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October 23, 1977 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-10-23

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>ber 23, 1977-The Michigan Daily





lots of space
E ISSUE of space for student
activities has been brewing on the
us's back burner for months, but
itil last week did it finally emerge
ull-blown, important concern. The
rts told two students, Steve Carne-
>f UAC and Scott Kellman of MSA,
ke proposals for resolving the is-
ast week, the two were ready with
rints, options, conclusions, and a
critique of the way the University
ushed student groups into nooks
rannies and practically swiped the
n from under their noses.
lman's and Carnevale's research
ed a couple of things clearly: the
conceived and named for student
ities, boasts only two places for
students to use - radio station
N and a dilapidated work shop;
activities in the Union are so
ned up that play rehearsals are of-
onducted in lobbies and hallways,
v feet from other organizations'
IAT WAS not quite so clear was
may happen now. The students
e several strong recommendations
e Regents on Thursday, but the
sure of other issues .at Friday's
session forced the issue to be
d until next month.

Kellman and Carnevale want the Uni-
versity to build a new activities build-
ing next to the Coliseum on Hill St. They
call it a "rough" building, one where
the walls could be moved around to ac-
commodate rehearsals and construc-
tion projects. They also want the Union
to be taken out of the hands of the build-
ings Board of Directors - a group in
which alumni and faculty outnumber
students. They want.the building to be
run by Henry Johnson's Office for
Student Services.
BUT THE University was heading
Kellman and Carnevale off at the pass.
How about the Argus Building?
suggested Vice President for Finance
Jim Brinkerhoff. The what? Turns out
the partially occupied building on the
west side of town would be just fine for
the students' purposes, except that it's
a mile from campus. One theatre group
leader, when told about the offer, said
they might have the nicest rehearsal
studio around, but there wouldn't be a
cast; no one would walk several blocks
west of Main St. at all hours.
Kellman and Carnevale also
suggested using surplus space in the
Coliseum itself. Sorry, said Athletic
Director Don Canham, I've got my own
plans. Nobody around here argues with
Don, of course.

Various suggestions for renovation of
the Union were made as well. And it
seems that these should be taken the
most seriously. There is administration
opposition to a new building, and no one
wants an activities center that isn't
even near the campus. What's wrong
with the Union and the League, which
are supposed to take care of these needs
in the first place?
At any rate, the controversy is far
from concluded. The students will
haggle with administrators in the com-
ing weeks, and the outcome is likely to
emerge only after more maneuvering
and compromise.
union accepts
AKE NOTE! The Graduate Em-
ployes' Organization (GEO) and
the University agreed on something
last week! The union told the admini-
stration it would accept the offer of an
immediate 5.75 per cent pay raise.
But that doesn't have much to do with
the parties' struggle to come up with a
new contract, which the bargainers
have been trying to hammer out for
well over a year. The process is stalled
by a tangle of grievances and court bat'-
ties; the main issue is a University ap-
peal to a Michigan Employment 'Re-
lations Commission decision that
graduate student assistants are Univer-

sity employes as well as students. The
University would dearly love to
reestablish the latter, but MERC has
ruled in favor of the union once already.
In any case, it looks like many more
weeks will pass before the dispute is-
cleared up.
a smile for Detroit
famed smile to Detroit Friday, in
yet another attempt to show the com-
mon folk that he understands and cares
their. dilemmas.
Carter met with some 300 midwestern
community leaders and poor people,
and discussed issues from health in-
surance and unemployment, to the high
cost of energy and making the
Washington bureaucracy.
"The purpose of this meeting," Car-
ter said, was to "learn in a human way
about the special needs -of people who
have quite often been deprived and
most alienated from a sometimes dis-
tant government."
But the President didn't seem to have
"learned" any new promises from his
campaign days.
He promised national health in-
surance, a lower unemployment rate,
and more housing. He also urged sup-
port for his embattled energy program.
Carter also praised Detroit's efforts

in lowering its crime and unem-
Detroit Mayor Coleman Young was
with the President all day, and local
politicos considered Carter's visit a
boost to Young's reelection campaign.
resigned and replaced
W cooling his heels and biting his
nails waiting to try his hand at talking
the Regents into approving a new stu-
dent activities building last week, he
was surveying the political whirlwind
his resignation as president of the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) had
After being president of the assembly
for a year, Kellman was ready to toss in
the towel in favor of his school books
and the student space issue. But -it
didn't come off as neatly as he had
planned. Observers were certain that
Kellman wanted his vice president,
Chris Bachelder, to take over. But when
the assembly debated and voted on
Tuesday night, it was an LSA senior
named Jon Lauer who came out as the
new president. Lauer, MSA vice presi-
dent for personnel since last spring,
beat Bachelder by only a few votes.
Like many before him, Lauer wants to
bring MSA closer to the students.
Nothing like fresh promises.

