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May 26, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…. in approved rooming houses for men Application blanks for tickets may shall be computed to include this be obtained at the ticket office in (Continued on Page 3) - - -.- - GRILLED PORTERHOUSE STEAK…

… Frozen Vegetables: Corn, Green Peas, Lima Beans French fried potatoes, mashed, candied yams I1otneniade Apple Pie Ice Cream Lemon Meringue Pie Cake To BE SERVED IN THE DINING ROOM OR To BE DELIVERED…

May 11, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… independence of Laos. "The search for peace in Laos is worth the best efforts of all who might come to the table.' COMPUTER COMMUNICATION: IBM 704 Goes MAD When User Makes. Mistake Birehers Ask Investigation…

… Hunter Keen-Krushing Krafty King-nut Kellerman Kool-Kushened Kraft-Kramming Krab Apple Krynicki Lead-Lofting, Load Locust Lucky Locke Long-Lunging Rink Lapping Locust Lunghammer Mad Mashing, Might…

…' . . .. t. Zfe 2* j u A,-b ,dd?_.,. ,d-s "'V_*"- ~r y1i" a a <::i - iv i :i ir".i? 'r<:i ""' } . . . ,:<j~ *4*4v$ r4 4 By BUEL TRAPNELL] A user of the computing cen- ter's IBM-704 electronic computer could…

… informs the user of his mistakes, and even refers him to the section of the operating guide that could tell him how to cor- rectly program the instructions. Temporarily Abandoned But the computer has such a…

… FORTRAN programs into MAD programs, so that either may be used on the computer. Rosin emphasized that serious work is done with the two-year old 704. It is rented at a stan- dard IBM 60 per cent educational…

… discount to do only academic work. Cards punched on a keypunch machine are put into a reader, which records its information on magnetic tapes. From then on, tape is used for the computer processes. Monitor…

… approxi- mately 1,000 people who use it. Computer Cpmmunication Rosin said that at many instal- lations computers are used only to process information, but at the center, the 704 is used to learn about…

computers and how to com- municate with them, and to teach students, in addition to processing data gathered in all phases of scientific research. There are 440 students enrolled in the two computer

… programming courses taught here. The comput- ing staff does not program the 704 for any of the people who use it; they only assist when help is needed. Eventual Printout "The IBM 704 can process the typical…

… and proceeding to the next job," Rosin commented. The computing center is work- *-0- ::' :1 A _... …

May 09, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

… 1957 to administer the S non-degree activities of both uni- versities in Detroit and the sur- e/ rounding area. The division n1ow services over 4,000 students. E ,xp'eriences Wayne's computing center con…

… students and faculty. Appl at University Family Housing Office 2364 Bishop St,, North Campus. 662 3169 or 663-1511, Ext. 3569. C2 LARGE Modern furnished apt. 2 bdrm. avail June 15. 721 Forest. 5-5942. C2…

May 06, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

… and stove included. 1550 square feet of living area plus 100 square foot storage room. No base- ment, outdoor barbecue, :attractive, } apple treed lot 75 by 100 feet. Quiet area just inside city limits…

… [ A fine opportunity for an experienced secretary to grow with District Fields DOWNTO Engineering and Field Service Office 310 E. Washington of a computer corporation, The small office atmosphere pro…

May 06, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

… experienced secretary to grow with District Fields Engineering and Field Service Office of a computer corporation. The small office atmosphere pro- vides pleasant surroundings. Skilled, experienced secretary…

… included. 1550 square-foot storm room. No basement, outdoor bert que, attractive apple-treed lot 75 150 feet. Quiet area just outside ci limits across from small park. Ide for family with up to 4 children…

May 10, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

… CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. State. $150 per month. Apt. No. 3. Casting, 232 Monroe, Saline, Mich. H17 337 East Huron Call 668-8593. U21-.- --- -- 662-7787 - - C£FROM JUNE 1-One bedroom furnish- COMPUTER

… heat, all util- ities in and paid dishwasher and stove 'included. 1550 sq. ft. of living area plus 100 sq. foot storage room. No basement, outdoor- barbeque, attrac- tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 feet…

May 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

… positions may develop into part-time or full time position after September. For appointment call: Mr. Douglas, 761-3681 (9-2) H20 HELP WANTED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Preler EE with four tran, language background…

… storage room. No basement, outdoor barbeque, attrac- tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 feet. Quiet area just inside city limits across from small park. Ideal for family with up to 4 children. Call 668- 7714. B…

May 12, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…-ins, carpeted, gas heat, all i ities in and paid dishwasher and 81 included. 1550 sq. ft. of living a plus 100 sq. foot storage room. basement, outdoor barbeque, att: Live apple-treed lot 75 by 150 1 Quiet area…

