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March 04, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-04

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Published every morning except Mondaye
during the Tlniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledt
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,{
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General..
Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail,
4.ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley
City Editor..............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor..............Donald J. Kline
orts Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor........... Marjorie Folmer
'Telegraph Editor ........ Cassam A, Wilson~
Music and Drama........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editor-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
I harles R. Kavnffnian Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams

can be done to remedy fraternity)
taxation, the council should direct 1
every effort toward such action. About Books 1
Anti-Saloon leaguers expounding THUS
the evils of drink can make capital SPAKE ANNE.
out of a recent incident in New-
ark. A citizen of that metropolis, The Encounter, by Anne Douglas
trying to commit suicide while un- Sedgwick; Houghton Mifflin Co.,
der the influence, was so unsteady Boston, Mass. Price $2.50.
that he killed his cousin in the
next room. "The Encounter" is the sort



Music And Drama

All makres. of ma-
chines. Our equip-
ment and person-
nel' am' considered
among the best in
result of twenty




We are given to understand that
the Book of the Month Club is
backing the new 13-month calendar
to the limit.
"Hell Week," in the throes of
which some 500 freshmen are now
struggling, serves as a somewhat
potent reminder to them that the
wrath of God (at least this phase
of it) as well as the peace of God
passeth all understanding.

novel people - and particularly
Anne Sedgwick-wrote about Ger-
many in those drowsy, pleasant,
Baden-Baden, UFA-less days be-,
fore the war. The band plays in
the Kur-Garten, idyllic lovers wan-
der on the, Eichen Promenade, sun-

TONIGHT: In Hill Auditorium
beginning promptly at 8:15, The
Festival of Eldorado, a presenta-
tion of the Cosmopolitan Club on
seventh International night.
A Review by William J. Gorman.
A rather extensive glance at the
creative activity of Serge Proko-
fieff was given the Detroit Chap-
ter of Pro Musica, international or-
ganization sponsoring modern mu-
sic, Sunday night. The program in-
cluded a long group of piano pieces,
played by himself, three melodies,
for violin and piano, several of his)
songs, and an overture on Yiddish
themes for four strings, clarinet
and piano. The idealism (and the
finance) involved in making such
a program possible are highly com-
mendable things and the organiza-
tion may well ask Ann Arbor pa-
trons of music if they are int'erest-
ed in its work.

the State. Thy
years' caref iu4

One of 250 College Travel Tours
Nearly 4,000 members in 1929
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More Motor Travel. Get the Book
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light and sentimentality
showered on each page.







Admission 50 Cents at the Door


Anne Sedgwick-who, in private
life, rejoices in the imposing name
of Mrs. Basil de Selincourt-has a
rhetorical mode singularly well ad-
apted to this peaceful material. Her
words flow with a smoothly artif-
cial effect that is neither strength
nor weakness, like the pretty ob-
viousness of a Burne-Jones.

Furs and Fur Coats
Makeup, Repaired, Re-
modelled and Relined
Prices Reasonable
E. L. Greenbaum
448 Spring Street
Phone 9625



Auspices Hillel Foundation

Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary L: Behymer William Page
Alla H.Berman Howard H. Peckhaw"
AlthurH. Berkman ugh Pierce
S.arth Cnersen Victor Rabinowitz
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels J oseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C.sFullerton Charles R. Sprowl
~Ruth Gallmeyer Ndsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwel Swanson
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
Jack Goldsmith MargaretyThompson
Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris roverman Robert Townsend
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
J. Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Tean Levy G.. Lionel Willens
usyell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit
Bruce ,3. Manley

Carpus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than o0
words of possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of cominunicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not he
construed as excpressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.




To the editor:

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising...........T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising... . .......Kasper II. Halverson
Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton
Service.................George A. Spater
Circulation..............J. Vernor Davis
Accounts............. .....John R. Rose
Publications..........eorge R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-1M1ary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker .
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey-
1Robert. Crawford Thomas' Muir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford p
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson J2obert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboy
Dorothy Bloomgardner Aice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite
Bernice Glaser Eleanor' Walkinishaw
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman
Night Editor- WALTER WILDS

What is the matter with the U.
of M. that it has a such a raging.
thirst, such a lawless disposition,
and such a lack of veracity in its'
Presidents Lowell of Harvard,
Hibben of Princeton, and Angell of
Yale all state that their students
drink much less liquor than they
did before Prohibition.,
Do you not believe that these
men have access to reliable data,
and that they would not publish
statements. that they did not know
to be true? You publish as facts
what are simply your own personal
impressions, and injure your Uni-
versity by doing so.
Who is going to take the impres-
sions of a school-boy against the
word of college men of many years
of experience?
C ah . J. . Avery.
tCleveland, Ohio.



