THUTRSDAY, JUY 15, 1948 -
...... ....
The Large University
WHAT IS THE FUNCTION of a large uni-
versity? This is a question that has
plagued many an educator and philosopher
in its time. However, I doubt that it has
even occurred to a large group of people
upon, whom the answer, if any, would have
a big effect,
These people are the high school grad-
uates and their parents. Many of them think
that a large university is, simply because
of its size, a better place to get an education
than a smaller school. This is not necessarily
true, especially at present.
Because of the lack of foresight of top-
level administrators the last war left a gap
in this country's scientific training program.
There was a period of several years when
very few scientists were being trained. This
loss is accentuated by the tremendous in-
crease in the number of students brought
about by the educational provisions of the
veterans laws. Universities have been placed
under a heavy strain, and have solved their
problems through the increased use of the
teaching fellow system.
The teaching fellow arrangement is quite
satisfactory to both the university, which
needs teachers, and the fellows, who need
the financial aid to continue their studies.
The fellows are equipped to teach only ele-
mentary courses, and the experienced pro-
fessors are needed for higher level instruc-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
tion. Whether or not this arrangement pro-
vides the best possible instruction for the
freshmen and sophomores is another matter
-the circumstances which forced the move
did not consider that matter, and until we
get a greater number of trained p'ersonnel,
or fewer students, or both, things will have
to stand.
A somewhat different trend, however, has
been showing in smaller schools. They have,
perhaps unthinkingly, been accepting uni-
versity standards for personnel. "Send us a
couple of Ph.D.'s" helps to boost the rating
df a small school.
Thus we see that sending a high school
graduate to a large university may be a
mistake. He may, for one thing, be taught
by less well-educated men than in a small
school. Then too, large universities are in-
variably "glazed-door" schools. The glazed
door is just one of the ways the university
aids its teachers in staying out of the reach
of their students in order to get some work
done. This is imperative if the teacher is to
accomplish any of the work of creating and
evaluating new knowledge. This work is just
as much a part of its function as teaching,
for what use is a large library if nobody
has time to use it?
It seems fortunate that the recent report
of the President's Commission on Higher
Education hasrecommended the establish-
ment of many smaller schools to handle the
first two years of college. Students need per-
sonalized instruction more than extensive
facilities during these first two years, and
the shift later to the mass-production edu-
cation of the large university will be less
-James E. Duras.
Not Together
11ILADELPHIA- There was once a time
when the Democrats could agree, and
now they cannot. That is the situation here,
and you can treat it as comedy if you like.
But underneath there is something else,
somnething quite real, something serious. For
you would not have to paraphrase very much
to make it read: There was once a time
when the country could agree, and now,
perhaps, it cannot. When you begin to see
Democratic disunity as a shadow of a new
national disharmony, you stop laughing at
this convention.
For this convention must reflect America,
even if it reflects it distortedly, like a shiny
wheel hub. And if this Democratic mixture
cannot agree, the country cannot agree, for
this mixture is the country, make no mis-
take about that. Here you have them, the
big city bosses, the political masters of the
South, the labor people, the riders of the
purple sage, the kind of people they write
novels about when they want to write novels
about America. Nobody would dream of
writing a novel about a Republican any
To some of the observers, laughing and
giggling at what they see, one wants to
say: This is yourselves you are looking at.
This is what it means to live in an age
in which some men oppose civil rights,
and others are indifferent to a struggle
for independence in the Middle East, and
others still seek to curb labor by law. It
may be a vaudeville that is going on here,
but the subject of the joke is the story of
our lives.
This wretched little convention is more
important for what it shows than for what
it is. Maybe it shows that the era of locally,
sectionally and geographically based parties
is over. Maybe it shows that we are going
to have to go on to a new kind of party,
which starts with a set of principles and
on that basis seeks to assemble men, in-
stead of starting with a set of men and
then seeking to assemble principles. If so it
may mean the opening of a new political
eta in America, in which while the Left
may find itself without allies, the Right
may find itself without followers. This is the
great issue that is being decided here, and,
of course, it is not being mentioned. For
even to debate the question of whether it
would not be better to go back to the old
way of conciliation and compromise would
be to assure a community of interest which
is beyond the power of the factions here
to assert any longer. They are not discuss-
ing the natures of oil and water; they are
oil and water.
