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March 05, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-05

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___________________________________ I U

Pointed .Pen
By HARLAND BRITZ amendment seems to lie in the policy of
Daily Associate Editor crucifixion that the Taft group has warred
ITH THE partisan-charged words or on Roosevelt and the Democratic party.
Walter Judd (speaking at Hill Audi- What's more, forgetting the logical bar-
torium) still ringing in our ears, the in- riers, the tormentors would do well to think
satiable right wing Republican Congress- twice before reneging on the international
senreatae ihtirwingupRhepblican wnrs obligations of the United States. Such ac-
men are again stirring up the muddy waters inwudntnybemarsigtohe
of party hatreds. Unconcerned with the ap- tion would not only be embarrassing to the
parent absurdity of their cause, they are Administration, which is trying to main-
even causing a cleavage within their own tam its perspective in this matter, but to
party in their attempts to discredit the the international esteem of the nation.
party that they have already defeated at The campaign being over, it was hoped
the polls.,that this type of balderdash would at least
simmer down to a low roar, but the forces
This time it's Senator Taft and his co- of unequivocal partisanship are not to be
horts who have pushed through the Senate denied.
Foreign Relations Committee a rider which n this connection it is well to commend
would throw up a cloud of doubt as to the Harold Bohlen, the Eisenhower nominee as
validity of the agreements signed by Roose- Ambassador to Russia for his fair and ra-
velt and Truman at Yalta and Potsdam. tional presentation of the Yalta talks as he
They would say that the Eis9nhower bill saw them. It was his view that Roosevelt was
charging Russia with perverting the agree- guilty of no betrayal of free peoples and that
ments by enslaving free peoples did not his decisions were the only ones conceivable
"constitute any determinations by Congress at the time. Bohlen refused to blame FDR for
as to the validity or invalidity of any of the any bad intentions or basically bad deci-
provisions of the said agreements or un-' sions in the case
derstandings." This degree of honesty is no doubt un-
This is, in effect, saying that the Rus- palpable to the scorched earth school of
sians have perverted an agreement which defamation, but it is encouraging to those
may not even exist, as far as we're legally Democrats and Republicans alike who hope
concerned. When viewed in its logical for at least elementary sanity on Capitol
context, the only explanation for the Hill.

Red Power
Bid Seen
(Continued from Page 1)
MALENKOV took a prominent role in last

"You Smell Something Rancid?"

fall's Russian Party Congress.
obviously a very close associate of

He is

McCarthy and the Files

SEN. JOSEPH McCarthy is on his way to
winning another ignominious victory.
Early yesterday, R. W. Scott McLeod, the
State Department's new security boss, fell
a possible victim to the self-styled Wis-
consin Communist-purger.
According to McCarthy, McLeod has
expressed the desire to "cooperate" with
his investigating committee now examin-
ing pinkish influence in the "Voice of
America" set-up.
The extent of McLeod's supposed co-op-
eration is not clear, but McCarthy has de-
manded that State Department files be
thrown open to his scrutiny.
Furthermore, he has threatened to sub-
poena these files if the department refuses
to assist him voluntarily. "Co-operation"
must necessarily mean to the Wisconsin
representative full license to steam roll over
the private lives of countless individuals. Mc-
Carthy has demonstrated in the past that
he is exceptionally gifted in this vocation.
A long standing, and bitterly contested

Truman-Acheson principle is also jeopor-
dized. The former president made it quite
clear to all MtCarthys that State Depart-
ment files are no business of anyone ex-
cept the department concerned.
The ex-president feared, and rightfully
so, that by exposing these files to political
demogogues innocent people would be
smeared by hysterical, self-seeking elected
officials. It also has been noted that many
of the "facts" contained in these files are
based on inaccurate, hearsay information.
Those who supported, and continue to sup-
port this stand, also argue that supposed
Communists are more easily detected in key
government positions by being examined by
a jury of their peers.
Should McLeod concede to McCarthy's
outlandish demands, or should McCarthy
force the opening of these files through the
course, one can expect to see a new "Slaugh-
ter of the Innocent" get off to a flying start.
--Mark Reader

