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October 23, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-23

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 23, 1977-

Happenngs ..,
are so sparse today that you might as well study for your mid-
term ... they start at 7:30 tonight with a meeting of the Citizens for Gay
Human Rights at Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Division
...;at 8 p.m., un-married adults are invited to join a discussion-social
session on "Comrmunication - Overcoming Barriers to Effective In-
teraction," in the Fitst Methodist Church Green Rm. (State & Huron
Sts.), including refreshments for a donation of 50 cents ... and, also at
8, there's a session on "A World Hungry," examining the problem and
its causes, at St. Mary's Student Chapel, corner of Thompson. &
Williai Sts.... things pick up on MONDAY, beginning at noon in 2009
Museum of Anthropology with a lecture by Dr. Dwight.Read of UCLA
on "Quantitative analysis in Archeology: Implications for Theories
.. from 4-6 p.m. Sir Eric Ashby will lecture on "The Student: Partner,
Customer or Ward?", in Rm. 131 of the School of Business Administra-
tion ... at 7 p.m., East Quad sets off its free African Film Series with a
showing of the first two segments of the TV saga "Roots" in the
EdukCation School's Whitney Aud. ... from 7 to 9:30 p.m., the Washte-
naw Council of Women's Organizations will have its first organiza-
tional meeting at the Ann Arbor Public Librry ... local filmmakers
can show their experimental films at Canterbury House, corner of
Catherine and Division, beginning at 8 p.m. ... from 7-9 p.m., visit the
weekly group session by the Child and Family Service of Washtenaw
County on "Environmental Modifications and Safety," at the Ser-
vice's 2301 Platt Rd. offices ... and over in Ypsilanti there's a program
on "The Subculture of the Mental Institution," with a lecture by Ar-
thur Boyd, Community Services Director at Ypsilanti State Hospital,
in the Center for Social Concerns (511 W. Forest Ave.)... th-that's all,
An attractive character;
Roy Sullivan pays his bills, loves his'family and goes to church on
Sundays. But people avoid him, and one mountain restaurant won't let
him in on overcast days, he says. Sullivan, a resident of Dooms, Va.,
has a tendency to get hit by lightning. "I don't believe God is after me.
If he was, the first bolt would have been enough. I don't believe that
business about when you're born, either. Other folks born on February
7, 1912 haven't been struck by lightning seven times," he says. The
seven bolts left him with a devoted family and a lot of "fair weather"
friends. "Naturally, people avoid me," he says. "I was walking with
the chief ranger (at Shenandoah Park) one day, and lightning struck a
long way off, and he said, 'I'll see you later, Roy'," Six of the seven
jolts hit him in that park, where he retired from his position as ranger
last year. Roy's misadventures have knocked him unconscious, bur-
ned off his hair, torn off his shoe, damaged his hearing, ripped off his
toenail, hurled him in the air, and left him with a drawerful of woeful
relics, such as a melted pocket watch, and the like. And despite the in-
stallation of 12 lightning rods in his new trailer, Sullivan thinks he will
get hit again. Don't know if it's clear to him, but it's obvious to us that
someone up there likes to burn him now and then.
Rara avis in terror
Inter-departmental feathers are flying in San Diego this week
over the fate of 10 rare birds allegedly smuggled into the U.S. The
Department of Agriculture claims that since the birds, Tahiti blue
lories, were smuggled into the country, they must by law by either
killed and frozen or returned to their South Pacific home to prevent the
chance of spreading disease. The Department of Justice, however,
wants to use the birds as evidence in prosecuting the smuggling
culprits, who were arrested on Oct. 7. And Curator James Dolan of the
San Diego Wild Animal Park, where the colorful group is being
quarantined, hopes wistfully to breed the bunch. "There is a very real'
threat they will be extinct in a few years," he said. Meanwhile, the
'lories, valued by collectors at $5,000 each, are being kept in guarded
cages at a cost of over $120,000.,
On the outside . ..
.things will remain pretty much the same. Both today and
tomorrow will be partly cloudy to overcast. Tonight's high will be 55
,with an overnight low of 43, and winds from the southeast at 8-15
m.p.h. Tomorrow the high will touch 600 and then dip to the mid-40s
at night.,
. W_........ ........... .... .. """ ........ .. ... ,
Daily Official Bulletin
r ::..... . ... .... ....:...::..:.: :..::......... . ..- -"--"---