For years-it, is difficult to say
definitely just how many-the In-
terfraternity council has been
passing resolutions, appointing
committees, and collecting dues
from fraternities. The council's
latest project, tax exemption,
v hich was actually pushed with a
certain zeal for a short time, seems
to have expired together with
many of the issues which have
fired the council's spiritin the past.
The examples of that body's in-
ertia are numerous and pathetic.
Two months ago a committee was
appointed to investigate the hell-
week and make suggestions to
remedy it. Although the initiation
season will soon be over, the com-
mittee has still to meet. Another
committee was to investigate fra-
ternity dances and to present con-
siderations for their improvement,
but soon the social season will be
over with the report still unmade.
The council's drive for fraternity
tax exemption, or reassessment at
least, was an honest attempt to
rectify conditions in Ann Arbor
which are admittedly unjustifiable.
But with the failure of the first ef-
fort to bring about tax exemption,
the council lost interest.
Naturally enough, the fight for
complete exemption failed because
support from Ann Arbor legislators
was lacking and a hostile senti-
ment against such action had
crystallized. Yet there seems to be
absolutely no reason why the coun-
cil should not consider seeking a
reassessment of the wax values on
fraternity property. As the matter
now stands, this problem has been
left up to the individual fraterni-
ties who cannot possibly bring to
bear enough concerted pressure to
do any good.
It would be wise, therefore, for
the council to revive its former
activity and send a delegation to
the hearing of the State Tax com-
mission on March 20 at the Capi-
tol, at which time there will be a
di.Qnmcrinn .off 4-n mC. nranl and nor-n

To the Editor:
After witnessing practically ev-
ery game, the University hockey
team has played on the local ice,
two of us enthusiastic followers of
the fastest game in the world de-
cigled to select an all-star sextet.
Both of -the selectors hail from)
Canada and have been brought up
around the Canadian national
past-time, so we think we are at
lease to some degree capable of se-
lecting a team.
For our all-star lineup we select
the following:
Tompkins (Mich.) .........Goal
Peterson (Minn.) ....Left Defense
Ruitta (Mich. Tech.) ...... .
.................Right Defense
D. McFayden (Marquette)....
. ...................... Center
Langen (Mich.).....Right Wing
McKenzie (Marquette) ....
.Left Wing
Thompson (Wis.) Spare Forward
Fenton (Minn.), Spare Forward
Joseph (Mich.) .. .Spare Forward
Hart (Mich.) ...... Spart Defense
Metcalfe (Wis.)... Spare Defense
Christie (Minn.).... Spare Goalie
Without doubt the forward line
of Donnie McFayden, Bill Langen,,
and Pudge McKenzie is composed
of the brainest and best all-around
players that have performed be-
fore the Michigan spectators this
winter. Each one packs a terrific
shot, and they all really know how
to skate, and shine on the offen-
sive and defensive play. One thing
of importance is that the fans
should remember that Langen, star
Wolverine center, plays contin-
uously which is a superhuman task
in as fast a game as hockey. Had
Langen an opportunity to rest for
a few minutes he certainly would
go a great deal better, though hef
is always in the greatest portion of
the play.
The spare forwards give the first
stringers a close run, but do not
rank with the above trio.
Tompkins of Michigan wins by a
slight advantage over Christie, the
flashy Gopher net-minder. Both
are clever in the nets. Tompkins
deserves a great deal of credit for
Michigan's victories.
Peterson and Ruitta are given
first call for the defense berths,
though Hart and Metcalfe are close
in the running. All four are stiff