On the other hand, Malenkov reportedly
has many enemies within the party. He has
an implacable enemy in a young, influential
member of the presidium and secretariat,
Significantly, Malenkov is also unpopu-
lar with the Red Army, according to re-
liable sources. The Red Army may be
considered Factor X in this political cross-
word puzzle. Its leaders, particularly
General Bulganin, are highly influential.
Even if Malenkov is Stlin's favorite, it
does not seem that, on this count alone, he
will be able to gain cmplete control of the
party. Since the end of World War II,
Stalin has apparently lost his monolithic
control over the party, and consequently,
will probably not be able to impose a pet
successor on the party.
Perhaps at one time Malenkov was un-
disputed contender to Stalin's position, but
indications now are that he has a great
deal of opposition.
As for Beriya, such authorities as Louis
Fischer consider him the foremost com-
petitor to succeed Stalin.
Reason: The MVD and MGB represent
a powerful arm in the Soviet Union. A spy
system, i controls the railways, roads, tele-
phones and telegraph in the country. It
possesses an armed force with numerous
well-equipped military regiments. It super-
vises defense of the frontiers, and controls
administration of the concentration and
forced labor camps.
Beriya's position is further enhanced by
what is reportedly a rapport between Gen-
eral Bulganin and himself. And, unlike
Malenkov, Beriya is very popular with the
Red Army.
In his latest book, "The Life and Death of
Stalin," Fischer predicts that "when Stalin
goes, the secret police will have the biggest
share in determining who shall be the new
dictator." If so, this puts Beriya in a very
commanding position.
Fischer adds: "The ultimate development
in the leadership of a police state would be
the identity of the head of police and head
of 'state." This would be Beriya.
SINCE FISCHER wrote, however, three
months have passed, and a great deal
has happened in those three months,
though the flux in the U.S.S.R. is not al-
ways commonly reported.
Recently, several important function-
aries of the MVD and MGB were demoted
from the party central committee. This
may be interpreted as a weakening of the
Beriya wing, but again, it may be simply
one of the many reorganizations of the
secret police.
Moreover, anti-Zionism and anti-Semit-
ism have made a pronounced appearance, as
evidenced in the Slansky Czech trials and
the recent arrest of nine Jewish doctors for
allegedly having poisoned two upper-cham-
ber Communist officials.
Since Beriya himself is allegedly Jewish,
this would seem to diminish his chances to
ascend to the dignity of Big Brother. Also,
it may be recalled, the secret police were
subjected to sharp criticism by the Red
press in the poisoning affair.
The latter finger-pointing has been in-
terpreted as being a move on the part of
Molotov to drive a wedge between Beriya
and Malenkov, who, up until January, had
formed a kind of coalition.
The important thing to note, however, is
that Beriya, like Malenkov, has a well-oiled
machine behind him, and a good deal of
backing from members of the presidium.
He is to be watched.
Molotov, the former Foreign Minister, is
an Old Guard Bolshevik who saw the Octo-
ber Revolution. As vice-premier and mem-
ber of the presidium, he is still regarded as
one of the four most influential men in

Russia. To his.advantage is, of course, his
vice-premiership and the fact that he is a
bridge to the myth of the glorious Revolu-
Since he may not be directly involved
in the struggle for power, Molotov may be
a logical compromise candidate of the
type that people whisper about at American
political conventions.
In the past, there has been considerable
tension between Molotov and Beriya, because
of intrusion of the political police into the
affair of the foreign office.
The drawback in Molotov's case is his
lack of a powerful machine to support his
Many experts, however, feel that there
will.not be a party controversy over suc-
cession after the death of Stalin. Fischer
writes: "The Communist Party is now an
automatic machine of unanimity."


WASIINGTON-Congressman Leo Allen
of Illinois, Republican, is one of the
best-natured members of Congress, but the
spunky chairman of the House Rules Com-
mittee can slug it out when the occasion re-
Meeting tax-cutting Congressman Dan
Reed of New York the other day, he let his
fellow Republican know in no uncertain
terms that he was going to continue block-
ing Reed's tax bill.
/When Reed testily demanded that Allen
report his bill out of committee for a vote
by the full House, Allen replied:
"My committee will be guided by the lead-
ership of the House-Speaker Joe Martin."
"All right," blazed back Reed, "Then we'll
force my bill out of your committee."
"We'll see about that," Allen retorted,
cooly. "We'll see about that."
Allen's stand took real courage because
Dan Reed is not only chairman of the
House Ways and Means Committee, but
also rules on the membership of all House
committees. As such, he can make it tough
for those who tangle with him when it
comes to parceling out prize posts on im-
portant committees.
However, Allen has a few weapons of his
own. One is the firm conviction that he was
right and that political parties, like individ-
uals, should keep their promises. Two, he
has the strong moral support of Speaker
Joe Martin; and three, the backing of Pres-
ident Eisenhower, who wants to balance the
budget before cutting taxes.
* * *
AUNT,GRAY Bernie Baruch who has
battled against inflation during two
world wars, is now battling against Senate
secrecy. His scorching telegram to Senator
Capehart of Indiana against secret ses-
sions, however, did little good.
"How can the people who fight and die,
suffer and pay, pass any judgment if they
are left unaware of what and why legisla-
tion is passed?" elder statesman Baruch
wired the committee chairman who's con-
sidering price-wage controls.
Immediately following Baruch's telegram,
Capehart's committee held another session
Books at the Library


