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November 14, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-14

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Interpreting Price Rises

THERE can be no doubt that the recent $100
hike in new car prices is another sign of the
inflationary trend which American businessmen
have been following since the end of the war.
The arguments which they have presented:
that supply cannot be increased under their
OPA ceilings-that supply can only be made
to equalize demand by allowing business to
regulate the economies of the nation with a
"free" pricing system based upon competitive
bidding-now falls through by their own ad-
mission that competition among businesses is
based upon mutual agreement of the owners
of the businesses.
ENNRAL MOTORS termed their $100 per car
increase as an "adjustment" to bring their
prices up to the price levels of the other car
manufacturers. They lay the blame for the orig-
inal increase to labor demandsand to the in-
creases granted to Ford and Chrysler some time
ago by the OPA. They infer that the. only way
to make supply equal demand is by cutting the
demand with prohibitive prices. They state out-
right that their competition is based upon a coer-
cive agreement among themselves to compete
only in quality, not upon a free market. How is
it possible, under such restrictive actions, to
check inflation?
The local dry cleaners also have raised their
prices. They argue the same way; it is a price
"adjustment." The only basis which the dry
cleaners' argument in general could possibly'
have is on the reasoning: everything is going up.
This is a "free" economy.
-Bob Hartmnan

W ITH the return of free prices to our economy,
the cry of "inflation" goes up with every
announcement of price increase. This was the
manner in which many greeted the recent addi-
tion of $100 to the selling-price of every General
Motors car, and the price-hike announced by
cleaning establishments.
In the light of surrounding circumstances,
these first changes are more properly seen as
adjustments than as inflationary increases.
Qeneral Motors have taken, on their own, the
action which they had asked of OPA some time
before its decline, action which is designed to
bring the prices of General Motors products into
line with those of its competitors. In the past,
the Big Three in this industry have not depend-
ed upon price as a basis of ,competition, rather
upon the quality that could be built into their re-
spective products at a fixed price.
Competition has returned to this quality basis,
and it would seem unlikely that the other leading
manufacturers of cars will upset the present
balance by further price increases. The price
level was set by the OPA when it granted in-
creases to Ford and Chrysler.
The increase in lgcal cleaning rates is per-
haps more significant because it strikes closer
home. This again can be considered, in part, in
the nature of an adjusment, since there has been
no price relief for the 'cleaners since the early
part of the war.
The inevitable part of the rising price trend
is the fact that no segment of the complex
business set-up can be left out. Let us hope
that business integrity will prove an adequate
substitute for administrative control in hold-
ing the present line.
-Ken Herring

