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July 15, 1948 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-15

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i, 11 , u I




U. S. Olympic Team Leaves For London Tilt

This year's Olympic team has lost the services of Gil Dodds, the
best American miler as proved by performances last winter; Charlie
Fonville, who has heaved the shot farther than anyone in the world,
living or dead; and Harrison Dillard, American star hurdler.
All three of these men were head and shoulders above anyone in
their respective events, but the Olympic trials eliminated them at a
time when they were obviously not in top physical or in the case
of Dillard psychological form.
Why is it that in attempting to present the best American

team possible the U.S. Olympic
- ien despite their failure at the
trials, in recognition of their
previous records?
The answer is the familiar one
heard in the service during this
last war: the rule states that .. .
etc. and we can't make an ex-
ception in one case without mak-
ing exceptions in all cases.
This seems rather poor judg-
r ment, since the rules were set up
to facilitate the choosing of the
best team possible with the least
possible strain. Thus when the
rules run counter to the best in-
terests of the Olympic team it is
the rules which sould suffer and
not the athletes.
x However, it is taken for grant-
ed that there must be some
judgment and common sense
used in order that the rule which
for most cases is, practical, does
not become a mockery.
But, it should be the job of the
Olympic Committee to decide
which are legitimate causes for
abridgment of the rule and make
the rules tools of the Committee
instead of the Committee subju-
gating itself to the rules.
Bill Veeck appears to be
slamming and double locking all
the doors now that the horse
has been stolen.
Since when does a ball club an-
nounce its intentions through the
Athletic Frat.,
Honors Three
Bob Schoendube, John Allred,
and Stan Plagenhoef were ad-
mitted to the Sigma Delta Psi
Honorary Athletic Frat. after suc-
cessfully completing 15 required
tests such as: kicking a football
45 yards, running the 120 yards
low hurdles in 16 seconds, broad
jumping 17 feet and climbing 20
feet on a rope in 13 seconds.
For his skill on the Trampo-
line, Schoendube has gained
both the Big Nine and National
AAU Championships.
George Allen, former 150 lb.
football coach at Michigan and
-' now Head Coach at Morningside
College, Iowa, is on the verge of
entering the Frat. with only one
test to go.
NEW YORK, July 14--()-
Babe Ruth suffered no ill ef-
fects of his futile trip to Balti-
more, his physician said today.
The physician said Ruth had
gained five pounds since enter-
ing the hospital late in June.

Committee does not take these
mouth of one of its players. Veeck
would have us believe that he,
Veeck, decided that Feller would
not pitch in the All-Star Game
and that Bobbie was an unwitting
stooge. The old saying that all
those that believe this poke out
their right eye certainly applies
If Veeck had really made the
decision he obviously would have
announced same, for in the faceof
Feller's waning popularity even
Bill knows that such a decision
apparently from Feller would do
little to gladden the hearts of
American League fans. Try again
bM Sports
Thirty-six hole medal play
rounds will be 'held at 4 p.m. to-
morrow and Saturday at the Uni-
versity Golf Course to determine
medalist and runner-up honors in
the All-Campus Summer Golf
Tournament for men.
Students interested in partici-
pating in the tournament should
register at the I-M Bldg. before 5
p.m. today.
Scores made in the medal play
rounds will also serve as qualify-
ing scores for match, play, which
will begin Monday, July 19.
Following the July 19 play-offs,
an all-campus team champion-
ship match will be held, according
to Bert Katzenmeyer, Varsity golf
coach. Each team will be com-
posed of three players.
Fraternity League I
Lambda Chi Alpha 20, Zeta Tan 5
Alpha Sigma Phi 16, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon 5
Sigma Chi 10, Theta Xi 5
Residence Hall League
Hayden 30, Anderson 4
Greene 13 Hinsdale 12
Cooley 9, Prescott 8
Strauss 8, Tyler 2
Independent League II
Encee's 11, Phi Gamma Delta 1
Beta Theta Pi 9, Disciples 1
In yesterday's paddle ball at the
I-M Building Jerry Alexander de-
feated Herb Furman 21-9, 21-1
and then went on to down Ted
Greer 21-10, 23-21.
B. D. Malani defeated Irving
Hannington, who had previously
won two matches by default,
15-13, 13-15, 15-13 in badminton
and then John Boland 15-5, 15-1.
Malani and Jesse Hill will meet in
I the finals.

