Wednesday, May 6,1992- The Michigan Daiy Summer Weekly - 7
CL ASSIFIED ADS Continued from page 1
demic Affairs Harold Jacobson, who
directed the symposium project.
"This conference is an effort to
ROOMMATE. stimulate thinking about how all as-
ROM AENEEDED for Fall:6 bdrns.abuho al
GRADUATE NURSES hse., new appls., 2 kits.,furn.1-313-363-2536 pects of curricula should take account
NEW BSN GRADS WANTED! ROOMMATE WANTED to share luxurious of the increasingly international char-
St. Joseph Hospital, Flint, a 423-bed acute 2 bdrm., 1 bath apt., 741-9300. ac
care facility is seeking new BSN Graduate.aster of the world, Jacobson said.
Nurses. A variety of opportunities are . But scientific disciplines require
available in our Medical/Surgical and .
speciality units. We offer a comprehensive IBM PS-2 VGA $1299. different approaches to international-
orientation and preceptor program with a NECMultispeed. Laptop, backlit, $600.
focus on individual training. We also have a Panasonic 386, multi-sync. $1499.
comprehensive benefit program. If you want Toshiba laptop, HD, $799.
to make a difference, please contact our 662-0148 or 570-1729, 24 hrs.
Nurse Recruiter at: CRASH COURSE for becoming a
St. Joseph Hospital Mainframe Programmer/Operator on a IBM
Employment Office 3000 Series (using Jes2, 3 & MVS), Unisys
302 Kensington Avenue 1190, 2200 Series, Tandem or HP 3000
Flint, MI 48503-2000 Series, VAX (coming soon). Runs on IBM
313-762-8660 PC's & Clones. DEMO $6, Registered Copy
EO/AAE $29. State which one and 5 or 3 inch disk.
for our Ann Arbor Canvass Staff. 2-10 p.m., Mathewson Enterprises
Monday-Friday. Full/Part time. $209-350/ P.O. Box 44272,
Wk. Full time. EOE. Great summer job. Call Oklahoma City, OK 73144-1274
761-1996.: <
Kitchen, baths, beds, floors, ldry., vacuum. ONLY AT HERB DAVID Guitar Studio: O N E
Any a.m., need car, $6/hr. 662-7132. the best lessons, repair & sales. 302 East
OUTDOOR WORK - mow, trim, weed, Liberty 665-8001.
prune, move dirt. Experience with chain saw,
weedwhipper, and riding mower. $6 per
hour. 662-1122. HEED A JOB?
WANTED: Student with strong interest or
background in elementary education, art,
music, nature, to care for 2 children (8 and 6) E ROOMMATE?
in my some this summer and she next
academic year(s). Must have own
transportation. lours are flexible: 15-20+ per
week; 55 per hour. Call 668-7493 MWF 10-
11 a.m., evenings 9-10 p.m. LOOK WHERE MORE
WORK STUDY position available - as of-
fice assistant in Medical School. Requires ac- THAN 40,000 T
curacy and attention to detail. We offer END THEIR SEARCH ...
flexible scheduling and $6/hr. Please call
Christine at 763-4272. T e M r e
WORKSTUDY JOB, help needed in the day T
to day operations of a medical research lab.
Learn some of Use basics while you work. 6-8 ; 1_1
hrs. per wk. Call 747-3128. Af
Heading for EUROPE this summer? Jet
thsere anytime fo $169 from tse Est Coas, Classifed in Mannatta
$229 from the Midwest (when available) _ _ _
with AIRHITCI(r)! (Reported in Let's Go! - ready them Daily
& NY Times.) AIRHITCH(r) 212-864-2000. -re
Computer Science Professor Anthony
Internationalization in the sciences
is "a recognition that the serious prob-
lems that faceus are complex and inter-
disciplinary," he said. "When we work
on a problem like climate change, par-
ticularly how humans affect our envi-
ronment, it involves so many disci-
plines that we have to learn a new way
of communicating with each other."
England added that technology and
engineering is marked by competition
in the international arena."Michigan is
a manufacturing state that's having a
difficult time finding its way into the
future," he said.
The symposium, which is running
through Friday, is sponsored by the
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