o.e..er. to the 6.1-tor

Confiscated Ticket . .
To the Editor:
THE CASE simply stated is this. I am a mar-
ried veteran now living at the Law Club. I
bought a coupon book and season tickets for
my wife. My right to do so has not only been
questioned, but this property has bee arbi-
trrily confiscated by Mr. Andrew Baker of the
Athletic Department.
Friday I received a courteous letter from
this gentleman requesting my cooperation in
straightening out a "discrepancy in his records."
I quickly complied, and in good faith presented
the letter and gave him my tickets to check.
The meeting quicky changed into an inquisition.
Charges were made that I had violated the
contract for purchase, and the tickets and cou-
pon book were forfeited. I protest such un-
ethical and highhanded procedure. What right
has anyone to inquire into the use of another's
personal property? This is an usurpation of
the Dean's authority at the very least, and even
he would be justified only in a legal manner.
Mr. Baker's letter misrepresented his pur-
pose. One guilty of misuse of his tickets would
not have been so naively helpful. Nothing was
stated at time o'f purchase that a wife must
attend every game. It does not follow that such
a man will get away with these Gestapo meth-
ods for long. Surely some of us are no longer
children to be dictated to by the bureaucrats
of the Athletic Department. Those students who
have received similar letters should be fore-
warned to place them in "file 13."
If Mr. Baker had a discrepancy in his books
before, what are they like now? For example,
how is a ticket duly paid for shown when both
money and ticket are held by the athletic de-
partment? If that is the kind of discrepancy he
has, the auditors should investigate.
This is a very messy business. What a school
spirit results from adding injury to insult!
Along with the rest of the student body I have
sat behind the goal line all season without com-
plaint. Now even that poor privilege is chal-
lenged, if you please.
-Warren C. White
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily contacted Mr. Baker
who declined to comment.
Further Qualifications
To the Editor:
DO NOT intend to enter into an argument
with Mr. Goodman as to his letter in The
Daily, November 9, entitled "Political Football."
I do wish, however, to correct the impression
which was given, when he referred to the a-
pintment of Mr. Roscoe Bonisteel as member of
the Board of Regents in these terms: "The can-
didte's qualification: chairman of the Washte-
naw Republican Party." To cite this as a quali-
fication and to imply that it is the only qualifi-
cation for this position is obviously inadequate,
to say the least.
For the record let me add: graduate of the
University of Michigan Law School, 1912; city
attorney, Ann Arbor, 1921-28; president of the
University of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor, 1934;
members of the Board of Trustees of the Alumni
Fund of the University of Michigan, 1935 to
date; member, Board of Directors, Michigan So-
ciety for Crippled Children, 1934-35; director of
the Michigan State Bar Association, 1932-35;
past president of the State Bar Association
(1937); chairman of the drafting committee of
the State Bar Association; appointed by the Su-
preme Court of Michigan as member of Board of
Commissioners of the State Bar of Michigan,
1935; at present, member, State Board of Law
Examiners. Past president, Ann Arbor Rotary
Club; past district governor of Rotary Inter-

cation of a distinguished citizen. The informa-
tion was readily at hand in the usual reference
books (presumably in the office of The Michi-
gan Daily) and in the office of the Alumni As-
sociation of the University of Michigan.
-C. E. Griffin
Political Awards
To the Editor:
I AGREE with Mr. Goodman-Political Foot-
ball, The Michigan Daily, November 9-that
the University offices are non-political and
should be treated as such. However, as long as
politicians have a hand in Educational finance
'they will also use the offices as political awards.
If the Communists were in power a conservative
would never be appointed to the Board of Re-
Mr. Goodman forgets that Governor-elect
Sigler was the choice of an overwhelming ma-
jority of a record number of voters. This is
considered an endorsement of his policies. Mr.
Roosevelt conceived his election to a fourth term
as an endorsement of his aims.
The liberals of the University have not under-
gone any persecution under the many years of
previous Republican administration. In fact,
they have increased in number and power.
I cannot see anything so horrible in policy
of elimination of Liberals and Progressives even
if such a policy were adopted. It would be a
great day for education if certain narrow-
minded professors who grade on the similar-
ity of theirs and the student's opinion, were
asked for their resignation.
Mr. Sigler would be a very poor Governor in-
deed if he sat back and let the Communists eat
out the life of American education. Why not
give the Governor a chance to see what he can
do? If, in two years, this University has sunk
into a condition of sterility the people can change
the government and rebuild the University along
stronger lines. I would rather be sterile than be
ruled from Moscow.
-Charles E. Payne
* * *
Election Inefficiency
To the Editor:
N YOUR Daily of October 26, you said that
"A J-Hop chairman will be selected from the
following candidates," and the names were then
listed. Upon going to the polls Tuesday, I dis-
covered that I was to vote-not for one candi-
date-but for eight candidates who would then
form the central committee. Many of the stu-
dents in my class were under the impression
that only the J-Hop chairman would be elected,
and that the rest of the committee would be
voted upon at a later date. Because of poor
publicity, many students, who had intended to
run for the central committee but not for the
chairmanship, were eliminated.
I also know of several capable seniors who
wished to, run for a class office, but again be-
cause of limited publicity, they were not noti-
fied as to the date when petitions were due.
For an important election such as this one I
feel that the publicity should have been stretched
over a longer period of time, and the available
positions should have been better defined. The
entire election was handled inefficiently, and
unless the Legislature improves its future pub-
licity, the students will not support this organi-
---Betty Eaton

