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November 14, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… got the ball yesterday and didn't stop until it had ground out a crushing 54-0 victory over Indiana's hapless Hoosiers. Gaining momentum as the afternoon wore on, the Wolverines scored once, in the…

… Hoosiers. Superlative both in the air and on the ground, the Wolverines rolled up a total net gain of 430 yards, their greatest team performance of the season. ** * * PARADOXICALLY, it was an Indiana back…

… IT-Dick Kempthorn (38) Wolverine fullback shows his tongue to a white-shirted Hoosier defender who cannot get to him in time to stop the husky Wolverine from plunging over for one of Michigan's eight…

…- gan an early 7-0 lead. Number two didn't come until early in the second quarter after the Hoosiers had put on a sus- tained drive of their own only to be stopped by the alert Wolverine line on the seven…

…. .. * * THIS TIME it was Dick Kemp- thorn, getting his first real op- portunity this year as an offen- sive fullback, smashing over from the two. The kick made it 14-0. A break gave the Wolverines their third…

November 14, 1943 (vol. 54, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…r u woii 43U 4. aitt Weather I Cloudy VOL. LIV No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 14, 1943_ 2i PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Beat Stubborn Badgers, 27-0 Victory Gives Michigan Tie with…

… offensive star of the tilt, personally accounting for 113 of the 294 yards the Wolverines gained by rushing. Nussbaumer scored one touchdown and passed to Earl Maves for another as the 160 pound tailback from…

… gain on three plays, the See WOLVERINE, page 6 Detroiters May Get More Milk Burger Says Situation , Will Improve Soon DETROIT, Nov. 13.-(/)-Outside supplies and increased producion willgreatly improve…

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