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November 14, 1946 - Image 1

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4 t


Latest Deadline in the State


Three Groups
Joi Zoning
Change Fight
Protest Extension
Of Business Area
Three campus groups have added
their voices to residents along Wash-
tenawand SouthrUniversity Avenues
in protesting a proposed amendment
to the city zoning ordinance.
Fight Amendment
Bruce Lockwood, president of Theta
Xi fraternity, stated that his organi-
zation is fighting the amendment to
insure their property's value and the
surrounding beauty against encroach
ment by commercial establishments.
Don Boor, Theta Chi president,
acknowledged that property devalua-
tion would take place if the ordi-
nance is changed, but he said his
fraternity was protesting the bill be
cause of the congestion such a build-
ing would create.
The president of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority complained that any
change to allow business sites on
Washtenaw or further along South
University would ruin the beauty of
both avenues.
Not Copmmercialized
Mrs. A. W. Coxon, originator of
the protests against the amendment,
said that Washtenaw avenue is one,
of the only old roads left in Ann Ar-
bor which has not been commercial-
She added that the question of+
changing the property along Washte-
naw has been the source of debates1
in the City since 1923, which ended
once in court action before the Michi-i
gan Supreme Court.
Not Interested
Bob Chappuis, president of Phi
Delta Theta, only other house adja-
cent to the disputed corner, claimed
that his fraternity was not interested
in any zoning ordinance dispute.
James A; Kennedy, a resident law-
yer who was reported in a local news-
paper as counsel for Phi Delta Theta,
has been instrumental in fighting the
change. He has been active in the
dispute as an interested citizen.
One hundred residents from the
Washtenaw and South Tiniversity
vicinity appeaed Monday evening at
the city council's meeting to protest
the proposal, which will allow a radio
station office to be erected there for
the owners of WJBK, Detroit,
Haight To Face
Gaming Charge
Trial Set For Nov. 261
After Voluntary Return
With the voluntary return of Wil-
son C. Haight to Ann Arbor yester-
day, Washtenaw County's one man=
gambling grand jury is expected toI
resume its hearings soon.
Haight, who has been fighting ex-
tradition in Toledo, Ohio, for sixt
months on a gambling conspiracy in-4
dictment, surrendered himself yes-
terday to Prosecutor John W. Rae
and was released on $5,000 property
bond after being arraigned by Judgei
Joseph Sanford. His examination
was set for Nov. 26.
Both Haight and Vernon Maul -
betsch, co-owners of the United Ci-
gar Store, 118 E. Huron, were in-
dicted last May by Circuit Judge
James R. Breakey, Jr., grand juror,,
who has been conducting an investi-
gation of an alleged million dollar

gambling racket in Washtenaw
County. Apprehended in Toledo on
May 7, Haight has been appealing
extradition proceedings in the Ohio
Court of Appeals.
Haight and Maulbetsch, who is al-
so awaiting examination, are accused
of operating a horse racing handbook
in the rear of their cigar store. It is
estimated that receipts from their
alleged bookie totalled as much as
$3,000 per day.
Medical Society Will
Hold Meeting Today
The Washtenaw County Medical
Society 'will meet at 5:45 p.m. today
in the Union.
Following dinner the group will
discuss the problem of influenza im-
munization for the county and
will hear Dr. Paul S. Barker discuss
"The Prognostic Significance of the
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Dis-
ease" and Dr. James L. Wilson dis-

Three New Legislators
Elected on First Count
Choice of Nicolau, Walsh, Keller Gives Each
Faction P ost;g Tabulation To Continue Today
One candidate from each of the three factions running for positions
on the Student Legislature was definitely elected as tabulation of he rec-
ord-breaking 4,843 ballots stopped at 11 p.m. yesterday.
George Nicolau, running on the University Committee slate and TPom
Walsh, head of th*. All-Campus Slate, were elected on the initial distribu-
tion of the ballots, with 207 and 182 votes respectively. Rae Keller, who had
withdrawn from the University Committee to run independently, was elect-
ed on the first redistribution of the ballots.
The ballot box which had been reported missing on Tuesday night
was turned in yesterday. On opening the box, the counting committee,

Krug Seeking Revival

Of Direct

Talks with Lewis, Operators Say;