By The Associated Press
President Bill Veeck of the
Cleveland Indians today saidg le
felt Bobby Feller was getting a
great deal of undeserved criticism
because the club withdrew the
hurler from the All-Star squad.
"Most persons apparently be-
lieve Feller had something to do
with the action," Veeck said in a
statement released by the Tribe
front office. "Actually, however,
he didn't have anything to do with
it. It was directed by Manager
Lou Boudreau and myself."
Calumet Farm's sprightly miss,
Bewitch, scored the easiest kind of
a victory in the $28,200, Cleopa-
tra Handicap at Arlington Park
Charging from behind, Bewitch
landed home four lengths in front
of Jack Skirvin's Alablue.
A $300,000 damage sun, 'orought
by a suspended player and charg"-
ing organized baseball with a mo-
nopoly in violation of the anti-
trust laws, wasudismissed in fed-
eral district court today.
The suit was brought by Dannv
Gardella, one-time outfielder-first
baseman of the New York Giants
in the National League. Gardelia
jumped the club in 1946 to play
with other players from the U3.
in the Mexican League.
He was suspended for five years
by Commissioner A. B. Chandler.
Gardella charged that the reserve
clause in baseball contracts made
it a monopoly and kept him from
earning a livelihood.
* * *
Defending champion Mary Ag-
nes Wall of Menominee, Mich.
breezed through the quarter-finals
of the State Women's Golf Cham-
pionship today, defeating Mrs.
W. H. Bretzlaff Jr., of Detroit, 6
and 5.
At the same time Pat Devany, of
Grosse Ile and Shirley Spork, of
Detroit advanced to the semi-

I ole-in.One
Thirty-four prize winners in this
year's Hole-in-one Contest, held
by the Ann Arbor Optimist Club,
were announced out of the 547
who teed off. The winners will be
notified by mail:
Men's Division
1. A Michalke, l'19 1/8"
2. John C. Kuivinen, 2'5"
3. F. Royster, 2'51'2"
4. G. Devries, 2'8"
5. Chuck Menefee, 3'10.4"
6. D. Beath, 4'93/4"
7. Celon Hill Jr., 4'11"
8. J. M. Dand, 6'9%,"
9. Y. Ushiro, 7'11/4"
10. A. W. Mattson, 7'412"
11. Cal Markham, 7'1012"
12. M. Seward, 8'7,4"
13. D. Baker, 8'81%"
14. Goldsmith, 8'91/2"
15. Don Ward, 9'1014"
16. R. E. Lombert, 8'10%"
17. H. Haarar 9'2"
18. Preston, 9'51/4"
19. Russel Wolford, 9'6"
20. Bob Nickels, 9'1114"
21. Ceilon Hill Sr., 10'3/8"
22. D. Ferguson, 10X3/4"
23. Bob Winnick, 10'6 "
Women's Division
1. Betty Courtright, 4'41"
2. Mrs. Esther Folk, 5'3%"
3. Miss Frances Lelling, 13'74"
4. Dorothy Swanger, 13'84"
5. Ruth Carsten, 27'5'"
6. Sue Kessler, 28'9"
7. J. M. McLeoud, 28'10%'"
8. Jo Slaughter, 29'2/4"
9. P. Galbo, 29'31/2"
10. Virginia Borders, 29'11"
11. Corrine Crogan, 34'5"

July 14-(P)-The main phalanx
of the 1948 United States Olympic
Team, 260 athletes and 44 coaches
and managers, sailed today for
England on the S.S. America.
Candidates for immortalization
aboard the America include Barn-
ey Ewell, Mel Patton, Mal Whit-
field, Roy Cochrane, Willie Steele,
Bill Porter, and Jack Delaney in
track and field, Ann Curtis in
swimming, and Jack Kelly, Jr., in
the single sculls.
Almost certainly comparative
unknowns will come to the
front, however, when the games
start July 29, just as famous
stars are apt to falter.
Although all Olympic sports are
considered equal, track holds the
most attention. It is in this phase
that the 1948 squad has probably
the best depth and balance of any
team America has ever entered.
In 16 of 24 events, the re', white
and blue runners, jumpers, and
throwers are contenders. Only the
five distance races from 1,500,
meters up, the two walking events,
and the hop, step, and jump can
be counted in advance as lost.
Avery Brundage, smiling
slightly, watched the informally
clad athletes straggle in. The
American Olympic Committee
President is optimistic of a
strong showing at London, and
pleased with the brighter finan-
cial outlook which did away
with the need for cutting the
In all, America will be repres-
ented at London by 341 men and
women athletes, the biggest en-
try among all the nations, larger
even than the home team of Eng-
In addition to those aboard the
America, the men swimmers and
water polo players are flying over
by chartered plane, leaving New
York tomorrow; the Army's eques-
trian team is already in Europe;
20 fencers and 16 yachtsmen sail
tomorrow on the Queen Elizabeth;
and the four West Pointers of the
modern pentathlon team are go-
ing by Army transport.
Probably the most powerful
team of all, and the one on
which falls the heaviest task, is
the basketball team. Ten of the
14 man team are from the start-
ing fives of the Phillips Oilers