The tale is of the love affair of Judging only by this single pro-
seitzsche -- disguised under the gram, Prokofieff would not seem to
name Ludwig Wenlitz - and the be an extremely important compos- -
young American globe-trotter, Per- er. Much of his work is mere dal-
sis Fennamy. The atmosphere is lying with conceits in the form of
nuch better than the story, or per- past age. He is trading on the mu-
Laps the story is spoiled by atmo- sical lawlessness and fearless use
sphere. Passion progresses at a of sounds by now acceptable to the
:istinctly leisurely pace with dear contemporary audience. He in-I
Ludwig alternately becoming ab- geniously versifies and harmonises
ject and tender, then quoting page the vaguely familiar thematic ma-
after page from "Thus Spake Zara terial of a past musical age.
thustra" until Persis ultimately de- The result is something like a,
cides she will not marry him and lawless comment on formerly law-
moves on, with dear mama, to the restricted material. This exploit-d
next watering-place. No one of the ation of the newly discovered musi-_
characters ever becomes more than cal freedom makes for a good deal
a faint shadow, so the reader is of fragmentary brilliance and
spared and vicarious pangs con- much amusement; but the per-
cerning Ludwig's breaking heart- manent impression is one of vacu-
described by himself in great de- ity. One is indifferent to the mu-
tail, sic. Prokofieff's lyricism fails of
If you like the old noels-this spontaneity because of the unor-
was written in 1914 and reprinted iginality of the basic material.
on the strength of "The Little This is, of course, true in vary-
French Girl" and "Dark Hester"- ing degrees. But I had particular-
if you think William Dean Howells ly in mind the third of the violin
the peer of American stylists, if you pieces which we would immediately
admire the purity and sentiment label annoyingly sentimental but
of the Elizabeth of then German i for the novelty of the idea's set-
Garden-then undoubtedly you are ting; the Gavotte Op. 25, familiar
simply dying to read "The En- sentiment familiarly expressed;
counter." and possibly the well-known March
D. S. froxmthe Love of Three Oranges,
harmonically a r d rhythmically
amusing ,but otherwise merely an
BOOKS BY ironic comment on the spirit of
MICHIGAN MEN. Sousa and his kin.
. The Overture on Yiddish themes
Spring publications include sev- for strings, clarinet and piano is
eral works by men at present or at another case in point, as it de-
one time connected with the Uni- rives all its interest not from any
versity. Professor William Herbert quality inherent in the thematic
Hobbs' book on the University of material but merely from the in-
Michigan Greenland expeditions is genous patterns cerebrally woven
already off the press and on sale. from the material even within a
It will be reviewed in this column. purposefully conventional sonata
this week. An interesting if minor design. To repeat, this is Music
feature of Dr. Hobbs' book is the not in the customary sense of re-
fact that it is decorated by him- velation of quality and meaning
self. His drawings of illuminated inherent in thematic material
letters and tail-pieces show a defi- through controlled, significant de-
nite artistry in themselves. velopment; but music as ingenious
The Ides of March will bring variation and patterning of essen-
Professor Slosson's book called tially meaningless material-which
World War and Prosperity from is virtuosity of composition rather
the shelves of the Macmillan com- than sincerity. And here, as ge-
pany. The volume will b* the erally, virtuosity proves any thing
twelfth of the History of American but profundity.
Life series edited by A. M. Sclesin- Prokofieff's compositions for pi-
ger and D. R. Fox: Professor Slos- ano seem able in the strictly pian-
son; who is always interesting, istic aspects. He employs the ro-
writes with an epigramatic, figur- mantid technique-accompanimen-
ative style that combines scholar- tal variety and complication of in-
ship with wit. . ner parts with ornamental develop-
The wild month of March with, ment of recurring subsidiary
the grace of the W. W. Norton com- phrases. There is the added mod-
pany will usher to the campus the ern aspect in that much of his de-
reported sensational book of for- velopment is on a basis of rhythm
mer President Clarence Cook Lit- Prokofieiff plays these pieces with
tle. Dr. Little's book is called The ample technique, tonal power and
Awakening College and it will deal the requisite pulse. But the final:
with, among many other things, impression is that despite his ver-
the political system that deter- satility of composition, he lacks in-
mines faculty appointments and ventive fertility and profundity.
advancements in our modern col- One could say nothing of his
leges, the situation regarding auto- songs because they were so hor-
mobiles and liquor, fraternities, ribly mutilated by his wife who
college entrance requirements, and may have been a soprano once,
intercollegiate athletics.!

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AR below raged the Big Pigeon who lead, guide and operate the

L. R.K.
--- ---
Covii-rriede will publish Flood,
by Robert Neuman, the German
novelist, in the middle of March.
Simultaneously Putnams, Ltd., will
come out with the English edition,
The book is heralded by Burton
Rascoe as being Russian in mood
and extremely like Dostoevski. It is
a rather large book, about 550
pages, and will sell for $3.00.
- -|
ax~rf vxE)r a

0------_ _

The latest incorporation of that)
encyclopedia of theatric knowledge,
George M. Cohan, is "Gambling,"
written, produced and acted by
himself, coming to the Wilson this
week after a successful New York
run. The play is in a medium much!
loved of late years- -ie world ot
night clubs and gambling resorts
where high hat and slouch cap
merge. There is no attempt at1
rapid-fire succession of thrills;,
merely faithful diligent sketching
of this colorful area.
On its New York opening, Hey-

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