OPA May U-p


15 Per Cent

.; ---

Peake Urges
A VC To Study
U' Education
A proposal that the campus AVCt
adopt a program "to consider whatt
kind of education I would like to geta
at the University" and then let thev
administration know about it, was
made by Dr. Charles H. Peake, of thet
English department, when he ad-r
dressed the group yesterday.n
Dr. Peake also advocated that thee
local chapter study and discuss the1
Harvard Report explaining completeu
lack of integration in education to-s
day and that they make constructivet
suggestions to the faculty commit-
tee working on proposed curricula
changes. "That would be a real con-
tribution to the University," he stat-
"Is it enough to turn out special-
ists or is something else needed?" Dr.
Peake asked the group. Discussion
brought out a desire on the part ofn
students to get broader educationZ
than "just their specialized field." L
Earlier in the meeting the chapter1
pledged support and aid to the FEPCJ
anti-lynch campaign and consideredE
helping the World Student Service 1
Lorne Cook, chairman, announced
that the Wolverine Cooperative will
not reopen and that the University isr
obtaining four quonset hutsrto be
used as snack bars for veteran Stu-b
dents who may carry their lunch and
desire a hot or cold drink.S
Murray Keeps
Mystery Alive F
On Retirement
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Nov. 13-
-(P)-CIO President Philip Murray
today kept alive the mystery overJ
whether he will retire and whether
he will permit an open fight in the
union between right and left wing i
As the CIO Executive Board met 1
behind closed doors to chart a course
for the CIO convention which starts
Monday, a group of leaders strongly d
opposed to Communism was seekingc
a showdown fight with left wing
minority elements.
These leaders want the national t
CIO headquarters to have more au-n
thority over certain CIO local coun-
cils that have been accused of leftf
wing tendencies. The outspoken right
wing group came here hoping Mur-
ray would permit them to force theJ
After today's session, Murray met
reporters and snilingly announced a
"very harmonious" meeting. When
asked if hie would decline reelectionF
as president he said "I will more than
likely be presiding at the convention."b
A reporter asked, "but what about the 1
1947 convention?"t
Murray replied, "I'm talking aboutt
this convention."a
Election of officers is scheduled fora
the last day of the convention, prob-o
ably Friday or Saturday of next week.
Murray said he had appointed Vanc
Bittner as chairman of the conven-p
tion's resolutions committee. Bitt-i
ner, director of the CIO southern or-i
ganizing drive, is a trusted lieutenantf
of Murray's in the Steel Workerst
Union. Bittner is strongly anti-Com-v
munist in his utterances.t

headed by Robert Taylor, Legisla-
ture vice-president, and Dr. Clark
F. Norton, of the political science
department, found that 20 of the
ballots had been "stuffed." Those
ballots, which had been cast for Cal
Chamberlain, were declared void,
Taylor reported that two girls had
spoken to him yesterday concerning
the "stuffing" of the box. He asked
that those girls call him at 2-3089
and leave their names pending an in-
vestigation of the matter.
Since tabulation is according to
the Hare system of proportional rep-
resentation, successful candidates
must have a quota of 173 votes. By
eliminating the candidate with the
least number of votes and redistrib-
uting those ballots according to the
second choice, the winners are de-
As tabulation stopped last night,
the University Committee had 12
of its candidates in the leading 24,
seven were running independent-
ly and five were on the All-Campus
Slate. The leading 24 candidates
are as follows:
Jim Brieske 151, Nancy Acker 140,
Harold White 129, Paul Harrison 121,
Talbot Honey 118, Bob Carpenter 114,
LeRoy Daggs 113, Kenneth Bissell
112, Walt Klee 110, Bill Scafe 107,
James Reiss 107, James Stelt 100,
Bob Slaff 100, Allen Schall 99, Pres-
ton Tisch 93, Archie Parsons 92, Polly
Hanson 87, William Pierce 86, Dick
Bodycomb 85, Harvey Weisberg 83,
Marion Riegel 82, Carol Holly 81, Pat
Reid 81, and George Conner 80.
The candidates who have already
been eliminated are as follows:
Melvin Tick, Jerry James, Henry
Schmer, Betty Cole, Dorothy Lublin,
Robert Hartman, Sally Bowen, Bette
Hamilton, Marjie Office, Marilyn
Howell, John Kentch, Anne Dearnley,
Kenneth Goodman, William Rush,
Florence Tsilkoff.
Tabulation will begin again at 3
p.m. today.,
Liegislatu re Gran1.ts
Tag Day to WSSE
Approval for World Student Serv-
ce Fund Tag Days to be held next
Thursday and Friday was granted
ast night by the Student Legislature.
The request now goes to the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee for final de-
The Legislature also decided that
lhe new Cabinet will be elected at
the second meeting attended by the
new members elected last Tuesday.
The new Cabinet will continue in of-
fice until the end of the spring term.
Albania Flaunts
Pre-War Pact
LONDON, Thursday, Nov. 14-(P)-
Premier Gen. Enver Hoxha of Al-
bania said today, in a note broadcast
by the Moscow radio, that he in-
tends to refuse to honor the pre-war
treaty between the United States
and King Zog just as "stubbornly"
as the U. S. insists that it be hon-
The note, which the Moscow broad-
cast said had been published in news-
papers in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, was
in reply to a U. S. note Nov. 5 recall-
ing the American diplomatic mission
from Albania because of that coun-
try's unwillingness to recognize the
validity of existing pacts between
the two countries.