No space?


Ei, hty-Eig~ht Years. of Editorial Freedom

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Vol. LXXXVIII, No:40

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

You KuoW, AS A
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SHS program: Mangled,
but saved just the same

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FTER NEARLY a year of contro-
t versy, it appears that the Speech
and Hearing Sciences (SHS) program
has a new home in the School of Educa-
tion. The move would be good for the
45-year-old program. The Medical
School just doesri'tAVit.C
° Last December, Medical School
Dean John GronAvailand his Executive
Committee decided that teaching SHS
students to be speech pathologists and
audiologists "was not essential to the
school's central mission." They asked
the University to drop SHS classes.
° from the University's curriculum.
Despite the fact that the best.
clinical and research facilities for the
a study of speech and hearing handicaps
are in the Medical School, its admini-
, strators wanted to shed responsibility
for the SHS degree program.
Fortunately, the School of
Education realizes the necessity for.
continuing the study of communication
disorders on campus. School of Educa-
tion Dean Wilbur Cohen has said that
his school has a vital interest in the.
work SHS does.
The plan presented to the Regents
1.yesterday by Vice-President for
' Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro calls
for SHS to relocate under the Special
; Education department. If planned un-
der the able leadership of Dr. William
Cruickshank, Special Education
department chairman, SHS will find an
:: administrative structure sensitive to
> its needs.
Dr. Cruickshank also heads the
' University's Institute for the Study of
Mental Retardation and Related
Disabilities (ISMRRD), a facility.
: where the clinical work of SHS can be
h fully integrated and appreciated.
The Medical School, the most isola-
ted and aloof unit on campus, was ob-
- vious in its disdain of the speech path-
; ology program during the past year's
r= review. An independent review com-
mittee, commissioned by Academic
Affairs last spring, heard the
testimony of outside consultants from
other universities who were outraged
with the Medical School's contemptu-
ous attitude toward SHS. Despite the
advice of the consultants, the review
.' committee recommended that SHS
" stay in the Medical School where its

clinical functions could best be
But the Medical School wanted no
part of the committee's recommenda-
tion. It was obvious that for the SHS to
stay in that school would be damaging
to the program's development and
service to students.
While it is good that SHS will relo-
cate in the School of;Education, it is
also sad that the University feels com-
pelled to sacrifice the SHS undergradu-
ate major to concentrate on the
program's graduate offerings. It is -
at the least - ironic, since President
Fleming only last February called for
the University to place greater em-
phasis on undergraduate education.
Still, if that is the price to be paid to
save the SHS from complete disband-
ment, it will probably prove a bargain.
The program, which trains people in
the handling of those with speech and
hearing defects, is symbolic of this
University's concern with the disad-
vantaged and should undoubtedly
flourish in the nourishing atmosphere
of the School of Education.

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Letters to

The Daily

c . e .r c rt. r 3 1



GEORGE LOBSENZ ....... ......Managing Editor
STU McCONNELL. Managing Editor
JENNIFER MILLER ..Managing Editor
PATRICIA MONTEMURRI ....... ....... Magaging Editor
KEN PARSIGIAN........ ............Managing Editor
BOB ROSENBAUM.....,.....................Managing Editor
MARGARET YAO a.......... naging Editor
Sunday Magazine Editors
Associate Magazine Editors
Arts Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Barry, Richard Berke, Brian Blan-
chard, Michael Beckman, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen
Daley, Lisa Fisher, Denise Fox, Steve Gold, David Goodman,
Elisa Isaacson, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Janet Klein, Garth
Kriewall, Gregg Krupa, Paula Lashinsky,Marty Levine, Dobilas
Matunonis, Carolyn. Morgan, Dan Oberdorfer, Mark Parrent,
Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Christopher Potter, Martha
Retallick, Keith Richburg, Diane Robinson, Julie Rovner, Dennis
Sabo, Annmarie Schiavi, Paul Shapiro, R. J. Smith, Elizabeth
Slowik, Mike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Sue Warner, Jim Warren,
Linda Willcox, Shelley Wolson, Tim Yagle, Mike Yellin, Barbara
Mark Andrews, Mike Gilford, Richard Foltman
Weather Forecasters
ALAN BILINSKY..... ...............Chief Photographer
ANDY FREEBERG Chief Photographer
BRAD BENJAMIN .., Staff Photographer
JOHN KNOX Staff Photographer

