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October 27, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

… began, "they cross a mouse wit a bacteria. When they can cross a mouse wit spoonful cottage cheese, then I'll be impressed.' This theft does not compute There's more than one way to dump a class after the…

… drop-add dead- line - you can settle for a big, black 'W' on your transcript, or you can steal a CRISP computer and cue in the change yourself. Some clever delinquent may be doing just that with his or…

… her latest catch: two Texas instrument portable computers stolen from Old Arch sometime between Oct. 20-24. Police, who were informed of the heist yesterday, have no suspects but did say the thief…

… gained entry with a key. Whoever has the detestable know-it-alls can hook them into a -telephone line and garner in- formation from the University's main computer if they know the entry code. Or they can…

… inconvenience. Thanks for your Support Full Moon Productions. Prince Charles IL On the outside... Isn't it great out? Leaves are the color of pumpkins, the wind carries the scent of apple cider, and there…

October 23, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif, Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc. Apply as early…

… in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117. WASHINGTON (AP) - Letters with forged signature are…

October 22, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

… of computer and com- munications sciences and of Hanna accused by KCIA official philosophy, who has just been awarded the highest honor the University can bestow upon a senior faculty member. Named…

… an electronic digital computer. The research is re- garded as the basic foundation for the entire field. We com- mend you, Dr. Burks. WASHINGTON, (AP)-The former head of South Korea's intelligency…

… student pursuing a degree. Covers wide area of government activities. Closing date early January '78. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers…

… broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc, Apply as early in '78 as possible. Full details available. National Trust Education Services, Washington, D…

….: Will inter-, view Thursday, Oct. 27, 9 to 5. SUMMER intern program for junior year 'students majoring in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law…

October 21, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

… early January '78. Details and appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash., D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences…

… Nuclear Engineering Training Program. .y... .. .. . Dai ly Official Bulletirn (Continued from Page 1) Store of Ann Arbor. "For example, a computer could be programmed to pick up the difference between a…

… in some music." Blond envisions a day when "you could have your, heating system made far more energy-efficient with your home computer. It could keep the upstairs of your house at 65 during the day…

… to do all these things already exists. It's known as a microcomputer chip - the guts of an entire computer on a single integrated circuit. As technol- ogy has progressed, these chips have become…

… smaller, doing more and costing less. The cost has now descended to the point that a TV advertising campaign this Christmas will protray the worldts first mass-produced comput- er as an electronic marvel…

… Johnson, "A home computer is too in- expensive to ignore." The PET (and a competitor expect- ed to be coming soon from Radio Shack) can be used to keep complete financial records, balance a check- book…

… games as far beyond the most advanced "Pong" as today's. calculators are beyond the abacus. PET's can also draw pictures, play the popular computer game "Star Trek", and solve puzzles. SUMMER PLACEMENT…

… year students majoring in business, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students, Register in person or by phone763-4117. Friday, October 21, 1977 DAY…

October 20, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

appls. available. Rand Corp., Calif., Wash.,D.C.: Graduate student Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social sciences, etc. Apply as early in '78 as…

… Ireland at 7:30 .. or at that very same hour, you can meditate with Stern Morgan at the Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Division ... MTS afficiandos cpn attend a Computer Club meeting in 4108…

…, computer training, math and accounting. Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117. Luis Sunuel's 1972 discreet charm of the bourgeoisie A surreal, cutting…

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