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May 13, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-05-13

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4 4 WEEKl1 .>'
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Volue C1, N. 2 AnnArbr,, ichgan Wenesdy,.ail

ef a forme
EnEnEmUwp prisone
Compiled from staffbattere
and wire reports woa
rall woman,
Ann A rbor D r explain
the wo
Suit filed against 'U' h e lU prison
University student Todd offers L
Ochoa and Ann Arbor Whitso
resident Jeff Hinte filed suit fl 1 ui opport
against the University for use th(
allegedly failing to expedite by Lauren Dermer microp
Freedom of Information Act Daily Staff Reporter addres
requests. PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP mother
A2 clean-up is Saturday - About 40 female prisoners the pris
The third annual Ann Arbor peered out from the yard at the wall. H
Clean-Up will be held Scott Regional Correctional Fa- Leona
Saturday morning from 8 cility in Plymouth Township stands
a.m. to 11:15 a m. starting Sunday asmen, womenandchil- Lakeia
ba To vounteer, or for dren rallied for equal rights for suppor
more information, call the Toe intprsn.
Ann Arbor Department of The Mother's Day Rally -
Parks and Recreation at sponsored by several statewide
994-2780. women'srightsorganizations-
was planned to draw attention to day."
the concernsof women in prison, Max
Na iona includinggenderbiasinthecourt impris
system, sexual harassment, and organiz
Urban aid package inadequate educational and perience
President Bush and medical programs for women. compel
Democrats agree on the "We'rehere first because we against
outlines of emergency help are mothers," said PatFlanagan, "Th
for America's cities in the a member of the Michigan Coa- cess is
aftermath of the Los lition Against Domestic Vio- the nee
Angeles riot but remain lence. "It is real important be- battered
apart on how much to cause battered women risk los- themsel
spend and where to get the ing their parental rights if they without
money. are in prison for a year and a fluence
Oswald file to be released
The CIA wilt release with
page file compiled on Lee Individua
Harvey Oswald before the
assassination of President
Kennedy, agency director
Robert Gates told $3 M to
Congress. He said that
should discredit any theory by Melissa Peerless
the CIA was involved. Daily Staff Reporter
Despite difficult economic times, the
Sports largest private donation in University
history is allowing the Business School
Wolverine Invitational to expand.
Michigan men's golf team William Davidson has pledged to
finished seventh at the give the University $30 million to estab-
Wolverine Invitational last lish the William Davidson Institute at the
weekend. Senior Dean University's Business School. The insti-
Kobane led the Wolverines tute will concentrate on helping coun-
with a 1-under-par 215. tries make the transition from command
Coaching moves... to free-market economic systems.
Fred Jackson was hired to Davidson is the owner of the Detroit
replace Tirrel Burton as an Pistons and a glass manufacturing com-
assistant football coach. pany. His company, Guardian Indus-
Burton is now Assistant tries, competes in the global market.
Director of Development "As Guardian Industries has grown
and Alumni Relations for and spread around the globe, I have seen
the Athletic Department. personally the hunger of people for an
Also, 13-year wrestling understanding of free-market practices
assistant Joe Wells, left the and the tools needed to build market
Wolverines forthe head economies," he said.
coaching job at Oregon St. Davidson said recent world events
inspired himtomake the donation for the

r and
ons in
n an
unity to
hone to
s her
er aunt,
xine Harper, a formerly
ned woman who helped
e the event, said her ex-
e with the justice system
led her to fight actively
e law enforcement pro-
not structured to address
:ds of women who are
dandare forced todefend
ves," she said. "Anyone
t power, money, and in-
is not going to standa

fair shake in the criminaljustice pant who was in jail for eight
system." years, said a guard was fired for
Organizersalsospokeagainst attempting to rape her while she
sexual harassment in prisons, was being transported between
which they said occurs most of- prisons.
ten by male guards who are in- "The first thing they try to
structed to watch women in the take is your dignity," she said.
showers and feel them up. Al Meyer, a retired Univer-
"What's horrifying is that sity professor who is involved
womencannotescapefromtheir withFreedomLink-acriminal
harassers," Harper said. "We justice organization - called
need to get men out of the Michigan prisons, "an island of
women's housing units." totalitarianism within a demo-
Mary Scott, a rally partici- craticsociety,"citingacomplete

subjection of inmates to guards
as an example.
Fred Parks, executive di-
rector of the Michigan Correc-
tions Organization, said that
because only two state prisons
accept women, some women
end up in prisons with greater
security than their crimes war-
However, Parks disagreed
with protesters' claims that
women are treated worse or
consistently harassed.

"The failure of communism in Rus-
sia and Eastern Europe, the movement
as India and China have heightened the
need for educational tools," he said.
The institute will initially offer semi-
nars for students and government offi-
cials, send students into Poland and the
former Soviet republics for internships,
award fellowships to faculty members,
host foreign students and faculty fellows
and fund international research projects.
The institute willnot grant degreesor
academic credit, but will function as an
independent educational organization.
University Business School Dean
Joseph White worked with Davidson to
design the institute and will serve as its
"We intend to have the Davidson
institute become a premier source of
instruction and expertise concerning the
See DONATION, Page 2

:. ;.

Tent city
by Joey Barker
The City of Ann Arbor has
once again failed its homeless,
saidcommunityhomeless activ-
On Friday, May 8, Salvation
30-day permit to reside on the
corner of North Main and Ann
streets be renewed indefinitely.
While activists requested a re-
sponse by 5 p.m. Monday, May
11, the city did not reply in time.
Washtenaw County admin-
istrator Larry Brown hopes to
have an answer for Salvation
City activists today or tomor-
is "researching right now and
looking at all of the options and
making sure what we do is ap-
See TENT CITY, Page 2

Picket lines and signs
A coalition of groups join striking Kroger
workers at a Saturday afternoon rally at the
Westgate store.

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