If anybody insists that this convention is a
joke, I shall dutifully laugh, but I am afraid
the comedy, if it be one will continue after
the convention ends this week, and that it is.
going to have a long run, in many houses,
before many audiences.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.)
The Democratic Bankruptcy
PHILADELPHIA - President Truman is
coming to Philadelphia to accept the
nomination of a party which is bankrupt,
not only politically, but also in the simple
financial sense of the word. The best test.
of the dreadful state of the Democratic
party is the dreadful state of its treasury,
This is perhaps squalid practical fact, which
will never the less intimately affect the
course of the coming campaign.
Officials of the Democratic national com-
mittee talk airily about "several hundred
thousand dollars" being in the till. But if
this money is there at all, most of it is
obligated. Insiders who know their business
say that the national committee actually
has about $80,000 in hand, which is peanuts
measured against the huge bills of the
Partly, this is the result of sheer folly.
Over $20,000 was wasted, for example, on
the silly little "Truman victory kits" con-
taining thimbles, whistles and the like,
which were distributed with the apparent
intention of mollifying peevish female dele-
gates. Mainly, however, the trouble is that
the fat cats have either been alienated or
have ceased to regard the Democratic party
as a good speculative investment. The con-
trast with the past is sad indeed.
In 1944, the big money was raised at a
sort of marathon cocktail party in the
New York hotel suite of chairman of the
National Committee Robert E. Hanne-
gan. Every afternoon for sixty days suit-
able prospects were suitably entertained,
and at the psychological moment retired
with chairman Hannegan to -the rare pri-
vacy of the bathroom. There, among the
plumbing fixtures, the checks were signed,
for $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000, as the case
might be. Among the contributors of those
days, one very large group has become un-
approachable now because of the Zionist
issue, and other groups have been lost to
the cause in other ways.
Worse still, the professional touch of
chairman Hannegan, who is an extremely
able practical politician, is now unhappily
lacking. He and his cohorts kept the very
fattest of the fat cats in reserve until the
difficult days at the close of the campaign,
when they were individually touched for
really big contributions. The present na-
tional committee, in an evident moment of
despair, has already done the opposite. Reg-
istered letters were recently sent by the
current national chairman, Senator J. How-
ard McGrath, to all the largest contributors
of record, asking them to mail their checks
at once.
The result has been that men who used
to give $1,000 have hastily forwarded $500,
while former contributors of $5,000 have sent
checks for $1,000. The rather peremptory
device of registered letters caused some re-
sentment. But on the balance, the large
contributors were delighted to be given this
chance of getting off cheaply. When they
are solicited later, they can say they have
already laid their contributions on the line,
and send the solicitor away with a flea in
his ear.
This is the situation in which, according
to report, the assistant Secretary of Air,
Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, has had the
arm put on him to handle the Democratic
party's finances during the campaign. Whit-
ney is an amiable and public-spirited man
but he has no previous experience in the ex-
tremely specialized task he is about to und-
ertake. Obviously, what recommended him
for the job is that he possesses a very large
private fortune. The Democratic strategists
quite clearly expect to run up a big tab, and
then leave Whitney to pick the tab up. On
the whole, this seems a trifle hard on
Getting up the cash in politics is never
difficult if you are willing to make the
right concessions. For instance, "The At-
lanta Constitution" has reported, without
contradiction, that the big sum needed to
finance the forthcoming rump convention
of Southern rebels at Birmingham has
been supplied by the oil companies. The
sordid connection between this fact and
the Southern delegations' feverish sup-
port of a platform plank endorsing the
tidelands oil grab is to obvious to need
further discussion.
There are all kinds of groups to which
the stupider Democrats may be tempted to
promise concessions if they will only get
up a little folding money. It can naturally
be assumed without question that neither
Whitney nor of course President Truman
will become involved in anything of this sort.