… 29) Write: R. C. Hoyt, Chrm., -- French Dept. Nauset Regional H. S., COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Orleans, Mass. 02653. Referneces. L9 Prefer EE with four tran. language WANTED--June 26th-August 18-Fur…

May 13, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

… BSA Super Rocket. Godd cc dition with extras. Call Jim, 761-1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Prefer EE with four tran. language background. Immediate full time em- ployment in unique medical environ- ment…

… sq. foot storage room. No hlfl D8 al7443 o p Modern unfurnished 1-bedroom apart- basement, outdoor barbeque, attrac- helpful.PDP Call 764-4430 for ap- ment with wall-to-wall carpeting, dis- tive apple

May 16, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…- ing. June 10-August 25. Call 665-5405 after 4:30. Reduced from $140 to $100/month U32 i } COMPUTER PROGRAMMER 665-0234 evenings C24 WANTED TO RENT SWAP HOUSE in Eastham, Mass. CAPE COD (2 bedroom…

…-ins, carpeted, gas heat, all u sties in and paid dishwasher and ati included, 1550 sq. ft. of living a plus 100 sq. foot storage room. basement, .outdoor barbeque, attr tive apple-treed lot 75 by 150 fe Quiet…

May 29, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

… miles AM/FM cassette, sun roofcruise, Real Sharp. Must sell. 971-9165. OOBO53o COMPUTER TERMINAL, Hazeltine 1500 with cat midem.800. Excellent condition. 942-0244 after 5. 71B0529 GETTING ENGAGED? I was…

… Creepy 16 "An apple 17 Newspaper feature 20 Flagstad of opera fame 21 City ways 22 Jellyfish, for one 24 Smidgen 25 Saunter 28 Defense of one's opinions 33 Jalopy 34 Facial features 35 TLC dispensers 36…

May 08, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 4) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 8, 1982-Page 11 AN 'APPLE'IN EVERY CLASS? Plan to contribute computers stalls WASHINGTON (AP)- A computer company's Senate Finance subcommittees. "We question whether…

… and the ability of our people to said. loophole. find and competently hold jobs in the society which is Jobs, the Apple chairman said his firm "will incur Apple Computer, Inc., of Cupertino, Calif., an…

… this is the sort of detached plan to put an Apple in virtually every classroom in "This bill (allowing the deduction) will have long- and disinterested generosity that the charitable con- America turned…

… received economy than manufacturing and farming com- poration to obtain three times the benefit from its by the schools will far exceed the revenue loss to bined, Steven Jobs, chairman of Apple, told two…

… contribution of computers. government," he said. School prayer unlikely despite Reagan's push WASHINGTON (AP)- In backing a constitutional amendment to return prayer to , the schools, President Reagan is…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 10

… would-be empire builders in the heart of the nation's computer empire south of San Fran- cisco. Their heroes are Steven Jobs of Apple, James Treybig of Tandem Com- puters and W. J. Sanders III of Advance…

… almost 25,000 businesses failed. But Cohan says those odds do not dampen his spirits. This time he thinks he has a winner and a chance to get rich. Cohan's first installation of an Apple II computer and…

…Vaughn.. ,,. .. The firm has donated close to $1 million in computers to schools across the United States, hoping to lure young consumers who will remember Apple when the family shops for a home com- puter. EACH CAMP…

…Page 10-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-The Michigan Daily WHIZ KID HOPES FOR ELECTRONIC RICHES Libraries may get pay- computers By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-Unemployment and recession may be…

May 04, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

… project faced opposition from Peterson and Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) because it may force established business such as Campus Jewelers to relocate. - Eric Mattson Worms steal Apples Seven Apple computers

…, display models of the computers sold by the School of Engineering, were stolen from the Micro Computing Education Center on April 12 or 13. There were no signs of forced entry, said Sgt. Harold Tinsey of…

… the Ann Ar- bor Police Department. He said a key may have been used to enter the room. The computers are valued at an- proximately $17,000, said University security officer Timothy Shannon. The display…

May 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… per minute fell on the east Beirut suburb. Five cease-fires were arranged and disregarded, Beirut radio said. 6 I 6 6 Apple computer sales are high at the 'U' By GREGORY HUTTON The University's own…

computer store has received over 1,000 orders for microcomputers from students and staff members. As part of a deal made with Apple Computers Inc., last winter the Univer- sity sells Apple's Lisa and…

…. "Apple expected about one-half the orders it did receive," Marks said. "They just opened a brand new factory to produce these computers." The deal is part of a growing relation- ship between the company…

… resale. Although the staff's time is spent primarily selling the computers, ac- cording to Marks, the computer center is more than just a store. In addition to having demonstrator models of the Apples that…

