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March 05, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-05

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J 'I



Latest Deadline in the State


U.S. Rejects
Red Request
In Tart Note
Staff a Spy Nest,
Hungary Charges
ed States indignantly rejected yes-
terday a - Hungarian suggestion
that the American legation staff
in Budapest be trimmed down or
the ground that it is an anti-Com
munist spy nest.
The State Department disclosed
this by publishing the text of a
strongly worded reply to a note
which Communist Hungary sent to
Washington February 23. The
Hungarian note asked the tnited
States to consider reducing the
legation staff.
* * * '
YESTERDAY'S answer. turned
down this suggestion without res-
ervation, but it also managed, by
a piece of diplomatic footwork, to
get across the idea that the lega-
tion staff probably will be reduced
The Hungarian note of Febru-
ary 23 and yesterday's reply re-
volved around the recent trial
of Robert A. Vogeler, American
business man convicted in a
Communist court of spying
against the Red regime in Hun-
gary. Charges and testimon-
which the United States govern-
ment has denounced as false-
implicated other Americans and
In addition to requesting the
staff reduction, Hungary asked
that the United States consider
lifting its ban on American travel
in Hungary.
Vogeler's conviction "on false
charges" confirms the fact that it
is "unsafe for American citizens
to visit Hungary." Hence this re-
quest was rejected.
Hungary also asked that the
United States take a new look at
the closing of Hungarian consu-
lates in New York and Cleve-
The American note then gave
the hint of staff reductions in
Budapest in this way. It said that
Hungary, by restricting American
consular officers and disregarding
the rights and safety of American
citizens, had created an abnormal
relationship with the United
Urge Support
Of Democrats
Administration's drive to bring all
of the South back into the nation-
al Democratic party organization
won support today of Alabama
Senators Hill and Sparkman.
Along with some House mem-
bers of their states' delegation, Hill
and Sparkman urged election in
the May 2 Alabama primary of a
state political committee pledged
to put regular Democratic electors
on the ballot in the 1952 presiden-
tial race.
* *
THEY CAME OUT against a
states' right Democratic slate,
headed by Present State Chair-
man Gessner T. McCorvey, which

kept President Truman's name off
the Alabama ballot in the 1948
election and cost him the state's
11 electoral votes.
Those votes went to a states
right ticket, headed by Governor
J. Strom Thurmond of South Car-
olina, along with others from
Louisiana, Mississippi and South
Carolina for a total of 9.
Administration officials regard
Alabama as a test case in their
drive to wipe out the revolt that
started within the party over
President Truman's civil rights
If the Alabama election ma-
chinery is recovered by the na-
tional party, officials feel they will
have an opening wedge for similar
drives in South Carolina, Missis-
sippi and Louisiana.
Propose Ypsi
RA, D f IMdiA1 ntrI

French Premier
PARIS - <P) - Premier Georges Bidault yesterday slowly beat
down a Communist roughouse filibuster against his anti-sabotage
bill to assure delivery of American arms aid.
The first of the arms shipments, consigned by the United States
as part of a $1,000,000,000 program for bolstering its North Atlantic
Pact allies, is expected to reach French docks this month.
* * * *






* *

* * *


1V1 g~ers

Whip Purdue


A BARRAGE of speeches from the extreme left
French National Assembly followed a session of nearly

wing of the
24 hours in

Senate Group
Okays Mundt
lation cracking down on Commu-
nists and Communist front or-
ganizations in this country won
approval yesterday of the Senate
Judiciary Committee.
By a 12 to 1 vote the committee
adopted a bill introduced by Sena-
tor Mundt (R-SD) which would:
1. Require the registration of
54,000 card-carrying American
Communists and officers of
Communist front organizations.
They must report their aliases as
well as their real names.
2. Call for the filing of financial
reports disclosing sources of in-
come of Red organizations and
where the money is spent.
3. Compelbthe Communist
groups to label material sent
through the mails as propagan-
da and require an announce-
ment when Communist views
were carried on the radio.
4. Deny Communists the right
to work for the federal govern-
ment and deprive them of U.S.
passport privileges.
Stiff penalties are provided in
the measure - $2,000 to $5,000
fine and two years in jail.
* * *
Communism as a conspiracy to
overthrow the government and set
up a dictatorship in this country.
On that basis it would outlaw such
Violation of this section
would invoke maximum penal-
ties of ten years in jail and
$10,000 fine.
The Communists have claimed
this definition would mean the
outlawing of their party, but
Mundt denies this. He said it
merly "would apply the same gov-
ernment regulation which govern
the political activities of Demo-
crats and Republicans."
The measure would set up a
board of subversive control of
three members which would de-
cide which organizations and in-
dividuals would be registered.
To Hold Lloyd
Rites Monday
Memorial services for Dean of
Women Alice C. Lloyd, who died
Friday after an illness of two
years, will be held at 4:30 p. m.
tomorrow in St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church, with the Rev. Henry
Lewis officiating.
A special memorial program will
be broadcast at 8:30 p. m. Mon-
day over WUOM. President Ruth-
ven, Provost Adams, and Associate
Dean of Women Mary C. Bromage
will speak.
Miss Lloyd had served the Uni-
versity as women's adviser and
later as Dean of Women for al-
most a quarter-century. She was
56 years old.
I------ -- -- -----~---