Yet it is also true that both as a result of
this money problem and in other ways, one
of the really grave dangers of the next
four months is that the Democrats may be
driven by despair to do idiotic, or dangerous
or downright improper things.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc)
Edi-torial Rounds
Detroit Free IPress
The GOP Is Also Sick-W ill It lecover?
WITH THE REPUBLICAN bandwagon roiling to doy, itb steam
calliope blares the victory theme that the lDemocratic party is
Dead for the moment it may be, but if the leaders of the GOP
are wise and not blinded by the bright light of inpending sucves>,
they will carefully diagnose some of their own ils,
They may find, after all, that they too are suffering froim a
disease that can be fatal. Carryin as they do in their system the
corrupting tissues of Old Guardismn and reaction, the Republican
Party is none too robust.
Whether the party, pointed toward a new militantisn under the
progressive leadership of Dewey and Warren can shake off this dry
rot and emerge revitalized to meet the challenge of leadeship in do-
mestic and world-affairs, is the real isue confronting the Nation
next November.
To swing with the pendulum is not enough. The pendulum
never moves out of its arc.
The new Republicanism must be vigorous and forward mov-
ing. Otherwise little will be gained by the forthcoming turnover
in Washington.
N HIS SPEECH of acceptance beoe the Republican National Con-
vention, Gov. Dewey made some definite pronilses to the American
Calling attention to the challenge which confronted the party,
he asked that it be met with "depth of undertanding and large-
ness of spirit."
"These," he said, "are the articles of faith from which the
greatness of America has been fashioned. Our people are eager
to know again the upsurgitig power of that faith. They are turning
to us to put such a faith at the heart of our national life. That
is what we are called to do. That is what we will do."
Those words are the articles of principle which a country, its
spirit dulled by 16 years of New Deal irrationalism and opportunism,
is eager to grasp.
But can Dewey and Warren deliver?
Dewey told the convention that he was unfettered of any
promise or obligation.
But in the background lurked the ominous figures of the Joe
Grundys and all that they stand for'.
Out of the convention came the appointment of Hugh D. Scott,
a political henchman of Grundy, as chairman of the Republicar)
National Committee. Scott had earlier distinguished himself by de-
claring that the Republicans should take power because they are
"the best stock."
Which concepts will prevail in the Republican Party; those
expressed by Dewey, or those of Hugh Scott?
IT WAS THE GRUNDY, the Smoot and the Hawley type of mind
that brought the Republican party upon evil days 16 years ago.
If the party is to succeed and to'fulfill its high promise, as voiced
by Dewey and Warren, they must be cleaned out and disavowed.
"Our task is to fill our victory with such meaning that man-
kind everywhere, yearning for freedom, will take heart and move
forward out of this desperate darkness into the light of freedom's
promise," declared Dewey.
Those words are almost Lincolnesque.
They need only the men to breathe the fire of life into them.
IT WILL NOT BE DONE by the Scotts, the Grundys, the Martins,
and those others who in Congress and elsewhere pulled the strings
and made the Republican Party vulnerable to the sort of attacks that
Senator Barkley made in his keynote at the Democratic Conven-.
Whether the Republicans now will move forward under such lib-
eral-minded men as Dewey, Warren, Driscoll, Ives and Stassen, and
utilize the fine integrity of mind and character of Taft and Vanden.
berg, is the real challenge.
That is the question the people must consider when they go to
the polls in November.
In the answer is the real hope of America.J
Publicatinks in The Dlly Off'ial
E11i1tin is cnstrctiVe notice to a~l
membe'rs of tihe Unvesity. Notices for
the builet i should be sent in type-
Writt en frturno the OtTle of the Sum-
necr teasoi, 11odi 1213 Angel Hal, by
3:00 p" r ,n the day preceding pubiu-
ratioun(11:00 ip11, Saturdays)
VOL. LV11L No. 185
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
will be Fri., July 16. A course may
be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after confer-
ence with the instructor.