260 A thietes Set Sail on,
'America'; Others to Fly

and the University of Kentucky.
Each five will probably play as a
Aside from basketball and
men's track, the United States
appears strongest in swimming,
with a chance to score occasionally
in wrestling, boxing, and rowing.
Women's track is definitely
weak by European standards, and
barring surprises America will
make no great bid in such Europ-
ean specialties as cycling, the
equestrian sports, fencing, field
hockey, gymnastics, the modern
pentathlon, pistol and rifle shoot-
ing, and yachting and canoeing.
There is no such thing as a
team championship in the
Olympics. Gilt, Silver, and
bronze medals are awarded for
the first three places in each in-
dividual event, and to the first
three teams in the team sports.
By common acceptance, how-
ever, the unofficial score of the
Olympics is kept on a basis of 10
points for first place, and 5, 4, 3,
2, 1 for the next five. Using this
method the United States "won"
the 1932 games at Los Angeles,
was second at Berlin, and should
be either first or second at Lon-
Mangritrn May
Pass Hogan
PITTSBURGH, July 14-(P)-
The effort of lean Lloyd Mangrum
to supplant Ben Hogan as top 1948
money winner adds zing to the
$16,500 Dapper Dan Invitational
Golf Tournament opening tomor-
The tournament spreads 72
holes of firing over four days at
rolling Alcoma Country Club,
lengthened to 6,850 yards for this
George Schneiter, PGA Tourna-
ment manager, said Hogan prob-
obly will not be a started because
of "tournamentitis," a general!;
rundown condition resulting from
a long stretch of competition
which led him to both PGA and
Open titles.
The grind also put belting Ben
in front of the money-making
field with $20,197.50 in 1948 earn-

Major League Standings
Yesterday's Results Yesterday's Results
No Games Scheduled No Games Scheduled
W L Pet. G.B. Cleveland ......45 28 .616 .
Boston , .......46 31 .597 .. Philadelphia.. 48 32 .600 2
Pittsburgh ... 39 35 .527 5r3 New York 44 32 .579 22
St. Louis ......39 36 .529 6 Boston.........39 35 .527 62
New York .... 36 37 .493 8 Detroit........ 39 37 .513 71/2
Brooklyn.......35 37 .486 8l Washington .. 34 42 .447 121
Cincinnati .... 37 40 .481 9 St. Louis ......28 45 .384 17
Philadelphia .. 36 42 .462 101 Chicago....... 23 49 .319 21
Chicago....... 33 43 .434 122 Today's Games
St. Louis at New York (Night).
Today's Games -Sanford (7-8) or Garver (3-7)
New York at Pittsburgh (2)-- vs. Hiller (2-1).
Jansen (10-5) and Poat (8-2) vs. Chicago at Washington (Night)
Chesnes (4-2) and Riddle (9-4). -Wight (5-7) vs. Scarborough
Brooklyn at Cincinnati (Night) Cleveland at Philadelphia (2-
-Barney (4-5) vs. Vander Meer Twi-Night)-Gromek (2-1) and
(7-7). Lemon (13-7) or Bearden (7-3) vs.
Boston at Chicago (2) -Bick- Marchildon (6-6) and Fowler
ford (5-2) and Spahn (7-6) vs. (8-1).
Detroit at Boston (2-Day and
Hammer (4-3) and Rush (2-6). Night)-Trout (9-9) and Hutch-
Philadelphia at St. Louis inson (5-3) vs. Kramer 9-3) or
(Night) - Leonard (7-8) vs. Ferriss-(5-2) and Kinder (3-4) or
Breechen (9-3). Parnell (4-5).
Tigers To Open 14-Game Road
Trip with 4 Games at Boston

Brooklyn (N)............3
Cleveland (A) .......... 4



Palica, Casey (7)
Klieman, Black
Bearden (9)


Paige (7),1

Boston, July 14 - (/P) - The
Detroit Tigers put their slim pen-
nant hopes squarely on the line
today as they arrived here for the
opening of a 14-game road trip.
Boasting a record of seven
straight wins - most of them
against the weaker western divi-
sion clubs-the Bengals realized
only too well that they would have
to pick up some ground on this
trip if they hope to figure in the
pennant race.
11 Games with Leaders
Elevent of the 14 games will be
played against the Red Sox, Yan-
kees and Athletics-teams which
.currently rank higher in the
American League standings than
Detroiters do.
The Tigers, now trailing the
fourth place Boston Red Sox by
only a game and a half, have a
golden opportunity to climb into
NEW YORK, July 14-(IP)-
The New York Athletic Club
announced today its members
had contributed $10,000 to the
Olympic Fund.