61/ OP flhin9
NOW the AVC membership can begin looking
under its bed each night for the Red bogey-
man. The recent anti-Communist statements
by its leadership is certainly a discouraging note,
especially as the organization has been consid-
ered the most forward looking of all Veteran
Perhaps, the leadership might profit by perus-
ing their past history and asking themselves
exactly why such an organization came into be-
ing. Mr. Bolte answered the question well enough
in his Life magazine article of December, 1945.
There was no existing veteran's organization
which would fit the need of the New Veteran.
One of the reasons for excluding the American
Legion was because, "Digging into the past, I
found that the Legion had been organized de-
liberately to quell the Bolshevist bogey among
armistice doughboys of the AEF, had spent its
chief talents in warning America of an exag-
gerated Red menace, had been a constant vio-
lator of civil liberties and had almost entirely
ignored the rising tide of fascism." And further,
Mr. Bofe was repelled by the Legion, because a
prosperous Chicago businessman had said to
him, "All my business friends are counting on
the American Legion to Americanize the Ameri-
can youth. You know what they mean by Amer-
icanizing the American youth-fix 'em up so
they don't bother us with any ideas. Don't let
'em jar us out of our fur-lined foxholes into the
real world, where things are changing." -Yes,
"where things are changing." And Red-baiting
is exactly what these old-guards would have
the "newveteran" resort to. For what easier
way is there to discredit any progressive legisla-
tion, so sorely needed by the veteran-citizen to-
day, than to paint it Red?
It is time that the AVC leadership, and, in
fact, all liberal leaders, realized that the most
reliable tool of the reactionaries throughout
Arnerica's history has been the creation of a
division among the more Progressive forces.
Their prize tool since the first World War has
been Red-baiting. Immediately after the
1918 armistice they created such a mass hys-
teria among the people by invoking the Red
menace that hundreds of laboring people
either lost their lives or were deported. Their
efforts gave encouragement to the infamous
Klu Klux Klan, which inflicted a reign of ter-
ror unequaled, in this country's history, for
its brutaility and destruction.
THESE men have utilized every other device
known to the Nazis in order to create this di-
vision in the ranks of the people. They have not
hesitated to call President Roosevelt an "Inter-
national Jewish Banker" as a means of discredit-
ing his progressive legislation. They have not
hesitated to sponsor Fascist front groups to carry
on their work.
Unless the American liberal seeks his strength
through the unity of every progressive force in
America the reactionaries might well sit back
and smile. ,When the liberal begins adopting the
insidious methods of these men, he is spelling
his own doom.
-E. E. Ellis
"*News Behind the News
Shoplifter's Extravagance
OUR favorite news story this week is about an
arty thief that broke into a Park Avenue
shop in New York and made off with $50,000
worth of expensive neckties, all of which ranged
from 10 to 15 dollars each.
This sort of coup is always open to our ad-
miration, but we wonder just what our friend
has in mind. The hot tie market isn't what it
used to be. The thought of him hawking hand-
paints on a street corner for 25 cents each as
'the same ties that sell in the better Park Ave-
nue shops for ten to fifteen dollars" is an en-

couraging one to old shell game patrons like
ourselves, but there's hardly much of a future in
Maybe he just likes ties. Any day the police
may uncover an otherwise shabbily dressed
man in a Third Avenue bar who has been
noticed sporting some very lively ties indeed
for that neck of the woods. If his lavish taste
goes unchallenged he may even resort to raid-
ing some of the Madison Avenue haberdashery
shops picking up boutonnieres, cumberbundes
and wool Argyle hose as he goes along.
Latest rumor has it that he is a disappointed
Brooks Brothers account seeker.
Taking No Chances

Cop,.194 by u;dFehSy ict ,.
'To,. Rag, U. S. Pc't. Off--AII cfeI nc'ievej
I a
Tm. Reg
j \
"This is just for expediency. You mustn't forget you're a socialist at heart."





Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11.00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 45
Members of the University Senate:
The first regular meeting of the Uni-
versity Senate for the academic year
1946-1947 will be held in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 25.
Deadline for Veteran Book and
Supply Orders: Dec. 20rhas been
set as the final date for the ac-
ceptance of veteran book and supply
orders at the bookstores. All faculty
members are requested to anticipate
material needed through the end of
the semester and authorize same on
or before Dec. 20. All back-orders
for material not in stock at the book-
stores will be canceled as of Dec. 20.
Freshmen and transfer students
who have been notified of the Prin-
cipal-Freshman Conference are re-
minded of their appointments in the
Rackham Building Thursday morn-
ing, Nov. 14.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF IN-
COMPLETES will be Sat., Nov. 16.
Petitions for extension of time must
be on file in the Secretary's Office on
or before Fri., Nov. 15.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Sat., Nov. 16. A course may be
dropped only with the permission of
the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Monday,
Nov. 18.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men and sophomores and white cards
for reporting juniors and seniors.
Reports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is "D" or "E", not merely
those who receive "D" or "E" in so-
called mid-semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
E. A. Walter
Women students in League Houses
are reminded that payment of board
and room charges for second half of
the fall semester is due to the house-
mother Nov. 15.
Office of the Dean of Women

corded with a grade of E.'
Varsity Glee Club Members: The
picture for the Michiganensian will
be taken at the League immediately
after rehearsal tonight.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Building
Thurs., Nov. 14, 2:00 p.m., open
class in Prenatal and Child Care,
sponsored by the Washtenaw County
Health Department. Topic: "Health
of the Infant"; 8:00 p.m., Bridge
session; 8:00 p.m., Extension class
in psychology.
Fri., Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m., Classical
Recordings, Room 2 .
West Lodge Activities:
Fri., Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., U. of M.
Student Dance with Jerry Edwards'
University Lecture: William H.
Chamberlin, author and foreign
correspondent of The New Leader,
will speak on the subject, "British
Foreign Policy under the Labor Gov-
ernment," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Nov.
18, in the Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of His-
tory. The public iscordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Charles
E. Koella, of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, will open the ser-
ies of French lectures sponsored by
the Cercle Francais at 4:10 today
in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
The title of his lecture is: "Topaze
et autres pieces de Marcel Pagnol."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment (Room 112, Romance Languag-
es Bldg.) or at the door at the time
of the lecture for a small sum. Mem-
bers of the Cercle Francais are ad-
mitted free upon presentation of
their membership cards. These lec-
tures are open to the general public.
Phi Delta Epsilon Lecture. Dr. Roy
D. McClure, Chief Surgeon, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, will speak on
the subject, "The Historical Devel-
opment of the Treatment of Burns,"
at 8:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 20, in the
Main Amphitheatre, University Hos-
pital; auspices of Phi Delta Epsilon
medical fraternity. The public is
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
English 107, Section 1 midsemester
examination will be held in Rm. 1121
Natural Science Bldg., at' 9:00 a.m.,
A. L. Davis
Economics 121 will meet Friday at
10 o'clock in Alumni Memorial Hall.
Discussion sections will not meet this
Mathematics Seminar on Stochas-
tic Processes will meet at 3 o'clock
today in Rm. 317 W. Engineering.
Prof. A. H. Copeland will continue
the discussion of Kolmogoroff's foun-
dations of probability.
Physical Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4:15 today in Rm. 151 Chem-
istry Bldg. Prof. Ralph A. Wolfe
will speak on "New Methods of Spec-
tographic Analysis." All interested
are invited.
CORRECTION -- Student Recital:
Carolyn Street, mezzo-soprano, pre-
sented a recital last night in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, instead

The Kappa Nu Fraternaty
neet at 7:30 tonight in Rm.


earlier) and take trays to the Facul-
ty Club lunchroom.

