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October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… filter with 3 discs, $125 or best. Ron, 747-6738 FOR SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- Commodore 64 with color monitor, modem, 1541 disk drive. Excellent for word…

… sales t-shirt featured on MTV. Call 812-333-6066 before THURSDAY, Oct. 8 at 5 PM. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663…

…. Personal 160. Tickets W 80. Cupid's Helper 170.Roommates Z 4 7.32 9.96 12.44 14.88 17.32 90. Student Services 180. Computer Mdse. 5 9.15 12.45 15.55 18.60 21.65 I understand that this advertising request…

October 06, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… Club-Speaker, C Zand, "Handi- capped Scouts: Myth or Reality, " open to all, 7:45 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham. Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 4-5:30 pm. 763-7060. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Text Formatting with TeX," 3…

…Base III, Pt I, 1-5 pm; dBase III Plus, Pt I, all in 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. Intro to Micro- computer, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; PC System Selection, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. f T ESDAY Computing Ctr…

…, Pt I," & Pre- prof lec, "Applying to Law School," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460. Hillel Fdn-Jewish Social Workers Org, "Celebrate Rosh Hashana with Apples & Honey," noon, 4070 Frieze. 663-3336. *HRD…

…?/Update on Halley's Comet," 7:30-10 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud. Chem-Sem, J Moore, "Project SERAPHIM: Achiev- ing the Computer's Potential in the Chemistry Cur- riculum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr…

…:30 pm, ROC. Sch Art-Video, Art/New York, interview with Hans Namuth, Cindy Sherman & Robert Rauschenberg, Photography Exhibitions, 5:30 pm, 2216-19 Sch Art Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Phototypesetting…

…:30 pm, Hill. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon- roe. 763-4186. Mach Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, S Braun, "Identifica- tion of Structural Parameters by Overdetermina- tion,"4 pm, 1017 Dow. Russ & E…

… Schoenfeld, "Observations on Self as Artist, "7:30 pm,-Art & Arch'Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Program Function Keys," 7-9 on, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Ethics & Rel/Res Coll-Lec/disc, A Guerrero, "Nues- tra…

… Ultraviolet Continuum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Intro to Micro- computers, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Learning to Use the Macintosh with MacWrite & MacPaint, 1-4 pm; Microsoft Word…

… for IBM-Compatible Micro- computers, Pt I, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. Biophysics-Lec, D…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. . 71B1009 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001 Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck…

… Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550.663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. 001B1010 FOR RENT CAMPUS AREA…

October 06, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

… students. For details con- tact Scholarship Research Services at 668-8060. cF1004 WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets…

… OLDS 98 LS 1975 - Mechanic Special. All weather radials, cooling system leaks. Best offer. Call 996- 9069. 63 B1009 WOMAN'S CCRB POOL LOCKER Price Negotiable #761-2333 dBloO9 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

… WORD PROCESSING PAPERS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Done Quickly, Accurately, Inexpensively Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBLSystems featuring Radio Shack…

…-3579 ON THE CWSP but could never find a job? C 1686. TYPING Papers, Resumes, all typing jobs, word pro Reasonable! 662-0072. COMPUTER TERMINALS including mode maintenance - printing $80/month. - $70/month…

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