SL ELECTIONS See Page 4 J 'I WIFA6 Dali Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1950 CLOUDY, WARMER EIGHT PAGES U.S. Rejects Red Request In Tart Note Staff a Spy Nest, Hungary Charges WASHINGTON-(MP-The Unit- ed States indignantly rejected yes- terday a - Hungarian suggestion that the American legation staff in Budapest be trimmed down or the ground that it is an anti-Com munist spy nest. The State Department disclosed this by publishing the text of a strongly worded reply to a note which Communist Hungary sent to Washington February 23. The Hungarian note asked the tnited States to consider reducing the legation staff. * * * ' YESTERDAY'S answer. turned down this suggestion without res- ervation, but it also managed, by a piece of diplomatic footwork, to get across the idea that the lega- tion staff probably will be reduced anyway. The Hungarian note of Febru- ary 23 and yesterday's reply re- volved around the recent trial of Robert A. Vogeler, American business man convicted in a Communist court of spying against the Red regime in Hun- gary. Charges and testimon- which the United States govern- ment has denounced as false- implicated other Americans and Hungarians.. In addition to requesting the staff reduction, Hungary asked that the United States consider lifting its ban on American travel in Hungary. THE UNITED STATES said Vogeler's conviction "on false charges" confirms the fact that it is "unsafe for American citizens to visit Hungary." Hence this re- quest was rejected. Hungary also asked that the United States take a new look at the closing of Hungarian consu- lates in New York and Cleve- land. The American note then gave the hint of staff reductions in Budapest in this way. It said that Hungary, by restricting American consular officers and disregarding the rights and safety of American citizens, had created an abnormal relationship with the United States. Southerners Urge Support Of Democrats WASHINGTON - (AP) - The Administration's drive to bring all of the South back into the nation- al Democratic party organization won support today of Alabama Senators Hill and Sparkman. Along with some House mem- bers of their states' delegation, Hill and Sparkman urged election in the May 2 Alabama primary of a state political committee pledged to put regular Democratic electors on the ballot in the 1952 presiden- tial race. * * THEY CAME OUT against a states' right Democratic slate, headed by Present State Chair- man Gessner T. McCorvey, which kept President Truman's name off the Alabama ballot in the 1948 election and cost him the state's 11 electoral votes. Those votes went to a states right ticket, headed by Governor J. Strom Thurmond of South Car- olina, along with others from Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina for a total of 9. Administration officials regard Alabama as a test case in their drive to wipe out the revolt that started within the party over President Truman's civil rights proposals.. If the Alabama election ma- chinery is recovered by the na- tional party, officials feel they will have an opening wedge for similar drives in South Carolina, Missis- sippi and Louisiana. Propose Ypsi RA, D f IMdiA1 ntrI DOWNS RED RIOT: French Premier StopsFilibuster PARIS -