
Four Honored
At Convocation
In a special convocation at the
joint University-University of Illi-
nois Men's Glee Club Concert last
night, University President Harlan
Hatcher presented Outstanding
Achievement Award citations to
four alumni.

Line Follows
China View,.
Civilian Leaders
Continue Theme
Of Co-Existence
MOSCOW (AP) - Following a
policy of alternating civilian
friendship and military toughness,
the Soviet Defense Minister ac-
cused United States Defense Sec-
retary Robert S. McNamara yes-
terday of threatening to destroy
the Soviet Union "at any mo-
Grim-faced Marshal Rodion Y.
Malinovsky said "any attempt
from an enemy will be answered
in a suitable manner."
He spoke shortly after smiling
Anastas I. Mikoyan, the Soviet
President, spoke of peace in the
whole world. Leonid N. Brazhnev,
first secretary of the Soviet Com-
munist Party had said earlier that
the majority of Americans cher-
ish peace.
Malinovsky's parade speech
phrase about "imperialist quar-
ters of the western powers, head-
ed by the United States. of Amer-
ica," echoed Chinese phrasing. Re-
cent statements by Soviet civil
leaders have not singled out the
United States for this type of
general criticism.
Malinovsky and Mikoyan were
among top Soviet leaders mak-
ing toasts at a Kremlin reception
that concluded celebrations of the
47th anniversary of the Bolshevik"
The defense minister's remarks
we"e similar to, and perhaps a
bit softer than, his usual Revolu-
tion Day and May Day statements.
Speaking from Lenin's tomb at
the parade through Red Square,
he accused the United States of
"military ventures . . . creating a
threat to peace."
"We are not threatening any-
one," he said. "We shall not fol-
low the U. S" Defense Secretary
who threatens to destroy the So-
viet Union at any moment.
"Anyone who threatens to de-
stroy others is not a serious per-
son in our contemporary condi-
In a statement to the Demo-
cratic party's platform commit-
tee in August, McNamara had said
U. S. strategic forces are "suffi-
cient to insure the destruction of
both the Soviet Union and Com-
munist China, under the worst
imaginable circumstanes accom-


A trio of anti-communists used rhetoric, reminisces, and folk-
singing in an attempt to convey to an audience of nearly 1,000 at Ann
Arbor High School last night, that Communism is a "deceitful con-
spiracy bent on overthrowing the United States by any means
The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade presented its president,
Dr. Fred Schwarz, lecturer, Herbert Philbrick, and music director, Mrs.
Janet Greene who spent two and a half hours "exposing the Com-
munist conspiracy."
Each performer used a distinct method to achieve the crusade's
purpose: "to instruct citizens about Communism."
Philbrick discussed Communist practice, based on personal ex-
perience as an FBI counterspy in the Communist Warty more than a
decade ago. Dr. Schwarz addressed himself to the theory of Com-
munism, while Mrs. Greene sang several songs to illustrate Communist
theory and practice.
Philbrick said that to invite a Communist to speak at a college
. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ..,., ,. f - - 1 - ,rtrlir- tn n m vn n ~ " f n . lir

Schwarz defined Fascism as, "The name given to a political sys-
tem organized by Mussolini." According to him, 'Communism and
Fascism are idealogical twins, peas out of the same pod. The opposite
of Communism is human liberty.
"Therefore Communism fits the Fascist definition and is the reall
threat to the United States."
To illustrate Schwarz's point, Mrs. Greene sang the premiere of
her song, "The Fascist Threat." The ballad briefly defined Fascism
as "small-single party leader." The final line supplemented Schwarz's
views: "The greatest Fascist threat you! see, is the Communist
Schwarz went on to define Communism as, "The name given to
a system devised by Marx and revamped by Lenin.
"People don't understand Communist theory," he said. "Com-
munism is fearful in theory and tragic in practice."
Schwarz also dealt briefly with psychology stating that people are
motivated by their beliefs. "Don't be fooled by this psychological gob-
hledygook." he said referring tn those who contend that Lee Harvey



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