WASHINGTON (AP)-iPayroll taxes
for most workers and all employers are
likely to go up next year in an effort by
Congress to rescue the financially
troubled SocialrSecurity system.
The Senate Finance Committee is on
the verge of approving a bill that by
1987 would mean taxes of $120 a year
above current levels for a worker ear-
ning $10,000. Dor a person earning
$20,000, the payroll tax would rise by
$445 a year.
UNDER THE BILL approved by the
committee Friday, the maximum tax
an employer pays for each worker
could rise by as much as $4,323.
Meanwhile; the House plans to begin
debate nett week on a plan that would
mean $105 more in taxes for the $10,000
worker by 1987 and $415 more for the
$20,000 employe.
Unlike the Senate version, the House
keeps the employer's tax at the same
level as the worker's.
UNDER EITHER bill, taxes on mid-
dle- and upper-income Americans
would increase at a greater rate than
those paid by low-wage earners.

taxes may rise next yea

Democratic leaders in both houses
have made passage of Social Security
legislation a priority before Congress
adjourns for the year.
Even if Congress takes no action this
year, Social Security taxes on all
covered workers and employers will go
up next year because of existing law.
But experts say the increased money
will not be enough to keep the pension
system solvent for more than six or
seven years.
WHEN ADDED to the tax increases
scheduled under current law, backers
say, the plan approved Friday by the
Senate committee would raise Social
Security taxes enough to keep the
system solvent for 75 years.
Social Security is in trouble because
the declining birth rate and high unem-
ployment have resulted in fewer
workers contributing to the system,
while inflation has forced benefit in-
creases beyond what was expected.
The plan accepted by the Senate
committee would end the tradition of
employers and employes paying equal
amounts into the pension system. That
change would have the greatest impact

on colleges, hospitals, research
:facilities and other organizations with a
large number of high-paid workers.
PRESENT law requires that a
worker covered by Social Security con-
tribute 5.85 per cent of his first $16,500
of annual wages to the system.
That results in a maximum tax of
$965, a figure that is matched by the
employer. The maximum will rise to
$1,071 next year.,
Under the Senate bill, the
maximum employe tax would climb to
$1,196 in 1979, $1288 in 1980 and to $2,390
by 987. The last figure is for a worker
earning $33,900 or more annually.

THE TOP TAX paid by an employer
would go to $5,288 in 1985-but tltit
would be paid only for a worker earninig
$75,000 or more.
The tax paid by a worker earniirg
$10,000 a year would rise from the
current $585 to $605 next year, $614 tn
1979, $660 in 1981, $700 in 1985 and $705 n
The House bill would have about tle
same effect on the $10,000 worker. Bt
the maximum tax would be higher u4-
der the House provisions, rising to
$1,385 in 1979, $1,567 in 1980, $2,390 by
1985 and $2,732 by 1987. The maximum
tax on the employer would be the same
as paid by the worker.

Byrd: Energy plan stalls

South Korean gov t
unaware of payoffs

Korean spokesman said yesterday'
his government was unaware, of any
alleged payoffs to members of Con-
gress by its agents, and said a House
probe into those charges was based
largely on "hearsay."
Reacting to statements by House
investigators that they can prove
Korean officials conspired to buy in-
fluence on Capitol Hill, Su-doc Kim, a
spokesman for the Korean Embassy
in Washington, said "We are greatly
disturbed by the allegations that
have been made in congressional
"MOST OF the testimony given
during the course of the hearings has
been based on hearsay."
Kim said his government "does not
condone illegal acts by any of its
"Any wrongdoing that is said to
have beensdone was not done with the
knowledge, approval or cooperation
of our government," he said in a
statement released early yesterday.
KIM SAID, "It is one thing to
accept the word of the witnesses
about what they sa w and did them-
selves, and quite another to link the
Korean government to the alleged il-
legal activities, as some of the
witnesses have done."
But on Friday, at the conclusion of
three days of hearings by the House
Ethics Committee, Peter White, an

aide to chief committee counsel Leon
Jaworski asserted, "The question of
whether these things took place is
very simply a dead issue." '
The evidence showed there was
"an official plan" that "was execut-
ed" and "that tremendous sums of
money were provided to Korean
agents . . . to exert influence on
American officials," White said.
said the Seoul government had
sought to cooperate with U.S. author-
ities "to settle the so-called Tongsun
Park affair amicably within the
framework of international prac-
But Jaworski said on Friday that
Korea's ground rules permitting his
interrogation of Park were too
restrictive to be productive. He said
he was disappointed by the Korean
While investigators indicated the
Korean involvement was clear, they
said it will take time to find if
congressmen acted improperly.
One witness, Jay Shin Ryu, admit-
ted delivering cash or gifts for Park,
the rice dealer alleged to have run
the clandestine lobbying operations.
But Ryu, a long-time associate of
Park testifying under immunity,
disclosed few details of the activities
undertaken by Park, now in Seoul
and out of reach of investigators.

