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July 11, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

… D'yche Stadium.1 The muscular Wolverine ace placed fourth in the field of six who qualified for today's finals. "I really have no excuse for not making that team," he said. "My injured back felt fine…

…- verely strained back muscle. Barten Second Herb Barten, the other Michi-' igan hopeful did much better. Running easily all the way the' Wolverine Captain qualified for the team with five yards to spare…

July 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 189) • Page Image 1

… administration in the position of appearing to sup- port a candidate, it could hardly approve of Presidential nominee Thomas E. Dewey's use of the Wolverine marching song in con- nection with his current cam…

July 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

… votes for the Tru- man plank with Wolverine dele- gate Bob Siebert carrying the Suit dMichigan placard in a spontane- ous parade. PITTSBURGH, July 14-(-P)- Three Hour Session Coal flowed again from steel…

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