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July 15, 1948 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-15

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THMSDAY, JULY 15, 1948

i i

T1IUM1~AY, JULY 15~ 1R48

Campus Highlights


Radio Script
Used to Show


Baritone Recital ...
Prof. Andrew White, of the
.School of Music, will present a
baritone recital, at 8 p.m. today,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Included on the program will be
two Strauss selections and two by
Erich Wolff, Delius Trois Chants,
Pessard's "Requiem du Coeur,"
Gerard's Monologue from Gior-
dano's "Nemico Della Patria,"
Rachmaninoff's "In the Silence of
Night" and Gretchaninoff's "Over
the Steppe."
Prof. White will be assisted at
the piano by Robert Henderson,
graduate student, who will add
the Ross Lee Finney Piano Sonata
No. 4 in E Major to the program.
Alpha Kappa Alpha ...
All active and inactive mem-
bers of the Alpha Kappa Alpha
sorority will meet at 7:30 p.m.
today, at Britt League House, 1136
E. Catherine St., for a get ac-
quainted meeting.
* * *
Actuarial Club ...
Dr. Rensis A. Likert, director
of the Survey Research Center,
will discuss "The Study of Human
Relations in Business and Govern-
ment by Sample Interview Sur-
veys." Dr. Likert's talk, sponsored
by the Michigan Actuarial Club,
will be presented at 8 p.m. today
in the east lecture room on the
mezzanine floor of the Rackham
Building. All interested persons
are invited to attend.
Linguistic Talk.. .
"Linguistic and Cultural
Change" will be the topic of a talk
to be presented by Professor Harry
Hoijer, Professor of anthropology
at the University of California at
Los Angeles, at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
* * *
French Club'...
The French Club will observe
Comfortably Cool!
Continuous Daily from 1 P.M.

Bastille Day at a get-together to-
day at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Union. Pro-
fessor Charles E. Koella, of the
romance languages department
will speak informally. All inter-
ested persons are invited to attend.
. Convention...
(Continued from Page 1)
the Democrats to offer a strong
ticket so there will be a "healthy
contest" this fall.
* * *
In welcoming the delegates,
Pennsylvania's Democratic Sena-
tor Francis Myers said his party
would clean the "plunderers" out
of Philadelphia.
At the same time, a newspaper
poll showed that if a city election
were held now, the GOP would be
run out of office in this tradi-
tional Republican strong-hold by
a 2-1 vote.
The Republican voters have ap-
parently decided that they'd rath-
er have the Democrats handle
their tax money, at least on a lo-
cal scale.
While practical politicians try to
figure out how to carry pivotal
states such as New York and Illi-
nois, the more exuberant ama-
teurs sport the ambitious slogan:
"all 48 in '48."
* * *
The following snatch of conver-
cation overheard in the Michigan
caucus shows that veteran con-
vention-goers are getting wise to
the game:
First delegate: Stop at my room
around noon tomorrow.
Second delegate: Isn't there a
session then?
First delegate: Oh, there won't
be anything going on there.
* * *
Radio broadcasters spotted Har-
old Bledsoe, Negrolawyer from
Detroit, sitting in on the States'
Rights caucus the other day. They
gave the Michigan delegate a
chance to explain his reaction to
the Southerners' anti-civil rights
stand over a national hook-up.
The fluent delegate said later
that he had no bitterness forthe
Southerners. "They's Americans,
just as I am. I disagree with their
viewpoint, but I know we can
work out those things."
He's a staunch Truman support-
er and thinks Wallace is "all wet."