Jwhich Communists slugged their
way to the speaker's platform,
twice staged a sit-down occupa-
tion, and twice were ejected from
the chamber by 250 blue-uni-J
formed republican guards.
While dockers at Bordeaux,
Calais, Dunkerque and at Al-
giers in North Africa went on
a 24-hour strike at the call of
the Communist-dominated Gen-
eral Confederation of Labor,
the National Assembly voted to
limit debate and recess the
the marathon session at 1 p.m.7
But when the Assembly resumed,
the flow of Communist speeches
continued. The closure, voted 315
to 180, was a victory for Bidault,
but each of the 180 Communist
deputies was still allowed by the,
rules "to speak five minutes on
each proposed amendment - and,
the Communists were ready with a
lot of amendments.
* * *
DESPITE the oratory and in-
terruptions, however, the bill
inched forward on a series of mi-
nor votes. Bidault declared he
would keep the house in session
until the measure passed.
The Communists calmed notice-1
ably after first morning editions1
These newspapers told how desk
tops were ripped off, clothes torn
and one guardsman was bitten
one hand by a woman Communist
member in the wild all-night
IWorld News
By The Associated Press
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia - All'
American missionaries, and pre-
sumably the missionaries of other
Western nations, are going to be
required by Czechoslovakia "to
leave at a very early date," the
United States Embassy announced
plane carrying five men crashed
into Lake Michigan last night.
A Coast Guard cutter, a fire boat
and a rescue plane were seeking
* * *
CALCUTTA, India - New out-
bursts of Hindu-Moslem fighting
in India's West Bengal have re-
sulted in 18 killed, at least 10
wounded and the arrest of 95 per-
sons, the government announced
last night.
ATHENS, Greece-The Greek
people will elect a parliament
today that is expected to pro-
duce a coalition government just
as delicately balanced as others
of the postwar past.
* * *
HONG KONG-Heavy damage
and high casualties were reported
yesterday in a series of Chinese
Nationalist air raids on the south-
ern metropolis of Canton.-
* * *
EDMONTON, Alta.-The organ-
ized search for a long-missing U.S.
Air Force C-54 and the 44 persons
aboard has ended unsuccessfully.

Escape Last
place, 70-60'
Winners Paced
By Suprinowicz
Michigan's basketball team kept
itself from the Big Ten cellar last
night by turning back Purdue at
Yost Fieldhouse in the last game
of the season for both squads..
The score was 70 to 60.
S * *
THE TRIUMPH coupled with
Illinois' 69-52 victory over North-
western gave the Wolverines sev-
enth place in the Western Confer-
ence's final standings.
Mack Suprunowicz, captain
and sparkplug of the victors,
turned in an outstanding per-
formance in his last collegiate
appearance. He meshed seven
baskets and five free throws for
19 points and the evening's scor-
ing honors.
Wolverines Leo VanderKuy and
Don McIntosh were close behind
with 16 and 13 counters respective-
ly. Howard Williams topped the
losers with 17.
* * *
JIM SKALA opened the scoring
at 1:14 with a jump shot from in
close giving Michigan a lead which
it never relinquished.
VanderKuy's pivot a minute
later kept the rally alive and set
the stage for three consecutive
Suprunowicz field goals, a one-
hander from the corner, a drive-
in and a long set shot. Irv. Wis-
niewski follnwed with a pair of
rebounds to give the Wolverines
a 16-6 margin after seven min-
utes of play.
Only the expert ball handling
and playmaking of Williams kept
Purdue in the contest. His team-
mates, Andy Butchko, Dick Axness
and Norm Greiner managedsto
gather six points apiece in the first
half mostly as a result of Wil-
liams' sharp passing.
able to work their way through an
air-tight Michigan defense and
had to settle for long shots from
See 'M' CAGERS, Page 3
* * *
Police -Decry
Game Parking
The City Police Department last
night asked the cooperation of
basketball and hockey fans in!
solving a serious parking problem
at the games.
Cars were found in private
drives and parked at angles to the
curb, officers said, and added that
one fan had even doubled parked
his car.
More than 15 tickets were is-
sued during the night, the depart-
ment added.
AGM Votes f or
DETROIT - (/P) - In the big-
gest election of its kind ever held,
General Motors workers voted
nearly 8 to 1 for a union shop.
The National Labor Relations
Board announced yesterday 171,-
629 of GM's 230,050 eligible em-

