See Page 4
C, r
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 47
-- -----"
Total Pledges
Soar Beyond
$2,000 Mark
Article in 'Life'
Gives Impetus
Daily City Editor
The fund drive to send the
famed Michigan Marching Band
went over the top today!
Student pledges totaled $2,157
as The Daily went to press early
this morning. This is more than
enough to send the band to OSU
next weekend.
WHEN THE high - stepping
band marches down the Buckeye
gridiron it will be because of the
Here's how the band fund
pledges will be collected: A
member of The Daily staff will
visit each individual or spokes-
man for a group which has made
a pledge. The Daily staff mem-
ber will give you a "Daily" re-
ceipt for all money collected.
Collections will start tomorrow.
hundreds of pledges - big and
small - donated by students,
alumni, merchants and towns-
people during the past three days.
Prof. William D. Revelli
promises that the band will put
on a show worthy of the hun-
dreds of persons who have con-
tributed financially to make the
trip possible.
The drive, which started as a
result of a letter from members
of Lambda Chi Alpha pledging
$65, quickly snowballed until vir-
tually every campus organization
had climbed on the "Bandwagon".
MESSAGES pledging support
and financial aid came from scores
of local merchants and towns-
people too.
Much of the impetus for the
spontaneous drive came as a
result of an article appearing
in Life Magazine which made
an unfavorable comparison be-
tween the Michigan and OSU
When they learned that the
Michigan Marching Band hadn't
planned to make the OSU trip,
students decided to do something
about it. TVhe result was the
$2,157 contributed in the past
three days.
THE SMALL travel budget al-
lotted to the band had previously
been exhausted by the trip to Pur-
In a statement of thanks for
the financial support shown the
band Prof. William D. Revelli
and his assistant Jack Lee said
". this fine manifestation of
Michigan spirit is deeply appre-
Referring to the forthcoming
performance at OSU Revelli said
"We will do our utmost to ring
the bell-without ringers!"
Following is a list of pledges
made yesterday: Pi Lamba Phi
$15, John Cornell $5, William
Lucking $50, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J. Otterbein $5, Victor Vaughn
House $21, Lloyd House $30.50,
Triangle Fraternity $3.64, Walter
and Herman Staebler $10, Everett
S. Brown $5, Rm. 488 Jordan Hall
$2.50, Rm. P-51 La wClub .30,
Prof. A. H. Lovell $5, R. A.
Dodge $5, Jennings Restaurant $5,
Sigma Phi Epsilon $25, Moes Sport
Shop $5, 25 Corridor of Stockwell
$5, Travis Texaco Station $5, John
Arosian $1, R. D. Roof $1, Jordan
Hall third wing $10, Ramsay-Can-
field Printers $5, Couzen's Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaefer of
Flattens Hoosiers
For 22nd Straight
Taliaferro, Foe's Triple-Threat Ace
Displays Top Form in Losing Cause
Associate Sports Editor
With the cool, relentless precision that has established it the na-
tion's greatest, Michigan's masterful gridiron machine started rolling
the first time it got the ball yesterday and didn't stop until it had
ground out a crushing 54-0 victory over Indiana's hapless Hoosiers.
Gaining momentum as the afternoon wore on, the Wolverines
scored once, in the first quarter, twice each in the second and third
stanzas and three times in the final period to administer the worst
defeat the Red and White had suffered since 1925.
1. * :.
PERFORMING WITH the brilliance of a true champion the Maize
and Blue assured themselves of at least a tie for the Big Nine title
and a more secure grasp on their rating as the top team in the coun-
Clearing the bench of his entire squad in the second half,
Coach Ben Oosterbaan made certain that everyone got into the
act, and it was the third anxd fourth stringers who pushed across
the final scores against the rapidly tiring Hoosiers.
Superlative both in the air and on the ground, the Wolverines
rolled up a total net gain of 430 yards, their greatest team performance
of the season.
** * *
PARADOXICALLY, it was an Indiana back, George Taliaferro,
who was unquestionably the finest all-around performer on the field.