Tutor Cases
Science, Math Topics
Shown Educators
The "Court of Educational Re-
lations," a simulated radio script,
presented the special problems of
science and mathematics tutoring
to teachers attending the Second-
ary Education Conference yester-
The script formed part of a pro-
gram presented at the UHS audi-
torium dealing with the "Implica-
tions for Secondary Education of
the Report by the President's Sci-
entific Research Board," Dr. Ral-
eigh Schorling, Professor of Edu-
cation and a member of the Board,
directed the program.
Complete with parodies on the
Whiffenpoof Song, a well-known
soap company's singing commer-
cial and a well-known comedian's
quartet, the script dramatically
presented the main problem in the
training of future scientists. These
include financial support, materi-
als and space, working conditions,
programs for teacher advance-
ment, and in-service programs.
'Express Trends'
The author Exa O'Daye Hardin,
a graduate student in secondary
education, is a former teacher
from Houston, Texas. In an inter-
view, Miss Hardin said she hoped
by presenting these problems and
partial solutions, "to express pres-
ent trends in mathematics and
science teaching."
"I hopeathe program will make
better teachers of my listeners,"
she added.
The radio skit was followed by
a panel discussion.
Radio Helpful,
Not Intrusion
In Class--Willis
A radio-a-day won't keep the
teacher away, according to Prof.
Edgar Willis, of the Department of
Speech, San Jose State Teachers
College, Cal.
Radio can never replace the
teacher, Prof. Willis said yester-
day, speaking on "Using Radio to
"Teachers need not fear the in-
trusion of the radio into the class-
room, but they should be aware of
the ways in which the radio can be
helpful in the classroom," Prof.
Willis said.
Various Uses
Radio programs can be used to
give information, develop desir-
able attitudes, enhance interest
and improve appreciation and dis-
crimination, particularly in the
areas of music, drama and foreign
language, according to Prof. Wil-
"However, research studies have
proven that the radio can be use-
ful in achieving almost all the ob-
jectives which teachers strive for,"
he said.
No Other Means
Some advantages of the radio
cannot be gained by any other
medium, he said.
"Radio can bring the textbook
and other materials up to date, as
it is of the moment. It can carry
great events into the classrooms
as they happen. Radio presents a
diversified groups of views on
many topics. It can integrate
learning and vitalize teaching
by introducing drama and variety
into the regular classroom sched-

Read .. .and Use Daily
Classified Ads

Starr's Sextette
To Be Featured
At Outdoor Hop
Cool dancing under the stars
will be the theme of the Fresh Air
Dance to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday on the Mall,
according to Pat Reed, Hanny
Leitson and Al Maslin, co-chair-
Co-sponsored by the Student
Legislature and Women's League,
the outdoor hop will feature the
music of Art Starr, and the vocals
of Renee Peters, regular Casbah
music makers.
The dance, which was initiated
last year, will be as free as the
evening breeze. The streets on
both sides of the Mall will be
closed to cars and the local police
force will insure the dancers of
freedom from interruption.
According to the co-chairmen,
at least 2,000 are expected to at-
The League Cafeteria will be
open for those desiring refresh-
Taking precautions against all
eventualities, the co-chairmen
have announced that in case of
rain, the dance will move indoors
to the Casbah, which will not hold
its regular Saturday night dance.
Chaperones for the dance will
be Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Mary
Bromage, Dean Walter Rea, and
Miss Ethel McCormick.

Japanese Writing Becoming
Simplified Says Yamagiwa




Fewer Japanese will squint
through life from behind pairs of
thick glasses, if the report of
Prof. Joseph K. Yamagiwa is cor-
Prof. Yamagiwa, who spoke be-
fore the Linguistic Institute yes-
terday, explained that Japan's
complicated system of writing is
"showing signs of becoming sim-
Comparing Words
"A comparison of post-war
Alumni Raise
Donation Level
Alumni of 95 of the country's
colleges contributed three-quar-
ters of a million dollars more to
the operation costs of their alma
maters this year than last, a re-
port to the American Alumni
Council meeting here revealed.
237,491 alumni gave $4,771,000
to the 95 institutions of higher
learning surveyed. The gifts do
not include large amounts donat-
ed outright or through bequests
for buildings or other capital ad-
These donations were for the
purpose of helping the colleges
with immediate special or general

Japanese textbooks, newspapers
and government documents with
those published before the war
shows simpler writing by a closer
approach to the colloquial style,"
Prof. Yamagiwa commented.
Evidence of reform can also be
found in a reduced number of
Chinese characters being used
and a closer approximation of
speech sounds to spellings. Ro-
manized Japanese writing ap-
pears to be the ultimate objective
of the reform, but minimum prog-
ress had been made in this direc-
tion, he explained.
Borrowed from Chinese
He pointed out that the Japan-
ese borrowed the "kanzi" or char-
acters for their language from the
Chinese; to this they added two
sets of syllabic characters called
"kana." The relationship between
the characters and sounds is ar-
bitrary, so natives and foreigners
have long recognized the need for
revising the Japanese writing sys-
Prof. Yamagiwa was educa-
tional director of the Army Japa-
nese Language School, at the Uni-
versity, for Military Intelligence
Service, and also served as a lan-
guage supervisor for the ASTP
and Civil Affairs programs.
He has visited Japan four times,
the latest in 1945 with the U. S.
Strategic Bombing Survey.


