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July 15, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-15

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Latest Deadline in the State






in Berlin



Truman Chosen on irst Ballot


* * *

Rea Explains SAC Ban of
'Students for Slosson'

Victory Squelches



Asks Discussion
Of Four Power
Rule of Germany
Russia Blames Current Situation on
Violation of Quadrapartite Contr6l
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 14-Russia said today it will negotiate with the
Western Powers over the Berlin blockade only if the talks include the
whole question of four power control over Germany.
In a note to the United States made public by the Moscow radio,
the Soviet Union blamed the current situation in Berlin on violations
by the United States, France and Britain of four power agreements.
The United States protested to Russia July 6 over the Soviet
land blockade of Berlin.
The Russian reply said the three Western Powers had broken
a four power agreement for administration of Germany as a

Associate Dean Walter Rea yes-
terday issued a statement for the
Student Affairs Committee out-
V lining the committee's reason for
denying recognition to the Stu-
dents for Slosson club.
..."It is the opinion of the com-.
mittee that the major party
groups already have been rec-
ognized on the campus, that
these organizations are now ac-
Jews Prepare
Big Offensive
Soviets Threaten UN
Council Truce Plan
CAIRO, July 14-)-A decisive
battle for Jerusalem appeared to
be shaping up today around La-
trun where the Arabs have
plugged Jewish supply roads to
the Holy City.
The Jews are pressing an of-
fensive from the coastal plain in
an effort to pry loose the Trans-
Jordan Arab Legion's grip on the
Latrun bottleneck. But Legion ar-
tillery still dominates this area.
A victory here would decide the
success or failure of the siege of
In the Holy City itself, Arab
Legion and Trans-Jordan tribal
riflemen, supported by the Le-
gion's heavy artillery, began a
fight for Jewish-held Mount Zion,
which is a threat to the Arab left
At Lake Success, Russia tonight
suddenly objected to several key
sections of the American proposal
for ending the Palestine war.
The Soviet stand threatened to
delay or even kill the plan for the
Security Council to issue a cease-
fire order to the Jews and Arabs.
If accepted, the Soviet counter-
proposals would eliminate Count
Folke Bernadotte from the picture.
The United States resolution
provides for tpe UN mediator to
supervise a truce of unlimited du-
ration and continue efforts at
- 1 mediation. Russia moved to strike
out all these sections.
Gromyko accepted the sections
of the resolution calling for a
council order to the Jews and
Arabs to stop fighting within three
days. Failure to comply would
open the way for invoking diplo-
matic and economic sanctions or
even the use of international mil-
itary force.
U. S. Deputy delegate Philip C.
Jessup told reporters he is study-
ing the developments. He said the
United States might make some
changes in wording but would not
agree to dropping Bernadotte.
Law Forum
SSet TioOpen
Three lectures will open the In-
ternational Law Forum spon-
sored by the law school today, in
Hutchins Hall.
Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the
political science department, will
discuss "The Conflict Between In-
ternational and Domestic Law," at
2:30 p m.
Dr. Yuen-li Liang, former chair-
man of the Security Council Com-
mittee of Experts, will speak on
"The Legal Status of the United
Nations in the United States," at
4 p.m.
Prof. Emeritus, James L. Brierly,
of Oxford Univ ersity, will conclude
the day's talks speaking on "The
British Approach to International
,,Law," at 8 p.m.
Lectures by Charles S. Rhyne
and William W. Bishop, Jr., will
continue the series tomorrow.

Sigler Petitions
For Second Term

tively supporting their candi-
dates for office and that addi-
tional student political clubs
would represent a duplication of
existing effort.
"Also by this action the com-
mittee establishes a policy of
not recognizing political clubs
or organizations whose activities
support or endorsement of in-
dividual candidates, especially
at state or local levels.
"This decision of Student Af-
fairs Committee in no way con'-
stitutes a" reflectin upon any
political candidate, nor does it
suggest a desire to restrict the
privilege of individual students
to personally support their'
choice of candidates."
Meanwhile, Thomas Walsh,
temporary chairman of the Stu-
dents for Slosson, urged President
Ruthven in a letter to ask the
Student Affairs Committee to re-
consider its action.
Walsh pointed to President.
Ruthven's "constant efforts to in-
sure true liberal education in spite
of adverse efforts" and termed the
denial of recognition "an in-
fringement of the rights of Uni-
versity students to organize and
engage freely in the legitimate
discharge of their civic responsi-
* * *
SL Condemns
PU' Action 0on _
The Summer Student Legisla-
ture adopted a resolution de-
nouncing the action of the Stud-
ent Affairs Committee in denying
recognition to the "Students for
Slosson" club.
In the meeting last night, Mar-
shall Lewis moved that the com-
mittee be condemned on the
following grounds:
"1. That one of the primary
objectives of the educational in-
stitution is to afford the student
the opportunity to best prepare
himself to accept the responsibil-
ity of citizenship, and that only a
positive effort to give the student
access to.information is consistent
with the aim of education.
"2. That the University author-
ities should give the student body
credit for sufficient intelligence
and maturity to digest and accept
or reject any social or political
principals which may be present-
ed to it.
"3. That if the students of this
campus wish, on their initiative,
to support any particular political
candidate or platform not incon-
sistent with the law of the land,
they should not be denied access
to those facilities which are in-
tended for the use of the stud-