The triple threat marvel from Gary, Ind. put on a one man show for
the Hoosiers and single handedly sparked their only sustained drive
of the afternoon.
His passing, running and kicking were a thrill to behold, and
when he left the field with an iinjured leg early In the third ieridd
he received the day's most stirring ovation.
Michigan's famed versatility was very much in evidence with
different members of the squad * * *
scoring each of the
eight touchdowns.
* * *
Daily-Alex Lmanian.
I'M GONNA DO IT-Dick Kempthorn (38) Wolverine fullback shows his tongue to a white-shirted Hoosier defender who cannot get to him in time to stop the husky
Wolverine from plunging over for one of Michigan's eight touchdowns. Dick Rifenburg (89) detains another Indianan while a third seems to be more interested in rolling
on the soft turf than in stopping the hard-hitting Kempthorn. The touchdown was the first of the year for Kmpthorn who has been used in a defensive role for the greater
part of the season.
Two New Departments
Authorized by Regents
The Board of Regents yesterday
authorized the literary college to
set up two new departments- a
Department of Far Eastern Lan-
guages and Literature, and a De-
partment of Near Eastern Studies.
They will replace the Oriental
languages department, and will
be headed by Prof. Joseph K. Ya-
magiwa and Prof. George C.
Cameron respectively.
The Far Eastern languages de-
partment will work in close coop-
eration with the program in Far
Eastern Civilization. It will offer
courses in Chinese, Japanese, Ma-
layan and other Far Eastern lan-
A major function of the De-
partment of Near Eastern Studies
will be to interpret Hebrew and
Moslem culture to students. Of-
ferings of the department will in-
clude Semitic languages and lit-
eratures, and the older Near East-
ern languages.
Prof. Cameron, who is head of
the department, will return to the
campus in February from Iran,
where he is now in charge of an
archaeological expedition spon-
sored by the University and by the
American Schools of Oriental Re-
The Board accepted gifts total-
ing $29,623.10.
World News
PARIS-Two United Nations
leaders appealed to chief execu-
tives of the four big powers yes-
terday to settle the Berlin crisis
and end the world's "fear of an-
other war."
Assembly President Herbert V.
Evatt and Secretary - General
Trygve Lie addressed their plea
directly and urgently to President
Truman, Prime Minister Stalin,
Prime Minister Attlee and Premier
SHANGHAI - (1) - Scenting
a chance to win the civil war
quickly, the Communists appear
to be shooting the works in the
great battle around Suchow.
If the Reds win the battle, it
seems that the Chiang Kai-Shek
government must either fall or
NEW YORK-A strike of 65,000
dock workers and an extension of
a rail embargo tied up 200 ships
and a large share of the nation's
export commerce Saturday.
As AFL longshoremen quit work
in ports from Miami to Virginia,
the Association of American Rail-
roads banned rail shipments of ex-
port goods to Philadelphia, Balti-
more, Wilmington, Del., and
Hampton Roads, Va.
Prediction Pays.
Muriel E. Lewis, '49, joined the
ranks of phenomenal prognosti-
cators yesterday when she picked
the Mihian-Tn - iana score right
Congress' New Year's
Will Be Wake for GOP
Year's Eve session of Congress
planned as a jubilee is shaping
up as a wake.
The 80th Congress decided as
'Ensian Booths
To Be Set Up
The 'Ensian will sell $5 sub-
scriptions to the 1949 Michigan-
ensian tomorrow and Tuesday at
booths set up on the Diag and at
the Union.
This semester all records for
senior subscriptions were broken.
'Ensian general sales manager Bill
Zerman said that if 'Ensian sub-
scriptions did as well, the present
price of $5 would not have to be
If students are not able to raise
the whole $5 now, The 'Ensian is
also being sold on a pay-as-you-go
plan with a down payment of $2,
he said.
far back as last August 7 to hold
its final meeting December 31. The
81st Congress, with Democratic
instead of Republican majorities
in each house, meets January 3.
