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October 22, 1992 (vol. 103, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… Check out the latest styles and profiles in this year's annual Fall Fashion issue. This year's theme? Nothing is black or white. Both the men's and women's soccer teams won yesterday. The women dominated Bowling Green, 5-1, while the men's club beat Macomb, 3-1. With our special fashion section taking the place of Weekend etc. this week, the List moves to the back of this section. Weekend etc. returns next week with all new material. Today...…

September 22, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…Ede again? MSA President Ede Fox's flip-flop on the proposed university Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities could wind up costing students dearly in the end. The Fourth Annual Animation Celebration hits the Michigan Theatre this week, complete with Nippoless Nippelby, the grotesque creature with no nipples to speak of. SORT 1 Michigan tennis' Brian Eisner did last weekend what the Wolverine football squad couldn't - he came back...…

July 22, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…SUMMER ilni 1dt*1 One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Volume CI No. 11S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, July 22, 1992 @1992 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor Electrified by space University scientists will transform NASA's space shuttle Atlantis into an enormous physics laboratory late this month. The researchers will study electricity in the upper fringe of the Earth's atmosphere through the use of an Italian satellite deployed at the...…

April 22, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

… The Salvation Army has long stood for attaining fundamental rights for all people. However, Ann Arbor's chapter has recently acted in a completely contrary manner, The band Blur acts in the arrogant demeanor typical of all of Britain"s great groups. The question is whethe this band can back it up. Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day. That's what the Michigan softball team was saying after yesterday's game with Central Michigan wa...…

January 22, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…WE ATii.E TODAY Late showers; High: 40, Low: 33. TOMORROW Some snow; High: 35, Low: 26. 4F 44or 4446V If tqw,-c t!gan :43aitil MLK Day should remain focused. See OPINION Page 4. One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CI, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 22, 1992 CTeMiganDi92 Supreme 0 Court to rule on abortion by Gwen Schaffer *Daily Staff Reporter The Supreme Court set the stage yesterday for an important elect...…

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