ployes approved a union shop.
There were 21,950 opposed and
5,774 ballots were challenged.
* * *
THE RESULTS cleared the way
for the CIO United Auto Workers
to bargain with General Motors
for a union shop, one of its major
demands this year. Negotiations
will start in less than a month.
A union shop is the strongest
security for a union obtainable
since the Taft-Hartley Act banned

-Daily-wally Barth
RECEPTION COMMITTEE-Dorianne Zipperstein (left) greets Rev. Fr. John Steiner, president of
-the University of Detroit, just before the opening of yesterday's National Student Association
Michigan Regional meeting at the Union. Dean of Students Erich A. Walter and Don Gray of Wayne
University, vice-president of the Michigan Region, look on.

* * *

* * *

* * *

Clarity Urged in Bill of Rights

Asserting that the prevaling
mood of today "is one of doubt,
uncertainty, vagueness and suspi-
cion, Rev. Fr. John Steiner, presi-
dent of the University of Detroit,
yesterday admonished students to
be "crystal clear" in the use of
terms in drawing up a code of
Fr. Steiner, who opened the
panel discussions on a student bill
of rights at the National Student
Association's Michigan )Regional
meeting at the Union yesterday
afternoon, pointed out that unless

such a code of rights was perfect-
ly clear, it would be open to mis-
interpretation when later adop E3d.
* * * .
PRESENTING AN administrator's
view of student rights, Fr. Steiner
told the more than 100 student
and faculty delegates from 12
Michigan colleges that "undoub-
tedly when a student enters our
camnpus he doesn't lose his natural
rights-life, liberty and the pur-
suit of happiness.
"But when he enrolls he should
be made aware of the univer-
sity's objectives within which he

Interviews for Phoenix Drive
Posts Will Begin Tomorrow
Students' opportunity to take an active part in the $6,500,000
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project will continue tomorrow when
interviewing for more than 50 positions on the nine working com-
mittees of the student drive will begin, Mary Lubeck, '51, drive chair-
man said yesterday.
The nine committees will plan and manage the student drive.
Members will not do the soliciting -

must p 1 a c e his contractual
rights," he said.
Fr. Steiner later stressed the
importance of students having
confidence and trust in the col-
lege or university administration.
"If a student feels that he has to,
fight the university he should
leave," he added.
* * *
the history department, second
speaker on the keynote panel, out-
lined the rights of students in
three general areas of- conduct-
off-campus, on-campus activities
and curricular programs.
Asserting that student rights in
off-campus activities "are exactly
the same as those of any other
citizen of the state," he charged
that "to say they are less would
mean that students are less re-
sponsible than other citizens."
Prof. Slosson pointed out,
however, that "with extra-cur-
ricular activities we run into
borderline cases where Univer-
;ity interference is never de-
sirable, but frankly unavoid-
Turning to the classroom scene,
Prof. Slosson admitted that "stu-
dent power is least in this field
but as a mAtter of expediency, I
think itaadvisable to give students
a hand in shaping the curricu-
* * *
William Pratt, the third panel
speaker, said that in attempting
to carry out the principles estab-
lished by the present NSA student
bill of rights three years ago, "we
realize that conditions will not be
the same for all colleges and uni-
"But we feel that there should
at least be a certain minimum
statement for all schools," he
Pratt, chairman of the NSA
Regional Student Life Commis-
sion, pointed out, however, that
no NSA policy is binding on indiv-
dual colleges until adopted by
The conference will conclude at
10:00 a. m. today with a series of
reports and a general business
meeting at the Union.