which was so secret that no minutes were
taken and even the committee staff was
Afterward, with no written record to keep
them straight, Senators seemed completely
confused as to what had happened. Sen-
ator Capehart said that Defense Secretary
Wilson was "hopeful" of a cut in military
costs; but Senator Robertson of Virginia in-
dicated that Wilson said just the opposite.
Senator Maybank of South Carolina said
Secretary of Commerce Weeks favored
some sort of price-wage freeze power in
case of emergency; but Senator Bricker of
Ohio said Weeks seemed just the opposite.
However, believing the American people
eire entitled to know the facts, this column
can report the accurate highlights of what
happened at this secret session:
1. Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey
stated flatly that the actual cost of operat-
ing the government cannot be cut this year.
Cuts might be made in some nonoperating
categories, Humphrey said. . . . He's been
looking over the veterans budget for pos-
sible cuts. . . . Heaviest cuts' would have to
be made in foreign aid and defense.
2. Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson
disagreed about cutting the defense budget.
didn't see how any big cuts could be made
this year, said he hoped to reduce the de-
fense budget by five billions in the fiscal
year 1953. . . . Instead of cutting the budget
now, Wilson said, he'd actually stepped up
spending on several items, such as airplane
"Do you think the government can be
run like big business?" asked Senator Ir-
ving Ives of New York.
"No," replied the man who once said
what's good for General Motors is good fbr
the United States, "there are too many sac-
red cows."
3. Secretary of Commerce Weeks empha-
sized that government should get out of
all business, such as synthetic rubber and
smelting tin.
All three cabinet officers agreed they did
not want to' keep stand-by machinery for
controlling price-wages, did want stand-by
authority for a straight, 60-day freeze in
case of emergency. This would give Congress
time to enact new controls legislation.
Not a word w snoken durina this highlv,

(Continued from Page 2)
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pt
Chi Phi
Chi Psi
Chicago House
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Kappa Sigma
Phi Chi
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Rho Sigma
Prescott House
Psi Omega
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Theta Chi
Theta Xi.
Zeta Psi
March 8
Chi Omega
Phi Delta Phi
Boy Scout counselors: The Detroit
Area Council of the Boy Scouts of
America are seeking counselors for
their summer camp. They will inter-
view carididates at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments Fri., Mar. 6. For further
information please contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, telephone University exten-
sion 2614.
Personnel Interviews.
On Mon., Mar. 9, there will be a rep-
resentative on the campus from Jones
and Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh,
Pa., to talk to students interested in
Industrial Selling.
The Equitable Life Insurance Co. of
Iowa will have an interviewer here from
Detroit on Tues., Mar. 10, to see June
graduates interested in positions with
this company.
The Scott Paper Co. of Chester Pa..
will have a representative here on Tues.,
Mar. 10, to talk to men interested in
Personnel Requests.
Michigan Civil Service 'Commission
announces examination for stenog-
rapher Clerk A. Applications are due on
March 25, with the exam being given
on April 25. In order to qualify for the
position one must have two years'
stenographic experience and a high-
school diploma.
The Civil Service Commission on
Wayne county announces examination
for Personnel Assistant. This is open
to students expecting their degrees in
June, 1953, and offers appointees a
chance to learn the techniques of pub-
lic personnel administration and to
gain experience in public service. Ap-
plication blanks are available at the
Bureau of Appointments.
The Vassar Summer Institute will
hold itseWork-Study Program for un-
der-graduate students July 1 to July
29, 1953, for those interested in Teach-
ing, Recreation, Child Psychology, Social
Work, Nursing, Pediatrics, Marriage
and supplies.
The Vokar Corp. of Dexter, Mich., hs
an opening for a young man to work
part-time during the afternoon. The
work would include handling the
stores and supplies.
The Household Finance Corp. in Ann
Arbor has openings for young men to
part-time work either in the morn
ing or afternoon, to do customer con-
tact work. One who has had some ex-
perience in this line may apply, as
well as those with no experience.
For further information concerning
these and other openings, and also
for appointments, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
Mott Foundation Lectures. Second of
two lectures by Barbara Ward Jackson,
Assistant Editor of the London Econ'
omist. Topic, "Moral Order in an Un-
Jcertain World," Thurs., Mar. 5,8:00 p.m.
Rackham Lecture Hall. Reception, 9:30
p.m., West Conference Room.
Academic Notices
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Applications of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Mar. 5, at 4 p.m. in 407 Mason
Hall. Dr. Frank Harary of the Insti-
tute for Social Research will speak on
"Graph Theory."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Mar. 5, at 4 in 247 West
Engineering. Professor Paul Naghdi will
speak on "The Bending of Axially Sym-
metric Plates on. Elastic Foundations."
Seminar in Organic Chemistry on
Thurs., Mar. 5, 7:30p.m., 1300 Chemis-
try Building. Mr. R. K. Putney will

