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March 05, 1953 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1953-03-05

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Fred Waring
Will Appear
In Concerts
Novelty Acts, Dancers
Soloists To Participate
In Ann Arbor Show
Fred Waring, who will star in
two concerts featuring the Pennsy-
lvanians, and soloists, at 7 and
9:30 p.m. Saturday, March 14 in
Hill Auditorium, recently cele-
brated his 36th anniversary of be-
ing in show business.
It was on February 15, 1917
that the original Fred Waring or-
chestra played its first "paid" en-
gagement while Waring was still
a student at Pennsylvania State
Waring made his professional
M debut as a full time entertainer in
1922 by playing a two-week en-
gagement at the Majestic Theatre
on Maynard Street here in Ann
The band had played as a "sec-
ond" band for a J-Hop at the
University and has been such a
success that the manager of the
theatre hired them for a two week
Although The Pennsylvanians
became successful for many years
through their radio work, their
fame recently has been spread by
their work on television.
The Ann Arbor concerts of the
Fred Waring tour group will con-
sist mainly of the personalities
that are featured on the regular
television programs.
Dancing, specialty acts and so-
loists will be .featured as well as
the famed Waring Glee Club and
Waring, himself, claims he en-
joys the new medium of television
as it creates a feeling of good
fellowship and the all-for-one
spirit that he feels is necessary in
a cast.
The cast concentrates on their
work through the week and then
often relaxes on week-ends at War-
ing's home on Shawnee-on-Dela-
There they indulge in sports,
for the cast includes numerous
golfers as well as Joe Marine, who
* plays semi-pro baseball for an
American Legion team in New Jer-
* Gin rummy, swimming, bicycl-
ing, tennis and roller skating are
favorite past times of the cast
members after a long week of re-
hearsal sessions.
As a baseball team, the Penn-
sylvanians boast of their young
mascot who brings them luck and
cheers them, through each per-
This mascot's name is Mike, or
more often "Red." He is a shy
fiery-haired 11-year-old boy who
first showed up at a rehearsal
selling newspapers a couple of
*years ago.
Although he has no actual busi-
ness at the television studio, he
spends most of his time watching
rehearsals, darting around the
studio and running errands for
the members of the cast.
Mike was disappointed that he
couldn't accompany the Pennsyl-
vanians on the transcofitinental
concert tour which is now in pro-
The Ann Arbor stop of the War-
ing tour will be one of the 58 cities
in 24 states where the Pennsylvan-
lans will be giving concerts.
The group plans to tour 17,000
miles by plane, train, and bus cov-

ering the Pacific northwest, Cali-
fornia, the southwest, the mid-
west and the south.
Mail order sales for the Waring
concert are now in progress with
tickets priced at '$2.40, $1.80 and
The publicity committee requests
that checks be made payable to
the Men's Glee Club and mailed to
1020 Administration Building.



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Assem bly Ball To Feature Music
By Paul McDonough's Orchestra,
(.N -~~~ - ___

JGPTo Present 'Vanity Flair'


Annual Production

Music by Paul McDonough's or-
chestra which will be presented
in the League ballroom at this
Saturday's Assembly all will
feature the piano magic of the or-
chestra leader and vocals by Bet-
ty Magyar.
Having already played for over
S30 campus events this year, Paul
McDonough along with one of
the present members, Art Stade,
organized the orchestra four years
At that time while the two stu-
dents were living at East Quad,
Stade was chairman of one of the
dorm's dances and had the task of
hiring an orchestra.
Leaping at the opportunity, he
hired the newly formed group
of which he was a member for
their first public appearance.
At the present time other mem-
bers of the orchestra are Mal
Campbell, formerly with Ray El-
liot's orchestra; Bud Cook, trum-
pet player for Sammy Fletcher's
band and Ivan Zehn, experienced
bass player from Ann Arbor.
Majoring in speech at the Uni-
versity, Betty Magyar, the vocal-
ist, has sung at numerous campus
shows. She has had leading roles
n JGP, Soph Cab and Soph Sa-
As the group rapidly gains in
popularity, more and more offers
for new playing engagements are
received. Among these is the op-
portunity to perform at a night
club in Detroit later on in the se-
mester and to play at an Atlan-
tic City resort this summer.
McDonough the leader of the
group is a freshman in Law
School and has divided his time
between writing songs and play-
ing piano for the Union Operas.
Last year he was featured on his
own radioshow "Piano Varieties"
and accompanied the silent films
presented by the SL Art League
and the Gothic Film Society.
Hailing from Escanaba, Michi-
gan, McDonough has received
numerous musical offers to be staff
pianist at radio stations in Chica-
Specializing in requests, Mc-
'Donough's orchestra presents a
,completerepertoire of current hit
tunes, old-time favorites, waltzes,
and Latin American dances.
In the land of Oz at Satur-
for the Wolverine Club-sponsored
trip to the MSC-Michigan basket-
ball game Saturday night will be
on sale from 1 to 4 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the Administration
The cost for the trip, $3.90, in-
cludes game tickets and bus fare.
MODERN DANCE--There will
be a meeting of the Co-recreation-
al Modern Dance Club at 7:30
p.m. today in Barbour Gym Dance
Any man or woman interested
in joining the club is invited to at-
The Department of Speech will
hold a tea from 4 to 6 p.m. totay
in Rackham Hall. All members of
the speech department are invited
to attend.
* * *
will be a tea from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
today in the International Center
honoring the economist, Barbara
Ward Jackson. Photographers
from .Holiday magazine will also
be present to take pictures of the
foreign students who will appear
in their native costumes. All in-
terested students are invited to

