The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 20, 1077-page 3
Concord SST lands at Kennedy
South Campus
Decisions, decisions. One item the University Regents must con-
sider during this week's deliberations is whether or not to accept
Donald and Priscilla Halla's gift to the University-a bit of the
Bahamas. The eight decision-makers will undoubtedly accept the
small, sun-drenched plot on the Island of Grand Bahama from the two
grateful Grand Rapids alumni. With a little imagination we might find
ourselves the only university in the country with a retreat for exam-
weary students. How about the Art of Sunbathing 432? Surf's up!
,* ;
Reach out
Attention, undergraduate altruists! The Project Outreach Inter-
nship in Adolescence program is now accepting applications for Win-
ter 1978. Anyone interested in this full-time, undergraduate field work
program should apply at 554 Thompson or call764-9279 or 764-9179. The
deadline is Nov. 25.
.. . don't pick up till the sun peaks at noon ... that's when staffers at
the International Center, 402 E. Madison, tell you how to get "Inter-
nships in the British House of Commons and Social Agencies" during a
brown bag luncheon .. ,here from the University of Illinois, Pauline
Bart conducts a seminar on "Victimization and It's Discontent: Rape,
Abortion and Depression" at 3:45 in 1057 Mental Health Research
Institute . . . if you're interested in "Seismicity in the Eastern United
States," Geology Prof. James Wilson tells you all about it- at 4:00 in
4001 C.C. Little ; . .the Anthropology Department invites you to "The
Limitations of Cultural Analysis: History and Consciousness" in
Rackham's East Lecture Room at 4:00.. ,. at the same time, Ken
Freidman, artist, critic and sociologist, speaks on "Fluxus and Inter-
media" in"2029 Angell Hal. .. then at 7:30 in the Onion's Pendleton
Room, Friedman discusses "The Sociology of Art".. . over in Alice
Lloyd's Blue Carpet Lounge, Leo McNamara talks about Northern
Ireland at 7:30 .. or at that very same hour, you can meditate with
Stern Morgan at the Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and
Division ... MTS afficiandos cpn attend a Computer Club meeting in
4108 Michigan Union at 7:30 ... the Campus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw
Court, plans a discussion,with S. African Professor Johann VanTander
and the film,."Last Grave at-Dimbaza" at 7:30 .,. . listen to Ellen
Zweig read her own poetry at the Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 7:30.. .
at the same time in the Union's Kuenzel Room, the Spartacus League
and Red Flag Union bring you a forum on Homosexuals and
Democratic Rights: A Marxist Analysis" . . . it will be music to your
ears when the Concert Band and Chamber Winds perform at 8:00 in
Hill Aud... .and at 8:30, two Israeli Jews, Israel Shahak and Leah
Isemel, speak out for Palestinian Human rights in the UGLI's third
floor multipurpose room . ..ciao.
Royal retinas
Queen Elizabeth donned spectacles
for the first time in public Tuesday '
when she opened Canada's Parliament '
in Ottawa. Peering through half- '
moon, gold-rimmed glasses, the SI- ,
year-old monarch read a speech-in -'
French as well as in English-to an at-
tentive audience of Canadian
- politicos. A spokesperson says it's the
first time the Queen ever has worn her "
specs in public, though she privately I,
wears reading glasses in the confines "
of Buckingham Palace. We are tem- , |
pled to ask her Royal Highness,
"Have you ever considered contact
Q Queen Eliza b eth
On the outside .. .
Today is shaping up pretty nicely. The outlook gives us a high of
about 63 degrees with clear skies, a few scattered clouds, and winds
from the Southwest. Expect a low of around 45 degrees tonight as it
warms up a bit tomorrow.
NEW YURK-The Concorde SST
swooped through an overcast sky
yesterday and landed at Kennedy In-
ternational Airport, marking the end of
a 1/2-year strugle to keep the faster-
than-sound passenger jet out of New
The sun broke through and glistened
on the white body of the .needle-beaked
plane as it touched down with one boun-
ce at 11:09 a.m., minutes after it tllk off
from Toulouse in southwest France,
where it was built.