Graduate students are remind-
ed that courses dropped after
noon of July 17th will be re-
corded with the grade of E.
Mechanical, Industrial-Me-
chanical & Civil Engineering Au-
gust 1948 Graduates:
Mr. W. K. Brown of Standard
Oil Company of Indiana will in-
terview students in these groups
on Tuesday, July 20, for prospec-
tive positions with that Organiza-
tion, in Room 218 West Engineer-
ing Building. Interview schedule
is posted on the bulletin board at
kln. 225 W. Engineering Bldg.
Mechanical & Industrial-Me-
chanical Seniors, Graduates:
Students should fill out their per-
sonal recordcard immediately and
watch the bulletin board for fu-
ture interviews. These cards are
kept on file in the Mechanical
Engineering Office permanently
and are very important for future
reference as well as for interviews
by industrial representatives.
The third Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Friday, July
16, 1948. Discussions begin at 8
p.m. in the Main Lodge of the
Fresh Air Camp located on Pat-
terson Lake. Any University stu-
dents interested in problems
of individual and group therapy
are invited to attend. The discus-
sant will be Mr. Herbert J. Booth
of the Flint State Child Guidance
Clin ic, Flint.
Dean V. A. Tan, College of En-
gineering, the University of the
Philippines will give a lecture on
"Certain Features of the Rehabili-
°tation Program of the Philippine
iRepublie," Fri., July 16, 3 p.m.,
loom 445 West Engineering Bldg.
Everyone cordially invited.
Linguistic Institute Forum Lee-
Lure. "Linguistic and Cultural
Changre," by Professor Harry Hoi-
ier, Professor of Anthropology,
iUniversity of California at Los An-
geles. Thursday, July 15, 7:30,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Rensis A. Likert, Director of
the Survey Research Center, will
discuss "The Study of Human Re-
lations in Business and Govern-
ment by Sample Interview Sur-
veys," at 8 p.m. Thurs., July 15,
sponsored by the Michigan Ac-
tuarial Club, in the East Lecture
Room, Mezzanine Floor, Rackham
Building. All persons interested
are cordially invited.
The fourth lecture in the spe-
cial lecture series sponsored by
the Department of Engineering
Mechanics will be presented by
Mr. D. B. Steinman, Consulting
Engineer of New York. Mr. Stein-
man will speak on "Bridges and
Aerodynamics" on Friday, July
16, 8 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre, and Saturday, July
17, at 11 a.m. in the Rackham
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Sciences,
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, Music, and Pub-
lie Health
Students who received marks of
I, X, or "no report" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-
sion of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course or courses
unless this work is made up by
July 21. Students wisliing an ex-
tension of time beyond tliis date
in order to make up this work
should file a petition addressed to
the appropriate ofl'icial inl their
school with Room 4, U.R1. wiere it
will be transmitted.
History Final Examination
Make-Up: Saturday, July 17, 9
o'clock, Room B, haven Hall. Stu-
dents must come with written per-
mission of instructor.
The Applied Mathematics Semi-
nar will meet on Thurs., July 15,
4 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi-
neering Building. Professor G. E.
Hay will continue his talk on
"Approximations in Elasticity."
Preliminary Examinations for
Doctorate in School of Education.
Examinations will be held on Au-
gust 16, 17 and 18, from 9 till 12
noon. Anyone desiring to take
these examinations should notify
Dr. Woody's Office, 4000 Univer-
sity High School, by July 19.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
7:15 tonight. All-French pro-
gram, including compositions by
Couperin, Gounod, Cantelon,
Saint-Saens, Debussy, and closing
with La Marseillaise......,....
Events Today
Young Democrats: meeting
Thurs., 8 p.m., Room 319, Mich.
International Center Tea today,
4:30-6 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Charles Philipps and Mrs. Irving
H. Anderson.
French Club: Bastille Day will
be celebrated today at 8 p.m., 2nd
floor Terrace Room of the Michi-
gan Union. Professor Charles E.