Dr. Tom F. W. Barth, Professor of
Geochemistry at the University of
Chicago, formerly Director, Mineral-
ogical Institute, Oslo, Norway, will
speak on the subject, "Alkaline Rocks
of the Oslo Province and Their Re-
ations," at 4 o'clock today in RmF
2082 Natural Science Bldg.
The Psychology Club will hold its
second organizational meeting at
7:30 this evening in the West Lec-
ture Room, mezzanine floor, of the
Rackham Bldg. All graduate stu-
dents and urdergraduate concentrate
students in psychology, members of
the staffs of the Psychology Depart-
ment and the Bureau of Psychologic-
al Services are urged to attend this
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Profes-
sional Geology Fraternity, will meet
today from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
in Rm. 3055 Natural Science Bldg.
Bring your own sandwiches.
Institute of Public Administration
students: There will be a social sem-
nar at 8 o'clock tonight in the East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. William F. Doyle, manager of
the Michigan Chain Stores Bureau,
will be the speaker. Your attendance
is requested.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Concert sponsored by the Graduate
School will include Beethoven's
Quartet in C Major, Franck's Sym-
phonic Variations, Brahms' Varia-
tions on a Theme of Haydn, and
Schubert's Symphony in B flat Ma-
jorn. All graduates are cordially in-
The Graduate Outing Club is spon-
soring a class in square-dancing
at 8 o'clock tonight in the Women's
Athletic Bldg. All interested are in-
vited. A small fee will be charged.

The Sociedad Hispanica will meet
at 8 o'clock tonight in the Interna-
tional Center. All members are in-
vited to bring friends interested in
joining the club. Refreshmnents.
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
tonight at 7:15 in Rm. 323, Union.
Dr. Greenhut. will lead a dis-
cussion of two of Shakespeare's son-
nets and Andrew Marvell's "To his
coy Mistress."
Coming Events
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 3055, Natural Science
Bldg., at noon Fri., Nov. 15. Under
the auspices of the Department of
Mineralogy, Dr. Tom F. W. Barth,
Professor of Geochemistry at the
University of Chicago, formerly Di-
rector, Mineralogical Institute, Oslo,
Norway, will talk on "Unorthodox
Meditations on Metamorphism." Tea
will be served; bring your own sand-
Visitors' Night will be held at the
main Observatory from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m., Fri., Nov. 15. The Star Clus-
ters will be shown if the night is
clear. Children must be accompan-
ied by adults. If the sky is cloudy,
the Observatory will not be open.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning an afternoon of outdoor sports
and supper. All graduate students,
faculty members, and veterans are
invited. Sign up at the check desk
in Rackham Bldg. before noon Sat-
urday. Meet at the Outing Club
rooms in Rackham Bldg. at 2:30
p.m., Sun., Nov. 17. Use the north-
west entrance.
A mixer for all gradiate students
will be held Friday night, Nov. 15,
at 8:30 in the Rackham Bldg. Re-
freshments. There will be a smll
admission fee.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation is
(Continued on Page 4)
Xidlian Ba tt
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editoral Director
Clayton Dickey...............City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha..............Associate Editor
Clark Baker ................Sports Editor
Des Howarth..,....Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin......Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk............... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter........Business Manager
Evelyn Mills...Associate Business 'Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. AU rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school

The following message is to be found
place designated,-"This lectern is the
erty of Prof. Karl Litzenberg and is not to
moved from room 2235 Angell Hall."

in the
be re-

**lectern--"A reading desk, in some
churches, from which the Scripture lessons
are read."--Webster's
Contributions to this oluin are by all iin-
hers ofeheDaily staff, ajd are the responsibility
of the editorial director.

Graduate Students:
dropped after Nov. 16

All courses
will be re-


Hmm. No wonder that little pixie '
couldn't locate them, son- The.

Cngri t vae, rM rPe.. .popee FM, u
Reg. V. 5. at. 00.

rHow careless of him-- To
Smix a metaphor. HE could

It was night. You couldn't see
your paw before your eyes- !1

I know he wants to get

1 1

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