SOME OBSERVERS at the airport
and sightseers in the Rockaway section
of Queens under the Concorde's glide
path thought the landing was quiet.
But Jerry Jones of Rosedale, who
watched from the Far Rodkaway
board-walk fronting the Atlantic, com-
mented: "Right now it may be a very
beautiful sight, but there's a very heavy
wind thrust which is keeping the noise
away from us."
nA, £5ZA RvJZ 4 maU en visit to
New York was an Anglo-British.
familiarization flight, with the colors of
British Airways on the starboard side of.
the tail and Air France's on the port
begin Nov. 22. It cuts in half the normal
flying time to New York from Paris and
London to 3 hours.
A HEAVY security force was out to
cope with any crowds or unanticipated
I'm here 46 years and I've put up with 707s and
747s and they're twice as loud -as this plane was
today,' declared Bill Gradiska, a steelworker who lives
in Far Rockaway. 'I heard nothing. It was un-
believably soundless and beautiful.'"
practice flight around the New York
metropolitan area today and several
takeoffs and landings today and
tomorrow. It will fly to London
tomorrow afternoon.
SINCE EARLY last year, the Concorde
has flown regularly scheduled flights
between the two European capitals and
Washington. But flights to New York,
the route on which Britain and France
hoped to make the plane a seller, were
held up because of local opposition to
the aircraft's noise, It is considerably
worse on takeoff than the noise of sub-
sonic planes.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court
cleared the way for New YOrk service
by refusing to hear a plea that landing
rights at Kennedy be denied pending.
side. The plane carried test equipment,
technicians and other personnel, but no
Its maiden entry to New York was a
familiarization flight. The plane
carried technicians and other person-
nel, but no passengers.
Regular commercial service by the
1,350-mile-an-hour plane is scheduled to
events, but anti-SST forces had no
protests planned at the airport yester-
Shortly before the takeoff, a union of
French aerospace workers appealed to
New Yorkers to accept the inevitable
and welcome the Concorde as a symbol
of transatlantic amity.
The Concorde is scheduled to make a
U.S. economic growth declines
WASHINGTON (AP)-The nation's
economic growth as measured by the
Gross National Product slowed to a rate
of 3.8 per cent in the third quarter as
consumers bought fewer products, the
Commerce Department said yesterday.
The new GPN figure was a decline
from the 7.5 per cent annual growth
rate in the first quarter and the\6.2 per
for the year.
Treasury Secretary Michael Blumen-
thal argued that the latest figures
should be assessed in a larger context,
noting that the nation's output had in-
creasedby more than 15 per cent since
the 1975 recession.
SPEAKING at the American Bankers
Association convention in Houston,
Tex., Blumenthal said business has
been showing a lack of confidence
despite a favorable economic outlook.
The GNP figures show "A marked
slowing in the rate of economic growth
from the first half of the yar," he said.
But he said the first six months were
unusually strong.
The government report focused on
lower consumer spending and no in-
crases in inventory investment and
housing construction as the ex-
planations for the third-quarter GNP
After adjustment for inflation, con-
sumer purchases of durable goods,
Join the Daily's
Arts Departrment
Phone 764-0552
Includes Friday ederning presentation and "MEN'S
BEAUTY CONTEST" with Dr. Farrell (author, The Liber-
ated Mian), films, role-reversal date, body awareness
and assertiveness experiments with Ann Arbor ther-
apist Sandy Fortier.
Ott. 21-23 973-1480 Special Student Rates
Wolverine Institute, 2015 Hogback Rd., AnnrArbor 48105
such as cars and large appliances,
dropped from $137.9 billion to $136.4
billion in the quarter, which ended Sept.