Democratic Leader Robert Byrd said
yesterday's efforts to amend.a Senate
Finance Committee energy tax bill
calling for tax credits rather than taxes
could lead to the loss of President Car-
ter's entire energy package.
The West Virginia Democrat said he
would urge opponents not to try to
amend the bill, but to let it go to a con-
ference called to work out differences
between House and Senate bills.
SENATE LIBERALS have vowed to
fight the committee bill, which would,
provide $40 billion in tax credits and in-
centives but does not include taxes on
crude oil and other energy taxes
requested by Carter and passed by the
Byrd told reporters he fears an /ex-
tended Senate battle over the measure,
-which was approved this week by the
committee on a 13 to 5 vote, could result
in its defeat and possible loss of the en-
tire energy package.
"I favor a crude oil tax," Byrd said,
"but I would vote against an amen-
dment to add it if I felt the result would
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 40
Sunday. October 23, 1977
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pubi
lished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning dutr'
ing the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:;
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Sunday is.. .
Bottle Beer
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be a straitjacketing of the Senate con-
ferees and ,the ultimate demise of the
energy package."
HE SAIL he does not expect a
filibuster on the bill and hopes it will be
passed and sent to the conference
committee by the end of next week.
The negotiators must work out major
differences between an omnibus House
bill and five separate Senate bills, of
which only the tax measure is still to be

The First Five
People get a
MONDAYS at the
open 10 a.m.


TODAY AT 3-5-7-9
n;*0 e .

1', 1

TODAY AT 1-3-5-7

Congress gets fake letters

ii :1 ~r


The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceeding publication and by 2
p .m. Friday for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Sunday, October 23, 1977
WUOM: Options in Education, "Portrait of
American Adolescence, part II, a look at some of the
problems facing your people - sexuality, teenage
pregnancy, alcohol use and abuse, 1 p.m.
Music Society: Philharmonic Hungarica, Hill
Aud., 8:30.p.m.
Monday, October 24, 1977
CEW: Life Planning: An Integration of Family
'and Work/School. 328-3:3C Thompson, noon.
Physics/Astronomy: W. Zahn, "Microscopic
Multi-Channel Cluster Calculations for Light
Nuclei,"~ 296IDennison, 4 p~m.

3204 SA 137634117
USIA, Washington, D.C. Summer College Intern
Program, must have 'completed junior year pr
graduate student pursuing a degree. Coverswide
area of government activities. Closing date early
January '78. Details and appls. available.
Rand Corp., Calif, Wash., D.C.: Graduate student
Summer Program, covers broad fields-computer
sciences, engr., manage., physical sciences, social
sciences, etc. Apply as early in'"78 as possible. Full
details available.
National Trust Education Services, Washington,
D.C.: Work training experience for undergraduates
and graduates in architecture, history, art history,
economics, horticulture, etc. Further details
State Farm Ins. Co.: Bloomington, Ill.: Will inter-
viewThursday, Oct. 27, 9 to 5. SUMMER intern
program, for junior year students majoring in
business, computer training, math and accounting.
Also, SUMMER intern program for 2nd year law
students. Register in person or by phone 763-4117.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Letters with
forged signature are being sent to some
congressional offices in an effort to in-
fluence lawmakers on the Panama
Canal issue, a Kentucky congressman
At least 20 congressional offices have
reported receiving the letters with
forged signatures, said Rep. Romano L.
Mazzoli, D-Ky. He said he has asked
postal inspectors to investigate.
have reported a heavy flow of mail on
the Panama Canal. A proposed treaty,
which would transfer control of the
canal to Panama in the year 2000, is
awaiting ratification in the Senate.
House members also have been flooded
with mail on the subject.
Mazzoli did not identify the other con-
gressmen who have discovered bogus
letters. He said he first came across the
problem while answering letters from
his constituents who oppose the canal
treaty. ds
He said two of his. constituents wrote

back and a third called to say they had
never sent the original letters to Maz-
"MY CONSTITUENTS stated that
they had not contacted me on the sub-
ject and were offended at having re-
ceived an answer to a communication
they had never sent," Mazzoli said. He
wrote a letter to his House colleagues to
advise them of his discovery.
"I'm beginning to wonder how many
of my constituents actually sign, au-
thorize or even know anything about the
communications arriving in my office
over their names," he said.
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Exoires May 30, 1978


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