March 04, 1930
(vol. 40, iss. 107)
• Page Image 7
… Wesleyan, 4- 3, at the Intramural building last Friday, Michigan journeyed to Co- lumbus and won over the Buck- eyes, 10-7, in a close meet the fol- lowing day. Against Ohio State, several of the Wolverines…
… turn defeated the Wolverine by the same occore. Friedman Stars.j Friedman proved to b the star of the Maize and -Blue in the final event, by taking all three of his bouts in the foils. He won two of…
… foils, lost to Fuchs and Jones.# * Coach Johnstone's Wolverines] have four victories and no defeats to their credit thus far this season, :ht' each match has been close. BROOKLYN - Reports f r o m…
… number to prove that the luck has all on one Iside. Good as the Indian's defense mayI have been, there is no question I that the Wolverines were suffering from a "cold" spell that would probably have…
… JOSEPH L. ARNET . vt{,u. ;+,::. .... 777 power of the Michigan deflense. "Without a doubt the man-t for-man defense put up by the Wolverines was the best oppo-l s tion that Illinois has faced on its own…
… on the Maize and Blue Joseph, who graduated in. February, squad. played their last for Michigan. This quartet of experienced stars Wisconsin Grapplers along with Tommy Courtis and Will Face Wolverines…