THE YEAR-END session grew
out of the prolonged political com-
bat between President ruman
and the Republican leaders of the
now expiring Congress.
So they provided the definite
December 31 meeting date, and
also reserved to Republican lead-
ers in the House and Senate the
power to call the lawmakers
back ahead of that time without
a presidential summons.
The carefully-laid plan doesn't
seem to have much point now in
view of the sweeping Democratic
victories in the Nov. 2 election.
A DEMOCRAT, Senator McMa-
hon of Connecticut, suggested jo-
cularly that it will give departing
Republicans a chance to say:
"Happy New Year, Harry."
85,000 sensed that the Maize and
Blue were headed for a big after-
noon when 'the first time they got
their hands on the ball they scored
on a 45 yard march that took only
seven plays.
Tom Peterson went over on
the tricky fake-shift play on a
plunge from the one yard mark-
er. Harry Allis' first of six suc-
cessful conversion gave Michi-
gan an early 7-0 lead.
Number two didn't come until
early in the second quarter after
the Hoosiers had put on a sus-
tained drive of their own only to
be stopped by the alert Wolverine
line on the seven. ..
* *
THIS TIME it was Dick Kemp-
thorn, getting his first real op-
portunity this year as an offen-
sive fullback, smashing over from
the two. The kick made it 14-0.
A break gave the Wolverines
their third score. A Hoosier fum-
ble on their own 39 was recov-
ered by Quent Sickles and the
Maize and Blue went again in
seven plays and scored on a pass
from Ortmann to end Harry
Allis right down the . middle
good for 13 yards. The kick
made the halftime score 21-0.
Michigan scored again from the
opening kickoff of the second half.
From their own 42 they marched
in nine plays to scores on a right
tackle smash by Ortmann. Allis
missed the try for extra point to
break his perfect streak at 14.
JUST AS THE third stanza end-
ed the Maize and Blue marched
again and tallied on a pass from
Elliot to Rifenburg. The poten-
tial All-American end has now
scored in every one of Michigan's
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
Full Stadium
Cheers Team,
To 2.2nd Win
Chilled Fans View
Last Home Game
It was another full house that
viewed the touchdown marathon
performed by the Wonderous Wol-
verines in their final home ap-
pearance yesterday.
Chilled fans huddled under
blankets and many of them were
driven from the stadium toward
the end of the game by the raw
autumn wind whipping through
the bowl.
Despite the temperature fans
cheered themselves. hoarse. Big-
gest hand went to the underdog
Hoosier's star half-back George
Taliaferro who turned in a bril-
liant performance. Michigan's
hard-luck dogged Gene Derricotte
also came in for cheers on a stel-
ler punt return.
Indications are that Michigan's
students are also in for a spirited
election campaign. Candidates for
posts in the coming campus elec-
tion paraded banners around the
sidelines and greeted fans at the
stadium gate with a makeshift
An ubiquitious black dog put in
four appearances on the playing
field yesterday. Once the dog stop-
ped play for several minutes while
he gaily circled the opposing teams
who were lined up for a point
after touchdown attempt.
For the first time this season
the chill winds forced Wolverine
players to make extensive use of
their new "superman" type capes
while sitting on the sidelines.
Half-time featured sparkling
shows by both the Michigan and
Indiana marching bands. The
snappy Indiana outfit marched
through a routine featuring "Big
9" songs, skyrockets and flaming
batons twirled by agile cheerlead-
The students rocked the sta-
Cniincinnati Symphony
To Pa Here Tomorrow
House lights will dim for the
season's second Extra Series con-
cert when the Cincinnati Sym-
phony performs under the baton.
of Thor Johnson at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Johnson, a former Choral Union>
conductor, is in his second year
as leader of the 85-piece Cincin-
nati group.'
Tomorrow's concert will open
Suggests Centering U' Life in Dorms
University residence halls could
provide a firm basis for student
self-government if a larger per-
at the University is the greatly
increased number of students liv-
ing in residence halls.
than the Student Council on which
he served as secretary in 1917.
Student participation in poli-