… and the University. Last fall, the College of Engineering purchased 800 computers at substantially reduced prices. The MacIntosh can be purchased from the Computer Education Center on the third floor…

… of the School of Education Building for about $1324- $1400 less than retail. A 20 percent down payment is required with the order. University officials are hoping that close ties with Apple will make…

… it easier for professors to purchase the equip- ment and use computers, while the company is hoping to tap into the huge market of college students. Two dozen colleges and universities have a similar…

… are for sale, the center offers courses in basic com- puter skills for those with "computer anxiety." The center is "open to the entire University community for all types of instruction," said Elaine…

… Cousins, an advisor of the center. "We operate to help students and faculty choose which programs are best for them, as well as which computers would best be suited to their needs." Member of the…

May 17, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… - BE A CAMP COUN- SELOR - topboys and girls camps. Positions still available: Waterfront (W.S.I.), Nature, Archery/ Riflery, Athletics, Computer, Tennis, Water Ski, Rocketry, Photography, Cano Tripper…

… 57 Do more bad thun good 59 TheDarlings' dog 61 Apple knife 63 Tony's "kin" 64 Cuvern 65 Ere or Huron 66 Resort on the Firth of Lorn 67 Wild cry, of yore 68 Golden - 69 Before house 70 Author Ayn 71…

May 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

… contest, 3-1 against New Orleans (42-26) at the South I Regionals in Starkville, Mississipp COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, terminals and hard drives including IBM…

…, COMPAQ, and a APPLE products. Short and long term rates available. CALL US TODAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW RENTAL RATES TERMINALS .39month Full service and quick replacement of inoperative equipment…

May 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… effort to ROOMMATE. stimulate thinking about how all as- ROM AENEEDED for Fall:6 bdrns.abuho al GRADUATE NURSES hse., new appls., 2 kits.,furn.1-313-363-2536 pects of curricula should take account NEW BSN…

… (when available) _ _ _ with AIRHITCI(r)! (Reported in Let's Go! - ready them Daily & NY Times.) AIRHITCH(r) 212-864-2000. -re izationsaidElectricalEngineeringand Computer Science Professor Anthony…

May 06, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… KMS Fusion, Inc. I P I. Assets Of An Optics & Physics Research Lab Division, Featuring: * Large Quantities of Apple Macs and DEC VAX workstation 3100's with color and mono monitors & VAX server…

…. Plus Personal Computers and Peripherals! * Oscilloscopes, Microscopes & Test Equipment " CHA Vacuum Coater, Vacuum Pumps & More! * Lasers & Spectrophotometers. * Photo Lab & Graphic Equipment. * Over 200…

May 13, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

… Order Of KMS Fusion, I TION! nc. Assets Of An Optics & Physics Research Lab Division, Featuring: 9 Large Quantities of Apple Macs and DEC VAX workstation 3100's with color and mono monitors & VAX server…

…. Plus Personal Computers and Peripherals! " Oscilloscopes, Microscopes & Test Equipment 9 CHA Vacuum Coater, Vacuum Pumps & More! * Lasers & Spectrophotometers. * Photo Lab & Graphic Equipment. " Over 200…

May 13, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

… HOME INFANT CARE - Responsible ROOMMATES priot, 20 hex. pr week, MyF, to cre foe 6- week old infant. Old West Side loe 1 mole ROOMMATE NEEDED for Fall:6 bdrm. from campus. 761-1306. hse., new appls., 2…

… per hour. 662-1122. COMPUTERS PRO-CHOICE ARTIST seeks to interview IBM PS-2 VGA $1299. women who have had, or seriously con- NECMultispeed. Laptop, backlit, $600. sidered an abortion. Confidential…

… busy family with three young boys begin- 7 mung July or August for one yer. Minium APPLE 2C witi monitor and sofiware -$550 45 hours/wk:- tome hours flexible. Car, good or best. Scribe printer - $50. 313…

May 18, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

… and engine $4500 obo 663-0763. AMTECH COMPUTERS 486 DX2-66 4/420 SVGA $1495 486 DX-33 4/260 SVGA $1345 386 DX-40 4/260 SVGA $995 For more info. Call 677-0155. BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- $50…

…. apts. w/appl. $525-775 prkg. avail. 747- 6895 NEAR MED. CAMPUS: 2 bdnt., furn., w/ Prkg., appl., $650+elec. 747-6895. OPPENHEIMER PROPERTIES, INC 2 live bedroom houses left for Fall. West Williams for…

May 18, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 3) • Page Image 10

…MactOh 6100/60 u 860 with an Appe'Color and a really really really fast engine. Plus 14"L piyan Apple E nded A yboardland mouse. Right now, when you qualify for the Apple Computer Loan, you could pay as little…