Two Dixie Delegations Walk Out
In Rebellion Over Civil Rights Plank
CONVENTION HALL, Philadelphia, July 15 - (/P) - Harry S.
Truman was nominated for President early today by a Democratic
Party facing its worst split since before the Civil War.
The President won the nomination on the first ballot after one
southern delegation and half of another one stormed out of the con-
vention in rebellion against the 1948 platform endorsement of Mr.
Truman's civil rights program.
The official result of the balloting nominating President Truman
was: President Truman 94712; Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia 263;
Paul V. McNutt of Indiana /2; not voting 23.
As the President made ready to accept the nomination in person,


Riots, Strikes
Hit Italy After
Red Wounded
Togliatti's Condition
ROME, July 14--()--A Sicilian
law student shot and dangerously
wounded Italy's top Communist
Palmiro Toglitti today.
Five persons wei'e killed in
Communist-inspired rioting and a
general strike was called in pro-
test against the attempted assas-
Late tonight doctors said Togli-
atti was slightly improved. He still
is suffering shock from three gun-
shot wounds received just before
noon as he was leaving the Cham-
ber of Deputies to buy ice cream.
Italy was tense and civil strife
swept through the land. Many
citizens feared the shooting might
give the extreme left a pretext to
seize the power denied it in the
April elections.
DeGasperi Statement
In Rome, De Gasperi, who
hurried to Togliatti's side at the
hospital, told newsmen:
"It is the worst thing that could
have happened."
In Parliament, Communist
Deputy Giancarlo Pajetta de-
manded a vote of non-confidence
tomorrow on De Gasperi's gov-
The Communist Party of Russia
said tonight it was "outraged" by
the shooting of Communist Lead-
er Palmiro Togliatti in Italy.
Five Bullets Fired
Police nabbed 25-year-old An-
tonio Pallante, who fired five
bullets at the Moscow-trained
Communist leader. -
Police quoted him as saying
further that he could not, as an
Italian, "tolerate" Togliatti's par-
ticipation in meetings of the Com-
inform, the Russian-led Commun-
ist International Information

angry Dixie rebels called a con-
vention of their own at Birming-
ham, Ala., next Saturday-to dis-
cuss forming a new party with an
anti-Truman states rights candi-
The President planned to spea
as soon as the national ticket was
dephia, July 15- (P) - Sen.
Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky
was nominated by acclamation
by the Democratic National Con-
vention today as its i948 Vice-
'Preidential candidate.
made complete with the nomina-
tion of Sen. Alben W. Barkley of
Kentucky for Vice-President.
Mr. Truman romped home
handily in his race for the nomi-
nation. He got 947'/2 votes to 263
for Sen. Richard Russell of Geor-
gia and one half of a vote for
Paul V. McNutt, former governor
of Indiana.
The President won, but it was
by no means unanimous. Whil
some delegates voted against him
in protest, others didn't vote at al
Dixie Revolt
Russell was thrust forward as a
candidate in a final gesture of
defiance by Dixie rebels agains;
the President many of them now
are cwvig to beat in the Novem
ber election. McNutt got into thL
edge of the picture the same way.
Somr of the Souterners shout-
ed in the conven ,ion: "Truma
can'ti win.."
How much luck he would have
against Republican Thomas E.
Dewey and Third Party contend-
er Henry Wallace was something
for all America to decide.
One rebellious southerner, C. J.
Bloch of Georgia, shouted to fellow
"You know-and if you don't
know you'll learn it now-the
Democrats can't elect a President
without the votes of the South."
Dixie delegates, almost without
exception, tossed their ballots to
Russell in futile protest against
Mr. Truman and his demands for
Federal laws against lynching,
poll taxes and racial discrimina-
tion in jobs.
Civil Rights
Northerners used their heavy
voting superiority in this conven-
tion to write into the party plat-
form only yesterday a strong and
specific endorsement of Mr. Tru-
man's civil rights stand.
But ironically for the South, and
its spectacular but losing battle,
it was 13 of NorthrCarolina's 32
votes that pushed Mr. Truman be-
yond the 618stotal he needed to
win on the first ballot.
The President himself had come
up from Washington by special
train, with Mrs. Truman and
daughter Margaret. He came to
the auditorium, but not to the
Friends of the President predict-
ed he will call a special session of
the 80th Congress and set July
26 as a probable date.
Then came the Vice Presidential
Wilson W. Wyatt, who used to
be mayor of Louisville and Na-
tional Housing Administrator, put
up Sen. Barkley and went into a
long speech.

