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December 04, 1930 - Image 1

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VOL. XLI No. 57




VARSITY ~ Wins 1929

VARSTY N1 ATUSI"Nbel Peace Prize

December Issue Exposes Banality 1 IV I
FAITH IN FINANCIAL of ChristmasTraditions.IUU10E G0 LE
1 r1N9NC19Lj The December issue of the Gar-TO U B R O K [
! Bgoyle will be placed on sale today,

IEesougih By FranceIL TDEBATES2

Michigan Captures Every Event
in Vanquishing Visiting
Y. M. C. A. Team.
Schmeiler Lowers Big Ten Mark
in 200-Yard Breaststroke;
Wins Two Races.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton,
Michigan's Varsity - tank team,
flashing a form that far outclassed
anything that their opponents had
to offer, swam to a 62-13 victory
over Grand Rapids Y. M. C. A. last
night in a dual meet at the In-
tramural building pool.
Capturing both relay events and
first and second places in everyI
race and the diving, the Wolverines
were never in danger from the first
of the meet to the end. Only one
record was broken, that coming in
t h e 200-yard breaststroke when
Schmeiler completed the extra 100
yards after swimming the required
distance for the meet, in time low-
ering the Big Ten record by :01.6
Goldsmith Left Behind.
The anticipatcd feature race of
the evening b e t w ; e n Schneiler
andMiller of Michigan, and Bob
Goldsmith, a former Wolverine star
who swam last night for the Grand
Rapids team, failed to materialize
when both of the Varsity men fin-
ished far ahead of Goldsmith, who
came in a poor fourth.
Schmeiler was also victorious in
the 100 yard freestyle event, when
he nosed out Smith by inches to
take the closest race of the evening.
Another close event saw Marcus
cop the 50 yard freestyle by a
hand's length f r o in Klintworth.
None of the other races were close,
Michigan taking both relays by a
complete length of the pool..
Degener Gives Exhibition.
A water polo game between the
Varsity and a team of former Mich-
igan swimmers followed the meet,
with the present team winning by
a 2-1 score. Dick Degener, fresh-
man diver, and former national
mterschola'tic diving champ, gave
a sensational exhibition of high
board diving during an intermis-
sion in the meet.
200-yd. relay---Won by Michigan
(Marcus, Kennedy, Smith, Fenske).
100-yd. breaststroke - W o n by
Schmeiler (M) ; Miller (M) 2nd;
McCliesh (GR) 3rd. Time-1:09.8.
50-yd. freestyle-Won by Marcus
(M); Klintworth 0M) 2nd; Rose
(GR) 3rd. Time-:25.2.
220-yd. freestyle-Won by Ken-
nedy (M); Ladd (M) 2nd; Lam-
phier (GR) 3rd. Time-2:24.8.
100-yd. b a e k s t r o k e--Won by
Meigs (M); Valentine (M . 2nd;
Fonger (GR) 3rd. Time-1:05.
100-yd. freestyle-Won by!
Schmeiler (M); Smith (M) 2nd;
Rose (GR) 3rd. Time--:5.8.
Fancy diving--Won by Raike
(M); Fenske (M). 2nd; Fonger (GR)
300-yd. medley-Won by Michi-
gan (Meigs, Scheiler, Klintworth).
Rea Attempts to Locate Student
Gone Since Saturday.
Investigation launched by Walter
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of
students, in an effort to locate Ger-
ald H. Carlton, '34, who disappeared
from his rooming house at 911 For-
est avenue Saturday night, has
failed to disclose the whereabouts
of the missing student.
Station WJR in Detroit broadcast

a description of Canlton today. This
information has also been furnish-
ed to police departments through-
out the state. Carlton is 20 years
old, rather slim of build, is about
five feet, eight inches in height;
has very blond hair, wears glasses,
and has had his left index finger
amputated at the first joint. In
spite of the cold weather, he was
wearing no hat and only a light
topcoat when last seen Saturday.
French Club to Hear


and Tax Rate Increase
Considered Alarming
By President.

and may be procured along the !
diagonal and in Angell and Uni-
versity Halls. Former Detroit Police Head
The cover of this number, de- Address All-Campus