Fall Short of
Only Technical
Differences Left
forts to reach a final agreement
on a new soft coal contract failed
last night but both sides reported
substantial progress and prospects
appeared good for a resumption of
mining tomorrow.
Indications were that the dif-
ficulties were legal and technical,
and did not involve any material
differences on points to be includ-
ed in the agreement which would
end the months-long dispute.
* * *
resenting John L. Lewis' Mine'
Workers Union and the major coal
operators recessed shortly after 11
p.m. after about nine hours of
steady work on the peace pact.
Major points in the agree-
ment had been reached Friday
night the parties agreed to re-
sume work at 11 a.m. today.
Lewis has called his 200-man
union policy committee for a
meeting at 4:30 p.m. today-evi-
dently expecting the situation will
have advanced to a point by then
where a final agreement could be
ratified by the union committee.
* * *
UNLESS THERE IS a last min-
ute hitch in the legal wording of
the agreement, the stage was ex-
pected to be set for a strike end
call that would send the men back
to the pits Monday.
Earlier there had been reports
and denials that Lewis d 4ps-
sed new demands into the ses-
/sion. A UMW spokesman said
that was not true.
One of the hardest jobs facing
the attorneys for both sides was to
make the agreement fit a Federal
court injunction which specificial-
ly called some of its points illegal.
PRESIDENT Truman scrapped
his request for power to seize and
operate the mines. But he will
press for legislation setting up a
commission to study the coal in-
dustry, which he said is racked by
economic ailments.
The Interstate Commerce
Commission suspended its latest
order for a slash of 15 per cent
in coal-burning passenger and
railroad service. The order was
to have. been effective today
John L. Lewis walked off with
another smashing victory for his
United Mine Workers, upping
their bnefits $1.40 day per man
- and adding an estimated 20
cents a ton to coal costs.
* * *
northern and western operators,
including the steel companies'
mines. Southern operators were
expected to go along as they have
in the past.
Anthracite talks also are
pending, although thes mines
have been working right along
on a Lewis-imposed three-day
week. A UMW official pre-
dicted the new agreement would
result in a similar pact with the
hard coal mines.

The costly strike that almost
paralyzed the nation's economy
idled nearly 600,000 persons. That
includes the 372,000 striking
United Mine Workers.
But even with the coal crisis
apparently over, the nation faces
a gloomy labor picture-disputes
covering almost 5,000,000 workers
could explode into big strikes.
* * *
HERE IS WHAT the coal miners
asked in the long contract dispute,
compared with what they finally
got from operators who had held
out against any concessions at all:
Wages-$15 a day. They got
$14.75, up 70 cents from the old

themselves, he said.
* * *
REGISTERING for interview
appointments which began Thurs-
day will continue through Friday
in the Office of Student Affairs,
1020 Administration Bldg.
Any student who will be at-
tending the University until
June, 1951, and is scholastically
eligible may apply for an in-
terview, Lubeck revealed.
The interviws will be con-
ducted by three members of the
student drive executive commit-
tees and will be held in Rm. 3511,
Administration Bldg., Lubeck said.
* * *
THE WORKING committees
will supervise the drives in vari-
ous living groups, including dorms,
affiliated groups and other city
students. There are also commit-
tees dealing with the speakers,
publicity, special programs and
personnel for the student drive,
Lubeck said.

Ice Show To
'Freeze' Hill
Stars of stage, screen and ice
rinks will move into Hill Audi-
torium Tuesday complete with
portable ice pond to present "Ice-
The silver blades will flash
through two performances at 7
and 9:30 p.m. The program is
being sponsored by the Engineer-
ing Council.
A COMPANY of reknown skat-
ers will present a complete two
dozen scene musical on the
glazed surface of the auditorium
stage. Strong ankled ice ballerinas
and wobbly comedians plan to
keep audiences far from cool.
Tickets will be available tomor-
row and Tuesday at the Hill Audi-
torium box office. Prices are: main
floor, $1.80; first balcony, $1.50;
second balcony, $1.20.

French Vote Against
Coca-Co Ionization'


The Frenchman, already hard-
hit by the rigors of post war life,
has been denied another of his
little pleasures.
By an act of the French Na-
tional Assembly, a well-known
American cola drink may no long-
er be sold in France and its pos-

"dangers that the cola drink
represents for the health and
civilization of France. Whole
peoples have been intoxicated
The moral landscape of France
is at stake."
Whether or not the wine grow-
ers of France figure this will ef-
fect their sales, they joined the

To Debate Greek-Independent Issue

Two independent and two af-
filiated students will match wits

ture's Michigan Forum committee
nn th. rommendation n fleaders

Chaired by an impartial stu-
dent moderator. the -roundtable

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