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE-President Harry S. Truman, who
inherited the world's toughest job upon the death of Franklin D.
Roosevelt, was chosen on the first ballot by 947%! votes to carry
the Democratic banner against Republican Thomas E. Dewey in
the fall Presidential elections.
,' * * *
Two States Walk Out as Dems
ApproveStrong ightsPlank
By DICK MALOY and convention session which precipi-
JOHN CAMPBELL tated the walkout of two states.
PHILADELPHIAy July 14--Lib- In a seething session which
i- threatened to explode at any mo-
eral forces in the Democratic ment, the delegates tossed out a
Party squeezed through a strong watered down Civil Rights plat-
Civil Rights program in a wlid form plank by a narrow 69-vote
- - -- - -- margin and substituted a strongly
worded document embodying Pres-
GoVernm entident Truman's recommendations
to the 80th Congress.
The Michigan delegation solid-
s UM Wly cast 42 votes for the Tru-
man plank with Wolverine dele-
gate Bob Siebert carrying the
Suit dMichigan placard in a spontane-
ous parade.
PITTSBURGH, July 14-(-P)- Three Hour Session
Coal flowed again from steel com- The vote came at the close of a
pany-owned mines today as the Ifthree-hour session punctuated by
governmep't withdrew its injunc- rebel yells, Northern demonstra-
tion suit againstthe United Mine tions and incessant calls for order
Workers in the captive contract by Chairman Sam Rayburn.
WcaerWsinteopn. cnrat About half of the Alabama dele-
case at Washington b n gation walked out of Convention
Captive miners, who began a Hall in protest of the Civil Rights
work stoppage July 6 for lack of plank after the opening of the
a contract, resumed work upon the second session. They had planned
strength of yesterday's contract to withdraw at the end of the af-
signing, obtained through the in- ternoon session, but the meeting-
sistance of Federal Judge TI-Alan was swiftly adjourned as the Ala-
Goldborogd bama Chairman vainly sought
In the capital, the jfudge today recognition from the floor.
permitted the National Labor Re- High party leaders pressured
lations Board to drop its injunc- the Alabama. group to stay during
Dion proceedings in view of the the recess period, but they re-
new contract. Operators of the mained adamant in their deter-
captive, or steel company-owned, mination to leave.
mines signed the agreement upon Mississippi Too
the UMW's promise to modify its Virtually all of the Mississippi
union shop clause should later delegation also walked out. Handy
court rulings require it. Ellis, chairman of the Alabama
The NLRB made it clear it was delegation, said that 13 6f the
dropping the case reluctantly and Alabama's 26 delegates and 23 al-
still regards the contract as illegal ternates were leaving along with
because under the Taft-Hartley 30 Mississippians.
Law a union shop clause cannot The new Civil Rights plank now
be inserted without an NLRB elec- spells out a program of anti-lynch
tion. This is not available to the laws, anti-poll tax legislation, a
UMW at present, since its presi- fair employment practices law and
dent, John L. Lewis, has not I an end to segregation in the armed
signed a non-Communist affidavit, services.