I I . .. . . . = 1 I1

Associated Press Photo
Frank B. Kellogg,
Former secretary of state, who
was awarded the Nobel peace prize
for 1929 in recognition of his ac-
tivities in creating the Kellogg-
Briand peace pact.
Prosecutor to Ask for Extreme
Penalty for Eight Guilty
of Treason.
(By Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Dec. 3.-Eight Russian
engineers accused of plotting the
overthrow of the Soviet government
may know before the end of the
week whether they must pay with
their lives for their acts of treason.
It was generally admitted that
Prosecutor N. B. Krilenko will de-
mand the death penalty in his
summation tomorrow night, but
some doubt existed whether the ex-
treme penalty would be exacted
from all the defendants.
' There was strong belief the death
sentence would be imposed on all
eight, but later would be commut-
ted in the cases of some of the de-
fendants to 10 years imprisonment.
This is considered a long prison'
term in Soviet Russia.
Workers and peasants throughout
the nation have almost unanimous-
ly demanded death, but in view of
the fact that most of the defend-
ants have bared complete details
of the plot for foreign intervention
and have aided the government in
rounding up hundreds of others as
conspirators, it is thought probable
that some degree of leniency may
be shown.1
None of the defendants seemed
apprehensive over his fate today.
Professor Leonid Ramzin, the
leader of the conspiracy, placidly
smoked cigarets, smiled occasional-
ly and studied documents relating
to the case. The others listened im-
perturably to the court proceedings,
more like casual spectators than
Committee Will Meet
To Consider New Code
The committee of the Michigan
State Bar assocition that is revising
the state corporation code, will
meet Saturday and Sunday at the
Lawyers' club.
At the meeting the committee
will consider the tentative draft of
the revised code, drawn up by Prof.
Laylin K. James of the Law school.
[t will be presented to the state
legislature for approval when that
body meets next month.
Merton Wiley, former attorney
general of this state is chairman of
ihe committee. Other members in-
clude Governor - elect Wilber M.
Brucker, Professor Emeritus Horace
L. Wilgus of the Law school and
Professor James.
Wood Promises House
Data on Relief Costs
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-A pro-
mise that Congress would be in-
formed specifically how the Presi-
dent proposes to spend $100,000,000
or more on public buildings to re-
lieve unemployment was given the
House late today by Chairman
Wood of the appropriations com-
Debating the treasury and post-
office supply bills, Representative
I ian,, n n 'T nrr rn rP -cma r ~, I ~

Congress Warned Against Large
Appropriations Under
Economy Program.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-A deficit
lies ahead and tax rates must be
increased, but still, President Hoov-
er today told Congress, the govern-
ment's finances are in a thorough-
ly sound condition.
The deficit he estimated at $180,-
000,000, and he said, in his annual
message transmitting the budget,
that the one percent income tax
reduction granted a year ago could
not be continued.
But he submitted a balanced
budget for the fiscal year 1932 and
a statement that rigid economy in
legislation would give the nation
a surplus of $30,600,000 for that
Income Decrease Probable.
"A heavy decrease in probable in-
come and the necessity to increase
public works," and aid employment,
he said, do "not warrant continua-
tion" of the tax reduction.
The chief executive found no
cause for concern in the impending
I deficit. It amounts to less than
five percent of the total govern-
ment expenditure.
"When we stop to consider that
we are progressively amortizing our
public debt, and that a balanced
budget is being presented for 1932,
even after drastic writing down of
expected revenue," his message ran,
"I believe it will be agreed our gov-
ernment finances are in a sound
Can Meet Appropriations.
Although asserting appropria-
tions to relieve employment and
help farmers of the drought area
would tend to increase the deficit
as estimated, he expressed the opin-
ion these needs could be met with-
out undue danger.
The president was emphatic in
warning Congress against extrava-
gant appropriations. Strict econo-
my must be observed, he said, if
the narrow surplus estimated for
next year is to be realized and a
deficit for that period avoided.
Negative Team Competes With
Albion in No-Decision
Forensic Contest,
Michigan's Varsity negative de-
bating team last night met the Al-
bion affirmative squad at Albion
in a no-decision contest on the
question, "Resolved: that the sev-
eral states should enact legislation
providing for compulsory unem-
ployment insurance." The team
will engage Kalamazoo normal at
Kalamazoo tonight on the same
question. This subject will be ar-
gued in all debates this year.
Two more no-decision contests,
one with Purdue Dec. 9 at Lafay-
ette. Ind., and the other with De-
Pauw, Dec. 10 at Greencastle, Ind.,
have been scheduled for the nega-
tive team before the first confer-
ence debate of the season with In-
diana Dec. 11. The affirmative
team will meet Ohio State also on
Dec. 11, Floyd K. Riley, coach of
the squad, announced yesterday.
The negative team, in order of
speaking, is composed of John
Huss, '33, Victor Rabinowitz, '31,
and Nathan Levy, '31, with Samuel
Ellis, '33, as alternate. The affir-
mative team, includes John Led-
erle, '33, Leonard Kimball, '33, and
Howard Simon, '32L, with Maurice