ethnic space
To The Daily:
For any person of even
marginal intelligence who has
lived in Ann Arbor any length of
time, it is perfectly obvious that
the University is not exempted
from basic economic forces. One
would assume that these forces
would be a factor in determining
the recipient of any scarce
resource, even office space in the
Some, though, seem to give this
aspect little or no consideration.
Richard Garland was quoted as
saying, "There's no reason to
deny ethnic groups space on the
basis of how many students they
reach." This statement is naive,
at best. There would be no
problem, with this or any other
situation, if economics were not
involved. Unfortunately, they
are. The people in our student
government feel that it is a
disservice to the students as a
whole to squander the student's
resources on groups of highly
specialized interests. This has
caused quite a controversy.
Don Alexander, of the
Revolutionary Student Brigade,.
is certainly wrong in his
statement that, "As a student
organization, we've got every
right to be there." The fact that
someone argues the "Rights" of
any or all student' organizations
on this campus to occupy one of
thirty (or so) offices is indicative
of the confusion of the situation.
The problem is that many of
these groups would find it dif-

have every right to exist, but it
would seem only natural that
they should work within their own
financial limits and not depend on
others to underwrite their ac-
tivities. It's slightly ironic that a
woman finds that it is
"discriminatory" that a largely
capitalistic-oriented group
refuses to support her
organization, the Young
Socialists' Alliance.
They say in Congress that
there's no free lunch. For those.
small minorities who have been
told that the vast majority will no
longer foot. their bills, it looks
like their lunch is over.
-Paul Andrew Fitzsimmons
To The Daily:
I have been active in politics at
The University of Michigan for a
year now, and find that, contrary
to your committee's opinion, the
political and ethnic groups on
campus do not reach out to a
significant number of students.
Several political organizations
(e.g., the Spartacus Youth
League, the Revolutionary
Student Brigade) help to keep an
intellectual andactivist spirit on
campus. To replace a group like
the SYL or RSB (or many others)
with the Christian Student Union
in an office is only vicious anti-
communism and religious
Also, the move being contem-
plated by MSA to evict the ethnic
groups adds racism to the list of
crimes. If you go ahead with

Fleming thinks) and add to the
general socio-political awareness
Our student body cannot afford
to sink into anti-communism and,
or racism. I protest most strongly
the decision of the Student
Organizations Board and ask the
MSA to reverse it. Office space
must be found for political and
ethnic groups. I and many others
would be extremely distressed
should MSA become a part of the
administration's anti-human
power politics.

Miss Rose-Grace Faucher
Head, Undergraduate Library
133 Undergraduate Library
Professor Sidney Fine
Department of History
3629 Haven Hall
Assistant Professor Carolyn
School of Library Science
119 Winchell House, West Quad
Professor James V. Griesen
Director, Medical Center Office
of Educational Resources
and Research
G-1111 Towsley, Medical Campus


Professor John R. Knott
Associate Dean, College
2009B L.S.&A.


To The Daily: "
As you know, the University is
seeking candidates for the
position of Director of Libraries
to replace Dr. Frederick H.
Wagman, who will be retiring at
the end of the current academic
year. Since the University
Library is of vital importance to
all segments of the University
community, it is important that
we have the widest possible par-
ticipation in the selection
process. The goal of our search,
of course, is to select a person
who will provide strong and ef-
fective leadership for the Univer-
sity Library system.
We invite members of the
student body to recommend can-
didates for the position as well as
to advise the Committee concer-
nin0 matters which it shnld con-

Mrs. Lynn F. Marko
Assistant for Personnel and
Staff Development
818 Hatcher Graduate Library
Professor Maurice J. Sinnott
Associate Dean, College of 2
248 West Engineering
John Brandeau (Ph.D. candidate
in Library Science)
1006 Island Drive Court, No. 15
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
Thank you very much for
bringing this matter to the atten-
tion of your readers.
-Robert M. Warner
Search Committee

; : : : :: :: ::. .:..

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