whole by proposing a separate <
government for Germany. This
referred to the action of the
Western European Union in pav-
ing the way for eventual self
rule by Germans of the western
The Western Allies "thereby un-
dermined also the legal basis on
which rested their right to par-
ticipate in the administration of
Berlin," the note said.
The Soviet government, it add-
ed, is "striving for the speediest
elimination of the difficulties"
which led to the Berlin blockade
and declared:
"Moreover, if necessary, the So-
viet government will not object
to ensuring sufficient supplies for
the whole of greater Berlin by its
own means."
The note was broadcast in Rus-
sian and translated here by the
Soviet monitor. It was a copy of
the one delivered today to the U.S.
State Department in Washington.
Britain and France also received
their replies today.
The note to the United States
said "the Soviet government
must reject as altogether un-
founded" contentions that cut-
ting off surface communications
between Berlin and the Western
zones of Germany constitutes a
violation of existing agreements
relating to the administration
of Berlin.
It described these as "measures
for restricting transport commun-
ications" to protect the economy
of the Soviet Zone from disor-
Russia said the three Western
Allies have failed to complete
measures for the demilitarization
of Germany as agreed, "and such
an important center of German
war industry as the Ruhr region
has been removed from the con-
trol of the four powers."
The Western Allies, the note
said, have disrupted four power
decisions on reparations from the
western zones.
.."By separate actions of the
governments of the U.S.A.,
Great Britain and France," the
reply said, "quadrapartite con-
trol machinery in Germany has
been destroyed, as a result of
which the control council has
ceased to function."-
Replying to the American pro-
test that the United States occu-
pies its sector of Berlin by right,
deriving from the defeat and sur-
render of Germany under four-
power agreement, Russia said:
"Thereby it is merely confirm-
ing that the existence of the above
mentioned right in relation to
Berlin is bound up with the oblig-
atory fulfillment by the powers
occupying Germany and quadra-
partite agreements concluded be-
tween them in relation to Ger-
many as a whole.

Dr. James K. Pollock, chairman
of the political science department
and Special Government adviser,
yesterday sounded a note of op-
timism for the speedy recovery of
Western Germany.
But Dr. Pollock, who has re-
turned from a seven-week tour of
Germany where he was a special
adviser to military governor Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, predicated his op-
timism with three conditions.
These conditions are:
1. Resolution of the Berlin crisis.
2. Support of the recent cur-
rency reform by increased pro-
duction or current gains will be
3. Continued progress in the de-
velopment of a western German
governmental framework within
which the entire economy of West-
ern Germany can be guided and
Germany 'Breathing
This was Dr. Pollock's third
trip to Germany as an adviser to
Gen. Clay. He said it was "the
first time since the occupation
began three years ago that Ger-
many seems to be breathing, not
"I look forward to a progressive
bettering of the economic situa-
tion in Western Germany, depen-
dent on the stated conditions," he
He disclosed ,that the calorie in-
take of the Germans has been
upped in the Bizonal area from
1,550 calories a day to 1,750 result-
ing in better nourishment and less
worker fatigue.
Minimum calorie requirements
for good health are 2,200 per day,
according to doctors. At one time
during the occupation, the Ger-
mans were receiving from 1,000 to
Other gains noted by Dr. Pollock
were the record set last month in
coal production in the Ruhr and
the effects of the recent currency
"The devaluation of the Ger-
man mark has given the German
people new confidence and vir-
tually wiped out the black mar-
ket," he said.
Pots and Pans
"Pots and pans and other dur-
able items suddenly appeared in
the windows. Farmers also are no
longer hoarding their goods, but
bringing them to market."
However, Dr. Pollock warned
that a "hard" currency was of
little value unless it was backed up
by continued production.
He said that an increased flow
of goods was necessary to prevent
inflation and to put Germany
back in the export market.
Political observers regard the
absence of German exports as a
vital factor in the general disrup-
tion of Europe's economy.
During Dr, Pollock's stay in
Germany he visited all sections of
the three western zones where he
noted that steps are being taken
to coordinate th governments of

Prof. Pollock
Optimistic for
West Germany
Cites Conditions for
Economic Recovery

SWorld News At A Glance
(By The Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 14-The Ford, Motor Co. gave the CIO-United
Auto Workers what it called its "final offer" tonight-a flat 13-cents
an hour wage increase and other non-wage benefits.
The union's last counter proposal had demanded a flat 14-cent
an hour raise and other benefits boosting the demand to a total of
28 cents.
* * * *
SARNIA, Ont., July 14-Three striking seamen were shot late
today during a pitched battle between crew members of the Cana-
dian steamship Lethbridge and a boarding party of strikers who
climbed aboard as the ship docked here.
LANSING, July 14-Attorney General Eugene F. Black today
came up with a new plan for financing his Genesee County and
Detroit Auto Rackets Grand Juries.
He asked Auditor General Murl K. Aten to encumber approxi-
mately $20,000 of unexpended departmental salary funds for use by
the grand juries.
HOUGHTON. Mich.. .Tuly 14--Forest fires which have rared


Dems for Dougias soom Soon Over


(Daily Correspondent)
short-lived Douglas boom reached
its height Sunday night when two
youthful supporters succeeded in

been Whispering "un-American"
and pointing to Wallace head-
quarters on Walnut Street.
South Caroline's Governor

ganized to set up any pre-conven-
tion headquarters. No one seemed
to care.
At least one lady was weary of

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