Moyer, '32, as alternate.
Coach Riley stated that the ad-
ditional debates which are being
arranged with nearby colleges, will
be announced later. The schedule
arranged for the teams is the most
extensive undertaken in years.
TcketS a for I-Ion

signed and executed by Jack Cut-j
ting, '32, and Paul Showers, '31
presents a wordless comment upor
the traditional banalities of "sea-
son" greeting cards.
"Christmas Pageants" by John S.
Marshall, '32, tells about this cur-
rent phenomenon, and the issue
likewise includes a set of sugges-
tions as to the uses for useless

Christmas Gifts, proffered by Jack Corrupt administration in muni-
Cutting, '32. cipal government will be subjected
Cartoons by Alan Handley, '32, to a searching inquiry when Harold
are featured, as are likewise draw- 11. Emmons, former police commis-
ings by Jerry Ellison, '30, former sioner of Detroit addresses an All-
managing editor of Gargoyle, Lee Campus forum at 4:15 o'clock today
P. Blaser, Carl Ellsworth, '33. in room D, Alumni Memorial hall.
Since his graduation from law
I school here, Emmons has enjoyed
a rapid advance to his present posi-
HO hA tion in Detroit law circles. During
his student days here in the liter-
flhII~fl PflhIIPIary college, he was active in ath-
Stics and debating activities, be-
sides being a first rate student. He
pitched on the Varsity baseball
J-Hop Ticket Sale Discontinued team, having previously been man-
Because of Interference ager. During his senior year he was
elected president of his class in the
With Soph Prom. literary college.
Decorated for War Service.
A motion proposing that no sane- The rapidly growing automotive
tion of fraternty or sorority parties industry in Detroit at that time
the night of the J-Hop, Feb. 13, be vas the first thing to attract the
granted, was passed by the Student consideration of Emmons upon
council last nigth. Final action on graduation. An active career in
the council recommendation will this field, besides his law practice,
be taken by the Senate Coommittee continued until the outbreak of the
of Student Affairs at its next meet- recent war. At this time he served
iP in the army, and was decorated by
Sale of J-hop tickets will also various governments for perform-
be discontinued until after the ing distinguished service.
sophomore prom, the council decid- Checked by Bowles.
ed. The present distribution inter- The election of former Mayor
feres with the lower class dance, it Bowles marked Emmon's first ap-
was stated, and will be discontinu- pearance in public life. He acqui-
ed until the entire affair is com- esed to Bowles' request that he
pleted. j head the police department. Taking
In view of the fact that there up the task with the expectation of
are more than 125 students in the being allowed a free hand in theI
junior education class, the council administration of police duties, he
made provision for the election of i was disappointed, as time went on,
a committee member from the edu- with the frequency that his moves
cation group who will act as offi- were checked by the former mayor.,
cial representative of that school The breach between the mayor
on the dance committee. The date and his police commissioner gradu-
for the election was not decided, ally became wider until f o u r
Many of the campus fraterni- months from the time of taking
ties have held house-parties on the , the job, Emmons was asked by the
J-hop week-end each year, a prac- mayor to relinquish his post.
tice which the council decided was1
to the detriment of the success of
the dance. No such parties will bef
allowed under the new ailing, if 01T IHO T IE
approved by the Senate committee.fi
BY ROCK EFE L LERS ~rr~i i~p 1n nC1
C H A IT I A D E F I N E 0 1 60BY R O K E E L E R 1Germ an M inister Plans to Cut

Associated Press Photo

Forum Today.
Ex-Commissioner Was Prominent
as Student and Athlete
at Michigan.