Purchases of non-durable goods
declined from $330 billion to $329.1
However, money spent on services
increased from $386.3 billion to $392.6
Volume LXXXVIII, No.37
Thursday, October 20,1977
is edited and managed by students at the University :
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class,
postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pub-
lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dur-
ing the University year. at 420 Maynard Street;
Ann Arbor, Michigane48109, Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: 56.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Receive 3 free lessons en our cali 971430
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cent rate in the second quarter of the
USUALLY, a 4 per cent rate of
growth is considered necessary to keep
unemployment from getting substan-
tially worse.
Administration officials are counting
on a strong fourth quarter to keep the
GPN, the nation's total output of goods
and services, rising at least 5 per cent
Hayrides and Party
Building Rental
Douglass Meadows
2755 M 151-Temperance, MI
(313) 856-3973
/ ;. inl
r'_ :" ', ': >T >!'. T.; T' :T. ,T; :T,::T-: ;T; ;.T; T.'T T ..T:: "T; .' ' '..'T; .T-; :1
I.. ___ - - - ___ ~ ~ ~- ~- ~- ~ ~ -
Mental Health Research Institute
Pauline B. Bart
Department of Psychiatry
Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine
University of Illinois
6'upQ 'iiRe
Victimization and Its Discontents:
Rape, Abortion and Depression
SEMNAR: 3:45 p.m., Rm91057
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1977 TEA: 3;15p.m., MHiRkLounge
' ' wA - v w n
IWc nn __-,
>Daily Official Bulletin:
Day Calendar
.WUOM: Cultural Perspectives on Aging,
"National Policy and Aging: The Influence of the
Hztmanities," John Barcroft, Dir. Public Programs,
National Endowment for the Humanities, 10:20a.m.
.Guild House: Ellen Zweig, poetry reading,, 802
Madison, 7:30p.m.
Music School: Concert Band, Hill Aud.,8 p.m.
3200 SAB 763-4117
USIA, Washington, D.C. Summer College Intern
Program, must have completed junior year or
graduate student pursuing a degree. Covers wide
area of government activities. Closing date early
January '78. Details and appls. available.
Rand Corp., Calif., Wash.,D.C.: Graduate student
Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer
sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social
sciences, etc. Apply as early in '78 as possible. Full
details available.
National Trust Education Services, Washington,
D.C.: Work training experience for undergraduates
and graduates in architecture, history, art history,
economics, horticulture, etc. Further details
State Farm Ins. Co.: Bloomington, Ill.: Will inter-
view Thursday, Oct. 27, 9 to 5. SUMMER intern
program for junior year students majoring in
business, computer training, math and accounting.
Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law
students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117.
Luis Sunuel's 1972
discreet charm of
the bourgeoisie
A surreal, cutting social comedy
about a small group of chic, upper
crust Parisians who spend most of
the film tryina unsuccessfully to
Personal coUnseling groUps
are now being formed..
Interested students may arrange for an interview by contacting
us as soon as possible and BEFORE OCTOBER 28.
Spaces are limited. Please drop in at COUNSELING
SERVICES, 3rd floor Michigan Union or call 764-8312.
the ann arbor flm cooperative
Thursday, October 20
(Ella Kozan, 1950) 7 ONLY-AUD. A
In New Orleans, the autopsy of an immigrant Armenian determines not only
that he has been murdered, but also that he is a carrier of bubonic plague.
The Chief Health Inspector (RICHARD WIDMARK) is thus propelled into a
desperate race against time to locate all the people who might have earlier
come into contact with the infected victim (including his killers) before the
news of an impending wide-spread plague causes panic. Gripping entertain-
ment directed with a keen sense of appreciation for violence and suspense.
With JACK PALANCE in a performance of overpowering menance, Zero Mostel.
A BOT AND rIS i G-1975
A super science fiction film about survival in a post atomic
wilderness. "An incredibly hilarious and terrifyng vision of
future earth."
FRI. OCT. 21-7:30 and 9:15
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The all time favorite about law school at Harvard and what to
do with the degree.
SAT. OCT. 22-7:30 and 9:30
All films in NATURAL SCIENCE AUD.-$1.50
A slide show-lecture
series of
mountaineering &
outdoor activities.