To Take Action
On Suggestion
Within 30 Days
industry Committee
Requests New Ceiling
By 'he Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-OPA dis-
closed today that it has taken "un-
der advisement" recommendations of
an Idustry Advisory Committee for
a 15 rper cent overall increase in rent
ceilings and immediate elimination
of rent ceilings on new residential
Systematic Removal
The agency said the Housing Rent
Industry Advisory Committee had
also recommended "systematic and
progressive removal of individual
properties from rent - control where
owners offer tenants a lease at a
rental increase of not more than 15
per cent."
These recommendations, OPA said,
were accompanied by an offer of com-
mittee assistance in carrying out the
proposals promptly.
The agency reported that the rec-
ommendations were presented to its
representatives at a meeting Mon-
day in Atlantic City as a meant of in-
creasing construction of new rental
housing and "balancing supply and
demand in the rental housing field."
Formal Petition
OPA officials said that these rec-
ommendations constituted a formal
industry petition upon which action
must be taken within 30 days.
Included in the committee's rec-
ommendations was a proposal that
rental property beingconverted from
some other use to residential space
be treated as new construction with
rental ceilings removed.
Not Covered
At present an estimated 16,000,000
housing units are under rent ceilings
in addition to hotels, rooming houses
and tourist camps which were not
covered by today's petition but which
might be included in any action on
Technic Sale
Ends T oda y
Students will have their last
chance to buy the November issue of
the Technic today, Milt David, edi-
tor, announced last night.
In disclosing that patient salesmen
would again be stationed in the Engi-
neering Arch all day, David re-
vealed that extra copies of the en-
gineering magazine were printed
yesterday in preparation for the an-
ticipated last-minute rush.
David said that many students had
been confused by the new cover de-
sign being used by the Technic this
fall, but he added that the change
has not lost many customers yet.
Vets To Get Bonus
LANSING. Nov. 13-(P)-Machin-
ery is being prepared to enable
Michigan to pay its veterans their
war bonus within two weeks of the
time individual applications are filed,
Brig. Gen. Leroy Pearson, adjutant
general of Michigan, estimated to-
Pearson, whom Governor Kelly has
assigned the task of implementing
the bonus, said his agency had devel-
oped its plans as far as it can until
it receives the authorization and
funds from the legislature to pro-

IN 'COMPLETE DISAGREEMENT'-RFC Director George Allen (left)
and Housing Administrator Wilson Wyatt stare at each other upon
emerging from the White House, where they conferred for 45 minutes
with President Truman. Allen told reporters that "complete disagree-
ment" prevailed between him and Wyatt on government loans for con-
struction of prefabricated dwellings.

Mine Delegates
Agree To New
Contract Parley
Strike Postponement
Request Unanswered
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13--Soft coal
operators said tonight that Secre-
tary of Interior J. A. Krug is
attempting to revive direct negotia-
tions between them and John L.
Lewis' miners and postpone any
strike action for 60 days.
Lewis and Krug met twice during
the day after the Secretary had
sounded out the operators on their
willingness to reopen negotiations
with the miners for return of the bi-
tuminous pits which the government
seized during last spring's strike.
Await Lewis' Reaction
One of the five operators who met
for 45 minutes with Krug today as
spokesmen for the industry, said
they all agreed to sit down with Lew-
is and try to work out a contract,
but that they had no word tonight as
to Lewis' reaction.
Presumably Krug's request that
the miners abandon their implied
threat of a strike and termination
of <the present pact November 20, was
not immediately accepted by Lewis.
Their sessions brought no an-
nouncement from either Krug or
Lewis, and the operators said they
were without further information to-
Keeping Quiet
Krug himself was keeping quiet on
his plans. The statement of the op-
erator, who wished to remain anony-
mous, did not conflict with other
known developments in the day, al-
though the brevity of sessions be-
tween the secretary and the parties
contributed to a general gloomy out-
look at the time.
A second operator said there had
been a general discussion of the sit-
uation, but that Krug had made no
specific propositions, nor had the
The question of retroactivity of
any wage increase immediately
clouded the prospects for winning
an extension of the Krug-Lewis
agreement under which the mines are
operating now.
Lewis has been moving to wind
up that agreement Nov. 20, a step
which traditionally would mean "no
contract, no work" to the 400,000 soft
coal miners.
South Africa.
Attacks Soviets
Warns Against Veto
(" A i Ic-Y 4*1£tinn c Cli