Andre Tardieu,
Premier of France, who expressed
a desire for a financial and eco-
nomic entente with the United
States, stating that his country;
wished a practicable working agree-
ment between the two powers.
Faculty Members, Wives Accept
Invitations to Serve as
Dance Chaperones.
Appointments to the Soph Prom'
floor committee were announced
last night by Ivan Williamson,
president of the sophomore literary
class. Six men, Walter Butler, Ber-
nard Good, Edgar Hornik, Harry
Jurow, Harvey Levine and Lyle
Passmore were named. Two addi-
tional men will be appointed to
the committee at a later date.
Acceptances to act as chaperons
have been received by the invita-
tions committee, from prominent
members of the faculty and their
wives. The patron list includes
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean John R.
Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean
J. A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley,
Dean Wilbur Humphries and Mrs.
Humphries, Dean Herbert Sadler
and Mrs. Sadler, Dean Emil Lorch
and Mrs. Lorch, Dean Alice Lloyd,
Prof. Fielding H. Yost and Mrs.
Yost, Prof. Louis Hopkins and Mrs.
Hopkins, Prof. Waldo Abbott and
Mrs. Abbott, Prof. Harry Kipke and
Mrs. Kipke, and Dr. William Brace.
Negotiations are pending for the
broadcasting of Freddy Bergin's
music from the Union ballroom
over station WJR. Union executives
announced yesterday that the per-
formance of the Mimes all-campus
revue "Aw Nuts," to be given Satur-
day afternoon following the prom.
will be intended' especially for
prom-goers and their guests.
Sale of tickets will continue all
today and the rest of this week in
Angell and University halls. Tickets
will also be available from 3 to 5
o'clock for the same period at the
Union desk.
Lewis Calls Colleges
Society Nursing Homes
(By Associated Press)
PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 3.-Says
J. Hamilton Lewis, Democratic sen-
ator-elect from Illinois, in the
"Universities are simply t h e
breeding grounds for muscular ath-
letes or the nursing homes for so-
ciety blooms who hope for hothouse
development through such agencies
as Greek letter societies and glee
"The public is beginning to look
on the great colleges as new sys-I
tems for garnering money in ex-'
change for honor degrees bestowed
on the unfit and undeserving. '
Labor Federation Head
Estimates Unemployed
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-An esti-
mate of 4,860,000 persons out of
work was given today by William
Green, president of the American
Federation of Labor, while the
Senate was calling for the report
of the president's emergency com-