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

selt, pianist, David Klein and Patricia
Phillips, violinists, Donald Glaser, vio-
list, Camilla Heller, cellist, and Joan St.
Denis, soprano. The program will in-
clude works by Mozart, Grovlez and
Spohr, and will be open to the general
Events Today
Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid-
Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
International Relations Club. Dr.
James F. Green, Deputy Director, Office
of United Nations Social and Econom-
ics Affairs, Department of State, will.
speak on "Multilateral Diplomacy: The
General Assembly in Action" at 4:15
p.m. in Auditorium A of Angell Hall.
All interested persons are welcome.
Beacon. Come and see the color films
on New Zealand in West Quad dining
hall No. 1 at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome.
The French Club will meet today at
8 p.m. in the Rumpus Room of the
Michigan League. There will be a talk
by Mrs. Dieudonne, of Nice, on the
"University Life in France." A brief skit
and dancing and refreshments will
Modern Poetry Club. Meeting tonight
at 8:30 p.m., Room A, League. Dr. Her-
bert Barrows will be guest speaker.
The poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
will be discussed. We will base our
discussion on those poems of the Os-
car Williams edition. Those who could
not attend the first meeting and who
are interested in becoming members
are also welcome.-,
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends
from 4-6 p.m.
Kappa Phi. Buffet supper at the
Methodist Church at 5:15. All members,
pledges, and possible prospective mem-
bers are invited to attend.
Graduate Student Council meeting at
7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building.
German Coffee Hour in the Union
Cafeteria from 3:00 to 4:30. An oppor-
tunity for informal German conversa-
tion. Everyone welcome.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a
meeting in the West Engineering Build-
ing at 7:30. Swimming party on Mar. 6
at the I.M. Building and work party at
Whitmore Lake on Saturday.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside Room,
Lane Hall.
La Petite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. In the North
Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. All
interested students are invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Trial by Jury
rehearsals tonight in thenLeague for
tecorus; in the Union for the
principals. Both start at 7:15 sharp.
Michigan Crib-Prelaw Society. The
Michigan Crib presents Mr. William
Flanagan, Assistant Prosecutor of
Wayne County. at 8 p.m. this evening
in the Kalamzoo Room of the Michigan
League. The topic of his discussion is
"Alleged Juvenile Delinquants." Fac-
ulty, students, and townspeople are
Comning Events
Westminster Guild is sponsoring a
roller-skating party Friday evening.
Meet at the Student Center at the
First Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m.
Your friends are welcome to join us.
Graduate Students at the First Pres-
byterian Church have planned a dra-
matic presentation of one of the na-
tion's best-sellers, to be given at 8
p.m. Friday in the social hail of the
Church. Come and get acquainted
with other post-college young people.
Wesley Foundation. Square dance
and lummy sticks on Fri., Mar. 6, 8
p.m., Wesley Lounge.
Motion Pictures, auspices of UnI-
versity Museums, "Realm of the Wild,"
(color), 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditor-
ium. No admission charge.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour with Mrs.
Barbara Ward Jackson guest of hon-
or on Fri., 4:15 ton6:00 p.m. Lutheran
Student Association co-host. All stu-
dents and faculty cordially invited.