"BEAUTY AND THE BEAST"--Jean Marais and Josette Day in
a scene from Jean Cocteau's highly-praised French film which
opens tomorrow night at Hill Auditorium. Marais is seen above as
the Beast, one of the three roles he portrays in the film.
'Beauty and Beast' Tickets
Scheduled for Sale Today


Tickets for "Beauty and the
Beast," widely-acclaimed French
film, will go on sale at Hill Audi-
torium today.
The movie, which is being pre-
sented by the Art Cinema Leaguel
in cooperatio.n with the Inter-Co-
operative Council, will be shown
tomorrow and Saturday at 8:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium. All pro-
ceeds will go toward furnishings
for the new John M. Nakamura,
Cooperative House.{
Lead Players
Title roles in Jean Cocteau's
modernized version of the famous
17th Century fairy tale are played
by Jean Marais and Josette Day.
Marais, who portrayed the lov-
er in the French film, "Carmen,"
takes three parts in the film, ap-
pearing as the Beast, the Prince
and as Beauty's fiance, Avenant.
Miss Day, who plays Beauty, ap-
peared in the title role of "The
Well-Digger's Daughter."e
Supporting players are Marcel
Andre, Mila Parely, Nane Ger-
mon and Michel Auclair.
Blend Realism, Legend
Cocteau's version of the fan-
tasy was produced in 1946 as an
experimental effort to blend real-
ism with legend. He has described
his story as one which attempts to
explain "the unconscious obstin-
acy with which women pursue the
same type of nian."
Following the Friday night per-
formance, the ICC will hold an

"open house" from 11 p.m. to mid-
night at the Robert Owen Cooper-
ative House, 1017 Oakland. Re-
freshments will be served. All per-
sons interested in student coop-
eratives have been invited to at-
{City Beat
A tiny jet-propelled gas model
streaked around a tight circle at
131 miles per hour Sunday, at the
IMunicipal Golf Course to take top
racing honors in the Annual Jun-
ior Chamber of Commerce U-Con-
trol Gas Model meet.
The plane, owned by Don Tate,
42, Royal Oak, outflew the second
and third place winners which
registered 123 and. 122 m.ph
Both were conventional-engine
Ann Arbor's pooches and hounds
won a full reprieve Tuesday with
the official lifting of a 90-day dog
quarantine by local health offi-
Dr. Otto K. Engelke, county
health officer, described the quar-
antine as "successful."
The quarantine was the result
of the death of Carol Mannor,
4, of hydrophobia after a severe
mauling from a rabid dog.



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Mich. Daily
FRI., SAT., JULY 16, 17
50c (tax mecl.) 8:30 P.M.
Box office opens Thurs. 2 P.M.

(C: ntinutd from Page 2)
front of the University High
School at 7:30 p.m. Transporta-
tion will be provided.
University Community Center
Thurs., July 15, 8 p.m., Arts and
Crafts Workshop. Lesson: Textile
Design. Instructor: Sylvia Del-
Tues., July 20, 8 p.m. Bridgel
Session. Beginners welcome.
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta will have a
tea for prospective members, Fri.,
July 16, at 4 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room of the RackhamI

Wallace Progressives Picnic:
Tickets for the Wallace Progres-
sives picnic Fri., July 16, will be
on sale in University Hall today
until 4:30 p.m. All students and
faculty members are invited to at-
All students from China, and
former students now in Ann Ar-
bor, are invited to the house of
Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Blakeman, 5
p.m. Sun., July 18 to an out-
door mixer to welcome to Michi-
gan the new students from China
and other universities. Games in
the Arboretum under special Chi-
nese Club Committee.
2-3 Mixer, 5 Harvard Place.



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