Chamberlin To Talk Monday
On Iritain's Foreign Policy
William Henry Chamberlin, asso- l signed from the Monitor staff to de-

ciate editor of The New Leader, will
deliver a University lecture on "Brit-
ish Foreign Policy under the Labor
Government" at 4:15 p.m. Monday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Fame Analyses
Famed for his analyses of world
events, Chamberlin recently returned
from an extensive tour of Europe
where he visited England, Belgium,
France, Germany, Austria, Switzer-
land and Italy.
As Moscow correspondent of the
Christian Science Monitor from 1922
until 1935, Chamberlin covered every
phase of Soviet development. During
this period, he met and interviewed
such outstanding political figures as
Kalinin, Trotsky, Rykov and Chich-
erin. Traveling widely throughout the
Soviet Union, Chamberlin, explored
the Caucasus and treked to Chinese
Turkestan for the opening of the Tur-
kestan-Siberian Railway.
After being appointed chief Far
Eastern correspondent for The Mon-
itor in 1935, with headquarters in
Tokyo, Chamberlin had frequent pro-
fessional contact with most of the
Japanese leaders who were directly
responsible for Japan's dreams of
world domination.
Trips Abroad
On trips to China, Manchukuo; the
Philippine Islands, Malaya, Siam, andj
French Indo-China, he spoke with
T. V. Soong, Madame Sun Yat-sen,
President Manual Quezon and many
other eastern notables.
Soon after the outbreak of World
War II, Chamberlin was transferredj
to France where he served as a war
correspondent until the collapse of
French resistance and the signature
of the armistice in June 1940. Re-
turning to the United States, he re-

vote himself to writing and lecturing.
Chamberlin is the author of "Soviet
Russia," 'Japan Over Asia," "The
Confessions of an Individualist" and
several other books on world affairs.
Speech Honors
Are Awarded
To McCallum
Two literary college sophomores
took top honors yesterday in the semi-
annual Speech 32 contest finals held
in Kellogg Auditorium.
First place winner was Eugenia
McCallum of Portland, Me., who
chose for her subject "Stamp Out
the Ku Klux Klan."
Miles Mangrum of Detroit won sec-
ond place speaking on the topic,
"Let's Stop the Killers."
Other finalists chosen in the pre-
liminaries Monday were Leo Fogel-
man, Carol Lieberman, Alfred Loew-
enstein, and Harriet Ratner.
Judges for the contest were Prof.
Charles W. Lomas, and teaching fel-
lows Tom C. Battin and Paul Cairns.
The chairman was Hugh Z. Norton of
the speech staff.
Boiler Explodes in
School, Killing One
BARODA, Mich., Nov. 13-(A')-A
boiler explosion shattered two floors
of a consolidated rural school while
260 children were in the building to-
day, killing one pupil and injuring at
least 18 others.
Walter Ruppel, 13, died less than
three hours after the blast and an-
other child, Larry Barker, was re-
ported in critical condition.


vn nu1XUa 1n IMU
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 13
-(P)-The Union of South Africa,
facing an apparently overwhelming
defeat on its proposal to annex the
southwest Africa mandate, bitterly
attacked Soviet Russian and Indian
opposition today and, warned it would
administer the former Germany col-
ony as an integral part of the Union
if annexation finally failed.
Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts,
76-year-old prime minister of the
Union, lashed particularly at Russian
and Indian criticism of the proposed
annexation. He declared the Union
government had acted in "complete
good faith in this matter."
The Indian delegation went into a
huddle to prepare the Indian answer
for the committee's meeting tomor-
row (2 p.m. C.S.T.).
o lo"toyDemands
Trieste Plan Change
NEW YORK, Nov. 13-(P)--Russia
demanded tonight fourteen changes
in the Paris-approved plan for ad-
ministration of strategic Trieste, but
left the door still open for a break in
the Foreign Ministers' Council dead-
lock over the ancient Adriatic port.

Students To Present Gripes At Conference

A University authorized and or-
ganized . "gripe session" will take
place today as 1,500 freshmen and
transfer students confer with their
r . ., 1 1 ov % rnnn ,Q A t

tatives to attend the Conference
were from Flint, after which admin-
istrators from all Michigan junior
colleges were invited to confer with
former students who had transferrd
to the University.

ter. The three-fold purpose of the
Conference is to enable high schools
to learn how they may better pre-
pare their students for the Univer-
sity, to help the University in ori-
enting students, and to bring to

the interview a valuable insight
into their work.,
Ann Arbor High School is repre-
sented by 97 students in this year's
freshman class, 58 per cent of the
students who went on to college from

Schreiber commented, explaining that
students usually feel they are "im-
posing" upon their counselor's time.
Another general complaint is that
teachers do not take as great a per-
sonal interest in them as did their

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