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May 13, 1992 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-05-13

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2- The Michigan Daily Summer Weeky - Wednesday, May 13,1992
'U' in process of formalizing Social Events Poicy
by Purvi Shah formals, and other types of events. The working
Daily News Editor 'The Policy intent remains basically the same.' group focusedon formulating the party section of
After months of dispute regarding the Union - Frank Cianciola the Policy.
Access Policy, an agreeable alternative may fi- Union Building director The Policy will be implemented at the begin-
nally be at hand. ning of fall term and will include three parts - a
Campus administrators are in the midst of Union Building Director FrankCianciolawill "The Policy intent remains basically the same," policy statement, operational procedures, and ad-
finalizing a new Universitywide Social Events compile comments collected from a group of Cianciola said, adding the policy will be designed denda for special stipulations.
Policy which will establish operational proce- student leaders and campus officials who met for to allow for fun "and do it in a way safe and After the Policy is drafted, it must first be
dares for events held in the Union, TrotterHouse, eightmonths, beginning last fall, to iron out anew responsible for all." reviewed and adopted by Vice President for Stu-
Michigan League, and other University facilities. policy. It makes separate provisions for parties, dent Affairs Maureen Hartford.


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Continued from page 1
development of free markets and the
role of business and governments in
market economies," he said.
"We are extremely excited to have
the Davidson Institute at the Business
School. We see this as another way the
School can make a direct impact on
internationaleconomic developmentat
this pivotal time in history."
Davidson added, "My vision for the
institute is that it will help to forge a
path for those responsiblefor economic
Continued from page 1
Robert Carris of the Homeless
Union, saidthecity's failuretorespond
by the requested deadline, was "typi-
cal" of the city's behavior. "This is a
housing problem. And they study the
problem, but they don't get on it -
even with something as simple as a
Salvation City was erected April
15, 1992 to protest homelessness and
the lack of affordable housing in Ann
Arbor. At that time, organizers had
obtained acity permit allowing protest-
ers to remain 24 hours a day, for 30
days. The permit is scheduled to expire
Friday, May 15 at 1 p.m.
David Noel, of the Homeless Ac-
tion Committee, feels there was confu-
sion from the beginning why the tent
city was erected.
"It's a political protest," Noel
commented, "not a social service
This confusion spread from Ann
Arbor residents - many of whom
donated food and clothing to Salvation

change in emerging markets - that it
willgivethem the knowledge, the meth-
ods and the blueprints for successful
transition to a market economy. At the
same time, what this institute learns
from these countries will equip our
businesses here at home with the skills
needed to enter these markets and be-
come true global competitors."
Davidson's $30 million gift will be
paid in $1.5 million instalhnents over
20 years. In the fall, the University will
begin a massive fundraising campaign
to match Davidson's gift.
City - to the city's homeless. Noel
also claimed the city of Ann Arbor has
been treating dhe tent city as a sort of
socialservice agency, even sending a
representative from the multi-services
agency to inforn Salvation City resi-
dents of services available to them.
In response, Noel said, "We know
what they offer, and it's not a lot."
"The city's argument is that we're
a bunch of happy campers, but that's
justnot die case,"Noelsaid. "Wereout
here trying to exercise our constitu-
tional rights, and thecityis trying toget
it to be a temporary campground."
Different factions of Salvation City
supporters collected Monday, deciding
to stay on die site, regardless of the
county's final decision.
Carris said, "We're absolutely go-
ing to stay -wehaveno oter place to
go. As long as due homeless crisis con-
tinues, we have work to do."
In response to die activists' deter-
mination to stay on die site even if a
permit extension is notgranted, Brown
said, "We're hoping for dhe best and
planning for die worst."


terms by studentsat theUniversityof Michigan. Onsampus subscriptionsfor spring/sumesr termare available
for $9. No off-campus subscriptions are available for spring/summer. Subscriptions for fall/winter terms,
uainginepetebercia U.S. seal are $155.Falltermonly is $85.On-campus subscriptions forfall/winter are
$35. All subscripions sts be pepaid.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327
PHONE NUMBERS (Area Code 313): News 764-0552; Opinion 763-2459; Arts 763-0379; Sports 747-3336;
Circulation 764-0558; Classified Advertising 764-0557; DisplayAdvertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550
NEWS Purvi Shah, Managing Editor
NEWS EDITOR: Gwen Shaffer
STAFF: Hope Calati, Lauren Dermer, Erin Einhom, Travis McReynolds, Shelley Morrison.
OPINION Gil Renberg, David Shepardson, Editors
STAFF: Yael Citro,. Charla Ewing, Reginald Humphrey.
SPORTS Josh Dubow, Managing Editor
STAFF: Meg Belson, Jeni Durst, Mike Hill, Adam Miller, GregRichardson.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Editor
STAFF: Mark Binelli. AndrewCahn. Nima Hodaei, Scott Sterling, Michael John Wilson.
PHOTO Sharon Musher, Editor
STAFF: Kristoffer Gillette, Heather Lowman
NEW STUDENT EDITION Melissa Peerless, Editor
SALES Laurel Wilkinson, Sales Manager
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Christa Chambers-Price, Katy Kibbey, Lisa McAleer. Mark Tuinstra.
ASSISTANTS: Kate Alaimo, Jennifer Bayson, Jennifer Chapekis, Molina Das, Natasha Morris.
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Matt McLean, Sean Sweda

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