the first division by sweeping the
four-game series.
Hopes Dimmed
Tiger hopes were clouded con-
siderably, however, by the fact
that two of their best ball players
-Hal Newhouser and George Kell
-still are on the injury list.
Kell, whose injured ankle forced
him to miss the All-Star Game,
came up today with a sty on his
left eye and a body rash that both-
ered him considerably.
Newhouser's Arm Still Sore
Newhouser, whose arm became
sore while he was beating the
White Sox Sunday, said today it
still gives him considerable pain.
The Tiger southpaw reported
doctors had diagnosed the condi-
tion as bursitis, which may side-
line him 10 days or more.
With Newhouser on the side-
lines, the Tigers named Paul 'Diz'
Trout and Freddie Hutchinson to
twirl against the Red Sox tomor-
Trout will go in the first game,
an afternoon affair, while the sec-
ond will be under arc lights.




+ Classified Advertising +





USED TOYS for nursery school in
India. Send to S. Devanesen, c /o
Mrs. Chambers, Lane Hall. )23
SINGLE ROOM for fail, near campus.
4-year medical student, doesn't smoke
or drink. Box 124, Michigan Daily.)16
SINGLE or share double room for fall
near campus. Doesn't smoke or drink.
Will keep room in orderly condition.
3-year legal student. Write Box 125,
Michigan Daily. )17
STUDENTS for kitchen and dining
room. Cottage Inn, 512 E. Williams
GOOD DEAL - Substitute waiter for
weekends Sat. night and Sunday
noon meals at Alpha Xi Delta House.
Phone Ward Opdyke. 2-6674, )28


You'll Need These for al -
At July Clearance Prices

STOP WORRYING about that term
paper! Call 6302 or 2-4818 after 6 p.m.
for professional and prompt typing
service. )27
MEN'S light weight bicycle. Good con-
dition. Cheap. Call Jim 2-2330. )25
WASHING and ironing done in my
home. Pickup and delivery. Phone
27766. )22
PERSONALIZED alterations - Prompt
service-custom clothes. Hildegarde
Shop, 109 E. Washington, Tel. 2-4669.
LOST-Metal clarinet No. 10296. Black
case. Reward. Carlton Weegar, 120
Tyler House. )29
LOST: Emerald cut rhinestone brace-
let on or near campus, Saturday, July
10th. Finder please return to J. E.
Grearier, Ran 350, Chemistry Bldg.
Reward. ) 20
$1,500 down buys home on lake within
easy driving distance of Ann Arbor.
Excellent beach. For full information
call Oril Ferguson at 2-2839. 928 For-
rest. )12
TUX, size 37, good condition, $10. Call
Ken Cox, University extension 2520.
) 15
SELLING OUT stock of new golf clubs
for a real buy call 27053. Address
1320 North University. )21
EMERSON electric portable record
player (initial price $50), plus collec-
tion of 70 records by T. D. G. Miller,
Stan Kenton, Jo Stafford, etc. All in
excellent condition, price $35. Call
2-8262, before 8 p.m. )19
1947 SERVI-CYCLE, used very little.
$195. 207 Miller Ave. )24
ANTIQUES-Cherry tables. Chests 4
barroom chairs, 5 Hitchcock chairs.
1 Lincoln rocker. Wing chair. Punch
bowl and cups. Miscellaneous glass,
china. Bric-a-Brac. 214 S. Ingalls. Tel.
7649. )18

- --.----- --- -----


Crepe - Sheer - Cotton -Gabardine



Not all styles in all sizes--
but dozens from which to
choose - and every one a
bargain. Sizes 9-15, 10-44
and 162-24%.
Values to $29.95


ALL merchandise in this sale is from our
regular stock of fine furnishings
and clothing.
ALL Wool Tropical Worsted Suits. . Formerly to $65.00
A Select Group of our regular
VAN BOVEN Shirts--slightly soiled Formerly to 9.75
ALL Sport Shirts--both long and
and short sleeves . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formerly to 11.50
ALL colored "T" Shirts . . . . . . . . . Formerly to 4.50
Dobbs Straw Hats - Swim Trunks --a Walking Shorts
Leisure Jackets
Other items that represent a substantial savings to you
include robes at 1/3 off. A select group of hand tailored
ties, and many other items.

Long or Short Pure Wool
Po take on your vacation-and to wear
his Fall. Shorties and long coats in
iavy, black or colors.
Values to $39.95



Re stwNQ
Start your business train-
ing two months earlier -
earn two months' extra sal-
ary. Be sure of accommoda-
tions at school. Arrange your
living quarters ahead of the
Students advance individ-
ually. Cool, pleasant class-
Prepare for a position like
Secretary Accountant
Stenographer, Bookkeeper
Executive Assistant
nffi o ann (nnar

Navy - Black - Green - Blue - Grey

Gabardines and crepes-ideal for


travel now and wear all Fall, Pick

I Il



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