Ed School Admissions
To the Editors:
IN HER editorial, "Education
School Admissions," (2-25-53)
Donna Hendleman criticizes the
recent Regents' decision to change
the requirement for admission to
junior standing in the School of
Education from grade-point ratio
2.25 to 2.00. She deplores the
change as a short-sighted exped-
ient designed to "bring more peo-
ple into the teaching profession."
Most disappointing here is the
author's seeming contempt for the
Lit. School "C" student. She la-.
ments: "When a school (the Ed-
ucation School) goes so far as to
make itself attractive to the poor
student (italics mine) it stands the
chance of losing many good ones."
Indeed! (Isn't merely a "C" av-
erage required for graduation from
all our undergraduate schools-
and, incidentally, for candidacy to
Daily staff posts?) Does Miss Hen-
dleman really believe that a jun-
ior with a "C" average is a failure,
as a student and should, ipso facto,
be considered unfit to pursue pub-
lic school teaching as a career?
Should this be substantially true,
the "B" student (only "fair" by
Hendlemanian standards) would
be, at best, second-rate and only
tolerable competition to the still
unchallenged elite, the "A" STU-
DENT. Where do we go from
Let's face facts Miss Hendle-
man :
(1) There is a critical certified
teacher shortage.
S(2)Parents, understandably, will
see to it that someone teaches
their children (albeit, if necessary,
someone who has nev graced
Angell Hall or a reasonably fac-
(3) There is virtually no rela-
tionship between marks (within A
through C limits) and teaching
(4) The "C" student at the U.
of M. Lit, School has demonstrated
"a certain amount of academic
prowess" and, in view of points
(1), (2), and (3), should, if he is
able to relate well with youngsters,
be given an opportunity to see if
he can teach.
(5) All teacher candidates (from
A to Z, if you please) are calculat-
ed risks.
If anyone, including Daily edi-
tors, has a workable plan for im-
proving on the above circumstance
(point 5) please submit same to
the State Department of Public
Instruction, Lansing, Michigan.
Charles H. Bisdee,
Grad. Ed.
Gershwuin Concert ..
To the Editor:
MONDAY evening an inenarrable
horror was foisted upon an
Ann Arbor audience through the
Gershwin Concert Orchestra. The
schmaltzy string section and the
"jazzed-up" brasses simply did not
mix; indeed, they gave the impres-
sion of being in a viennese beer
garden and an American dance
hall simultaneously. Some of the
brasses were off key so frequently
that I wondered if this was not
the result of premeditation. But
enough description. of this thor-
oughly egregious performance!
There is a deeper question in-
volving the Choral Union Concert
Series itself. In recent years this
campus has been offered such a
potpourri of programs that only
a cultural omnivore could derive
meaningful experience from them
all. I am not advocating exclusive
addiction to Brahms, Bach and
Beethoven. Certainly, variety may
be a commendable objective; but
ardent pursuit of mere omnifer-

ousness degenerates into poor
May I suggest that the Univer-
sity Musical Society consider of-
fering two series-one for "high-
brows" and one for "middle-
brows"? Then one could purchase

a series ticket without fear of
suffering the agonies which arise
from the present alrangement.
This would provide better for und-
erstandable differences in taste
and still preserve the financial ad-
vantages of the Concert Series
-Ernest D. Wenrick, Grad.
* * *
Adlai Fund
To the Editor:
THE Student Affairs Committee
recently decided against per-
mitting direct solicitation in stu-
dent housing units by representa-
tives of the "Dollars for Sense"
campaign. Campaign procedures
have now been modified to meet
SAC objections.
The major organizational change
concerns the method by which
Young Democrats will approach
other students for contributions,
Instead of having campaign rep-
resentatives get in touch with
students in the different housing
units, "Dollars for Sense" will
contact these students for their
contributions by mail. Anyone
wishing to contribute will then
be able to do so directly by send-
ing the amount to Judy Bender,
Treasurgr of "Dollars for Sense,"
at 338 East Jefferson St. Students
who would like to obtain more de-
tailed information about the cam-
paign before making a contribu-
tion will be able to arrange for an
appointment with a campaign rep-
resentative by returning a post-
card, which they will find enclosed
in the "Dollars for Sense" com-
The Student Affairs Committee
decision in no way affects the fac-
ulty organization. This drive is
still sponsoredby the Young Dem-
ocrats and all funds will be han-
dled through the Office of Student
Aff airs.
The funds collected in this cam-
paign will help make it possible
for Adlai Stevenson to continue
acting as a national leader of the
Democratic party. They will pay
for a research staff, a secretarial
staff, travel expenses and radio
and television time. In this way
a contribution to "Dollars for
Sense" will provide persons who
wish to participate in the demo-
cratic process with an opportun-
ity to do so by supporting Ad'a
Stevenson in making his' views
known to a national public.
-Will Hansen
Finance Committee, YD's
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control Of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editr
Barnes Connable..,.....City Editor
Cal Samra..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.,......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harland Brit?.........AssocWte Editor
Donna Hendeman....Associate' Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler....... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.... Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin. . ..Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use frrrepublication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.

All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail $7.00.






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