Koella, of the Romance Language
Department, will speak informally
on the occasion. French songs and
social games. All those interested
are cordially invited.
La p'tite causette mees today
at 4:30 ini the International Cen-
There will be a get-together of
former students of Northern
Michigan College of Education
Thurs. evening, July 15. Meet in
(Continued on Page 4-
' Fifty-Eighth Year '
it Lydia Mendelssohn ...
"You Can't Take it With You," a theatre
natural if there ever was one, whidh de-
lighted last night's first night audience in
the third of the Speech Department's Sum-
mer series, was a competently produced pre.
sentation of Kaufman and Hart's Helzapop-
pin-like farce.
The cast headed by James Lynch as
whimsical grandfather Martin Vanderhof
was uniformly effective, but there were no
standout performances by any of the princi-
pals. Some minor however gems were
turned in by Richard Etlinger, as Kolon-
:ov, Grace Foster, as Essie, William Pitts
as Donald, and Ann Davis as a most con-
vincing female drunk.
Lynch, who is coming dangerously close
to being typed, exhibited his usual feeling
for comedy. M rtin Vanderhof, a Will
Rogers kind of wit, gave him ample oppor-
tunity to get the most out of a comic line.
But the role of Vanderhaf embodied the
themeatic speeches of the play. Lynch, in-
telligently delivered these speeches with
the same gestures and in the same tone as
his comic lines. And while he succeeded in
keeping the old man a consistent character
his comedy came off sharply, but the the-
meatic passages seemed pale and ineffe,-
Shigley Loeblich and William Bromfield
performed capably as the young lovers.
Highpoint of the play was the wild bit
before the end of the second act curtain
which starts out slowly enough but winds
up as a combination of Coney Island on
Sunday and a National convention.
The beginning of the third act, however,
dragged a bit, and even after it did get ro '-
ing it never regained the exhuberance ani
abandon of the second act.
The success of last night's performance
was one of brilliant flashes rather than as
an entire play. It moved along smoothly un-
til some good line or piece of slapstick would
step it up.
Oren Parker contributed another fine set
and the use of makeup by the cast was uni-
formnlv excellent. ,
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
UESDAY EVENING Carl Weinrich, one
of the finest or contemporary organ-
ists, gave a truly magnificent recibal at Hill
Auditorium. No doubt, Mr. Weinrich's repu-
tation had a lot to dok with the fact that
an unusually large audience was present. His
performance certainly justified his fame,
and more important was a source of great
pleasure to all.
An interesting feature or the evening's
program, was its great unity of style. The
emphasized polyphonic Baroque, flowed
smoothly into the neo-classic works of Hinde-
emith and Krenek, dramatically indicating
their basic source of inspiration and tech-
nique, as well as that of many of their
mate the Baroque organ for which most of
these works were written. This registration
gave the music a highly pleasant authentic
tone quality, and also enabled Mr. Wein-
rich to project the separate melodic lines
with a great degree of clarity.
The evening's performance was uniformly
excellent. One would run out of superlatives
though, if a description were to be attempted
of Mr. Weinrich's Bach Prelude and Fugue
in A minor. His rigidly hypnotic rhythm in
the Fugue, tempts one to wonder whether
he may not have swallowed a metronome
or clock sometime in his life, as did the
crocodile in "Peter Pan." A fine Chorale
Prelude and powerful Chaconne in C minor,
Mom and Pop left for home-
themh as their
car went past
you mgh oir it around
tthem bou oar m'boy.
You explained the reasons
for giving up forming for
this summer theoter idea?
I didnt get
a chance-
My friend Gus, the Ghost.
t ravarena JL ta .-rtrrnat
All the risks of agriculture-
You pointed out the dangers
of drought, blights, locusts,
damage by otters, hexing of
the cow by jealous neighbors-
k A
I'm glad your folks agree
with me that the theater
is a much sounder venture
Yes, the play's the thing-
C C 7
Al tr1
e's at your house. Didn't
e'tl I h41 m'biv. I rented I
v a L
I don't see why not. However,