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March 05, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

… Michigan's 72-65 victory over Wisconsin, Monday night, saved them from the possibility of fin- ishing in the Big Ten cellar this season. After a second place, 4-2 record the Wolverines proceeded to lose…

… their next six straight games and were only a game in front of basement dwelling Wisconsin at game time Monday. A win by the Badgers over Michigan Monday night combined with a Wolverine loss to Iowa next…

… Saturday would have pro- duced a tie for the dubious dis- tinction of finishing in last place. The Wolverines were deprived of this distinction when they beat Wisconsin 72-65. Hope for Seventh With the…

… have given them a battle." With these words Michigan's hockey coach Al Renfrew summed up the 6-1 loss that the Wolverines suffered aththe hands of Toledo Friday night. The more experienced Mercuries who…

… are currently in fifth place in the International Hockey League, were able to outperform the Michigan sextet with a mini- mum. of skating because of the lack of Wolverine manpower. Neil McDonald once…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… cagers drew first blood and roared to a 9-3 lead. Then the Phi Delts, under coach Tom Jorgenson, Wolverine hoop- ster, began to click and scrambled to an 11-10 half time lead. THE WINNERS dumped in two…

… well be decided) with Carroll, Scruggs, Bob Brown, and either Gray or Sutton. A TRIO of Wolverines, headed by Roger Maugh and including John Hilberry and Bob Appleman, will enter the stiff pole vault com…

… Maryland 75, Clemson 59 Furman 84, Davidson 68 Duke 96, Virginia 68 LATE HOCKEY SCORES Boston 1, Montreal I Detroit 3, Toronto 3 I The performances of these 23 Wolverines in tonight's prelimin- aries will…

… meet. The Wolverine captain's toughest competition will no doubt be with Jim Sinandinos of Mich- igan State who has compiled a 7-2 record .this season. A N O T H E R Wolverine, Dick O'Shaughnessy, will…

…. Representing Michigan at 147 pounds will be sophomore Don Haney of Canonsburg, Pennsyl- vania. During the season Haney compiled a 4-0 record at 147 pounds and a 3-1 record at 157 pounds. Other Wolverines who…

March 05, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEE. Oore o Take Big Ten Swimming Crown Wolverines t Rated Good U set Threat By IVAN KAYE Ohio State has been installed r as a pre-meet choice…

… points being centered on first place finishes seem to be more certain than Michigan's expectations. The Wolverines will look to Don Hill and Tom Benner in the sprints; Bumpy Jones, Ron Gora - and captain…

…. defeat of his I For the championship meet Keen has moved O'Shaughnessy down to the 177-pound division, where the Wolverine senior plays the role of defending champion. * * * O'SHAUGHNESSY'S current…

… winning, the Wolverines now have a total of 15 points in the MCHL stand- ings which puts them in a third place tie with Denver. the fracas. If the Wolverines can win one of their two games with Michigan…

March 05, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… into the twines. Stalin's defeat imminent. Specu- give the Wolverin over Michigan ey League, threw a scare into the lation as to which of them will State here last night. Wolverines when they brawled…

…, while Lucier turned in a blew the game open in the second ford in to spell Bergin. The strate- The entire situation is cloud- beautiful job after replacing Wil- period as the Wolverine scored gy backfired…

… evenings Wolverines out to a 5-2 win at the difficult to pin-point the well- D 1 scoring when he stick-handled second intermission. spring of political power in the Police RepoL rthrough the entire MSC…

… a way that there is a balance Olson later added the fourth to send the Wolverines out to a of forces within the party? These PoliSertnesttolivehimelgth'ng2tlad '.a Ji tSpartan goal to give himself the…

… the next YR meeting when a vote on the committee's recommendation will be taken. Wolverine Club Calls for Petitions The deadline for Wolverine Club petitions is 5 p.m. tomorrow. Positions available are…

Wolverine Club sponsored trip' to Saturday's basketball game in East Lansing can be made from 1 to 4 p.m. to- day and tomorrow in the Admin- istration Bldg. Bob Golton, '54, club president, announced that…

… students taking the Wolverine buses will have ap- proximately two hours to spend in. East Lansing after the game. death and its announcement. The news that the 73-year-old world Communist chief lay para…

March 05, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…. It was the final contest for four other Wolverines, McIntosh, Mor- rill, Wizniewski and Al Martin. These five were on the floor when the game ended. In the accuracy department Michigan was successful…

…-1 * * * * * * Ohio State Sets New Scoring Record Illini Smash ,. By BOB SANDELL Neil Celley led the rampaging Wolverine puckdchasers to their twentieth victory of the season last night before a record crown of…

… Press Trophy, emblematic of hockey suprem- acy in the state. The Wolverine attack was hampered considerably by ten penalties, while the Huskies had seven called on them, two in the last three minutes…

Wolverine marker. Heathcott's shot caromed off the post out of cage but it was declared a goal after a lengthy Tech protest. Ross Smith, playing his usual sterling defensive game, ended the scoring at 11…

… easily sub- due the second-place Michigan Wolverines, who finished with 65. *, * . IOWA WAS third in the meet with 46, while Purdue collected 30 for fourth place. The Buckeyes won the cham- pionship on the…

March 05, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… points late in yesterday's game to bolster the Wolverine cause. George Bencie (31) attempts to block the shot while Pete Tillotson (33) watcher Cagers Shock MSU, 81--72, n Finale By JOHN HILLYER They…

…. The 30 face court action for and snap the MSU winning streak at 10. Victory gave the Wolverines a tie with Purdue for fifth place in the final standings, both teams having 8-6 marks. As Michigan…

… overcome and started mov- ing up as the Wolverines began a momentary loss of control under the baskets. With a bit, over seven minutes left, the foes in green began an on- slaught which netted them five…

…'s John Green matched Tarrier moments later, Larry Hedden, who scored 20, committed a costly foul at 17:42. Kramer made the first of the two free throws, missed the sec- See WOLVERINES, Page 3 Three Seek…

… Hey- liger constantly inserted also aid- ed the Wolverine cause. North Dakota's , center, Bill Reichart, the league's leading scor- er, was shaken up for a moment in the first period. But he remained on…

March 05, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

… to- tal points, is the only freshman to be given an award. At the other extreme, Captain Jim Skala, Chicago, who topped Wolverine scorers with 258 tal- lies, is the only senior to receive a varsity…

…, although not re- cognized as a powerful title threat before the start of the season, have developed some prominent grap- plers in the course of their regular season dual meets. * * * . THE WOLVERINES lost an…

… that a bid to the NCAA championships (March 13- 15) is expected by the Wolverines -providing they whip Tech Fri- day and Saturday. A triumph Friday is necessary to pull the Maize and Blue into a tie with…

… one-hander from the keyhole that swished through the cords and rang up points number 500 and 501. Even more important to the Wolverine cause was thestandout defensive job that Skala' turned in on Carl…

March 05, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… 44 persons aboard has ended unsuccessfully. Wolverines Escape Last place, 70-60' Winners Paced By Suprinowicz By TED PAPES Michigan's basketball team kept itself from the Big Ten cellar last night by…

… turning back Purdue at Yost Fieldhouse in the last game of the season for both squads.. The score was 70 to 60. S * * THE TRIUMPH coupled with Illinois' 69-52 victory over North- western gave the Wolverines

March 05, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…, Invisible, Fluidless CONTACT LENSES Safe and practical for work and play. Write or phone for a free booklet about contact lenses or drop in for a free demonstration. BETTER VISION CENTER 706 Wolverine Bldg.-4…

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