"Can't Help Falling in Love," and
"No Cover Charge."
Besides the smooth, danceable'
music of Paul McDonough, the
Ann Arbor Alley Cats will also be
featured for the benefit of all
Dixieland enthusiasts.
This Combo regularly appears
at the Union-sponsored "Little
Tickets for the dance may be
purchased from representatives at
all the women's resident houses,
from 9 to 5 p.m. in the League, or
from Joyce Lane, tickets chairman.
For the $2.50 admission price
couples will receive a green key
in the form of a program which
will allow them to follow the
yellow brick wall and meet
many of their old friends in the
land of "Emerald Enchantment."
Two souvenir doorprizes per-
taining to some aspect of life in
Oz, and refreshments are included
in the price of the tickets,
Carnations are being sold for
30 cents apiece by Senior Society.
Members of this group will have
the flowers delivered directly to
the houses on Saturday.
The flowers may be purchased
by the coeds when they buy their
tickets. Those who have already
obtained their ticketsawithout a
flower will be contacted by mem-
bers of the Society.
According to members of the
Central Committee, flowers may
be worn at this semi-formal af-

"Vanity Flair," this year's pro-
duction of the annual Junior
Girls' Play, will be presented
March 19, 20, and 21 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
The first night of the produc-
tion will be exclusively for senior
women in the traditional Senior
Night festivities.
FRIDAY, March 20, will mark
the first performance open to all
The evening performances of
JGP will begin at 8 p.m. with
the matinee starting at 2 p.m. on
Saturday, March 21.
Two weeks from today the num-
erous junior women working on
JGP will be able to sit back and
relax, with their hard work on
this productionhchalked up to ex-
* * *
WITH THE PLAY only two
weeks away combined rehearsals
are being held daily after three
weeks of separate singing, danc-
ing and speaking rehearsals.
In keeping with tradition, the
plot of the play is kept secret
from the rest of the campus-
that is, the Central Committee
members hope it is being kept
A few hints as to its potential-
ities were, however, revealed by
Jane Thompson, author of the
musical comedy.
* * *
MISS THOMPSON said that the
play contains a large number of
odd characters, including singing
dogs, various and sundry cowboys,

Indians and stage struck show
Something new to the Men-
delssohn stage will also be pre-
sented by the junior women in
the form of a chorus of har-
monizing ukes.
Tickets for the evening perform-
ances which will be given both Fri-
day and Saturday nights are 90
cents, and for the Saturday aft-
ernoon matinee they are 75 cents.
* * *
LEADS IN THE junior show in-
clude Sue Spurrier, Aggie Dunn,
Betty Magyar and Mary Rea.

Other roles will be played by
Mary Ann Alexander, Marge
Beenan, Barbara Boegehold,
Ann Christenson, Jean Daven-
port, Jane Ellet, Mary Ellen Fry-
fogle, Martha Hill, Margaret
Paysner and Jill Predmore.
The supporting cast includes
over 100 coeds in the three chor-
* * *
SUE NASSET, dance chairman,
and Mary Ann Harrigan, music
chairman, are working with Sue
Shafter, director, in organizing
the play and combining the three

groups of singing, dancing and
uke playing coeds.
For the first time since the
early 30's, the entire JGP cast
will travel to Detroit to pre-
sent "Vanity Flair" on March
25 in Rackham Hall.
The University alumni in De-
troit are sponsoring the show.
Written, produced and acted by
junior women, JGP has risen to
become a tradition on campus
since the first production was
staged in 1904 in Barbour gymna-
sium by six juniors.


Shop at

Goodyear's ... Open tonight till 8:30

day's Assembly Ball the orches-
tra will feature "Over the Rain-
bow," "It's a Blue World,"
"Don't Let the Stars Get in Your
Eyes," and "Why Don't You Be-
lieve Me."
During intermission Jay Mills,
emcee, will introducenmembers of
the cast of the Union Opera of
1952 in their original roles.
This group will once again pre-
sent such Opera favorites as "Why
Can't I Kiss Her Goodnight,"
"Sintillatin' Sam," "Etiquette,"

olo- .

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