… powerful personal computers ever. Which your Apple Campus Reseller You're means you'll have the ability to run high-performance programs like statistical sure to finda dream machine that's well within your…

… budget. U-M Computer Showcase. Come Down And See Us!I Michigan Union Ground Level Open Weekdays 10 to 5 * Phone 74-SALES ontIlO saen is an estinaeCbased osn anAppe Co1pu.r LoanYo$2.122fort1Power16acintosh…

… ioceinsubject to credit apol. 1994 Apple Compnler lc.Allnghls eosn Apph'andte.A lelagnaeeisted raehsIpp Cptero Inc. Pooer.acinosh is a tnerark of A/ple Compater Inc. a 6 a a …

May 22, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 3) • Page Image 9

… remainder of the movie was shot in London. With the help of After Dark, Netscape, Adobe Photoshop and the interactive software package Director, plus the technology of Apple and IBM, the comput- er/video team…

May 21, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

… long 17 Kwan's jump 18 Maine college town 19 Cupid 20 Jobim's song classic: 1963 23 - Lanka 24 Golf bag item 25 One way to eat an apple 28 Corn unit 30 Diamonds, to a yegg 31 Footballscores: Abbr. 34 Rub…

…., 20 hrs./ wk., M-F, 1-5 on central campus. Drivs license req. Call Denise at 764-7312. U is a non-discriminating, equal opportunmfy employer. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER VAX BASIC/VMS Ann Arbor opening. PT…

May 28, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… proven record of sales success, strong computer proficiency, aptitude for IT In- dasy, & excellent ordl and ssritten doills. Fall Benefit Package. Fax resame 10 734-205-1001 oremail to resame…

…. $10/hr Call 475-1500 between 5 & 6 p.m. LIFEGUARD: ANN ARBOR YMCA seeks responsible & motivated lifeguards. YMCA membership included. Fill out appl. @ 350 S. FifthAve. or emailkerbeganamborymcaorg…

May 27, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

… have to dig a bit deeper, but a quick scan of news sources not beholden to Rupert Murdoch reveals that things in Iraq aren't all apple pie and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Appar- ently a good…

… near future, but you can be sure that we'll at least still be fighting this "war" at our borders, on our computers and through shadowy "aid" operations around the world for years to come. This is the…

May 04, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…? UniversityTowes has afew apartnents left for May & August. *Bteentered into adrawing for'a FLAT SCREEN TV! Open 7days a week call us today foran appL. 734-761-2680 universitlytowemmicomm *offer ends soon !ATT7…

… Internet and Free Direct TV " Exercise Facility " Study Lounge i/computers " Recreation Room "Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus - V ?I 41-9300 L Li I (Extended Hours) www…

May 24, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

… propesal? 19 Venomous snoken 20 Too preceder 21 To ale 22 "Bingo" 24 Chain with many links? 28 "Mazel 28 Wrier's works, collectively 29 Big Apple Irs. 30 Haunted house sound 32 Broadcast again 33 West of…

… Direct TV " Exercise Facility "Study Lounge a/computers " Recreation Room "Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus -1 viI 741-9300 IU(Extedod Hosts) …

May 02, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 116) • Page Image 8

… routes through campus By Molly Bowen Daily Staff Reporter This fall, University bus riders won't have to guess when their ride home will roll up to the curb. A new computer-tracking system in its final…

… System and wire- less technology to bring moving icons of University buses to computer screens. Students and staff first began working on the project in the fall of 2004 with funding from Parking and…

… patients experiencing increased co-pays to patients experiencing no change in co-pays. Not alone "This is as close to apple pie as you can get " Chernew said of value-based insurance design. He said no one…

May 30, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 120) • Page Image 30

… address- ing Michigan's crisis, but nothing more. Apr. 6, 2006 Zbrozek is a fall/winter co-editorial page editor. He can be reached at I __ . . he Washington apples in the University…

… dissatisfied, wondering if perhaps they were the University's way of teaching students that appearances can be deceiving. As far as I'm concerned, Washington Red Deli- cious apples are not food, much less apples

… The Plan may be obtained by enroling from the convenience of your computer. No Stamps, no envelopes. Confirmation of enrollment received via email inminutes. Visit the Student Connection of…

May 05, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 136) • Page Image 12

… Public Schools and the Climate Savers Computing Initiative at the University of Michigan Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Pioneer High School Parking Lot 610 West Stadium Boulevard Save our land…

… and water systems by responsibly recycling your personal electronics. Why recycle e-waste? Unload old or unused: Protect the environment " computer systems Conservenatural resources . cell phones…

… Environmental protection Agency-certified company courtesy of Apple, Inc, i …

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