William N. Doak Leads
Score of Candidates
to Commissions.
Thorough Examination
of All Appointees
(By Associated Press)
Senate took under consideration
today more than a score of im-
portant nominations with signs
of trouble ahead for some of the
William N. Doak, of Virginia,
to be secretary of labor, succeed-
ing Senator Davis, of Pennsyl-
vania, headed the list submitted
today by President Hoover and
there was every indication of his
early confirmation.
"Thorough Investigation" Asked.
But Democrats and Republican
independents both asked "thorough
investigation" of the men selected
for the newly organized tariff and
power commissions. In the six
tariff commission nominees now
serving under recess appointment
and the five members announced
today for the power commission
centered the main interest. All
nominations were referred to com-
mittees and it is expected hearings
will be held for the tariff and
power commission nominees.
A contest has been threatened
against Eugene Meyer, Jr., of New
York, whose nomination as' gover-
nor of the federal reserve board,
was received today, but his friends
were confident of early confirma-
Hold Private Discussions.
Three of the six members of the
tariff commission were mentioned
in private discussions in the Senate
today for particular study by the
finance committee-Henry P. Flet-
cher, of Pennsylvania, the chair-
man; Edgar B. Brossard, Republi-
can, Utah, and Alfred P. Dennis,
Democrat, Maryland. The last two
were on the old commision. The
other three members are: Thomas
W. Page, Virginia, and Lincoln
Dixon, of Indiana, Democrats; and
John Lee Coulter, of North Dakota,
The five named for the power
commission are: George O t i s
Smith, of Maine, chairman; Frank
R. McNinch, of North Carolina;
Ralph B. Williamson, of Washing-
ton; Marcel Garseud, of Louisiana;
and Claude L. Draper, of Wyoming.
Senator Watson, of Arkansas,
the Democratic leader, said "due
consideration" would be askeddof
these nominees. They were referred
to the interstate commerce com-
Tickets Still Available for Third
of Oratorical Series.
William Hard, Washington news-
paper correspondent, will ,appear at
the third of the Oratorical associa-
tion lecture series at 8:15 o'clock
tonight in Hill auditorium. He will
talk on "What Makes Politicians
That Way."
Hard was scheduled to lecture
here last year, but could not appear
because the press association for
which he writes, sent him to Lon-
don to cover the naval parley. While
there, in addition to writing stories
on the conference, he spoke over
the radio on the event. Once or
twice his talks were rebroadcast in
the United States. Besides writing
straight news stories, he has made
many trips abroad to study eco-

nomic and social conditions for
material. He was educated in Eu-
rope, and later was a fellow in
history at Northwestern university.
He has also written several books
since taking up journalism.
A few tickets to the lecture are
still available at the offices of the
speech department in room 3211 in
Angell hall.
I Entries for Tnwi,.rnv,


New York Unemployed Receive
Gift of $1,000,000.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. - John D.
Rockefeller, and his son, John D.,
jir., today contributed their bit tos
aid New York City's unemployed. I
They gave $1,000,000 to the emer- f
gency unemployment committee,
which is seeking to raise $6,000,000
to give employment to 15,000 menI
during the winter.j
It was estimated the Rockefeller t
gift would give employment to 4,000
men for four months, assuring ank
income to each adequate to take
care of a family.I
It was the largest gift thus far
recorded, the next largest being,
that of $500,000 made by Edward S.
Harkness, several weeks ago when1
the drive started. The Rockefeller
contribution raised the total al-
ready collected to $4,133,000.
Publisher Asphyxiated
in Fire at Apartment
(By Associatd Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 3.---Courtland1
H. Young, wealthy magazine pub-
lisher, was found dead today in his
apartment in W e s t Fifty-fifth
street, apparently asphyxiated by
smoke from a fire which swept the,
living room.
.1/Y rt / 19 . . ^1M 1K fM/f/Y

Expenses $345,000,000
Per Year.
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Dec. 3.-The Reichstag,
meeting today for the first time
since last October, listened for an
hour while Herman Dietrich, the
finance minister, outlined a pro-
gram of financial reform which
would cut Germany's expenditures
by $345,000,000 a year, then ad-
journed, postponing debate until
Tomorrow's session probably will
be a battle royal. The government
party is ready to support Chancell-
or Bruening's program to the last
ditch. The national socialist, and
the other opposition blocs, are pre-
pared to fight his proposals to the
bitter end. The social Democrats,
in the role of innocent bystanders,
probably will get a drubbing= from
both sides.
Some of the communists inter-
rupted Dietrich at several points in
his speech, but on the whole it was
a quiet session.
The new budget, Dietrich said,
has slashed expenses by about
$265,190,000 but its measures can
be made to stand up only by the
Bruening decree which cuts gov-
ernment salaries and appropria-
tions for the states, places unem-
ployment issuance on a self-sup-
porting basis and taxes cigars and

apansn Premer ireda
On by Newspaper Man 'Ensian Coupon Sale
(By ssociatPre s) Will Continue Today
MADRID, Dec. 3.-A newspaper
reporter resigned his job today and All-campus sale of the coupons
then armed with a pistol, went to for the 'Ensian will be continued
the office of Premier Berenguer today and tomorrow, George E.
and fired a shot over the premier's Hofmeister, '31, business manager
head. T --l-of the yearbook, said yesterday.

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